Mark Twain - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Books, Works and Latest News



The biography of the American writer Mark Twain, who devoted many books to the adventure, the very different travel and unexpected turns of fate. The full name of Prosaika - Samuel Langhorn Clemens. He was born at the end of the autumn of 1835, at that time when Comet Halley swept over the earth. According to the mysterious coincidence of the circumstances, the second flight of the celestial body over the planet will occur exactly on the death day of the writer.

Mark Twain

Family of the future literator lived in a small village of Florida Missouri. Parents called John Marshal Clemens and Jane Lemppton Clemens. The family has experienced difficulties, although the Father served as a judge. And soon they were forced to move to the shipping town of Hannibal, which was located on the banks of the American Mississippi River. Sam's most warm memories of childhood are connected with this place. They formed the basis of the most popular works of prose.

Mark Twain in childhood

After the death of the Father in 1847, when Sam was only 12 years old, the family remained on the verge of ruin. Children had to leave school and start work. The boy was lucky: his older brother Orion just opened his own printing house, and the future writer came there a seal photo. Occasionally he managed to print his own articles that did not leave readers indifferent.

Years of youth

At 18, Samuel Clemens goes on a trip to the country. He reads, visiting the best library halls. The boy who was forced to leave learning at school in orphanage, fills the gaps of education in New York book storage facilities. Soon, a young man receives the post of Lotsman's assistant on a ship.

Mark Twain in youth

According to the writer himself, he could devote all his life to work on the Mississippi River, if in 1861 the civil war began. For some time Sam enters the ranks of confederates, but soon goes to the wildest West on gold and silver first.

First samples of feather

Work on the extraction of precious metals did not bring Samuel a lot of money, but here for the first time he is revealed as an observational and witty writer of small pamphlets and stories. And in 1863, for the first time, the writer signs his works by the pseudonym Mark Twain, taken from shipping practice. Prosisic never signed up his books by the real name. I must say that immediately Samuel becomes popular, and his first major humorous work "The famous galloping frog from Calaveras" received fame in all states.

Mark Twain on the deck of a steamer

For several years in a row, a newly fielonist changes one edition by another, where he prints his reviews and stories, honing the skill. Mark Twain speaks a lot to the audiences. At the same time, another one of his talent of a beautiful speaker and a storyteller is revealed. During the next move, he meets his future wife Olivia, the sister of his close friend. In the photo of those times it can be seen that we have a successful and confident person. This in it says everything: his view, growth and posture. Samuel is experiencing the best time of his life.

Flowering creativity

Inspired by the changes in his personal life, the writer easily creates several works in the style of realism, which secured his name in a number of classics of the XIX century. In the mid-70s, the famous history of the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" appears, in which a somewhat differently describes the childhood of the writer himself. Then the light saw the story "Prince and Beggar", which came to taste to the American people. The book "Yankees from Connecticut at the court of King Arthur" appears, where the historical theme is intertwined with the topic of movement in the time car.

Mark Twain

In the mid-80s Samuel Clemens opens his publishing house, and the first book becomes the work of the "Adventures of Geclberry Finn". In this novel, Mark Twain is first pronounced with the criticism of the established procedure in society. The writer also produces the bestseller "Memories", enlightened by the President of the states of V.S. Grant. The own typography existed until the mid-90s, until he finally went bankrupt in connection with the economic collapse in the country.

Mark Twain

The last books of the writer who have been written already honed by the title syllable have no success, as the first. His heroes, remaining still witty adventurers, fall into ambiguous situations that require a philosophical approach and uncompromising choice. During these years, Mark Twain is awarded a number of doctoral degrees of leading US universities. It was a very flattering person who was once forced to leave school education for a long time.

Friends writer

Samuel Clemens really treated his friendship with Nikola Tesla. The difference at the age of more than 20 years did not interfere with their creative communication. Together they participated in the brave experiments of physics, and in their free time the writer often checked over his serious friend. But one day, Nikola still managed to stupid. He suggested a certain rejuvenation to the aged Samuel, having tried which the writer felt that he had a young one. But after a while he rushed into the restroom because of the strong pain in his stomach. According to him, the agent had a radical cleansing effect on it.

Mark Twain

In 1893, the fate of the brand of twee with the financial magnate Henry Rogers, who heard a big mizantropom and the soul. But close friendship with the writer changed it. The banker not only helped the family of the writer to overcome financial difficulties, but also became a real donor and the patron, which was revealed after his death. Henry has spent a lot of funds to support young talents. He also organized jobs to people with disabilities.


Samuel Clemens was very much like a man. This was manifested in his writer, and in conversational speech. Many of his statements have become covered phrases that have not lost their relevance to this day. Here are some of them:"Throw smoking easily. I threw it once a hundred "" Be careful when reading books about health. You can die from typo "" First of all, you need facts, and then they can be translated "

Years sunset

The last decade of the writer's life turned out to be poisoned by bitterness of irreparable losses: from the beginning of the new century, Mark Twain experienced the death of three children and his beloved wife of Olivia. At the same time, he finally approved in his views on religion.

Mark Twain with family

In the last works, the "mysterious stranger" and "Letter from Earth", which were printed only after years after his death, tween with sarcasm inherent to him hesitate atheism. The cause of his own death became angina region. Another attack was accustomed to the life of the Great Writer in the mid-spring of 1910 in the city of Reding Connecticut State.


  • Famous galloping frog from Calaveras - 1867
  • Space abroad - 1869
  • Adventures of Tom Sawyer - 1876
  • Prince and beggar - 1882
  • Adventure Geklberry Finn -1884
  • Yankees from Connecticut at the court of King Arthur -1889
  • American applicant - 1892
  • Tom Sawyer abroad - 1894
  • Opefil Wilson - 1894
  • Tom Sawyer-Sepher - 1896
  • Personal memories of Joan D'Ark Sier Louis De Conte, her group and her secretary - 1896
  • Mysterious stranger - 1916

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