Marina Tsvetaeva - biography, personal life, photos, poems, collections, life and latest news



Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva - Russian poetess, translator, author of biographical essays and critical articles. It is considered one of the key figures in world poetry of the 20th century. Today they are called the shittomatiy such poems of Marina Tsvetaeva about love, as "nodded to a shameful pillar ...", "not an impostor - I came home ...", "Yesterday I looked in my eyes ..." and many others.

Marina Tsvetaeva in childhood

The birthday of Marina Tsvetaeva falls on the Orthodox holiday of the memory of the Apostle John the Bogoslov. This circumstance of the poetess later repeatedly reflects in his works. A girl in Moscow was born, in the family of Professor Moscow University, a famous philologist and art historian Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaeva, and his second wife Mary Maine, a professional pianist, student of Nikolai Rubinstein himself. On the Father, Marina had one-tract brother Andrei and sister Valeria, as well as his native younger sister Anastasia. The creative professions of the parents put a fingerprint and the childhood of Tsvetaeva. Mom trained her game on the piano and dreamed of seeing a daughter with a musician, and his father instilled a love for high-quality literature and foreign languages.

Marina Tsvetaeva in childhood

It so happened that Marina and Mom often lived abroad, so it spoke freely not only in Russian, but also in French and German. Moreover, when the small six-year-old Marina Tsvevaeva began to write poems, it composed on all three, and most of all - in French. Education Futher famous poetess began to receive in the Moscow private women's gymnasium, and later he studied in guest houses for girls in Switzerland and Germany. At the age of 16, she tried to listen to the course of lectures on the StaroFrancesian literature in the Paris Sorbonne, but the training did not graduate there.

Marina Tsvetaeva and sister

When Pheetess Tsvetaeva began to publish his poems, she began to closely communicate with the circle of Moscow symbols and actively participate in the life of literary circles and studios under the publishing house "Musaget". Soon the civil war begins. These years have been very difficult on moral condition of a young woman. The gap of the birthplace on the white and the red components she did not accept and did not approve. In the spring of 1922, Marina Olegovna achieves permission to emigrate from Russia and go to the Czech Republic, where her husband ran, Sergey Efron, served in the ranks of the White Army, and now he studied at Prague University.

Marina Tsvetaeva and Father

For a long time, the life of Marina Tsvetaeva was connected not only with Prague, but also with Berlin, and in three years her family was able to get to the French capital. But there, happiness, the woman did not gain. A depressingly of people acted on it that her husband participated in a conspiracy against the son of Lion Trotsky and that he was recruited by the Soviet government. In addition, Marina realized that in his spirit she was not an emigrant, and Russia does not let her thoughts and hearts.


The first collection of Marina Tsvetaeva called the "Evening Album" saw the light in 1910. He mainly included her creations written in school years. Pretty quickly creativity of young poetess attracted the attention of famous writers, Maximilian Voloshin became interested in it, Anna Akhmatova's husband, Nikolai Gumilyov, and the founder of the Russian symbolism of Valery Bryusov. On the wave of success, Marina writes the first prosaic article "Magic in Verses Brysov". By the way, a rather remarkable fact is that the first books she published on their own money.

Collective color collection

Soon the "magic lantern" of Marina Tsvetaeva was published, her second poetic compilation, then the next work was published - "Of the two books." Shortly before the revolution, the biography of Marina Tsvetaeva was connected with the city of Alexandrov, where she came to visit the sister of Anastasia and her spouse. From the point of view of creativity, this period is important in that it is saturated with dedications to loved people and beloved places and later was named by the specialists "Alexander Summer Tsvetaeva." It was then that the woman created the famous cycles of poems "to Akhmatova" and "poems about Moscow".

Marina Tsvetaeva and Anna Akhmatova

During the civil war, Marina penetrated sympathy for white movement, although, as mentioned above, in general, the division of the country on conditional colors was not approved. In that period, she writes poems for the collection "Swan Stan", as well as the large poems "Tsar-Maiden", "Egorushka", "on Red Kone" and romantic plays. After moving abroad, the poetess composes two large-scale work - the "Poem of the Mountain" and the "Poem of the end", which will be among its main works. But most of the verses of the emigration period were not published. The latter was published a collection "After Russia", which included the writings of Marina Tsvetaeva until 1925. Although she never stopped writing.

Marina Tsvetaeva Autograph

Foreigners much more appreciated the prose of Tsvetaeva - her memories of Russian poets Andrei White, Maximilian Voloshin, Mikhail Kuzmin, "My Pushkin" book, "Mother and Music", "House of Old Pimen" and others. But the poems did not buy, although Marina wrote a wonderful cycle of Mayakovsky, the "Black Muse" for which the suicide of the Soviet poet was. Vladimir Vladimirovich's death literally shocked a woman that in many years you can feel, reading these poems of Marina Tsvetaeva.

Personal life

With his future husband, Sergei Efron of the poetess met in 1911 in the house of his friend Maximilian Voloshin in Koktebel. Six months later, they became her husband and wife, and soon their elder daughter Ariadne appeared. But Marina was a woman very fond of and at different times, other men took possession of her heart. For example, the great Russian poet Boris Pasternak, with whom Tsvetaeva had almost 10-year-old romantic relationships, not ceased after its emigration.

Marina Tsvetaeva with her husband

In addition, in Prague, the poetess began a stormy novel with a lawyer and sculptor Konstantin Rodzevich. Their connection was lasting about six months, and then Marina, who dedicated his beloved full of the inequate passion and the unearthly love "The Poem of the Mountain", voloved to help him bride choose a wedding dress, thereby putting a point in love relationships.

Marina Tsvetaeva Daughter

But the personal life of Marina Tsvetaeva was connected not only with men. Even before the emigration, in 1914 she met in a literary mug with a poetess and translator Sophia Gamenk. The ladies quickly discovered sympathy for each other, which soon turned into something more. Marina dedicated to the beloved cycle of poems "girlfriend", after which their relationship came out of the shadows. Efron knew about the novel of his wife, heavily jealously, satisfied the scenes, and Tsvetaeva was forced to escape from him to Sofia. However, in 1916 she parted from the game, returns to the spouse and his daughter Irina give birth to his wife. About his strange connection of the poetess will say later that a woman love a woman wildly, but only some men are boring. Nevertheless, the love of the MARINA Garina characterized as the "first catastrophe in his life."

Sofia Garnech

After the birth of the second daughter, Marina Tsvetaeva faces a black stripe in life. Revolution, Escape a husband abroad, extreme need, hunger. The older daughter of Ariadne became very ill, and Tsvetaeva gives children to the shelter in the village of Kuntsovo near Moscow. Ariadna recovered, but sick and Irina died at a three years of age.

Marina Tsvetaeva Son.

Later, after reuniting with her husband in Prague, the poetess gave birth to a third child - the son of George, who was called "Moore" in the family. The boy was painful and fragile, however, during World War II went to the front, where he died in the summer of 1944. Georgy Efron was buried in a mass grave in the Vitebsk region. Due to the fact that neither Ariadna nor George had their children, then today there is no direct descendants of the Great Pointess.


In emigration, Marina and her family lived almost in poverty. Tsvetaee's husband could not work because of the disease, Georgy was completely bridged, Ariadne tried to help financially, embroider hats, but in fact their income was the scarce fees for articles and essays that Marina Tsvetaeva wrote. She called such an internally slow dying from hunger. Therefore, all family members constantly turn to the Soviet embassy with a request to return to their homeland.

Marina Tsvetaeva Monument

In 1937, he gets the right of Ariadne, after six months, Sergey Efron secretly moves to Moscow, since in France he threatened his arrest as an accomplice of political murder. After a while, officially crosses the border of Marina with his son. But the return turned into a tragedy. Very soon, the NKVD arrests daughter, and for her and her husband with a color. And if Ariadne after the death of Joseph Stalin, there were no over 15 years old, it was rehabilitated, then Efron was shot in October 1941.

Marina Tsvetaeva Monument

However, his wife did not know about it. When the Great Patriotic War began, a woman with a teenager son went to evacuation in the town of Elabuga on the Kame River. To get a temporary registration, the poetess is forced to get a job for the dishwasher. Her statement was dated August 28, 1941, and three days later, Tsvetaeva committed suicide, having fun in the house where they were determined with George. Marina left three suicide notes. She addressed his son one of them and asked for forgiveness, and in the other two appealed to people with a request to take care of the boy.

Marina Tsvetaeva Monument

It is very interesting that when Marina Tsvetaeva was only going to evacuation, a longtime friend Boris Pasternak helped her in the packaging of things, which was specially bought a rope for binding things. A man praised that she took out such a solid rope - "Though hanging down" ... it was she who became an instrument of the suicide of Marina Ivanovna. I buried Tsvetaeva in Elabuga, but since the war went, the exact burial place remains unclear so far. Orthodox customs do not allow suicide, but the ruling bishop can make an exception. And Patriarch Alexy II in 1991, on the 50th anniversary of death, took advantage of this right. The church rite was held in the Moscow church of the Ascension of the Lord in Nikitsky Gate.

Marina Tsvetaeva Monument

In memory of the Great Russian poetess, the Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva was opened, and not one. There is a similar house of memory in the cities of Tire, Korolev, Ivanov, Feodosia and many other places. On the banks of the Okey River, the monument of the work of Boris Messer has been established. There are sculptural monuments and in other cities of Russia, near and far abroad.


  • 1910 - Evening Album
  • 1912 - Magic Lantern
  • 1913 - from two books
  • 1920 - Tsar-Maiden
  • 1921 - Swan Stan
  • 1923 - Psyche. Romance
  • 1924 - Mountain Poem
  • 1924 - the poem of the end
  • 1928 - after Russia
  • 1930 - Siberia.

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