Alexander Dobrovinsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Lawyer 2021



Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky - Russian lawyer, managing partner of the Moscow board of lawyers Alexander Dobrovinsky and partners. It is known to participate in the resonance criminal and civil cases of VIP persons from the world of politics, show business, sports and art. In 2003, at the competition "Leader of the Year", he was called the best lawyer of Russia.

Childhood and youth

In the biography of Alexander Andreevich there were also changes in the countries of residence, and even a series of surnames. He appeared on September 25, 1954, on the sign of the zodiac scales. Born in Moscow in the family of Abraha Alexandrovich and Lucy Rubenovna Dobrovinsky, Jews and Armenians by nationality. Parents lived together for a short time. The boy has lost his father early. Soon the mother married again, and the second spouse Andrei Aivazyanz adopted her son.

When Alexander received a passport, he returned his father's surname, but at the same time, the patronymic left his stepfather who elapsed him, becoming Alexander Andreyevich Dobrovinsky.

After school, the young man entered VGIK to the Economic Faculty of Economics, but he did not graduate and left to live in Paris, where his mother already lived by that time. In France, he worked at the restaurant of Russian cuisine "Regal" and graduated from InSead Business School, and later moved to the United States, where he received a higher legal education. In the youth, Dobrovinsky lived in Switzerland and Luxembourg.

Alexander returned to Russia at the age of 34, confirmed the lawyer's diploma and opened the first private law office. And free ownership of English and French only helped the cause.

Personal life

Professional success of Alexander Andreevich is based on the knowledge of secrets and family secrets of many people. Probably, therefore, Dobrovinsky holds his private life aside from the outstands of the public. Nevertheless, in one interview, the lawyer was mentioned that he was officially married three times.

Alexander Andreevich's wife, which is the name of Marina, by education a dentist, but for a long time she has been engaged in the affairs of a spouse as a curator and an art manager. They met in the early 90s through her mother. Dobrovinsky first found a common language with a future mother-in-law, and a woman caused a daughter from Paris, where the dental clinic had. Marina and Alexander spoke all evening and realized that they had a lot in common.

After 2 weeks, the girl has already accepted the offer to become a lawyer's wife. They had two daughters, Alexander and Adrian. It is noteworthy that the spouses entered into a marriage contract, according to which, in the event of a divorce, all properties and property objects will get to his wife and children of a lawyer.

True, in 2015, his joint photos with an unknown brunette began to appear in the network. Later, the journalists found out that this is the writer Jeanne Golubitskaya. When the reporters came to the office of a lawyer to take interviews from him, caught a couple of watching pictures. They did not hide gentle feelings, especially Zhanna.

The woman did not bother on the comments about what Alexander Andreevich loves and divorces her husband. She also boasted that it was already at home at Dobrovinsky and became delighted with the presence of Hammam in the apartment. It was not embarrassed by Jeanne and the fact that her chosen was married. But the law enforcement itself missed the questions of journalists, who is actually a bluebitsky for him - a mistress or just a girlfriend.

Dobrovinsky is considered one of the most stylish Russian lawyers, which appears before the audience not only in the constant butterfly tie, but also has an endless amount of points that are intended for different times of the year. Low growth, he made a bet on the image, thanks to which he was often compared with Sherlock Holmes.

One of the most significant hobbies of Alexander Andreevich is a golf, he is the president of the Moscow Golf Club, and in 2002 even became the champion of Russia in this sport. No less interesting hobby - collecting objects of art.

Now he owns the world's largest private collection of Soviet porcelain, as well as lacquered boxes, Tibetan iconography of middle ages, ancient photographs. Not so long ago, Dobrovinsky bought part of the giving love to Orlova and Gregory Alexandrova, where the personal archive of actress was preserved. In this place, the lawyer intends to create the Museum of Creativity Orlova and Alexandrova.

The lawyer is a socially active person. He has "Instagram", "Facebook", "Twitter", and another official website, where Alexander Andreevich created a closed Intellectual Club "Tabu", in which the creative meetings are satisfied, trainings and lectures. Here you can order a consultation and find out the prices for services.

In May 2018, Dobrovinsky found himself in the center of the scandal, as a result of which new details from the personal life of the lawyer were found. It turned out that he has an extramarital daughter of Polina. A couple of years ago, he made her a surprise - he gave a luxurious apartment on the sparrow mountains, but he recorded the 1/10 part of the living space.

After time, the lawyer sued a minor daughter in court, trying to achieve their joint residence. Girl, and most likely, her mother love Boguslavskaya, from this proposal is not delighted. As a result, the court rejected the lawsuit of a master, recognizing him insolvent.

The lawyer from his idea did not retreat and suggested the mother of the child to redeem his share for $ 420 thousand. Boguslavskaya challenged this amount in court, in addition, presenting a volunteer lawsuit for alimony. The lawyer did not remain in debt, exposing the former beloved account for the housing and communal services paid by him.

During the consideration of this protracted case, the compromise surfaced to Alexander Andreevich: many incomes he issued as loans, alimony from which it is impossible to recover. Despite the multimillion state, in the payment column, only a lawyer's pension appears, from which several thousand rubles for the maintenance of the child is deducted.


Initially, Alexander Andreevich began to specialize in corporate law, as well as on the marriage processes. His account has many won cases. He owns a large number of personal secrets and successfully converts them into monetary signs. According to rumors, for 2010, the lawyer's fee was from $ 1.5 million for business.

His clients became Vyacheslav Fetisov, Maya Plisetskaya, Nikas Safronov, Boris Berezovsky, Joseph Kobzon, Katya Gordon, Leonid Yakubovich, Stanislav Govorukhin, Alexander Rosenbaum and others.

The main direction on which the lawyer specializes is the divorces of wealthy steam. Based on the practice, Dobrovinsky all customers recommends entering into marriage contracts. This is possible not only at the time of the wedding, but also after. According to Alexander Andreevich, it helps not translate relationships into hostile.

From the high-profile affairs of the lawyer, the scandal about the plagiarism between the Russian singer Philip Kirkorov and the French musician Didier Maruani, the founder of the Space group. In this scandalous story, he represented Kirkorov, and the situation itself, which briefed Meruan's short-term arrest in Moscow, was characterized by the Frenchman as a "stupid criminal action".

The case with Philip Kirkorov and Didier Meruani had a unpleasant continuation for Dobrovinsky. In January 2018, representatives of the French musician Igor Trunov and Lyudmila Aivar sent a complaint to the lawyer's Chamber of Moscow, in which they asked to deprive his status of a lawyer. They reported that the specialist violated professional ethics - repeatedly expressed their address in their media. As a result, the lawyer found in the actions of Alexander Andreevich the composition of the disciplinary misconduct.

Projects and publicistics

In addition to legal activities, Alexander Dobrovinsky led the program "Yoga for brains" on the radio station "Silver rain", wrote articles for periodicals and had his own column in the journal Tatler. His sayings are always full of humor: the lawyer skillfully uses in speech witty phrases and jokes.

Alexander Andreyevich - a frequent guest on television, he was invited as an expert in the "Direct Ether" program, where at once again Karina Mishulin tried to prove that Timur Eremeev was not the son of her father. After the release of the transfer, the lawyer decided to give his comment on this. Personally, he does not doubt anything at all that Timur is the son of Spartak Mishulin, and what may be doubts if DNA expertise showed 99.99%.

Until 2013, the lawyer led the blog in Snob. In the Internet magazine "Lechim" writes notes called the "Notes of the Lawyer". In 2016, a whole program about Alexander Dobrovinsky "Mirror for the Hero" was published on NTV. He also came to the studio to Tigran Keosayan on the "International Piloram".

In 2017, I published the book "Dobrovinsky Gallery. Second season". By the way, this is his third literary work, before that he released the "Dobrovin Gallery" and "Odessa Stories of the Moscow Lawyer", which readers gladly disassembled quotes and winged phrases. One of the latest editions of the lawyer is the book "Negotiations as art. Professional secrets of a star lawyer. "

Alexander Dobrovinsky now

Dobrovinsky's self-insulation period spent in a country house in the suburbs, from where the webinars regularly led, communicated with customers. This time the lawyer called Golden, and not only because he managed to rest well from civilization, but also to increase the number of claims for divorces: not all the spouses quarantine influenced beneficiaries.

In the summer, Dobrovinsky included in the case of Mikhail Efremova on the fact of a deadly accident. The lawyer fell on the side of the family of Sergei Zakharov, the driver of "Lada", who died as a result of a collision with the actor car Jeep Grand Cherokee. Alexander Andreevich reported that she was engaged solely for free of charge. Elfman Pashayev stood on the defense of Efremov.

The first meeting was held in early August 2020 in the Hall of the Presnensky Court. The lawyers' competition began before the hearing itself and was in the effect of the appearance of defenders before the public. In this "Round", the lawyer of the victims won the representative of the artist.

Usually, using Rolls-Royce for business trips, Dobrovinsky arrived at the Aston Martin DB 9 Volante Cabriend of Eggplant Color worth 22 million rubles, on the roof and head restraints of which was visible AAD initials.

The appearance of the lawyer also impressed: the checkered cloud, polo shirt and snow-white trousers called the storm of emotions from the public and journalists. At the end of the image, Alexander Andreevich used many gold jewelry, as well as Gucci sunglasses and Louis Vuitton's bag.

In court, Dobrovinsky behaved no less eccentric - suggested Pashayev "Water with poison". Alexander Andreevich was confident in the guilt of Efremov, as well as appealed to the video of which the moment of an actor's exit from the driver's door of the SUV was recorded.

The hearing lasted more than five hours. Summary Regarding the results of the meeting, lawyer voiced the first business on the air TV channel "Russia-1". The interview record also appeared on the appropriate Youtyub Channel.

The peripetics of the case did not end up: Efremova's protection has repeatedly advanced new versions of what happened, but at the final hearing, which took place on September 32020, Mikhail Olegovich recognized himself guilty of this tragedy. A few days later, September 8, a court decision was made and a sentence was announced: the artist was sentenced to 8 years in prison in the general regime colony, moreover, they were deprived of rights for 3 years and obliged to pay compensation in the amount of 800 thousand rubles to the eldest son of the deceased.

It is known that the court took into account the time spent under house arrest, so the artist remained in the colony of 7 years and 10.5 months. Efremov can count on parole only after half of the term. Elman Pashaev has already declared the intention of protection to appeal the verdict.

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