Winnie Jones - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Winnie Jones is a charismatic professional actor from the UK, in the past - a football player who came to Chelsea clubs, Wimbledon and Leeds UNITED. This man is known worldwide due to a unique style of playing on stiffery and aggression, and for memorable roles in popular films about "X-Men".

Childhood and football

Winnie Jones path to glory and recognition was long and difficult. In childhood, at an early age, he was fascinated by football, began to practice in a children's sports school. Its coaches were the best experts of England, so after Jones have already been worked out the excellent technique, the accuracy of the pass and "reading" of the game. However, the guy's growth was not suitable, so the road to Big Football was closed - the coaches did not see the prospects for such a "small" player.

Winnie Jones in youth

The World of Professional Football Winnie fell through football amateur - he with a team of like-minded people literally broke into the sports advancence and attracted maximum attention of coaches of professional clubs of a series of defeat victories at the amateur level and in the lower divisions of the country.

On the technical and sharp player, how did Winnie became, the top clubs of the country were drew attention. He managed to play in a number of professional clubs from the Higher Division of England, he also participated in international football tournaments in the National Wales national team. It is easily explained by the choice of Wales team instead of England - the behavior of Winnie on the field closed him the road to the English team, but thanks to the Welsh roots on the mother's mother, the player could decide for the neighboring Wales.

Winnie Jones in the Wales football team

For excessively tough game and aggressiveness on the field, the player gets a nickname ax. He was removed a huge number of times from the field, his behavior was considered the worst among his contemporaries, he received red cards after a three-second stay on the field. Winnie became a kind of legend, an example of how it is not necessary to do.

His anti-player "Newcastle" still amazes the public - then the rival of Winnie Paul Gaskan during the fight for the ball felt at the most intimate place a steel grip of the hands of Jones.

Scandalous episode between Winnie Jones and Paul Gaskina

The age failed a footballer's career to a logical conclusion - 33-year-old Winnie throws sports and goes into a film industry, while not having any acting education.


The motivation to succeed and after the sports career for Winnie became an article of one sports journalist, in which the author noticed that "after Winnie's football simply disappears, and we will never see it again." And although Jones did not like the secular life and Fleur Hollywood, he did not want to become none after the football.

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The creative biography of Winnie in the cinema began with the paintings of Guy Richie, where he played a "steep harsh guy." The first work in the filmography of Jones was the cult fighter of the late 90s "Maps, money and two trunks", soon followed by shooting in the Big Kush blockbuster.

The image was entrenched behind this actor, because his high growth (187 cm) and impressive physical data, together with a courageous person, organically fit into the image of a bad guy. Over time, Winnie became even more brutal, increasing body weight. During the football career, his weight did not exceed 76 kg, afterwards Jones scored another 13 kg.

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It turned out that Vinny had a hidden talent of the actor, and he is able to play comedy and dramatic roles. For example, the ironic image of a scandalous football player who landed into prison and there decided to put the football team there, Winie Jones recreated in the comedy "Kostolov".

His game in popular films began to receive positive reviews from film critics, he became a laureate of several international awards. But after that, the film crims who published articles and reviews, predicted fast sunset of Jones Career. And he is filmed in the film.

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He was invited to be filmed in high-budget paintings, in which the main roles were played top stars - Jason Statham, Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman, Holly Berry and others. The repertoire of Winnie is diverse, but it is best for all roles in fantastic blockbusters and sports dramas. It is filmed in American and English films and receives invitations to the European and Asian cinema. True, here he plays monotonous roles of the "steep American guy."

For the period from 1998 to 2016, Winnie starred in more than 100 films and television projects. Among his roles - Juggernaut from the superhero militant "People X: Last Battle", the hired killer Sebastian "M" Moran from the detective series "elementary". Winnie Jones did not refuse and from the opportunity to embody the image of a bloodthirsty butcher who killing people, in Horror "Midnight Express" with Bradley Cooper in the lead role.

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In the Twitter in 2016, Winnie Jones told fans that he played in the movie "Kingsman: Golden Ring" (Kingsman 2 ") along with Hollywood stars by Colin Firth, Channing Tatum, Julian Moore.

In 2013, Winnie Jones became a participant in the original television project. He tried himself as working complex specialties in the project "Really in Russia". So he finally and irrevocably fell in love with the Russian viewer. In one interview, the actor shared his impressions of Russia. According to Winnie Jones, the Russian hospitality is similar to the Irish. Surprised the artist and the opportunity to go by train without a break 24 hours, and the fact that in many regions a simple movement between settlements is accompanied by extreme. It was not without a symbol of Russia, a bear, whom Jones repeatedly met in Taiga.

Also Winnie managed to play back in a pair of television projects, work in the newspaper (led a speaker about sports) and comment on a number of high-level football matches. Winnie Jones is not alien to music - he recorded several blues albums with its own songs, showing unlimited musical and creative abilities.

Personal life

Hot guy Winnie Jones has always been popular with a weak floor. During the career in Wimbledon, he met Mylena Elliston, with which a short relationship began. The footballer did not plan the wedding, but in 1991 Milena gave him the firstborn - the son of Aaron. The boy remained to live with his mother, but with his father supports close relationship.

Winnie Jones with Tatyana Lamont

In the mid-1990s, Winnie decided to be cooled and married Tatiana Lamont, his long-standing familiar, ex-wife of a player of Steve Terry. In the family of Winnie and Tanya there are no general children, but parents brought up the daughter of Tatiana from the first marriage - Kylie. At one time, the Johns family lived in England near the city of Sheffield. In the early years of the marriage, Tanya suffered a heart transplant operation, after which Jones donated his fee from filming in the picture, which brought him popularity, "cards, money, two trunks."

In 2013, the public became known that Winnie and his wife are struggling with a terrible disease - skin cancer. The actor's wife fought at this time with cancer for 7 years. The reason for the occurrence of tumors was hormonal pills that Tanya took over the Decade. Winnie discovered oncology later. The tumor in the form of a mole appeared from the actor on the face.

Winnie Jones with his wife and children

Over the next two years, the family does everything to defeat the disease. Both spouses transfer numerous tumor removal operations. Jones removed three neoplasms. The actor suspects that their reason has become numerous outlets on the football field without protection against UV rays. Fortunately, both spouses manage to defeat such a dangerous disease and restore health.

The press became known that the actor twisted the novel on the side - the Russian-speaking singer Lama Safonova became his chief of his chief. The novel did not last long, the girl did not intend to arrange a personal life by destroying another family. But the fleeting relations of two stars were seen by the reporters of Russian and foreign media, the photo of the artists fell on the pages of popular tabloids.

Winnie Jones and Lama Safonova

The character of Winnie often leads to the fact that it suits scandals. At first they were robusts, fights and excessively aggressive behavior on the football field, then - already in personal life. He was caught for drunk driving, overly causing behavior in public and loud parties.

It was repeatedly affected by the call to the police and nominate accusations. Hot-tempered and Grozny Winnie was accused of a court for attacking the neighbor and causing him serious physical harm. He was also found guilty of violating the rules of the passenger's behavior during the airfare - then Winnie not only got drunk and hit the passenger, but also threatened the pilot and his assistants. The actor paid the penalty and worked 80 hours of public works.

Vinny Jones actor with star colleagues

Winnie is not shy of violent character, boldly talks about the most dirty football tricks and claims that it does not touch the criticism. He does not believe that his work has an invaluable contribution to a culture or sport. Jones just makes what can.

Contributable Winnie Jones would not be without noble deeds. With his participation, a social advertising of the British Heart Foundation organization was created, in which Winnie in the image of a "bad guy" explains the principles of the heart massage.

Winnie Jones has no own "instagram", but photos with a favorite actor appear in the profiles of his fans.

Winnie Jones now

Deals from filmfroducers regularly enter the popular actor. Winnie Jones have from anything to choose. This is a fighter with Stephen Sigalom "Mercenary: Sin Release", and a fantasy film with Brian Ostine Green "Cross. Part Two: Double Cheating, "and a criminal thriller with a robes schnider" Life outside. "

Winnie Jones in the film

Now the repertoire of the artist is ready to be replenished with the criminal comedy "Systemic Madness" and the Thriller "List of Hired Killer", in which Jones is stated.


  • 1998 - "Maps, money, two trunks"
  • 2000 - "Honest in 60 seconds"
  • 2000 - "Big Kush"
  • 2001 - "Kostolov"
  • 2004 - "Bighery"
  • 2006 - "Strength and Honor"
  • 2006 - "Xu People: Last Battle"
  • 2008 - "Hell's Trip"
  • 2010 - "Laying"
  • 2010 - "Irishman"
  • 2012 - "Freelancers"
  • 2013 - "Blood Atonement"
  • 2014 - "Computer"
  • 2015 - "In Tisch"
  • 2018 - "Cunning"

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