Tim Robbins - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Timothy Francis Robbins, for the sake of a beautiful sound that has reduced the name to Tim Robbins, - a famous American actor who has received worldwide popularity thanks to the roles in the films "Escape from Shawshank", "Mysterious River" and "War of the Worlds". The actor is the owner of the honorary award "Oscar" as the best actor of the second plan, and also nominated for this filmmaking and as a director of the criminal drama "Dead is coming."

Tim Robbins was born in the town of West Covin, located in California. The father of actor Gil Robbins was a musician, performer of folklore songs, frontman and manager of the group "The Gaslight Cafe". Mama Cecilia Robbins-Blisshoy played on theatrical scene. Timothy has two native sisters, Adel and Gabriel, as well as Brother David. None of the other children did not achieve great popularity.

Actor Tim Robbins.

Tim Robbins was quite small when the family moved to the Greenwich Village village. It is noteworthy that parents, despite creative professions, were very pious people and brought up children in incredibly strict Catholic traditions. In addition, my father really did not want Timoti to go on his mother's footsteps. He was allowed for 12 years to participate in the theater mug in high school "Stuvezant". But when the boy received a maturity certificate, at the request of Robbins-Senior entered the University of New York.

However, Tim Robbins, having broken free from every month of custody, turned two years of study at the university in one continuous party. As a result, a young man is excluded from the university, he returns to his native staff and begins to study at the Film School of the University of California. In order for the Son to receive at least some formation, Gil Robbins did not prevent the choice of acting profession, although for a long time he did not approve this path.


Cute and high (actor growth 196 cm) The young man rather quickly noticed directors, however, first not the steadfast projects. The creative biography of the novice actor Tim Robbins started with participation in numerous television series, among which there were such well-known projects as Santa Barbara, Toy Soldiers, Blues Hill Street and "Moonlight Detective Agency". The first big role got him in 1985 in the Youth Comedy "Student Vacations", which, however, has not yet done Tim Robbins a famous actor.

Tim Robbins in the film

Much more noticeable works were the fantastic comedy "Howard Duck", tragicomedy "five angles", sports melodrama "Darham Bulls" and adventure fantasy "Eric Viking". Moving a lot of noise an unusual thriller "Ladder Jacob". Director Adrian Line chose to the main role of the postman Jacob Singer, who was held in Vietnam and now the constantly seeing demons, it is Tim Robbins, because he saw the necessary children's charm in his view. Unfortunately, the picture fell into the midst of the war in the Persian Gulf, so financially did not pay off, although it remains one of the significant works of Hollywood of the early 1990s.

In the same period, the romantic comedy "The coefficient of intelligence" and the psychological detective "player" were published. But the culmination of the first half of the career of Tim Robbins was the screening of the novel Stephen King "Escape from Showhenka". The film had a deafening success and is still among the leaders in the lists of the best moviestin of all time. Subsequently, Tim Robbins paid attention to the help of the film "There is nothing to lose", the fiction "Mission on Mars", the criminal drama "Dangerous True" and an infirmary thriller "True about Charlie".

Tim Robbins in the film

The next bright splash in the career fell for 2004. Duette work with Sean Penn in an entangled criminal detective clint Istuda "Mysterious River" brought Tim Robbins to the Oscar premium for the best role of the second plan. Almost immediately immediately followed the fantastic anti-nightopia of Stephen Spielberg "War of the Worlds", where, in addition to Tim Robbins, such stars were involved as Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning and Morgan Freeman.

The actor continues a lot and often starve. In 2015, the comedy political television series "On the Edge" was released on the screens, in which Tim Robbins fulfilled the main role. The film's action unfolds during a serious geopolitical crisis. Robbins Hero - US Secretary of State Walter Larson - along with other politicians to prevent the Third World War.

Tim Robbins in the film

The television series received an enthusiastic reception of viewers, so rumors appeared immediately about the shooting of the continuation. But later, the HBO television company changed the decision and officially stated that the second season was not planned.

Another bright work of Tim Robbins in 2015 was to participate in the filming of the fantastic tragicomedy "Marjori Prime". The film is based on the play of Jordan Harrison and talks about life in the near technological future, when holograms, android and other wonders of progress are available to average citizens.

Tim Robbins in the film

In the center of the plot - the life of the aging violinist Marjori (Lois Smith), which suffers in memory failures. In order to regain the lost happiness of family life, a woman orders the hologram of his own whoathe husband, however, giving the appearance of the spouse not before the death of a man, but from the memories of joint youth. At the same time, the couple is surrounded by close people of the heroine, adult children and grandchildren, who also have their own opinion on the hologram of a dead relative.

The film received a warm welcome of both critics and spectators, the percentage of approval varies from 70% to 80%.

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It is worth adding that Tim Robbins tried three times in the director. The first film, the political satire "Bob Roberts", had a certain success. The last project was noticeable - the melodrama "the cradle will swing." But the grandeur itself turned out the second job - the criminal drama "The Dead is", thanks to which Robbins was nominated for Oscar as director.

The main roles in this picture were executed by Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn. The film tells about the criminal sentenced to the death penalty, which is waiting for the execution of the sentence. On these days, the murderer visits the nun, which performs the responsibility of the spiritual mentor of the sentenced.

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The film is based on the biographical book of the Catholic nun, where she tells about the conversations who led with a sentenced criminal. But the film did not become an accurate adaptation of the book: if the main character is named after the author of the book - sister Helen is predaged, the criminal is of another name and otherwise differs from the book prototype.

Personal life

The first famous love actor Tim Robbins became american model and businesswoman Carol Perkins. Lovers began to meet when Robbins did not even appear on the screens, and were together until 1981. Then, Tim had a short-term novel with a star of soap operas "Dynasty" and "Santa Barbara" Terry Garber. These relationships started after working on the television film "Toy soldiers".

Terry Garber and Tim Robbins

And in 1988, Tim Robbins, Tim Robbins, became acquainted with the actress Susan Sarandon on the set of sports drama "Darham Bulls". The actress was older than a man for 13 years, but almost instantly Tim and Susan realized that they were in love. In addition, a pair of united and common interests relating to public life. Very satisfied with the choice of the son, his parents remained.

Since Sarandon was a feminist and an ardent counterpart of official marriages, Tim Robbins and his wife lived in the actual union. They born two children - the sons of Jack Henry and Miles Gratri, as well as Robbins raised the daughter of Eva spouse from previous relations with the director Franco Amurry. Couple lived in happiness and harmony more than 20 years. The more wonderful to know the fans of the actors that in 2010 they broke up.

As explained to journalists, Susan Sarandon explained to journalists, the woman ceased to arrange that relations flowed into a "sleepy existence". However, some people believe that the real reason for the rupture of Tim Robbins and his wife was the fact that Sarandon, the age of which is already approaching 70, suddenly decided to shoot videos of pornographic content. The actor did not approve this initiative and chose to disperse with a rapid wife.

It should be noted that Tim Robbins helped to distract from a break with a beloved woman's work. The actor closed in recording studio and created with his own group of author's songs with his own group "The Rogues Gallery Band".

Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon with children

The actor is the Yarym Fan of the New York Rangers Hockey Club and the New York Metts Basketball Team. This love for sports spectacles stretches from student times when he studied at the New York University for some time. By the way, Tim Robbins more than once did not participate in the promotional rollers of favorite teams.

Under the name of the actor there is a page in "Instagram", but the account is not marked as a verified service, and, in addition, less than a tent of thousands of people are signed this page, which makes doubt the authenticity of the page. Nevertheless, it collected photos of the actor from secular events and from meetings with fans, as well as fragments of video from films with actor participation and trailers of fresh paintings.

But the account of Tim Robbins in Twitter is marked with a cherished blue tick. There, the actor has more than 30 thousand subscribers, although the microblog's new posts are replenished far from every day.

Tim Robbins now

In 2018, Tim Robbins appeared in the lead role in the American television series "here and now", which is dedicated to the life of a multinational family. The action of this multi-sieuled film unfolds in modern times.

Tim Robbins got the role of Greg Boatatite. Other main roles got Holly Hunter, Jerrica Hinton, Raymond Lee, Daniel Zovatto and Soski Baker.

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The premiere of the series was held on the HBO TV channel, especially on the orders of which televofilm was removed.

Also today the actor works on the picture "Man from the bottom". Neither the date of the premiere nor the actor proposed by the role is not known. But the synopsis of the project is already announced: the film will tell about the disadvantaged family, the members of which became the heroes of the social photo project, which turned the family in urban celebrities.


  • 1988 - "Darham Bull"
  • 1994 - "Intellect Coefficient"
  • 1994 - "Escape from Shawshank"
  • 2001 - "Dangerous True"
  • 2002 - "True about Charlie"
  • 2003 - "Mysterious River"
  • 2005 - "The Secret Life of the Words"
  • 2005 - "War of the Worlds"
  • 2012 - "Thank you for the exchange"
  • 2013 - "Stop my wife"
  • 2014 - "Welcome to me"
  • 2015 - "Perfect Day"
  • 2015 - "On the Edge"
  • 2016 - Marjori Praim
  • 2018 - "Here and now"


  • 2010 - "Tim Robbins And The Rogues Gallery Band"

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