Magnus Karlsen - biography, personal life, photo, news, parties, chess, tournament, chess player, champion 2021



Now Magnus Karlsen is one of the brightest grandmasters of the world. On the player's account, several "chess Oscars". The young athlete managed, it would seem impossible: he has the highest rating of Elo for the entire period of its existence - 2882 points. This indicator Magnus broke the record held by Harry Kasparov for 13 years.

Childhood and youth

The full name of a chess genius - Sven Magnus Ein Carlsen. The baby was born in November 1990 in the town of Tonsberg, which is located in the Norwegian province of Westfoll. In addition to the son, three children smasted in the family: Hellen's eldest daughter and two younger - ingre and ale.

The boy turned out to be a gift for his father - engineer of the oil company Henric Karlsen. He is an avid chess player who has achieved in this sport of a solid result: an Elo rating is 2100 points. With the birth of the Son, Henrick had a chance to grow himself a worthy partner for his beloved game. What a father began immediately.

In childhood, the boy showed outstanding mental abilities. At 4, Magnus knew all 436 titles of Norway municipal cities. Another child unmistakably called the capital of the countries of the world and their flags. Already at 5 years old Magnus sat for a black and white board. And after 3 years, the guy achieved impressive results. For a successful Blitz game on the Internet, Microsoft sent the Karlsen family in Tours for a year.

Magnus was ahead of development peers. It was visible to the naked eye. Therefore, in school, the guy had difficulty. Children did not take the child to them and expressed dislike rudeness and ridicule.


Since 2000, 10-year-old Carlsen coached the international master Torbjorn Ringeal Hansen. This is the pupil of Norway champion and grandmaster Symemina Agdestain. It is noteworthy that the mentor advised the student to improve the technology of the game Tutorials of Soviet authors, among which the books of the Mark Butler and Mikhail Shereeshevsky. But after 2 years, young Magnus took everything from Hansen that he could offer him. Therefore, Agdestin himself took the preparation of a talented teenager.

At 13, Karlsen managed to pass the way from Young Wunderkind to a chess super serz. The teenager becomes the youngest grandmaster, taking the 2nd place at the World Cup in Dubai. It happened in April 2004.

In Reykjavik Magnus defeated the 12th World Champion Anatoly Karpova, and with the 2nd champion - Harry Kasparov - played a draw. From that moment, the brilliant chess biography of Karlsen begins. Victory followed one after another, hitting the chess world. In 2005, the guy entered the top ten of the strongest players at the World Championship, which was held in Khanty-Mansiysk, and managed to confirm the title of the strongest chess player of the planet. At the same time - the youngest.

In 2009, the Norwegian Wunderkind coached Kasparov. First secretly, and then openly. Training took place from March to September. Thanks to the Russian mentor, Magnus's party became more virtuoser. As Kasparov admitted, he was struck by the abilities of the 19-year-old Norwegian.

He demonstrated talent with one intuition, without additional miscalculations. He feels harmony of a chess game as it feels a musician-virtuoso, which has absolute hearing. Not in vain Karlsen fans called "Chess Mozart".

In the same 2009, the player visited China's tournament by typing 8 out of 10 possible points. This performance is considered the best among all those who followed. Norwegian managed to achieve the highest rating of Elo in history, leaving behind his mentors, including Kasparov.

In 2011, Carlsen managed to defeat the main rival for that period - Sergey Karjakina. Two years later, the young grandmaster fell among the most influential people of the planet. The list next to this player adjoin the presidents and the richest people of the planet.

In the same 2013, the Norwegian chess player became the 13th world champion in this form of intellectual sports. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg were considered to play a lot of honor to play a party with him. Gates young man put a mat for 9 moves, spending on the game 11 seconds. Naturally, the young man beat Zuckerberg without difficulty. And in 2014, he was sick at the world championship, fell asleep during the match, but still did not pass the position.

Norwegians are considered a universal player, but at the same time the Mittelspil and endgame, in which the chess player is especially strong. About the technique and style of the game of a young man Many rivals and mentors responded only to an excellent degree. Karyakin said that the Norwegian chess player "plays almost perfect." The Netherlands grandmaster Luke Wang ordered: "Magnus Karlsen is unique in that where others do not see anything in position, he just starts playing." At the same time, it delicately feels the psychology of the opponent.

On this ability of the Norwegian even went legends. Soviet, and later, the Swiss chess player Victor Corrun said that the success of Karlsen "do not have a direct relationship to chess - Magnus simply hypnotizes the opponent." And the observation fans claim that the Maneru of the Norwegian Games can be called "lazy grace."

But there were also skeptics. Thus, the grandmaster Yuri Rasuyev, characterizing the Norwegian star, believed that "Tactic he is the most ordinary, but here is the positional talent in his level of Tigran Petrosyan or Anatoly Karpova."

In January 2016, the famous chess player took the 1st place at the famous Weik-An-See tournament in the Netherlands. The greatest attention of Russians and fans of the game from around the world was riveted to the Norwegian star in connection with the fighting of a guy with a strong Russian rival Sergey Karyakin. Karyakin managed to beat the Karlsen record, becoming the most young grandmaster of the world - in 12 years.

The match for the title of world champion took place in New York from 11 to 30 November 2016. It consisted of 12 parties. It is noteworthy that this match was called the most "young", because the opponents were then 25 and 26 years. The Prize Foundation reached $ 1 million. The winner received 60% of this considerable amount, and the loser - the rest of 40. Magnus and Sergey Karyakin were considered the most strong world chess players for 2016.

After the 12 parties played, the bill was 6: 6. As a result, they conducted a time break with shortened time control. Then Karlsen won with a translate 3: 1, retaining the title of world champion. In the same year, one Internet portal reviewed 8 Magnus chess debuts, thanks to which the young man managed to stay on top of Chess Olympus. These include: Defense of Aleukhina, Spanish Party, Berlin Protection, Sicilyan Protection, Novo Indian Protection, Refused Ferzy Gambit and others.

From 9 to 28 November 2018, Carlsenu again had to prove that the young man is worthy of the title of world champion of chess. The enemy of the guy and the applicant for leadership in the world championship was American Fabiano Karuana, who in March 2018 won the contender tournament. The upcoming autumn match consisted of 12 parties, following which they revealed the best chess player of the world - they were Magnus.

In December 2018, a series of success was replaced by a bright defeat for grandmaster - at the World Championships in fast chess in St. Petersburg, the Chechen chess player Adam Tukhaev beat the Norwegian. The tasks set in front of the Karlsen rival were so difficult that the athlete did not have enough time - this did not happen to the favorite of international tournaments for many years.

In an interview, Magnus himself stressed that "never showed such a bad game," and the loss of Chechen perceived as a personal drama. In 2019, the player was rehabilitated, becoming the leader of the Super Turner in the Dutch Wake An-See. In April, Carlsen took part in two superstores - the memorial of Vugar Gashimov and Grenke Chess Classic.

Personal life

In addition to chess, Norwegian has many other hobbies. Magnus plays a tennis, football and basketball. Virtuously holds on skis and adores comics. A consuming article of the income of Karlsen is a job model. Young grandmaster advertises the clothing of the famous Dutch G-Star Raw. Magnus Colleagues - Liv Tyler and Gemma Arton. The advertising activity of the chess player brings a guy more than a million dollars a year.

Behind the heart of the chess star is hunting a lot of beauties. With a height of 185 cm, the chess star is a prominent guy. This young man with a heavy look at the question of the Telegraph newspaper about his personal life answered that he did not think about creating a family. And under 25, the young man did not fall in love. In the same conversation, the chess player noted that the hobbies, of course, arose, but not love.

In 2014, Magnus attributed relations with Kate Murphy - Play Magnus CEO. But young people denied these rumors. The young man lives in Oslo and in 2015 moved to his own home. In a conversation with a journalist, he shared that the purchase of a mansion is an idea with an eye on the future, when the family acquires.

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In 2017, one beauty managed to conquer the heart of the king of a chessboard. The young man confirmed that he was in a relationship with a girl named Sin Christin Larsen. Magnus changed the status in Facebook and laid out a couple of photos with a beloved in "Instagram". But the details of the Roman Karlsen did not reveal.

Nevertheless, journalists have known that a few months after dating a couple broke up. And in January 2020, a snapshot with a new parent appeared in the chess player's account. This time, the lady of the heart champion became Elizabeth Lorenzen Jenne, the Norwegian dealing with the model business. Player fans, rushing to collect information about the new Beloved Magnus, found out that young people met at that time about a year.

Before achieving outstanding results in chess, Magnus played football and became a prize-winner jumping from a springboard. Today, a young man is a rhythm fan of the Football Club "Real". In 2013 and 2014, honored the honor to apply a symbolic start-up blow in the matches of this club. In addition to chess and advertising classes, Carlsen opened a business and promotes his own brand. The young man has developed a chessboard that is suitable for children and adults.

Another Norwegian is not averse to sit at the computer. Star promotes chess through the Play Magnus program. Engaged in charity. Once a player admitted that she sleeps for 11-12 hours and a strict work schedule is not for him. News with fans of Norwegian is divided through social networks - "Instagram" and "Twitter".

One famous American director offered Karlsenu to play in the film. The chess player agreed, but could not get a visa. A young man often participates in television shows, gives an interview. In the 28th season of the popular Simpson animated series, Magnus became a project hero.

Magnus Karlsen now

In 2020, Norwegez continued the sports career. The beginning of the year was not very successful for the champion. The transition of many events in the online format due to the propagated Pandemic Coronavirus affected chess. Magnus's participation in one of the virtual tournaments, Banter Blitz Cup, brought the player defeat - the 16-year-old Aliska of Firuzdazh defeated the master. For the victory, the young man received a prize of $ 14 thousand.

In August, the grandmaster rehabilitated - in the match on rapid chess Legends of Chess Norwegian beat Russian Yana Nepomnyaky. According to the results of this competition, several participants of the Grand Finale Magnus Carlsen Chess Tour 2020 were determined, among whom were Russian Daniel Dubov and American Hikar Nakamura.

In July, in Chessable Masters, the Chessable Masters Masters met with a worthy opponent - the Netherlands Anise Giri. According to the results of the final, the victory went to Karlsen. And in August, the meeting of Magnus and Nakamura was held in August for fans. The competition turned out to be intense for both chess players - until the very end, experts could not find out who won. But in the decisive match, luck smiled in Carlsen.

In early January 2021, grandmaster was waiting for a new test. At the opening of the superstorenir in the Dutch Wake An-See. The competition was attended by major players with whom the Norwegians had already had to meet: Anish Giri, Hikar Nakamura. In the 8th round, Andrei Esipenko, Chess player from Novocherkassk became an opponent of Magnus. Quite rapidly, the Russian managed to overcome experienced chess genius.


  • 2004 - Tournament in Wike An-See, 1st place
  • 2006 - Tournament Bill, 2-3 place
  • 2009 - Tournament in Linares, 3rd place
  • 2009 - London Chess Classic, 1st place
  • 2010 - London Chess Classic, 1st place
  • 2012 - Tournament in London, 1st place
  • 2013 - World Chess Champion
  • 2014 - World Chess Champion
  • 2015 - Tournament in St. Louis, 2nd place
  • 2016 - World Chess Champion
  • 2019 - Supersturn in Waik-An-See, 1st place

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