Alexander Mamut - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Famous financier, media signal and billionaire. And another person who was part of the nearby surroundings of Boris Yeltsin, along with other famous specialists - Valentin Yumashev, Roman Abramovich and Tatiana Dyachenko. He was called the trustee of Boris Berezovsky and a gray cardinal of the Russian business, the smartest of the rich and the richest of the smart. And this is all about him, Alexandra Mamut - a legend man.

Alexander Leonidovich Mamut - Native Moskvich. Businessman was born in an intelligent family of Jewish nationality in January 1960. Parents are professional lawyers. Father Leonid Solomonovich Mamut, Doctor of Law and Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, is known for becoming the compiler of the new Constitution of Russia. Mom Cycilina Ludwigovna - a successful lawyer, also advocated the head of the family and the Center for the adoption of strategic decisions.

Entrepreneur Alexander Mamut.

At first, Mamutov's family lived in a communal on Taganka. Everyone had enough space in the same room, where grandma lived with two generations. Then the housing conditions improved, and the family moved to the Stalin's house on Semenov.

In childhood, Alexander adored reading and communication. Mamut preference gave humanitarian subjects. He graduated from a prestigious metropolitan school where English was in-depth.

Alexander Mamut.

The son went footsteps of his parents and also chose jurisprudence. Having received a school certificate, Alexander Mamut arrived at Moscow State University and in 1982 he became a student of the law faculty.


Having received a diploma of Moscow State University, a young lawyer began to build a career. The first experience in the legal industry Alexander received in the printing house, where he settled the legal adviser. Then no one even guessed that this young guy will soon turn into media signal. For 4 years, Mamut prepared and continued his studies in graduate school.

Businessman Alexander Mamut.

The second place of work was Vnesheconombank. According to Alexander Leonidovich, each person is obliged to constantly move forward and develop. This vital principle taken into armared in early adolescence was very effective. Already in 30 years, Mamut became the founder of the legal bureau, which called Alm-Consulting. Abbreviation of the three first letters - initials of the entrepreneur.

Further more. The young financier created the banks "Lefortovsky", "Imperial", the commercial bank "Company for project financing" and a number of less large.

Alexander Mamut.

A few years later, the biography of Alexander Mamut received new bright pages in a wide variety of industries: now, except for the banking sphere, the businessman was known in the trade, telecommunications, oil and publishing house.

In the first decade, 2000s, the banker, a lawyer and the financier becomes a member of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. In the close partnership with Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripskaya Mamut, there is a charitable fund to promote science and is among the founders of the Sixth Canal CJSC.

Roman Abramovich and Alexander Mamut

It seems that there are less and less industries in the country, in which Alexander Mamut did not declare himself. In 2005, Mamut entered the Board of Trustees of the Practice Theater, and a year later, the Own Restaurant "The MOST" was opened.

In 2008, Alexander Leonidovich becomes the owner of the Euroset retailer. In the same year, Mamut entered the Forbes list and took a place among the richest people in the world. In a similar Russian list in 2015, the Russian oligarch stands on the 36th position.

Entrepreneur Alexander Mamut.

The Mamut Empire continues to grow in different directions and spheres, and the state of the millionth is rapidly transformed into billiona. Businessman buys the British book network "Waterstones", acquires the "NOMOS-Bank" securities and 60% of SPAR shares - the Netherlands product network.

The media empire of the entrepreneur is growing especially rapidly. Mamut received a share in the company Soup (SUP), who bought the Live Journal blog service, Oriel Resources PLC, International Logistics Partnership and Korbin Telecom. The share of the businessman is available in the Publishing group "Attikus", the network of bookstores "Bubury", Network "Holiday Classic" and Mirumir film companies.

In 2014, Alexander Mamut becomes the general director of the Group of Companies, which includes about 50 projects "Rambler & CO". The state of the tycoon griest the mining company for gold and silver under the name "Polymetal", where Mamut is the main shareholder.

In 2015, the state of the oligarch was assessed by the amount of $ 2.5 billion. Alexander Mamut took 36th place in the list of richest businessmen of Russia, compiled by the Forbes magazine.

Personal life

Oligarch was married twice. The first wife of the businessman became the former classmate Maria Gneuzishva. In this marriage, the son of Peter and daughter Esphyri was born. But in 1993, the personal life of Alexander Mamut changed radically. He met a woman who, as they say, in school years was his first love. But then Nadezhda Lyamin chose Alexander's grandson Leonid Brezhnev - Andrei.

Alexander Mamut and Nadezhda Lyamina with children

When they met again, both had families and children. But now it was no longer an obstacle for their love. They divorced and created a strong family, in which the general son of Nikolai was born. Sons of hopes from the first marriage, Leonid and Dmitry, stepfather gave an excellent education.

In 2002, the hopes of Lyamina did not: the woman fell ill with the inflammation of the lungs and supremely left his life. Alexander Mamut no longer married, but they wrote a lot about his novels in the press.

Rumor, the media signal has caused two destroyed marriages. Allegedly for the sake of relationship with Mamomom, the daughter of the famous director Pavel Chukhrayanastasia threw her husband Anton Tabakov. Also, Alena Ahmadullina, who left the Wolf Arkady Wolf because of the billionaire. But none of the named women of Mamut never called his wife.

They attributed to the entrepreneur and Roman with Polina Deripaskaya, the wife of the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Alexander Mamut often saw in the company of women, and evil tongues began to dissolve rumors both about love ties and about complex financial conspiracy between oligarchs.

Alexander Mamut and Polina Deripaska

Close to polynet sources claimed that a woman cannot divorce from fear that a former husband will rewrite millions of debts on it, but for a long time he does not like his spouse. Journalists viewed a possible affair from different angles, but soon rumors that were not supported by any development of events expectedly subsided.

Alexander Mamut now

In 2017, the Mamoum business network caused Yellow client discontent. The billionaire owns two largest networks of Russian Cinema Park and Formula Formula, as well as tickets to the Rambler. Kassa tickets, also one of the largest in the country.

Businessman Alexander Mamut.

In 2017, after the entrepreneur bought cinema chains, Rambler. Kassa increased prices for all sessions by 10%, which caused misunderstanding and discontent as spectators and rollingrs. Moreover, the above-mentioned networks have ceased to work with other major online tickets for the sale of online tickets. At the same time, on official cinemas sites, the price of tickets available to online tickets was also shown with extra charge.

Moreover, the rolling indulged not even the markdown itself, but the fact that the service decided not to share an additional earnings with rolling companies. According to the current practice, profit from sales of tickets cinemas and film distribution companies are divided by half.

Entrepreneur Alexander Mamut.

The roller service Universal Pictures International even said that it is no longer ready to cooperate with the cinema network on such conditions. As a result, a number of film roller films have not been shown in the cinemas "Cinema Park" and "Formula of Cinema". These are movies "Made in America", "Snowman" and others. At the same time, experts agree that because of such a boycot, Universal will lose much more than a network of cinemas.

At the end of January 2018, Alexander Mamut, and more precisely, the Crentromobile-Pioneer company, owned by the investment company Oligarch A & NN Investments, bought a building on Kutuzovsky Avenue in Moscow. This is a pioneer cinema building, which Mamut has rented from the state for several years.

Businessman Alexander Mamut.

The company "Crentromobile Pioneer" Mamut acquired just in order to obtain the right to rent a building almost closed in 2008. The lease term was appointed until 2017, and in 2017 extended to 2026.

At the same time, the purchase, who passed the cinema "Pioneer" fully in the property of Alexander Mamut, occurred less than a week after the premiere of the scandalous picture "The death of Stalin". The cinema "Pioneer" became the only cinema in Russia, in which, despite the ban on the film and his feedback from his rolling certificate, the "death of Stalin" were shown. The cinema showed a film for two days and canceled sessions, only when the Ministry of Culture directly promised the "pioneer" of sanctions.

State assessment

As you know, in addition to banks, most of the assets of the entrepreneur are directly related to the media, culture and art.

Alexander Mamut - one of the richest businessmen of Russia

The cinema chains owned by Alexander Mamut belongs to about 600 screens, which is 18% of the total number of screens in the country, and on average 20% of box-office films. In addition, the billionaire owns a large proportion of the Russian book business: the Publishing Group "Attikus", which gathered under his leadership of the publishing house "Mahaon", "Hummingbirds" and "Foreigner", as well as a network of bookstores "Bubury" and "ABC".

In 2017, the state of the entrepreneur was again rated at $ 2.5 billion, but this time Mamut went down to a couple of lines in the "Forbes" rating of the richest businessmen of Russia and settled in the 40th place.

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