Baba Yaga - character history, quotes and folklore


Character History

The terrible witch of Baba Yaga is short of not one century in the hut standing in the dark forest. Character whose roots go from Slavic mythology, with time absorbed many characters, turning into conflicting nature. On the one hand, Yaga is waiting for children to squeeze them into the oven, on the other, the good hedlemen and dusked by the travelers are addressed to the old woman. Forest resident does not refuse them in the wise council and magic gifts, which facilitate the task of the heroes of fairy tales.

History of creation

In the Slavic mythology, Yaga had to see her daughter, the lord of the Middle Kingdom of Navi, and had a "skip" to the upper kingdom. The girl always remained young and did not inferior on the beauty of his sisters in Lada and Devan. It was considered a strong warrior, but in the disassembly of the gods did not enter into fundamentally, considering the war with a low-lying exercise for divine creatures.

Classic Baba Yaga Image

Father could not give Yanti marry, because the goddess of the Moon Pantheon put the condition - she will agree to marriage only with those who overpower her. We won the fear of a stopping girl on the issuance of the wise Godwolf, the patron of art Veles. Love broke out between mythological characters, and they became spouses.

Yaga took the post of the Lady of the Upper Underground Kingdom - the boundaries between the world of the living and the world of the dead. According to the legend, the curse of the Irisian gods overtook the immortal beauty-goddess, and the Yaga turned into an ancient old woman. Even the souls of the people she fed did not help to return the former beauty.

This terrible old woman, the corructing age in the hut on the edge of the forest, and settled later in fairy tales.

Baba Yaga - character history, quotes and folklore 1820_2

However, the versions of the character's origin do not end. Perhaps the image of Baba-Yaga turned out of the Death Deity - a woman with a snake tail guarded the approaches to the Underground Mira, meeting the souls of the dead and accomplishing them on the last path.

Supports this theory and dwelling of Baba Yagi. The hut on curiped legs is a symbol of "passing" in the otherworldly world. Researchers view two options for the origin of the housing of such a design. Perhaps "Curii" is a changed word "smoke". In ancient times, our ancestors were built for the dead at home of death, which rumped up on the smoke pillars. Built such buildings and on ancient stumps, whose roots and the truth look like chicken legs.

A hut on chicken legs

Most often, the hut is obscured by a palico, "decorated" with turtles luminous in the night. Here is a bright symbol of the border between the world of living and the dead. Death house doors looked into the forest, and if you look inside, you could see the feet of the dead. It is probably why the name of Baba Yaga added the phrase "bone foot". Another option - the ancient Slavs of Yagimi called people suffering from diseases of the feet.

The name and some qualities of the character suggest that the country's inhabitant was a sign, living far from people, like all the lead. The word "Yaga" comes from "Joys" or "Yaza" - illness, tolerance. And the permanent wish of the old woman to fry the guests of the hut in the stove reminds of the pagan rite of treating babies. The ritual of the "claming" did not disperse the parents of young children: the meanharka wrapped the baby in the dough, put on the bread shovel and shoved the oven three times. Then the dough faded dogs.

Baba Yaga and Ivan-Fool

Only here in the fairy tales of Baba Yaga is always going to eat a baked guest. The researchers believe that the rite of treatment replaced the pole with a positive to negative during the establishment of Christianity in Russia, when a new religion had to blame the paganism.

And, finally, the theory №3 - Baba Yaga personified the goddess Mother of all living, wise priestess, a forest babo, which belonged to the right to hold the rite of "initiation" of grudge boys. The meaning of the ritual was to dedicate a young man in a full member of society, and for this a child must "die" and revive with an adult man. The procedure is unpleasant - just what passed in the dense forest, it was also accompanied by torture.


Gradually, the meanhard or the deity turned into evil, Kosmatuyu, with a long hooked witch, which kids children or the guest wait awaits, to arrange a feast of man. True, neither in one fairy tale did not eat a single character.

Baba Yaga in Cartoon

On the contrary, more often Yaga acts as a mentor and assistant in the transition from the kingdom of living in the Fourwood world - a distant magic country, called the Thied kingdom, a thirtieth state located behind the fiery river of the currant (the river in Slavic mythology symbolizes the border between the world of living and the dead). Guest (usually Ivan-Durak) receives from a welcoming hut Hut on curious legs magic items that will be carels in difficult situations. For example, tangle, boots, boots, horse or sword.

Baba Yaga and Ivan-Tsarevich

High humpback old woman with gray-haired hair dressed in rags - so it is represented in cartoons and movies. However, in fairy tales, clothing is not described at all. Artists of chest of chest pictures depict the elderly woman in the laptops, dress and vest, sometimes a forest resident appears in a red skirt and boots.

Lutae by nature, Yaga easily predicts the future, wise and in a sense.

Attributes, friends and enemies

Baba Yaga wheel tracks in a lot. Add velocity to the movement facility helps iron pest or cloth, and retaining traces - attached to the back of the pomel. Later in fairy tales, the vehicles were endowed with flighting abilities where additional functions were in the pelelis. It gives the patch of maneuverability, gives the opportunity to turn in different directions, make a peak or vertically take off.

Baba Yaga and Hading Immortal

An integral part of the housing exterior of the old women became skulls (first horsepower, then human), playing the role of lamps, and sometimes weapons. Inside the hut, indiscreet treasures are stored and a whole heap of magical things.

Yaga leads friendship with different forest inhabitants - kymikors, leather. Often, it is often impregnating to the immortal (appears to his aunt, mother or a long-relative) or, on the contrary, he entrusts with him, in every same way. The service in the forest old woman is a black cat, owls and crows, snakes and frogs.

Baba Yaga on the screen

The character took a strong place in the literature, cartoons and fabulous film stations. Baba Yaga began faster on the screens in Soviet times - the Great Director-storyteller Alexander Row made the movie star. The first image of this negative character was trying on Georgy Milly in 1939 in the fairy tale "Vasilisa beautiful." The ominous Baba Yaga turned out so lucky that he was immediately believed in its real existence.

It is noteworthy that Georgy Frantseich independently invented and created a suit: he caught a dirty old rag, and he also put on the gray slammed head, not the first freshness of the handkerchief, tied it with a special way - that the ends stick forward. After the glorious Debut, Millas shot himself several times in this role at Row.

The list of men who played the cinema jagu replenished Zinoviy Gerdt, having learned to the role in the musical production "in the thirteenth hour of the night".

Zinovy ​​Gerdt as Baba-Yagi

The television path of Baba-Yagi was not so simple. In the placer, the film is reflected by the contradiction of nature a resident of the forest. A good old woman in the face of Valentina Actresses Speranste young generation of the 60s saw in the fairy tale "Merry Magic". Another gentle image of Yaga created Tatyana Peltzer in the film "There on unknown tracks ...". The fastened grandmother with the kindest soul was decorated with a picture "How Ivanushka-fool for a miracle went" - the image created Maria Barabanov.

Tatyana Peltzer as Baba-Yagi

The nontrivial old woman turned out from Maya Bulgakova in the film "Lada from Berendev." And the Character of Valentina Kovavtskaya entered insidious, appearing in the "New Year's adventures of Masser and Viti."

In his work, the heroine of Slavic legends was happy to be taken and directed by the director, far from the genre of fairy tales. Baba Yaga entered the films with a fantastic slope "Lilac ball" (the role of Valentina Hovenko) and the "Rusty Island Island" (the image brilliantly embodied Alexander Lenkov).

Alexander Lenkov as Baba-Yagi

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the hut hostess in the courier legs and did not think to leave the cinema. True, first made a 15-year-old break in the "career", and in 2004 again pleased the audience, appearing on the screens of a young and beautiful jaga, in love with the immortal. Mary Mashkov was invited to the role of Yagi in his youth in the tape "Legend", or in search of the Triedesy Kingdom.

Elena Yakovlev in the role of Baba-Yagi

Once again, they remembered the character in 2009 - the inimitable Liya Ahacedzhakov presented Babu Yagu in the "Book of Masters". And three years later, the "real fairy tale" came to the screens, where Yaga again became the good of Lyudmila Polyakova.

Today, the final attempt to put a fabulous old woman in the cinema was the film "Last Bogatyr" (2017 year). In the magical directorial fantasy with elements of the comedy, Elena Yakovlev was performed with elements of mighty signs.

Forest sorceress with a light hand of film creators and multipliers turned out to be a magnificent singer. The first song of Baba-Yagi (video) on the screens was performed by Valentina Koshattskaya in the film "New Year's Adventures of Masher and Viti."

Interesting Facts

  • Cook village in the Yaroslavl region in 2004, despite criticism from the Russian Orthodox Church, proclaimed the homeland of the forest old woman. To attract tourists, the Baba Yaga Museum was gathered here, which hosts programs with merry adventures in the company of favorite fabulous heroes. In the possessions of Yaga, the "abnormal zone" begins - in those who crosses the border of the museum area, cease to catch telephones. The hospitable hostess will take visitors to tea with pie, especially tasty feed on their birthday - June 26.
Museum of Baba-Yagi in the village of Cucoeh, Yaroslavl region
  • The fabulous production "The Last Bogatyr" became the third Russian film "Disney" studio. Opened this unusual list of tape "Book of Masters", then removed "Happiness is ..."
  • "The Last Bogatyr" quickly headed the ranking of rolling leaders. For two weeks of showing pictures in cinemas managed to collect more than 1 billion rubles.
  • The authors of the fairy tales do not always build a Baba Yaga's hut in the present forest. So, in the "Book of Masters" House of the Witch built directly on the territory of the Belarusian Museum of People's Architecture and Life.
  • The creators of the Russian organization in combating the rights of consumers "Khryushi Against" inventing the name, pushed off from the famous cartoon 1979 release, where the phrase sounds: "A Baba Yaga against!"
  • The role of Baba-Yagi Georgy Milly in the fairy tale "Morozko" (1965) fulfilled the eighth time. In addition, in the same picture the actor reincarnated in the robber and presented his voice rooster.


"Fu-Fu, the Russian spirit smells!" "Flying, flew! That's what the ecology is correct, and I gathered from here. For such a plot, appear, and two cottages can give. "" Oh and bad me! Oh and bad! Not a hot thing I have, not a cold! Robs a poor old woman not Hvoroba, destroyed, choking the syrotics evil angry! Oh, I can't sleep! I can't eat it! Oh, offended the guest uninvited grandmother Yagu! "Oh, not Shumi! I have to sleep in front of the guests, so that fresh and beautiful. "" I am unlockable - I will forget and forget. But the revenge must be inorigible to come up with an aspiring, but they are completely broken. "" The villains do not like to die quickly and quietly, they need a maximum of noise. " "Babo-Yagu will not take from the side. We bring up in your team. " (H / f "Carnival Night") "There the stupa with the Baboy-Yaga is wagged by itself." (A.S. Pushkin, "Ruslan and Lyudmila")

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