Borislav Brdukov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, death and last news



Borislav Nikolaevich Bronduukov - Soviet actor, who received the title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR in 1988. Also, it was Bronduukov who was the first laureate of the State Award of Ukraine named after Alexander Dovzhenko. The domestic viewer is most famous for his role in the films "Afonya", "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", "Garage", "Green van", "not many times at times" and many others.

Borislav Bronduukov in youth

Born brownukov on the first day of the spring of 1938 in the village of Oakovaya, located in the Kiev region. It comes from the Russian-Polish family. The future favorite of the public was very sickly and a painful child. In early childhood, he suffered a cough, who was considered a deadly disease at that time. Medicine could not help the boy, but he was saved by a local sign, who treated Borislava herbs and driving a child to breathe air from the swamp. The disease retreated.

Borislav Brdukov

Blondukov studied at first at home, and then in a parish school in the Roman Catholic Church. More than adulthood, he began to attend general educational classes. In those years, the teenager even in thoughts did not associate himself with the movie. After school in the biography of Borislav Bohdkova, the Kiev Construction Technical School was, after which the young man worked for some time at the city building, he had reached the Proba. Then the young man settled at the Arsenal plant. And this is where the future star of screens first encountered art: he began to visit the rehearsal of the factory drama, in which employees organized an amateur folk theater.

Borislav Brdukov

Gradually, in the soul of Brdukovuk, a dream is born to enter the theater university. He submits documents to the Kiev Institute of Theatrical Art named after I. K. Karpenko-Karoi, however, Career Borislav could end up without starting. The fact is that in the reception office he did not even want to even take documents, rather rudely stating that with such an appearance it is not necessary to go into artists, but in builders. But then the entrigative was lucky - the Rector of the Institute, Nikolay Podneprovsky, who, it turns out, saw the game Bronduukova on stage and was impressed with his talent. The teacher said loudly to stunned ladies in the adoptive commission that this young man will still become famous and popular, and forced to accept documents. All exams were commissioned from the first attempt, the study flew as one day, after which the creative biography of Borislav Bronduukova started.


After the end of the theater Institute in 1965, the actor was distributed to the Kiev film studio named after A. P. Dovzhenko. It was there that the first film was released with his participation, the production drama about the miners "flower on the stone". After it, for 10 years there were several dozen works, including the Social Picture-Parable "Stone Cross", for which the armor was awarded a diploma at the Leningrad All-Union Film Festival as the best performer of a male role. It is curious that I voiced the character of Borislav Brdukov another actor, but I sang an actor in the film on my own.

Borislav Bronduukov in the film

However, it should be noted that as a result, such a successful film was banned for display. One of the reasons was the sincere speech of the artist during a press conference dedicated to his award. To the question of which role he would like to play after the image of a social dissident, Borislav Nikolayevich naively reported to all that would like to transform Vladimir Lenin, and to file him as a comedic character. A couch silence reigned in the hall, and later Bronduukova even caused to the KGB to testify.

Borislav Brdukov and Louise Mosenndz in the film

In Borislav Bronduukova filmography, there are many main roles, for example, the head of the head of Major Konstantin Grevnev in a film "I serve on the border", Veterinar Pavel Dejkin from light melodrama "You are waiting for you to a citizen of Nikanorov" or Brigadier of the construction team Mikhail Stepchak from the production picture "Large conversation" . But the greatest glory brought the actor the secondary roles of various ladies, passing and even alcoholics, which in his performance were consistently charming.

Borislav Brdukov and Dmitry Kharatyan in the film

Many phrases of the characters brdukov turned into the winged expressions. In the comedy Leonid Gaidai "Garage", the hero of the groom screams "Let me release me, I have a marriage night today!", In the Gypsy drama "Tabor goes to the sky" His Buchi utters philosophical words "Morda did not come out for the affairs of respectable!", But the most famous With the words turned out to be a replica from the nettical painting "Afonya": "Goni ruble, relative, I had an Afonya ruble!". In addition to these paintings, the audience loved such films of Borislav Brdukov, as the "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes," where he plays the unlucky inspector of Lestrade and the "green van", which depicts the rustic policeman Grishchenko. Also, the warmths of the Soviet cinema and the fake captain of Kolubasivee from the music film "We are from Jazz", and the Izmailovsky crane film from the sparkled comedy "once at times not to have to be".

Borislav Bronduukov in the film

It is quite remarkable and unusual that the brducos often refused the main roles, if he did not believe the heroes, but for the episodes it was consistent: he made himself a challenge - to turn a minute appearance on the screen in such a female facing so that people remember this work forever. The last film Borislav Brdukova was the adventure comedy "Hippiniad, or the Mainland of Love", released on screens in 1997, and in total on his account more than 150 cyoprojects.

Borislav Bronduukov in the film

By the way, Borislav Nikolaevich is considered to be a record holder in the number of roles that other actors voiced instead - over 40 of his characters speak "a stranger" voice, including the famous inspector Lestrade. The director Igor Maslennikov considered that the Ukrainian speeches of Bronduukukov were too far from English speech and asked to make the voice acting Igor Efimov. But Borislav Bronduukov did not let the case on samothek, and was in the recording studio and led the workflow.

Personal life

The first time the personal life of Borislav Bronduukova has changed in the early 60s, immediately after the end of the institute. He married a student of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, which studied the skill of the sound operator. But that marriage was short: immediately after the wedding, the actor found out that his young wife suffers from childhood with a mental illness, which periodically makes itself felt. But for the brduko, the divorce did not pass easily: a man was in a long depression.

Borislav Brdukov with his wife

Only in 1968, having acquainted with his new love Catherine, Borislav came to life to truly. They met in the Kiev airport "Zhulians", where both came to accompany the famous actor Ivan Mikolaychuk. At that time, Borislav Bronduukov had already changed the fourth ten, and Kate was just 18 years old. The artist fell in love with this young beauty without memory. For almost a year, he sought the location of Catherine, which only later understood how much she would have lost, if he had rejected the actor's care. In February 1969, in Odessa, Borislav and Ekaterina announced their engagement, and two months later played a wedding. A year later, the firstborn, son Konstantin, was born in their family, and his younger brother Bogdan was born again across nine years.

Borislav Brdukov with family

It must be said that this pair madly loved each other. Since the career of the artist requires constant ability from the house, the brightons for many months was on tour, but he often sent his love letters to his wife, to whom he invariably enjoyed the poem of his own essay. Later, Ekaterina Brdukova published a book called "Thirteen Confessions", in which her husband's lyrics will be present. When the head of the family was returned to home, he took over all the housekeeping and gave his beloved spouse such a kind of rest. Borislav and Ekaterina Brdukovy dreamed of her daughter for a long time, but the serious artist's disease crossed these desires.


The spouses of the bronutukov lived together for 33 years, but the last 10 of them Catherine turned into a nurse with a sore husband. The actor never gentle himself, constantly dull on the shooting and almost did not resist. In 1984, on the set of the biographical drama "Karastnovyov", he played the commander of the partisan squad, which in the plot learns about the death of the whole family. Borislav was so born in the image that he was broken by stroke, which became the first, but, unfortunately, not the last. At that time, Borislav Bronduukov recovered and after four months he was able to return to a full life, and to work.

Borislav Brdukov

In the early 1990s, his re-hit, after which Catherine left the job and began to take care of his spouse. He was able to return to the filming, but appeared on the screen quite rarely. The last years of life, the people's artist spent almost in poverty. His younger son requested a bone meat, allegedly for a dog, and in fact the family cooked soup for themselves. In 1998, the actor had a third stroke, the attacks of epilepsy began, after which his body was paralyzed, and the man stopped talking and could almost move.

Borislav Brdukov Monument

Later, Borislav Bronduukov made an operation to remove the hematoma of the brain. Doctors warned the family to be preparing for the worst, but the actor continued to live, albeit on tablets. And in the last year of his life, the material situation of the couple has changed. Representatives of the Kharkov television studio associated with Catherine, who were offered to remove the plot about the actor. The transfer was shown not only in Ukraine, but also on NTV, so the family began to support the guild of actors of the cinema of Ukraine and even ordinary people who remembered the favorite artist. But on March 10, 2004, after a long illness that tormented him for a decade, Borislav Nikolaevich Bronduukov died and was buried at the bike cemetery in Kiev.


  • 1975 - Afona
  • 1978 - a citizen of Nikanorov
  • 1979 - Garage
  • 1979-1986 - Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
  • 1981 - a major conversation
  • 1981 - look at both!
  • 1983 - Case for real men
  • 1983 - Green Van
  • 1987 - Once at times you do not have
  • 1991 - a gift to the name day

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