Felix Dzerzhinsky - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Death and Latest News



Felix Dzerzhinsky is a faithful "knight" of the revolution, which entered the Soviet history as an outstanding state and politician who fought for the liberation of the labor nation. The revolutionary activity of "Iron Felix" in modern society is estimated ambiguous - some consider it a hero and a "thunderstorm of the bourgeoisie", and others recall as a ruthless executioner who hate all of humanity.

Felix Dzerzhinsky

Dzerzhinsky Felix Edmundovich was born on September 11, 1877 in the genitalian estate of Dzerzhinovo, located in the Vilen Province (now the Minsk region of Belarus). His parents were educated and intelligent people - the Father, Polish Nobleman-Shlokhtich, worked as a gymnasium teacher and a survival adviser, and his mother was a professorsk daughter.

The future knight of the revolution was born prematurely and received the name Felix that in translation meant "happy." He became not the only son of his parents - in the family of Dzerzhinsky there were only 9 children who in 1882 became semi-races after the death of the head of the family from tuberculosis.

Felix Dzerzhinsky in childhood

Left alone with children in his arms, 32-year-old Dzerzhinsky mother tried to raise his children worthy and educated people. Therefore, at the age of seven, Felix gave the imperial gymnasium, where he did not show high results. Absolutely not knowing the Russian language, Dzerzhinsky promised two years in the first grade and at the end of the eighth grade released with a testimony in which the rating "good" stood only by the law of God.

The cause of his bad study was not weak intellect, but constant friction with teachers. At the same time, he dreamed of becoming more than the most young years (the Polish Catholic clergyman), therefore he did not try to nibble science granite.

Felix Dzerzhinsky in his youth

In 1895, in the Gymnasium Felix Dzerzhinsky joined the Social Democratic Circle, in the ranks of which began to lead an active revolutionary propaganda. For their activities in 1897, he is in prison, after which he was sent to Nolinsk. The link already as a professional revolutionary Felix Edmundovich continues to campaign, for which he was expelled even further into the village of Kai. With his long-standing link Dzerzhinsky fled to Lithuania, and then to Poland.

Revolutionary activities

In 1899, after escape from the link, Felix Dzerzhinsky in Warsaw creates the Russian Social Democratic Party, for which he is again arrested and sent to Siberia. But he again manage to escape. This time, the escape of the revolutionary ended abroad, where he met with the newspaper Vladimir Lenin "Spark", the content of which only strengthened his revolutionary position.

Felix Dzerzhinsky in exile

In 1906, Dzerzhinsky was convicted personally to meet with Lenin in Stockholm, since then he became an unchanged supporter of the "leader of the world proletariat." He was taken in the ranks of the RSDLP as a representative of Poland and Lithuania. From this point on, until 1917, Felix Edmundovich came to prison, for which the links and painful corticians always followed, but every time he managed to run away and return to his "case".

Felix Dzerzhinsky and Vladimir Lenin

The February Revolution of 1917 became a breakthrough in the Revolutionary Career of Dzerzhinsky. It includes the Moscow Committee of the Bolsheviks, in the ranks of which he began to target the entire Bolshevik Party into an armed uprising. His zeal was appreciated by Lenin - at a meeting of the Central Committee of the Party Felix Edmundovich elect a member of the Military Revolutionary Center, as a result of which he becomes one of the organizers of the October Revolution, speaking in support of Lion Trotsky and helping him in creating the Red Army.

Head of the HFC

In December 1917, on the Council of People's Commissars, the RSFSR decided to create the All-Russian Emergency Commission to Combat Council. The PEC became the "dictatorship of the proletariat" by the fight against opponents of the new government. The organization included only 23 "Chekist", led by Felix Dzerzhinsky, who defended the new power of workers and peasants from the actions of counter-revolutionaries.

Felix Dzerzhinsky at the head of the PEC

At the head of the "punitive apparatus", Dzerzhinsky was not only a fighter with the "White Terror", but also the "Savior" of the Republic of Tips from the ruin. Thanks to his inhound activities, more than 2000 bridges were restored, almost 2.5 thousand locomotives and 10 thousand kilometers of the railway.

Also, Dzerzhinsky personally went to Siberia, which at the time of 1919 was the most yields of the breadpage, and controlled the workpiece of products, which made it possible to deliver about 40 million tons of bread into the starving areas of the country and 3.5 million tons of meat.

Felix Dzerzhinsky at work

In addition, Felix Dzerzhinsky actively helped doctors save the country from typhoid, organizing uninterrupted delivery of medicines. The head of the NGC also took up the salvation of the young generation of Russia - he headed the Children's Commission, which helped to establish hundreds of labor communities and orphanages in the fields, which were converted from selected country houses and mansions.

In 1922, remaining the head of the head of the National Security Committee, Felix Dzerzhinsky was headed by the Main Political Office for the NKVD. He was directly involved in the development of a new economic policy of the Soviet state. At the initiative of the chief "Chekist" in the country, joint-stock communities and enterprises were organized, on the development of which foreign investments were attracted.

Felix Dzerzhinsky in the NKVD

In 1924, Felix Dzerzhinsky became the head of the Higher National Economy of the USSR. In this post, the revolutionary with full self-dedication began to fight for the socialist reorganization of the country. He advocated the development of private trading, which demanded to create favorable conditions. Also, the "iron" Felix was actively involved in the development of the metallurgical industry in the country.

At the same time, he fought with the left opposition, since she threatened the unity of the party and holding a new economic policy. Dzerzhinsky performed for the complete transformation of the country management system, fearing the fact that a dictator will come to the head of the USSR, which "bury" all the results of the revolution.

Iron Felix.

Thus, the "merciless and ruthless" Felix Dzerzhinsky entered the story as eternal worker. He was very modest and rather uncanyten, never drunk and did not turn. In addition, the head of the HCHK won a reputation as an absolutely incorruptible, unshakable and persistent person who chockedly reached its goals of the life of the "incorrect" life.

Personal life

Personal life of Felix Dzerzhinsky was always on the second plan for the chief "Chekist". Nevertheless, he was not alien to human passions and love, which he carried with him through three revolutions and civil war.

Margarita Nikolaev became the first love of Felix Dzerzhinsky, with whom he met during his first link in Nolinsk. She attracted him with his revolutionary glances.

Felix Dzerzhinsky and Margarita Nikolaev

But this love did not have a happy finale - after escaping from the links revolutionary for several years, I corresponded with the beloved, which in 1899 suggested to stop the love correspondence, as he became interested in another revolutionary, Julia Goldman. But these relationships were briefly - Goldman was sick tuberculosis and died in 1904 in the Sanatorium Switzerland.

In 1910, Sofia Mushkat, who was also active revolutionary, took hold of the Iron Felix. A few months after acquaintance, the beloved got married, but their happiness lasted for a long time - the first and only wife of Dzerzhinsky arrested and sharpened in prison, where in 1911 she gave birth to the son of Yana.

Felix Dzerzhinsky and Sofia Mushkat

After giving birth to Sofia Mushkat sentenced to the eternal link to Siberia and deprived of all the rights of the state. Until 1912, she lived in the village of Orling, from where the abroad escaped the overseas documents.

Dzerzhinsky spouses, after a long separation, met only 6 years later. In 1918, when Felix Edmundovich became headed by the Chest, Sofia Sigismundovna received the opportunity to return to his homeland. After that, the family settled in the Kremlin, where the spouses lived until the end of their days.


Felix Dzerzhinsky died on July 20, 1926 at the plenum of the Central Committee. The cause of the death of the revolutionary was the heart attack, which happened to him during a two-hour emotional report dedicated to the state of the USSR economy.

Funeral Felix Dzerzhinsky

It is known that the problems with the heart at the head of the PEC were discovered in 1922. Then the doctors warned a revolutionary about the need to shorten the working day, since excessive load will kill it. Despite this, 48-year-old Dzerzhinsky continued to be completely given to work, as a result of which his heart stopped.

The grave of Felix Dzerzhinsky

Felix Felix Dzerzhinsky took place on July 22, 1926. The revolutionar was buried at the Kremlin Wall on the Red Square of Moscow.

The name of Felix Dzerzhinsky is immortalized in many cities and villages in the entire post-Soviet space. His name is almost 1.5 thousand streets, squares and alleys of Russia.

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