Lieutenant Rzhevsky - History, Photos, Films, Actors, Jokes


Character History

People, far from history and literature, are confident that Lieutenant Rzhevsky really existed - so successfully brave hussar was born into mass consciousness. Lieutenant Rzhevsky is a unique phenomenon in oral folk art.

Drawing of the Lieutenant Rzhevsky and Shura Azarova

Having appeared on the Soviet screens, the character would safely move into folklore and gained quality contradictory quality. The hero of folk anecdot boasts, but holds promises, loves dancing, but does not tolerate the highest society, a vulgar fish and a patriot to the bone's brain. Rzhevsky raises the mood to Russians for half a century.


For the first time, the Soviet kinomans for the first time met: the Comedy of Eldar Ryazanov "Gusarskaya Ballad" was released on the screens of the USSR in 1962. The picture was shot on the play Alexander Gladkov "Long-time", which was put back in 1941. However, the folk birth of the character happened precisely after Ryazan production.

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Russian playwright wrote a play, impressing in his childhood books "War and Peace" and "Children of Captain Grant". As he thought, the work of the events of the time of the war with Napoleon was bright and cheerful, and the character of the lieutenant and the lifestyle is clear from his first words:

"I would have a thumbnail to eat, otherwise I somehow didn't get used to the empty stomach."

The epigraph of the plays is also under the:

"Liver, cheerful crowd, lively and fraternal self!"


Historians still can not come together in the opinion of which the image of the lieutenant is written off, continuous assumptions and speculation. The birthday hero may well be one of the nine regions of Russia (from Orlovskaya to Tver province) - each discovered the trail of nobles with the name Rzhevsky. Naturally, it claims the glory and the city of Rzhev, and not from scratch: in the annals of the early 14th century, the princes of Rzhevsky mean.

The northern capital of Russia proves involvement in the character "in fact." In St. Petersburg, there is a Rzhevsky artillery polygon, whose lands once belonged to the captain of the Imperial Army Rzhevsky.

Figurine of the lieutenant Rzhevsky

In versions, there is no significant detail - the military ranks are different. Only one person fully complies with the character in this sense. Peter the Great served as Lieutenant Yuri Rzhevsky, Prapraded Alexander Pushkin. A man even before receiving a military title, he studied in Italy. That's just a broken character of folklore thesis, Yuri Alekseevich did not differ.

And maybe not worth it from the surname, researchers thought. So a number of versions appeared. For example, the writer Yuri Voikov considers the prototype of the famous Lieutenant Nikolai Ashinov from Tsaritsyn. At the end of the 19th century, there was a lot of noise, turning into Cossacks part of the land of the African Somalia - the act of this adventurerist.

Phrase "Unidir on you, I see Pavlograd!" From the "hussar ballad" brought to the idea of ​​the Ukrainian professor of the history of Viktor Bushin that Rzhevsky from native places.

Yuri Yakovlev in the role of Lieutenant Rzhevsky

But most of all worthy of honor to wear the title of color Gusar, the porquet Sergey Rzhevsky - Halp and a walk, who lived in the 19th century in the Tula Province, plunged the secular society with sophisticated jokes and fun. Whatever it was, Rzhevsky urge to consider a collective way.

Alexander Gladkov turned the lieutenant with two main features of the character from the poem Denis Davydov "Decisive Evening" - love for women and drunkenness. It turned out to be a gulp, bouncer and a player who also refers to the highest light with irony. However, positive qualities were found in it: Dmitry Rzhevsky - a man brave and straight, devoted patriot, a good friend.

Lieutenant Rzhevsky on horse

Later, from the mid-80s, the image of the folklore lieutenant is changing. Its not indifference to women turns straight into passion, Rzhevsky appears with brutal slave with spaces in education. Almost all jokes with sexual subtext, which the author of the lieutenant did not even mean.

Rzhevsky's face invariably decorate the mustache, but the uniform in the literary works, productions and films is changing. The lieutenant appears in the form of Mariupol, Grodno or Life Guard of the Hussar Regiment, hence the confusion in military service. In the question where Dmitry Rzhevsky actually served, did not understand.


The comedy of Eldar Ryazanov "The Gusarskaya Ballad" became the first shielding of the play "Long ago." The plot of the film is tolerated in 1812. 17-year-old Schura Azarov and Dmitry Rzhevsky became engaged in absentia. Lieutenant is not glad to this fact, drawing in the imagination a stupid maiden, persistent on fashion. However, the bride is not so simple: the pupil of two old military perfectly shoots and keeps in the saddle.

For the first time the main characters saw each other in the garden of Azarov's manor. Shrochka, preparing for the upcoming carnival, put on the form of Cornet. Rzhevsky took a girl for a relative of the future bride and shared the assumption that she was probably spoiled and noted.

Yuri Yakovlev in the role of Lieutenant Rzhevsky

So during the "real" meeting of the girl and behaves, why the lieutenant comes to horror. The beginning of the war with the French almost dismissed the fate of young people. Rzhevsky went to the front, but Shurochka, without thinking, too, he also went to defend his homeland - in Mundire Cornet. Heroes are waiting for adventures, intrigues and, of course, a meeting.

In the picture, the brilliant duo made up Yuri Yakovlev and Larisa Golubanka, who made his debut in the movies. Yuri Vasilyevich managed to create an anecdotic image of the ladies, boaster and player.

In 2005, Director Andrei Maksimkov presented a funny series of the eight series "Genuine History of Rzhevsky," where the time of action was already 1817, and Alexander Bargman (Alexander Bargman played the main character). A man returns home to Petersburg, where the beloved woman is waiting.

Alexander Bargman in the role of Lieutenant Rzhevsky

His life changes the best friend and colleague Cornet Obolensky, who wrote a book on the frivolous adventures of Lieutenant Rzhevsky. Higher society in shock, parents hide from the alleged hero of the work of daughters, and adult women at a meeting with the guarantor faint.

Another film fantasy on this character is Rzhevsky against Napoleon, filmed by Marius Weisberg in 2012. The authors of the comedy shabby laughed at the history, turned over to the bottom. Bonaparte in the film is called affectionately bonium, a pushed and arrogant Frenchman from boredom climbs the war. A Lieutenant of Rzhevsky, disguised into a woman, will be sent to Hist and Lovelassia Napoleon. Temperament Madame can fall in love with the French emperor.

Pavel Derevko in the role of Lieutenant Rzhevsky

Who just did not get into the scenario - and Natasha Rostov, and Lefty, and even Lion Tolstoy. The shooting platform combined the actors of Pavel Derevyanko, Svetlana Khodchenkov, Mikhail Galustan, Mikhail Efremova.

The lieutenant also reminds the hero of the famous blockbuster Janika Faisiyev "Turkish Gambit", released on screens in 2005. The prototype of Gusar Zurov performed by Dmitry Pevtsov became Rzhevsky - the same lovelace, a gambler, plus to all the reckless duelist.

In 2011, as part of the transfer of "Provincial Notes", the documentary film "Lieutenant Rzhevsky: Duel with Supreme Society" was released on TVC. Journalist Elena Panova went to the city of Vienne Tula region to introduce the audience with a curious manuscript - a museum exhibit written by the niece of the Lieutenant Rzhevsky. Not all the books of the notebook survived, however, the fact that remains, it is said about the tricks of a unborn relative.

Theater, literature, songs

Performances with the main character guarantor Rzhevsky are held on scenes of theaters of different cities of Russia. The first stage on the play "Long-time" saw the light on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. In 1941, Rzhevsky brought to the scene of the Leningrad Theater Alexey Popov - the director for this work was received by the Stalinist Prize. Until now, the performance is successfully held at the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army.

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In the late 1970s, the character got to the ballet: the premiere of "Hussar ballads" Tikhon Khrennikov took place in the Mariinsky Theater. Oleg Vinogradov spoke by the artistic director.

In the new millennium, the director of the Rostov Youth Theater turned to the image of the lieutenant, presenting the viewer the performance "Forward, Gusara!" And the Khabarovsk Music Theater, where the "Genuine History of Lieutenant Rzhevsky" was held.

Lieutenant Rzhevsky - History, Photos, Films, Actors, Jokes 1881_10

The main role in the metropolitan temples Melpomen was delivered to brilliant actors. The image of Rzhevsky was trying on Vladimir Zeldin, Gennady Gushchin, Andrei Bogdanov and others. Sharpets Azarov for the first time introduced the public Maria Bangov, the actress was replaced by Lyubov, Larisa Golubanka, Tatiana Morozova.

Gusar Rzhevsky can boast a literary luggage, which contained about 20 artistic works. The authors with zeal took up the feather in the early 2000s. Dmitry Repin presented the readers the poetic work "Lieutenant Rzhevsky. Gusar poems, "Sergey Ulives wrote Roman" Lieutenant Rzhevsky, or Love in Gusarsky ", Yuri Vostov created a movie" Honor I have, Lieutenant Rzhevsky! "

Caricature about the lieutenant Rzhevsky

To understand the biographies of the character offer documentary publications - "Personal memories and all heard", released on the memoirs of the niece of the hero, Princess Rzhevskaya, and "Lieutenant Rzhevsky and others" under the authorship of Oleg Kondratyev.

Artists with sculptors also add to Hussar. In 1979, Vladimir Ovchinnikov pleased the painting "Lieutenant Rzhevsky", and the bench near the chemical plant in the Ukrainian Pavlograd was decorated with a sculpture inviting to relax and at the same time make a photo with the hero of films and jokes.

Lieutenant Rzhevsky on the bench

By the way, jokes are a hotel topic in a conversation about the lieutenant. A flurry of funny mini-stories hurried after the exit of the "Hussar Ballad" picture. Jokes are mostly vulgar, violate the thoughtful fractions of decency. The lieutenant appears in them by a vulgar who cannot support the conversation, Ham and naive man who perceives literally.

Among the main characters of Folklore near Rzhevsky turned out to be Natasha Rostov, although nothing to do with the lieutenant. A girl appeared in jokes after the success of the film "War and Peace", filmed by Sergey Bondarchuk. The company Rostova often also make up other heroes of the Great Roman, for example, Pierre Duhov and Andrei Bolkonsky. Sometimes the Lion Tolstoy himself appears, and Alexander Pushkin often appears in the role of the counselor. It is just the contemporaries of Rzhevsky, whom the people easily "made friends" with each other.

Favorite folk character leaves alone so far, poems and songs are foggy about Gusar. Rzhev's indulgent attention even rappers. In 2017, the "Titanian Rap-Culture Titan" fans Harry AxE received a new album "Man in His Hitters", one of whose tracks is dedicated to the folk of the hero.

Among the Test of Husar is the popular group of "Lieutenant Rzhevsky", debuting with the scandalous song "Night and Ball". The team's creation approached with humor: Natasha Rostov and Anca Machletcher sang the guarantile.


Beautiful sunny morning. Rzhevsky came out on the porch - ruddy, the youthful - and cracked from pleasure. Jumping into the saddle, slipped the mile, only dust post. Suddenly he stopped, looked down and slapped his forehead: "E-Mo! And where? " And crushed back. - I burn, burn! Water! Water!

The door of one room opens, Lieutenant Rzhevsky shouts:

- And in the thirteenth number of champagne ... the bus with tourists approaches the city of Rzhev. Guide:

- And here, gentlemen, lived and worked Lieutenant Rzhevsky.

Curious from the public:

- Well, lived - it is understandable. And what is interesting, he worked?


- Oh, gentlemen, he worked here ... Lieutenant Rzhevsky tells:

- Yesterday I was at Countess N. And her husband suddenly returned.

- So what? What did you do?

- defended the honor of the officer uniform.

- How?

- interrupted the whole mole in the closet. - Lieutenant, did you have a hobby in youth?

- Yes, even two are hunting and women.

- And for whom you hunted?

- Behind them, s and hunted, for women-s!

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