Alexey Maklakov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Songs, Actor, Films, Son, Wife 2021



Probably, on all the huge space of the former Soviet Union, not to find a more beloved ensign than Shmatko. Actor Alexey Konstantinovich Maclars, embodied on the screen of this tricky military, instantly turned into a star of Russian cinema. But the artist has a lot of other talented roles.

Childhood and youth

In most sources, including Wikipedia, it is indicated that Alexey Maklakov was born in Novosibirsk. But it is not. The boy was born in Moscow on January 6, 1961. What happened in the family of the future artist is unknown, but almost immediately after the birth of the son of Mom went with him to Siberia. The woman brought up Alexei alone. In Novosibirsk, childhood and youth Maclakova were held. In this city, the young man made the first steps in the profession.

Mom Alexei Maklakova worked as a librarian. Hence the love of the famous actor to reading and erudition. In addition to hobbies, the guy had another, no less strong. In the middle classes of school, Alexey was signed up in the theater circle and played in amateur performances with pleasure. Therefore, after receiving the certificate of maturity, went to study at the local theater school, which later, in 2003, turned into an institute.


Having received a diploma of theatrical education, Alexey Maklakov went to the scene. The young man accepted in the Novosibirsk theater "Red Torch". And the readiness, delivered voice and pleasant diction, helped the actor find a place on the radio "Uniton".

The new impetus was a creative biography of the artist received in 1996, when Novosibirsk artist moved to Moscow. Here Maklakova took in the theater named after V. V. Mayakovsky. On this scene, the audience was convinced of High acting skills Alexey Konstantinovich. Theaters gladly looked at the play with the participation of Maclakova "Synthesizer of Love", "Kids Vanyushina", "Plague on both of your homes" and "how you love it."

An artist's companion in the theater was Andrei Ivanovich Krasko. Then still young actors played one character - Robin Hood. Alexey Konstantinovich recalls that they were both small growing and thin, for which it is difficult to believe the current celebrity fans.

All-Russian popularity of McLakov received after the appearance on the screen. With a number of episodes in the Russian TV series, in 2001, Alexey played a major role in the social drama "Hello, Kid!", Where I reincarnated in an eccentric adult, who lives together with wheel whales and alenca.

Maclakova's game noted the director and producer Timur Bekmambetov and invited the actor from the "Mayakovka" to the project "Night Watch" for the role of the magic chauffeur of seeds. Konstantin Khabensky, Vladimir Menshov, Valery Zolotukhin, Mary Poroshina became partners of the artist on the workstation. Despite the fact that critics were skeptically reacted to the film, in the box office, the picture collected a good amount for the Russian project - $ 34 million.

The film crew "Night Watch" told reporters about the incredible hardworking of Alexey McLakov and the high professionalism of the actor. And the audience and critics agreed that the artist accurately "got into the image." It is impossible to imagine that someone else would play the role of the driver. This image of Alexei Maklakov embodied in the "Day Dosor", whose premiere followed in a year.

Such success in the audience immediately increased the acting ratings of the main and secondary roles, so after a blockbuster, in Alexey Konstantinovich filmography, there were no less interesting works. It followed his participation in the family saga "Gromov", which, according to the director, the paintings of Alexander Baranov, served as therapeutic purposes. She was created that anyone looking could understand that he had a lot less than that of the heroes of the series, and did not give his hands.

The real popularity of McLakov decreased after the exit to the screens of the cult series "Soldiers". Ensign Schmatko so loved to the audience that Alexey Konstantinovich had to hire a security guard for a while: get out of the house and walk along the street it turned out to be impossible.

Later, Maclars starred in the next seasons "soldiers", in which the cast has undergone considerable changes. But it was impossible to present the series without Schmathko. The project was so loved by the audience that the creators decided to make a military film with Alexei Konstantinovich in the lead role in their reasons. In 2007, the comedy "Evaloker Shmatko, or Yo-My" came out, which was also successful.

The actor also participated in the sign of the soundtrack to the picture. In his performance, the song "Poplar" sounded. The fans of the artist supported the passion for the music, their approval inspired the celebrity to create a collection. Maclakova's discography contains only one album "E - My", in which the tracks "Mamina Eyes" entered, "I love you" and another 9 compositions.

Today, Alexey Maklakov is at the peak of popularity. He has, what is called 100 percent recognition and a huge army of fans. Charm and incredible charisma can be felt when the actor communicates with the audience directly at creative concerts.

Personal life

The attraction of this talented person feels his fans and women. Artist has a third marriage and four children.

In his youth, Alexey met a student of the theater school of Tatiana, she became his first civilian wife. A year later, the actor became interested in the girl named Olga, who studied at the doctor. Maclars was so impressed with the restraint and intelligence of the girl, which led the beloved in the registry office. Soon Olga presented Alexey Son Ilya. The marriage lasted for a long time, since the actor has not yet felt responsibility for the family, which was needed by Olga. Followed divorce.

The son went in the footsteps of his father and graduated from the same university in Novosibirsk, despite the fact that he was brought up by stepfather and wore the name of the mother - Belokobylsky. Alexey Konstantinovich took Ilya to shoot the series "Soldiers", where the young man played in a number of episodes.

According to the story of Artist Boris Korchevnikov in the show "The Fate of Man", his mother before the death of the robus supported relations with both grandchildren - Ilya and the Senior Open-Marital Son Prokhor.

The third spouse Maria Kharchotna also did not stand the permanent employment Alexei McLakov, at that time he was busy with shooting in Moscow. I did not keep marriage even the presence of my daughter Nicole. After the divorce of the parents, the girl and her mother went to Canada.

Personal life Alexei Maklakova is stable today. With the future wife, Anna Romantic, the actor met on the set of the project "Soldiers". The girl worked as a sound coordinator. Anna was under the age of 23, younger Alexey, but it did not bother a man. Once the artist invited a girl to a joint trip to Kiev, where Maclakova's creative evenings were held, and since then, Anna is always next to her husband.

Together, spouses raise two children - daughters Irina and Sophia. The younger girl was born in 2012. In the transfer "When all at home", the head of the family said that it helps the separation arising from workers' business trips to keep harmony.

McLakov is a fan of "Spartacus", the photo of the artist with football matches often appear on the official Account of Alexei in "Instagram".

In March 2021, the Contractor Made a vaccination from Coronavirus and called for the public to vaccinate.

Alexey Maklakov now

Now Alexey Maklakov is still pleased with fans by appearing on the screen. He participated in the creation of a sports tape "Hook" dedicated to hockey. The creators used a modern approach: to transfer the rapid flight, the washers resorted to the help of drones, removing at a speed of 150 km / h.

In the full-length film adaptation of the comic "Major Thunder: a plaque doctor", which came on the screens in the spring of 2021, the actor received the role of the head of the police department of Fyodor Prokopenko.

To create a film on the streets of St. Petersburg, the film crew has made a lot of noise: there were accidents, and fires, and mass riots. And it was done so plausible that several local tabloids have published articles under the frightening headlines "Scary Accident in the center of St. Petersburg!" or "Distresting rally on the streets of the city!". Then they refuted them, justifying the filming of action.


  • 2001 - "Hi, kid!"
  • 2004 - "Night Watch"
  • 2004-2013 - "Soldiers"
  • 2005 - "Steel Guys"
  • 2005 - "Day Watch"
  • 2006 - "Officers"
  • 2007 - "Everything is honest"
  • 2008 - "Verdict"
  • 2013 - "Dark World: Equilibrium"
  • 2014 - "3D Family"
  • 2016 - "Elasticity"
  • 2017 - "lucky case"
  • 2017 - "New Year's Trouble"
  • 2020 - "Peace, Friendship, Zhwum"
  • 2020 - "Vacation at your own request"
  • 2021 - "Major Thunder: Plague Doctor"

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