Rustam Minnikhanov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo and Latest News 2021



Rustam Minnikhanov was born in the village of New Arysh on March 1, 1957. Although childhood, the future politician spent in his native village, he went to the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan for medium special education. There, Minnikhanov in 1978 successfully graduated from the Kazan Agricultural Institute, becoming a mechanical engineer for the "Mechanization of Agriculture".

In Kazan, Rustam received a higher education: in the local branch of the Moscow Institute of Soviet Trade. After studying in this institute, he became a mercy of higher qualifications according to the Profile of "Merchant and Organization of Food Products". Looking a little ahead, we note that in 2003 Minnikhanov received the well-deserved title of doctors of economic sciences.

Rustam Minnikhanov in childhood and youth

The future president of the Republic of Tatarstan began its climbing the career ladder from the office of the diagnostics engineer, which he received in the Sabinsky district association called "agricultural equipment" in 1978. Two years later, after this, Rustam Nurgalievich changed the place of work at Sabinsky Lespromhoz, where he worked first by senior, and then the main energy.

In 1983, Minnikhanov moved from engineering posts to political posts. So, until 1985, he was the Deputy Head of the Board of the Sabinsky District, until 1990, the head of the local governments of the Arsk region, until 1992 - Chairman of the district executive committee of the Arsk region, until 1993 - the first deputy head of the administration's head of the same Arsk region, and until 1996 of the year - the head of the administration in the High Dictionary.

Rustam Minnikhanov in youth

Since 1996, the political career of Minnikhanov went to the mountain, and posts in the regional authorities he was able to prefer posts in republican institutions. In the period from 1996 to 1998, Rustam Nurgalievich worked as Minister of Finance of Tatarstan, and in 1998 he became the Prime Minister of the Native Republic.

It is noteworthy that in the summer of 1999, when Minnikhanov was already the head of the regional government, he was also elected by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tatneft. For reference: this is an enterprise and now gives about 40 percent of all financial revenues to the republican budget. Specialists saw in the appointment of the Prime Minister of the head of the Company's Board of Directors, the desire of regional leadership as much as possible to control the most profitable enterprises of Tatarstan.

In 2001, Mintimer Shaimiev, in which Minnikhanov initially became the Prime Minister, was re-elected for the position of President of Tatarstan. Preserved his post and Rustam Nurgalievich, heading the new government of the republic. In April 2005, when Shaimiev was re-elected for the presidency of the Region, Minnikhanov again received the position of Prime Minister of Tatarstan in accordance with the Resolution of the Republican State Council.

Kiev rally

A peculiar compromising on Rustam Nurgaliyevich (who, however, did not influence his political career), a Kiev rally, organized on May 22, 2007 near the office of Ukrtatnafta enterprise.

Participation in the event was taken about two dozen young people who declared themselves with members of the radical-nationalist parties of Ukraine. The protesters did not put forward any special requirements, only protested against the "seizure of the Government of the Russian Federation Kremenchug refinery."

"Ukrainian nationalists" during the promotion spoke Russian and selflessly accused Vladimir Putin in raiding, shouting the corresponding slogans and demonstrating posters with non-locking inscriptions. Soon after the rally, the press surfaced in the press that the customer was small, but the loud replying action was precisely OJSC TATNEFT, in the role of the head of the board of directors of which and the Rustam Minnikhanov.

Journalists of many publications suggested that provocation was needed by Tatneft in order to sharpen small and not too prominent economic corporate conflict around Ukrtatnaft and its activities.

The question that without all this noise would remain unnoticed, turned out to be widespread and transferred to the political plane. Many saw in this and intentional aggravation of relations between Ukraine and Russia.

President of Tatarstan

On January 22, 2010, Mintimer Shaimiev, who at that time was 73 years old (he spent the president of Tatarstan for almost 20 years old), announced his candidacy from the list of candidates for empowering the head of the region. Shaimiev did it at his own request two months before his term of office expired. The first president of the republic thanked the head of state for support and confidence and stated that he wanted to give the way to a smallest generation of politicians.

Rustam Minnikhanov

On the same day, Dmitry Medvedev, who at that time was the President of Russia, recommended the Regional State Council to endow the authority of the head of the Rustam Minnikhanov region. On January 28, this statement was submitted for consideration by the State Council, on January 29, the consideration of the issue was appointed on February 4, and directly on February 4, the candidacy of Rustam Nurgalievich was approved unanimously.

On March 25, the ceremony of taking the oath and the official introduction of Minnikhanov to the authority of the President of Tatarstan was held. Powers ended in March 2015, and at the same time the Republican leader was invited to take the post of the post I.O. President of the Republic of Tatarstan before the elections, which took place on September 13, 2015.

In these elections, Rustam Nurgalievich scored 94.4% of voters, and already on September 18, 2015, he again officially joined the position of regional president.

In 2015, the region ranked honorable first place in the national rating of the state of the investment climate, compiled by the results of the work of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In 2016, the Republic of Tatarstan again turned out to be in the first place of this rating.

Rustam Minnikhanov

It is also worth noting the first place that Rustam Minnikhanov himself took the ranking based on the analysis of "friendly policies", which is carried out by regional presidents in relation to a representative of small and medium-sized businesses.

In 2016, the Domestic Foundation for the Development of Civil Society was assessed by the regional governors in the degree of effectiveness of the measures taken, and in the relevant RuTam Nargalievich rating also took a very honorable third place.

Rustam Minnikhanov, Hajj in Mecca

The republican leader communicates a lot with the heads of other "Muslim" regions of the country, in particular, among its political friends and the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. In 2013, the President made a hajj in Mecca by visiting Saudi Arabia with a political visit.

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan is known for its fairly bold statements and decisions relating to the economic, social, political spheres of society in its region, and the fact that regularly scolds officials, if they are dissatisfied with their work, instead of maintaining the visibility of universal benefits.

Computerization of the Republic

Rustam Minnikhanov is a Yarym fan of achievements of scientific and technological progress. From 2010 to 2012, on his initiative, the Minister of Informatization and Communication of the Region worked with a young specialist Nikolay Nikiforov, now the Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. In part, Rustam Nurgalievich introduced in the region an advanced "e-government" in the region.

Rustam Minnikhanov

All persons occupying governing state posts in Tatarstan were equipped with an iPhone. Moreover: the president banned the subordinates to use paper media for recordings, and the meetings he holds mainly by video links.

It is worth noting that this is a very progressive decision, especially for remote areas of the republic. Modern infomatics terminals began to be used for state services, and laptops were purchased for schools located in the field of schools.

Rustam Minnikhanov

It is noteworthy that the President of Tatarstan also recognizes the merit of virtual social networks in providing operational and reliable information. According to him, the leaders of regional departments held a whole course of closed lectures on the right use of instagram, twitter and other popular social networks. Rustam Nurgalievich attended these lectures with his subordinates.

About manure

The people are widely known for the statements of Rustam Minnikhanov about manure: even a video can be found on popular sites, where the President of Tatarstan is indignant to the innovation in the field of agriculture.

It is about the fact that from the first of July 2016, a mandatory licensing of the deposit with the waste of poultry farming and animal husbandry was introduced. At the same time, at the time of the glorified statement in the entire republic, the documents for obtaining an appropriate license received only one enterprise - LLC Kamsky Bacon.

As Ruslan Minnikhanov, the Ruslan Minnikhanov, in many farms, the waste of poultry and animal husbandry (to which it applies, first of all, manure) are not waste in the literal sense of the word, since they are further used as fertilizer in crop purposes. A farm in such a context should be considered as an enterprise for the manufacture of fertilizers, which generates a number of difficulties.

At the end, the president promised that the production of production and impose fines due to an ill-conceived law in the republic would not be.

Incident with an accident

However, despite the fairly positive image of the Tatarstan president, his reputation cannot be called absolutely clean, and the Minnichyanov family plays in this problem. So, in 2014 Ramil, the nephew of President Tatarstan, got into an accident on his car Range Rover in Almetyevsk. He drove into the oncoming lane and hit a 16-year-old pedestrian, who just stood at the bus stop.

Accident Ramil Minnikhanov

The incident was devoted to a wide publicity. Ramil Minnikhanov was justified by the fact that he allegedly tried to avoid a collision with a pedestrian man who suddenly appeared on the roadway, but no confirmation was found.

Ramil Minnikhanov

A teenager who hit the president's nephew on an expensive foreign car, died from injuries received. Nevertheless, the criminal case against Ramil was initiated, since he, according to the local police, was not able to avoid collisions with the victim.

Personal life

The first wife of Rustam Minnikhanov (and at the moment the only one) - Gulsina Akhatovna. Its main occupation, in addition to family troubles, today is the maintenance of its own prestigious beauty salon called "Luciano Beauty Studio", which is located in the capital of Tatarstan.

Rustam Minnikhanov with his wife

The first lady of the republic called his salon in honor of Luciano de Aloya, the Italian Hairdresser, who specifically flies into Kazan from Geneva once a month. The cost of services in the cabin is from several hundred to several thousand dollars. According to the results of 2010, Gulsina Minnikhanov earned more than 8 million rubles per month and was part of the top 10 most rich wives of the governors.

Rustam Minnikhanov with Son

Two sons were born in the President of Tatarstan's family: Irek Minnikhanov and Iskander Minnikhanov. On November 17, 2013, the eldest son of the four Minnikhanov tragically died as a result of a plane crash in Kazan. That day Boeing, on board which was fifty people, burned down due to the explosion of fuel tanks, entering the landing at the airport of Kazan.

After the catastrophe Ruslan Nurgalievich was delicious. Speaking about the tragedy in Kazan, he barely held away tears, and only the responsibility for the fate of the whole republic did not allow him to fall in spirit.

Irek Minnikhanov with wife

The death of his son, fortunately, did not entail the death of the daughter-in-law: Irek, as if sorry by tragedy, dissuaded the pregnant wife to fly with him. And in 2013, granddaughter was born from the regional governor.

Today, Rustam Minnikhamov and his spouse more or less coped with the loss, they grow the younger brother of the deceased firstborn and charming granddaughter. Now Rustam Nurgalievich again dreams of how to grow, he grieves the Son, and how they all will heal a big and friendly family.


Minnihamov's growth is 167 cm, and the weight is about 70 kg, while the President of Tatarstan has always been distinguished by sports physique and love for such a kind of sport as the race. He is a well-deserved master of sports, a professional racer, a medalist of many Russian and European championships.

Rustam Minnikhanov

In addition, the politician plays well in hockey, and in November 2016, he even took part in the international friendly match in Kazan.

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