Dustin Hoffman - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Dustin Hoffman made a movie with his profession for one simple reason - did not know or did not want to do anything else. But now it is considered one of the most hardworking Actors of Hollywood. In his filmography dozens of paintings that have become a classic. Moreover, Hoffman not only carefully worries every detail of his own image, but also helps colleagues understand the psychology of the characters.

Childhood and youth

The brilliant car, as calls the press of the press, was born in Los Angeles in the Jewish family in the summer of 1937. The younger son of the jazz pianist Lillian Gold and Assistant Decorator of the Columbia Pictures studio, and then Harry Hoffman's furniture merchant received a name in honor of the favorite actor of the mother of Dustin Farnum.

An unsurpassed ideal for the boy was the eldest brother Ronald, a round excellent student, a teenager starring in the episode of the film "Mr. Smith rides in Washington." Dustin studied weakly, the stars from the sky did not have enough, grew shy and often became an object of a joke of classmates. By the way, Barbara Streisand went to the same school as Hoffman.

Music is the main passion of the actor as a child. Dustin learned to play the piano, entered the college of Santa Monica at the Faculty of Arts. True, he threw his studies, as the hyseride was devoted there more than the game on the tools. However, the Los Angeles Conservatory he left just because of the lack of acting skills.

The knowledge gained in the studio Pasadena Playhouse turned out to be extremely not enough. Hoffman became a student again, this time is the establishment of Strasberg, where Marilyn Monroe and Marlon Brando released.

In parallel with the study, the young man worked as a doctor's assistant in a psychiatric hospital, and when she realized that he was on the verge of communication with patients, the texts went to the publishing company. Then Hoffman Soap dishes in the restaurant, sold toys in the supermarket.

Personal life

In the youth of Hoffman, women did not indulge the attention, but were looking for meetings with him as with a celebrity. Some time, the actor had a novel with the German model of Russian origin faith, the background Lendorf and the American singer Batty Kelly.

In 1969, Dustin married Ann Björn ballerina and adopted the child's EE from the previous marriage. The spouses had a joint daughter Jenna. When Ann resumed his career, Hoffman had to sit with children and abandon the scenarios. Conflicts began, and in 1980 the marriage collapsed.

With the second wife, lawyer and business woman Liza Gottshegen, the actor raised the sons of Jacob and Maxwell and the daughters of Rebeccu and Alexander.

The family has a legend, which says that Dustin as a guest pianist attended the wedding of the parents of Lisa. The bride at that time was in position, and Gottshegen jokes that he heard her husband long before saw.

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Hoffmann and unpleasant moments happened in the personal lives of Hoffman. In 2013, he suffered an operation to remove cancer cells. The danger was discovered in the early stages, so doctors did everything on time and without consequences.

After 4 years, the name of the star came up due to the fight with the Harassment unfolded in the United States. Someone Anna Graham Hunter stated that he was subjected to harassment from the actor on the set of the painting "Death of the Comm Worved". Dustin as if he asked a 17-year-old girl to make him a foot massage, flung and talked a lot about sex.

Hoffman replied that he relates to representatives of the beautiful sex and regrets the incident.

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Many unrest are close and friends experienced when the media published the photo of the actor, kissing a man on the rostrum of the basketball hall. In this way, Dustin noted the victory of the favorite team of La Lakers. For comic provocation was a friend-colleague Jason Beitman.

The sense of humor must be present, Hoffman believes, so he loves to tell jokes. They are akin to poetry, but much clearer. But what Dustin is indifferent, so it is to social networks. However, the fans of the talent of the artist themselves lead fan pages in "Instagram", where the staff of the films are laying out, personal pictures found on the Internet.


For the first time to play in the movie Dustine chance in the first half of the 60s. He appeared in television serials, but a full debut considers the Drama "Graduate", in which he got the main role. According to the scenario, the character was a high blond, from the first minute of women who is driven crazy, and in Hoffman only 167 cm growth. But with the help of extended awkwardness in movements and tomtivity in the view, the actor created an even more spectacular image.

The next success was unpredictable. Critics considered the "midnight cowboy" of the failure of the year, and as a result, the film collected a collection of awards and entered the list of the best tapes of the 20th century. Around Dustina, an excitement was born, which was reinforced by new projects - a western "small big man", the biographic drama "Lenny", the criminal thriller "straw dogs".

The top of the first half of the artist's career can be considered the first Oscar family tragedy "Kramer vs. Kramer", a story with a reincarnation in the woman "Tutsi", the psychological picture of the "Rain Man". The latter gave Hoffman's second statuette "Oscar".

In 1996, the audience saw Dustin in the Criminal Drama "Sleeping". In the ribbon gathered truly Star Composition: Robert de Niro, Kevin Baikon, Brad Pitt and Jason Patrick starred in the picture.

Together with Al Pacino and Madonna, the actor worked in the screening of the comic "Dick Tracy", with Nicole Kidman - in the Gangster militant "Billy Batgate", with Morgan Fremen - in the film-catastrophe "epidemic". On the account of Dustina, bright roles in the comedy "acquaintance with the faubers", the thriller "Perfume: The story of one killer" and the melodrama "The last chance of Harvey".

In addition, as a producer, he released a "correctional term", "arithmetic devil", "walk through the moon." Ego Director's project - Quarter tragicomedy with Maggie Smith, Tom Courtney, Billy Connolly advanced to the Golden Globe, was awarded the Hollywood Film Awards award.

In May 2017, the premiere of the film "The History of the Mairrow Family", where Dustin performed one of the main roles. The picture is included in the Long List of the Cannes Film Festival.

The creative biography of the artist brought him a lot of awards. In addition to prizes for specific films, Dustin Hoffman marked the jury of the German Berlinale, the France festival "Cesar" and "Golden Lvom" in Venice for their contribution to the world cinema.

Dustin Hoffman now

Dustin in the frame is not superman, but such roles are not easier to play, but perhaps somewhere and more difficult. This understood both Francois Craza, the Star of the Drama "One Plus One". The Frenchman, strikingly similar to the Americans, the elder brother constantly drove "watch Hoffman." The clime, who did not like the heroes-spaces, frankly missed the sessions and only understood after 30 years, what the witness of which titanic effort was.

In an interview with the beginning of the 2000s, the actor said that the golden age of Hollywood was behind, and he gradually moves away from active filming. Therefore, there were works on the sounding of cartoons in the service list. Perhaps Dustin will pass on literary labor or return to the director.

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Nevertheless, news from the shooting sites continue to flow. In 2020, the film "Song of Names" comes to Russian rental, where the main role, in addition to Hoffman, fulfilled Anthony Hopkins. The plot of the paintings is built around the musicians who survived the Holocaust, one of which suddenly disappears, and the second only after 40 years will recognize the cause.

In the thriller "Girl in Maze", the actor appeared in the image of a psychologist who helps the manyak victim to return the memory. Dustin will play in the directorial debut of the actress Maim Bialik, familiar viewers on the TV series "Theory of the Big Explosion".


  • 1967 - "Graduate"
  • 1969 - "Midnight Cowboy"
  • 1970 - "Little big man"
  • 1971 - "Straw Dogs"
  • 1974 - "Lenny"
  • 1979 - "Kramer vs. Kramer"
  • 1982 - Tutsi
  • 1988 - "Rain Man"
  • 1990 - "Dick Tracy"
  • 1996 - "Sleeping"
  • 2004 - "Magic Country"
  • 2004 - "Familiarity with Factors"
  • 2007 - "Wonderland"
  • 2010 - "Acquaintance with faubers - 2"
  • 2014 - "Cook on wheels"
  • 2019 - "Girl in Maze"
  • 2020 - "Song of Names"

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