Leonid Rockov - biography, personal life, photos, songs, cause of death and the latest news



Leonid Osipovich Utozov is the legend of the Soviet pop. He is known as singer, actor, reader and poet. The multifaceted personality of the artist and the inimitable manner of the game made his cult person of the Soviet era. I was a good friend of Isaac Babel, Isaac Dunaevsky and Mikhail Zoshchenko.

Family and childhood

Real name of the actor - Lazar Josephovich Weisbain, he was born on March 9 (March 21 in a new style) of 1895 in Odessa. The boy was born together with the sister of the twin, which was called Polina. In total, in the family of Joseph Kalmanovich and Maosevna Weisbaine Moiseevna had nine children, four of whom were died. Brother and sisters of Lazarus and Polina were older twins.

Leonid Rocks in youth

As a child, the boy wanted to become a firefighter or the captain of the ship, but then the neighborhood embossed him to music. At the time of study in the Commercial School of Faying, where Lazar was enrolled in the eightst age, the future artist has already played perfectly on several musical instruments and sang in the orchestra. It was not fortunate enough to graduate from the educational institution of the young man, he was expelled for absenteeism and abuse of 14 years. According to one of the versions, the future artist was kicked out of the school for mischief and trick.

Carier start

The talent of a young man was enough to start an artist's career in a mobile circus. Since 1911, Lazaror spoke in Balaganova Balaganova, parallel to playing the violin. In 1912, he was invited to the Kremenchug theater miniature, where the actor worked under the pseudonym Leonid Utösov. The name of the name was needed at the request of the authorities. The actor wanted to have a surname that no one had heard before, and he felt her himself. For several years, the young man managed not only to show a quick creative growth, but also to visit many major cities of their homeland. During the tour in Zaporizhia, the artist met the future wife.

Leonid Rocks in youth

In 1917, Rodsov became the winner of the Competition of the Covers in Gomel. The victory spur him to gather a small orchestra in Moscow and speak with him in the Hermitage Garden. During the civil war, the famous Odessans worked in his hometown, participated in comedy productions, performed at theater Operetta. There is an opinion that the patron saint of the artist at the time was the famous Odessa criminal authority - Bear Japanese (Mikhail Vinnitsky). The climbs about him positively responds in one of its early autobiographical books. Contemporaries argue that Bear Japanese was in a friendly relationship with Leonid Osipovich. Forest Utères and Isaac Babel, the author of Odessa stories based on which the story of the criminal life of Odessa began the beginning of the 20th century.


In 1928, Leonid Osipovich visited Paris and fell in love there in Jazz. An unknown to the Soviet public is a musical genre so seized the artist that in 1929 he introduced his own theatrical jazz program with the orchestra. In 1930, a new concert was prepared, where Utozov included the orchestral fantasies of Isaac Dunaevsky. In 1934, the film "Merry Guys" came to the screens, where Leonid Osipovich starred with the musicians of his orchestra. A novice film actress Lyubov Orlova played with a singer in the ribbon. In 2010, the first Soviet jazz comedy with Utusov was shown on television in a recovered color version. The famous song "The Heart", filled with Utusov in this film, was written by Isaac Dunaev Long before the filming.

The repertoire of Leonid Osipovich has not one hundred compositions. Some songs are most famous because of the stories related to them. In 1935, the composition "From Odessa Kichman" in the performance of Utusov became a folk walker. That period of Soviet times was particularly tense due to Stalinist repression. The singer having tripped the execution of a frivolous song, having received a warning from the authorities. However, at the reception in honor of the rescue of the polarists of the Ice Treasury "Chelyuskin" Utösov performed the composition "From Odessa Kichman" in the St. George Hall for the Personal Request of Stalin.

There is a version that Isaac Dunaevsky in 1936 wrote the song "lived brazed captain" for Leonid Osipovich, but she did not enter the repertoire of the singer. In 1937, the artist presented the Program "Songs of My Motherland" and introduced the daughter of Edith into his musical team as a soloist. In 1939, the artist became the first performer in the USSR, who was removed in the music video. In 1941, the Great Patriotic War began, and Rodsov switched to the songs of a military-patriotic character. In a matter of months, the musicians picked up a new repertoire and went to the front with the Music program "Bay Enemy" to support the fighters of the Red Army.

In the first year, the Orchestra gave more than 200 concerts. In 1942, Leonid Utösov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. The orchestra continued to tour with the military-patriotic repertoire until the end of the war, the most popular compositions of the time: "Wait for me", "Katyusha", "Song of Military Correspondents", "Odessa Bear", "Soldier Waltz". Leonid Osipovich was among the artists participating in the festive concert in Moscow on May 9, 1945.

In 1947, the jazz team of Utesov renamed the RSFSR pop orchestra. In the same period, an orchestral fantasy "Moscow" was presented, prepared for the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the capital. In 1951, the song "The Black Sea" appeared, which became the business card of Odessa. It was written for Utusov Modest Tabachnikov and Semyon Kirsanov. In the post-war period, the RSFSR Orchestra under the direction of Leonid Osipovich continued to present new musical numbers. At the beginning of the fifties, Edith Utesov left the team, and after 10 years she left her father scene. In 1965, Leonid Osipovich was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Theater and films

Utösov tried himself as an actor in 1912. The famous Odessa worked in the Kremenchug Theater Miniature, in the theater of the Revolutionary Satira, the Leningrad Theater of Muz commitment, in the Free Theater, in the Leningrad Satira Theater, in the Moscow Dramatic Theater. Utösov perfectly managed roles in operettas. Artist's cinema took place in 1919. Rodsov starred in the tape "Lieutenant Schmidt - a fighter for freedom" in the role of a lawyer Zrudegin. Four years later, he fulfilled the role of Petlira in the ribbon Trading House "Entente and Co.". At the end of the twenties were also shooting in other art films.

Leonid Rocks in the film

In 1931, the actor, together with Claudia Shulzhenko, played in the play "Conditionally killed" on the stage of the Leningrad Music Hall. In 1954, Leonid Osipovich acted as a stretcher of the pop "Silver Wedding". The synatographer was not so interested in the famous Odessa as the theater. Most of the films with the participation of Utesov are a documentary, although there are several art paintings on his account, including the world-famous comedy "funny guys."

Leonid Rocks in the film

The work in this tape left Leonid Osipovich disappointed, he repeatedly joked that the love of Orlova "ate his film." At the beginning of the forties, a concert film was very popular with the participation of Utesov called the "Concert Front". At that period, the artist toured a lot with his orchestra, raising the morale of the Red Army soldiers. In 1981, due to the problems with the heart, the artist decided to leave the scene. In the same year, the last film was released with the participation of Utesov, filmed during his life.

Personal life Utusova and his women

Leonid Osipovich was officially married twice, but after the death of the legendary singer began to open the details of his numerous amuses. There were even the extramarital children of Utusov in Odessa and Moscow, although they have no documentary evidence of kinship with the legendary artist.

Leonid Rocks with his wife and daughter

The first wife appeared at Leonid Osipovich in 1914, when he met the young actress by Elena Lena in the Zaporizhia Theater and did not resist. Rodsov, from the words of the niece, greeted to leave the family twice, but never decided. The first wife gave birth to an artist daughter Edith and was near 48 years. Leonid Osipovich Ovedel in 1962. By that time, he had already had a connection with the dancer Antonina Revels, which in 1982 became the second wife of the artist. Leonid Osipovich survived his daughter from the first marriage. The cause of death Edith Utösova in 1982 was a severe form of leukemia.

Memory and heritage

Rodsov became a truly religious personality in the history of Soviet art. A lot of TV shows about his life and work. After the death of the singer, on March 9, 1982, a huge archive of photos, letters, records, books and personal belongings remained. Many valuable artifacts are lost, but part of the correspondence and family photos have retained the artist's niece. According to her initiative, Leonid Utesov Museum was opened. Currently, the exposition is greatly expanded due to the efforts of Eduard Amchislav. The museum-apartment is located in Odessa in the House of Childhood and Youth Utusov.

Leonid Osipovich wrote four books of autobiographic nature, in which he shared his memories and thoughts. Its name is one of the streets in his hometown and asteroid. The discography of the chosen songs of Utesov has more than 10 CDs. Leonid Osipovich was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.


  • 1919 - Lieutenant Schmidt - Fighter Fighter
  • 1923 - Annta and Co. trading house
  • 1925 - Career Sperer Scrap
  • 1927 - Aliens
  • 1934 - Merry Guys
  • 1963 - Dunaevsky melodies
  • 1974 - Peter Martynovich and the years of great life

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