Zhomart Yertaev - biography, personal life, business, photo, age, Alma TV and the latest news 2021



Zhomart Yertaev is a famous Kazakhstani and Russian entrepreneur, a recognized financial expert, also known as a public figure and publicist. He has established himself as a leader who can lead to success any enterprise.

A future financier in the village of Factory was born (now - Kargali village), which is in a semolot of kilometers from Alma-Ata, in the family of teachers. Lived modestly. Mom not only taught physics in high school, but also constantly worked on to put Zhomart and his younger brother on his feet. No wonder, telling about the children's years in an interview and essays, the businessman is all meaningful in his life anyway connects with Mom, noting that it was her example that she showed him how important it is hard to work and never lose faith in justice.

After graduating from school already in Alma-Ata, Zhomart entered the Alma-Ata Architectural and Construction Institute by choosing a specialty engineer-economist. The applicant scored the maximum number of points, which gave the opportunity to study in one of the Moscow universities, but Zhomart decided to stay in his homeland in Kazakhstan.

Zhomart Yertaev

In 1994, he graduated from the Faculty of Management and Business and began to build a career, which began, however, with a funny incident - the future of the famous entrepreneur did not work as a regular cash register. A few years after that, yesterday's student became a top manager of the bank, and this work was figuratively speaking, the take-off stripe.

Career Zhomart Yrteev

If you do not consider part-time job in student years and attempt to create your own business at the same time, the first experience of the future banker received, becoming a financial consultant in the Kazakh Business Cooperation Center "Atakent". The next step towards success was the head of the information and analytical department of Dub Alpha-Bank in Almaty, where in 23 years Zhomart Yertaev has become the Deputy Chairman of the Board. It was here that he first demonstrated the ability to bring even a secondary bank into leaders.

Then there were several more places, leadership positions and stories of fast success. On the Banking Room Standard, work in the Central Asian Financial and Investment Company, in the Semipalatinsk City Joint-Stock Bank and IrtyshBusinessbank. From 2002 to 2007, Zhomart worked as Chairman of the Management Board "Alliance Bank", as a result, the once-known regional bank turned into one of the leaders of the banking system of Kazakhstan. After that, Zhomart Yertayev about a year was Chairman of the Board of BTA Bank in Ukraine, after which he returned to Kazakhstan as Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Bank JSC.

From 2010 to the present, consultant of the Board of Directors of Bank RBK JSC is performed. In addition, since 2011, Zhomart is headed by the Eurasian Center for Financial Consulting (ECFC).

In 2014, Zhomart Yertayev changed the profile of activities, becoming the general director of the Al-TV telecommunications company, and then the head of the international holding Alma Group. Now it combines the almatel brand five major telecommunication operators - Kazakhstan LLP "Alma-TV" and the Russian company "Company 2KOM", LLC "Digit One", LLC "Technologies of house networks +" and SCTS LLC. In the plans of Zhomart Yrteyev - the creation of a universal telecommunications operator over the next years, which will become one of the largest in Russia.

Social activities and journalism

A businessman conducts active social activities, speaking from positions of public-private partnership and strengthen entrepreneurial relations between the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). His views are reflected in the author's journalistic texts and in an interview for the media. For two years, Zhomart led the blog, posts in which the wide public resonance invariably caused.

Zhomart Yrtaev and his colleagues

In 2013, the book "Peace to our home!" Was published in Kazakhstan! " - Collection of copyright texts of Zhomart Yertaeva and interviews in which he expressed a variety of topics - from business to eternal philosophical issues. The initiator of the publication became Nurgul Yrteyev, the wife of Zhomart.

Preparation was carried out in full secrecy mode, due to which the desired effect was achieved - the release of the book was a surprise not only for readers, but also for the author.

Personal life

Free from work Time Zhomart Yertaev is dedicated to the family: wife, son and two daughters. They love to relax together and play sports - for example, ride bikes.

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