Ivanka Trump - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Daughter Donald Trump 2021



Ivanka Marie Trump is the eldest daughter of the 45th president of the United States of Donald Trump, since March 2017 an assistant of the head of state. Despite the fact that her name has long been known in the fashion industry, today the global media writes about it, and the personality is increasingly interested in analysts and political scientists.

Childhood and youth

The girl was born in October 1981 in New York, in the first marriage Donald Trump and the model Ivan Zelichkova, Czechs by nationality. In this marriage, which lasted for 15 years, was born three children: the eldest son Donald John, Ivana Marie and Eric Frederick.

After the divorce, the mother of Ivanki concluded a second marriage with Rossano Rubicidi, and his father married Marle Maples. In the new relations of Donald, a summary sister of his older children - Tiffany Trump appeared. And in the third marriage, the junior heir to the empire was born - Barron William Trump.

Ivanka Trump has already got used to luxury as a child. But at the same time, parents would have the least wanted it to grew by the spoiled heiress of the Fathersa Empire. Therefore, there were no excesses in the girl. The head of the family took care that the daughter gets a good education. She studied in a closed privileged school.

In his youth, Ivanka graduated from College Choate Rosemary Hall and entered the University of Georgetown, but soon translated into another university - University Pennsylvania. In 2004, Trump left his walls, receiving a bachelor's degree in economics and a diploma with honors.

Parents paid daughter's education, but initially focused her that after receiving a diploma, she should count exclusively into their strength and knowledge.

Personal life

In October 2009, the heiress of the Trump's empire was married to the entrepreneur Jared Kushner, with whom she met throughout the year. Meeting young people organized a real estate agent. It was assumed that Kushner and Ivananka will agree on the issues of general business, but young people fell in love with each other. Jared is the son of Multimillioner Charles Kushner, which is one of the leaders of the huge Jewish community of New York.

At first, the lovers hid their relationships, as the father of a young man, an orthodox Jew, sought the son of the bride-Jew. But Ivanka took a wise decision.

Before marrying a businessman, she moved to the Jewish religion, demonstrating respect for her husband's faith. The name adopted by her after the hyriure ceremony is Yael. The place of the wedding was chosen by the Trump Golf Club. At the solemn event there were 500 guests, including the stars of Hollywood Natalie Portman, Russell Crowe. A dress from Vera Wang was conquered on the bride, which was later compared with the wound outfit Grace Kelly.

Personal life of Ivanky Trump has been happily. She never hid that he wanted to marry the Jew. Previous elects of the older daughter of the billionaire were also of Jewish origin. Today, together with her husband, they grow three children: the girl Arabella Rose and the boys Joseph Frederica and theodore of James Kushner. The younger son was born in March 2016.

Interestingly, Grandma and Grandfather Jared - Belarusian Jews from the city of Grodno, who met in the partisan detachment during World War II. They participated in the operations to save the Jews, so their son annually visits Belorussia, where it takes and its descendants. In the Belarusian town, Charles is going to build a memorial in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. This fact of the biography of the son-in-law of the president became known recently, he gave rise to rumors about the help of the Kremlin in the appointment of Trump for the post of head of state.

Ivanka and the husband of the Jew keep the Jewish customs and each Saturday is spent in a family circle, along with their relatives celebrate Hanukkah and Pesach. For full insulation, the spouses turn off the phone. They even asked for the rabbis permission to visit the inauguration of Donald Trump, as the event was held on Friday and could delay until midnight. And from the evening of Friday, the Jews can not even move on transport.


The first fee of Donald Trump Ivanka's daughter worked back in his student years when he studied at the University of Pennsylvania. The model appearance, taken from the mother, allowed her to earn the first money in this area. In his youth, she was refining a brilliant model career, since the growth of the girl at a weight of 64 kg was 180 cm. But it was unlikely that this was arranged the Ivanka itself. With the beginning of the new century, it becomes less and less on the pages of tabloids as a model.

After graduating from the university, having received a prestigious economic education, she tried her strength in a serious profession. Of course, an influential parent helped her with the first workplace. He took her in one of his companies, confusting some real estate operations. Young feature constantly disappeared on business trips. For a long time, Trump Ivanka was in Seoul, Toronto, New York and other world trading centers.

Donald Trump introduced an elder daughter to the highest managerial train of his Forrest City, which was engaged in real estate operations. After some time, Ivanka concentrated on the "Villary business" of the Father. She moved to the Dynamic Diamond Corp Marketing Department. This is a company that specializes in selling precious stones.

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It seems the business grip of the famous parent and the model past mother reunited in it. Young business woman founded his own jewelry company, which is engaged in the production of jewelry. I called her Ivanka Trump Collection. For his brand, she developed a special concept that had to do with a wealthy businesswoman. Jewelry was created for women who love to indulge themselves. Later, a budget collection appeared, which spread through the online store. Ivanki opened the official website.

Soon the company expanded production. In addition to jewelry, a successful business woman took up the release of women's clothing and shoes, which comes under the Ivanka Trump brand. Often the owner of the company itself advertises products. Later, Ivananka admits that since the time herself began to release shoes, she never bought shoes from other firms.

In 2009, the book of Ivanky Trump was published, which for several months held on the list of best-selling literature for business people.

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Another businessworthy businesswoman is its perfume line. The first perfume brand Ivanka Trump appeared in 2012. They were called Fragrantica.

Donald Trump, making sure that his heiress is perfectly coping with the assigned tasks and demonstrates an excellent business grip, entrusted to her family business management. Ivanka Trump made a deputy father. She became the vice-president of the Trump Entertainment concern, and it was called Donald's right hand.

During the presidential election in 2016, Ivanka Trump helped his father. Some even named her first lady, and not the current spouse melania Trump, who preferred to remain in the shadows. In the election campaign, the girl was constantly next to his father at all public events.

Ivanka does not cease to demonstrate impeccable taste. Over the past few years, she has developed its own brand image in the style of clothing, thanks to which the style icon has become an icon. The favorite outfit of Ivanky is considered a minimalistic dress in light colors, a boat with an open cape and the bag Charlotte. The ideal condition of the skin confirms that Ivanka does not neglect cosmetology procedures, and changes in appearance, according to professionals, testify to plastic.

On the main day in the political career of the Father - the inauguration - the Daughter of Trump arrived in a snow-white suit Oscar de la Renta. Ivanka looked so attractive that even Bill Clinton looked at her, not noticing the angry look at his wife Hillary Clinton.

On the Ball of Trump changed this outfit on the Carolina Herrera dress, created from the material with a noble pearl brilliance. After the victory of the Father in the elections, the spouse of Ivanka took the post of senior assistant to the president, and the family moved to the prestigious area of ​​Washington Caloram. Now the House of Jared and Ivanka is located next to Obama's resigned apartments.

Ivanka Trump is fully focused on politics, as together with her husband enters the team of his father. Since March 2017, she received the official post of US President Donald Trump on an unpaid basis. Earlier, information appeared that the Father offered the daughter of the post of vice president. But she herself refused this position, which As a result, was taken by Michael Pens.

In the account in "Instagram", Trump's daughter lay out photos from the conducted public events. A business woman refrains from playful selfie, but such frames still fall into the network. Snapshots in a swimsuit near the pool During the celebration of the new 2018, posted on her sister Tiffany.

Together with the father of Ivanka participates in trips to friendly countries, visited the G20 summit. In May 2018, Israel visited with her husband, where he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In 2019, the performance of Ivanki at the UNSAUCH was the most discussed event after the release of the eco -activist Greta Tunberg. The senior adviser to the US head appeared in the public in satin blouse, through which the chest was shifted. Trump's ill-wishers who are closely observed for her miscalculations in choosing a wardrobe, could not not be noted this fact. Photo of Ivanki appeared in international media.

Ivanka Trump now

During the general American quarantine introduced by the US President's administration against the background of a coronavirus infection, Ivanka, together with his spouse and children violated self-insulation for the sake of a trip to New Jersey to the celebration of the Jewish Easter. The presidential assistant was charged with hypocrisy and double standards, since the previously crashed herself to refrain from contacts.

In 2020, Ivananka actively participated in the pre-election race of his father. Thanks to the organization of donations, she managed to collect more than $ 35 million. Thus, the assistant of the current president of the United States beat the record of Barack Obama, who in 2014 for the day of the election campaign gathered $ 3.8 million. But despite the efforts of Ivanki, her father's donations turned out to be less than Opponent Joe Bayden.

The results of the voting, which took place on November 3, were shocking for the current head of state. The adviser to the President spoke about the counting of votes, indicating that illegal bulletins must be ignored. She reminded that only legitimate elections are the basis of American democracy.

The election headquarters of Trmpa filed claims to the court in those states in which Biden was announced by the voting leader.

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