Pavel I - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, Russian emperor



Paul I is the ruler with difficult fate. It is no coincidence that the representative of the Russian Tsarist dynasty got a nickname Hamlet. The biography of the emperor turned out to be filled with dramatic events, starting from orphanage and ending with a terrible death when he became a victim of a palace conspiracy. The board conducted by Paul I was so controversial that later scientists wondered if he was a reformer or despot.

Childhood and youth

Emperor All-Russian Paul First is the successor of the royal genus Romanov, the son of Catherine II and Peter III. Although because of his father's jokes on the topic "It is not known where the wife from his wife" is unknown ", many considered the father of Paul I Favorite Catherine Alekseevna Sergey Saltykov. Moreover, the firstborn was born only after 10 years of marriage.

However, the external similarity of Paul and Peter should be considered as a response to such rumors. The childhood of the future self-container can not be called happy. Due to the political struggle, the current Empress Elizaveta I Petrovna was afraid of Paul's first, the grandson of communicating with his parents and surrounded the nanny and teachers army, who were more suspended before high-ranking individuals than worried about the boy.

Paul I, Peter III and Ekaterina II

Paul's biographers claim that the young man received a better education, which was only possible at that time. Its personal disposal was provided with an extensive library of Academician Johann Korf. Teachers taught the heir to the throne by the law of God, foreign languages, dances and fencing, painting and other sciences.

Interestingly, none of the lessons did nothing connected with military affairs, but the inquisitive teenager himself began to get involved in them. Catherine II, joining the throne, signed the obligation to convey to the son of Pavel I reign in the achievement of the young men of the majority.

However, the document has not been preserved: perhaps the Empress destroyed the paper, and maybe it is just a legend. But they referred to the displeased Board of Iron Germans, including Emelyan Pugachev, were referred to such a statement.

Personal life

Officially, Paul I was married twice. The first spouse, the Great Princess Natalya Alekseevna, by birth was the German princess of Wilhelmina Hesse-Darmstadt. The lady died 2 years after the wedding during childbirth. The first son of Paul I was born dead. In the same year, the future emperor married again and moved with the new wife in Gatchina, where he spent military exercises.

Pavlo Petrovich's wife Maria Fedorovna before marriage, in his youth, was called Sofia Maria Dorothey Württemberg, and she was destined to become a mother at once two rulers, Alexander I and Nikolai I. This marriage was not just favorable for the state, Paul sincerely fell in love with the girl. The ruler wrote his native that "This blonde with a pleasant face was captivated by the widow."

In the Union with Maria Fedorovna, 10 children were born from Emperor. In addition to the two above-mentioned self-containers, Mikhail Pavlovich, who founded the first Russian artillery school in St. Petersburg. By the way, he became the only child born during the reign of Paul's first.

Paul I and Maria Fedorovna with children

Love in his wife did not interfere with Paul I go according to the generally accepted rules and start the favorite. Two of them, Freillina Sophia Ushakov and Maurus Yuryev, even gave birth to an emperor of illegitimate children. It is also worth noting Ekaterina Nelidov, which had an impact on the ruler. It was believed that she tried to lead the country with his hands.

Personal life of Paul I and Catherine Nelidova wore more intellectual than a carnal character. In it, the emperor implemented the ideas of romantic knighthood. When the courtyard closely understood how much the power of this woman increased, they staged a "replacement" of Paul's favorite.

Anna Lopukhin became a new lady of the heart, and Nelidova retired to the castle of Loda, to the territory of the current Estonia. It is curious that Lopukhina turned out to be displeased with such a state of affairs, painted the status of the mistress of the ruler, the "knight" manifestations of attention and annoyed that these relations are exhibited at the bottom.

Governing body

Paul I took the throne of the Russian Empire only in 42 years. Right during the coronation, he announced changes in the order of the throne: now only men could rule Russia, and the crown was transferred only from the Father to the Son - women of the royal family were deprived of the throne. This Paul unsuccessfully hoped to prevent the frequent palace coups in recent times.

By the way, for the first time in history, the coronation procedure was held simultaneously for the emperor, and for the empress. Complex relationship with the mother led to the fact that Paul I chose the country's guidance method actually opposing its decisions on the internal policy of its "enlightened absolutism".

As if "called" the memory of Catherine Alekseevna Pavel first returned the freedom to convicted radicals Alexander Radishchev, Nikolay Novikov and Angea Kostysheko. Reformed the army and began to fight fortress right.

The Russian emperor signed a number of documents that marked the weakening of the position of the nobility. Thinking about improving the position of the peasants, the ruler issued a manifesto about a three-day bargain. According to this document, the landowners banned the Barshina on Sundays, holidays and more than three days a week.

The provincial reform began since the release of the Decree "On the new division of the state in the province". The goal was to further centralize power and reducing the costs of the content of administrations.

In accordance with this, it was planned to reduce the amount of provinces from 50 to 41, the abolition of class vessels, reducing expenses for officials by reducing places, conducting audits and enhancing the position of the governors. In 1800, Paul I approved the manifesto on the German All-Russian Empire, which, however, was not published.

Such activity of the ruler did not lead to anything good. The liberation of radicals, after many years, responded in the form of the Decembrist uprising, among whom representatives of the Arzamas closed society entered, the reducing of the barbecine remained only on paper, and the fight against corruption in the army turned into a series of repression. It turned out to be unsuccessful and monetary reform of 1796-1798, the purpose of which was to reduce inflation by refusing to paper money.

Emperor Paul I and Napoleon

In foreign policy, Paul I became famous for the struggle with the ideas of the French revolution. He introduced the strictest censorship in book publishing, French books, fashion, including round caps, were banned. During the board of Pavel Petrovich, thanks to the commander Alexander Suvorov and Vice Admiral Fyodor Ushakov, the Russian army and fleet committed significant victories, cooperating with Prussian and Austrian troops.

Later, the emperor showed his inconstant character, ripped with the allies of relations and amounted to alliance with Napoleon. It was in Bonaparte, the Russian ruler saw the power that could stop the antimonarchical revolution. In 1801, Russia concluded peace with France.

However, he was mistaken strategically: the Frenchman did not become the winner even after the death of Paul first, but because of his decision and the developed economic blockade of the UK, Russia lost the largest market market, which was reflected at the standard of living in the empire.

Earlier, in 1798, the fleet Bonaparte seized Malta. Soon after, Paul I at the request of Maltese residents accepted the title of the Great Master of Maltese Order. On this occasion, the painter Vladimir Borovikovsky updated the coronational portrait of the emperor with new regalia and attributes. In the XVIII century, the royal parties rarely praised, it was customary to write them with already existing paintings. The face of the ruler The artist wrote to Stepan Schukin.


During the reign of Paul I, despite the change in inheritance, at least three conspiractions were organized against Romanov, the last of which was crowned with success. Officers, Commanders of the Russian regiments, as well as government figures at night on March 24, 1801, entered the emperor's bedroom in Mikhailovsky Castle and committed the murder of Paul I. Earlier, such a palace coup sent to the grave of Peter III.

Portrait of Paul I.

The official cause of death was called an apoplexy blow. It is worth noting that the nobles met the lime of death with undisguised flavors. Perception of Paul I subsequent generations is ambiguous. Some at the rule of Alexander I, and then in Soviet times created the image of Tirana and Savior. Poet Alexander Pushkin in Ode "Liberty" called him "crowned villain."

Others tried to emphasize the acute sense of fairness of Paul First, called the ruler "the only romance on the throne" and "Russian Hamlet". The Orthodox Church even considered to canonize the emperor.

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