Mikhail Glinka - biography, photos, creativity, personal life, works and interesting facts



Mikhail Glinka is a Russian composer, the founder of the Russian National Opera, the author of the world famous operas "Life for the king" ("Ivan Susanin") and "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich was born in the generic estate of his family in the Smolensk region on May 20 (June 1) of 1804. His father was the descendant of the Russified Polish gentry. Parents of the future composer accounted for each other long-distance relatives. Mikhail's mother Evgeniy Andreevna Glinka-Zemka was a second sister of his father - Ivan Nikolayevich Glinka.

Mikhail Glinka

The boy was painful and a weak child. The first ten years of his life was engaged in the first ten years of his life, the mother of Fetha Alexandrovna. Grandmother was an uncompromising and strict woman, cultivated in the child a constancy and nervousness. He studied the grandson of Focla Alexandrovna at home. The first interest in music was manifested by the boy in early childhood when he tried to imitate the bell ringing with the help of copper home utensils.

After the death of her grandmother, his mother took up the education of Mikhail. She arranged a son in the St. Petersburg guesthouse, in which only chosen noble children studied. There Mikhail met Lv's Pushkin and his elder brother. Alexander Sergeevich visited the relative and knew him close friends, one of which was Mikhail Glinka.

Mikhail Glinka in youth

In the guest house, the future composer began to take music lessons. His favorite teacher was a pianist Carl Mayer. Glinka recalled that this teacher was influenced by the formation of his musical taste. In 1822, Mikhail graduated from studying in the boarding house. On the day of release, he together with the teacher Mayer publicly performed a gummel concert for piano. Speech was successful.

Carier start

The first compositions of Glinka belong to the period of release from the guesthouse. In 1822, Mikhail Ivanovich became the author of several romances. One of them "Do not sing, beautiful, with me" was written on the verses of Alexander Pushkin. The musician acquaintance with the poet occurred while studying, but a few years after the release of Glinka from the guesthouse, young people became friends on the basis of common interests.

Mikhail Ivanovich, since childhood, was distinguished by poor health. In 1923, he went to the Caucasus to undergo treatment with mineral waters. There he admired landscapes, studied local legends and folk creativity, engaged in health. After returning from the Caucasus, Mikhail Ivanovich almost left his generic estate, creating musical compositions.

Mikhail Glinka in the Caucasus

In 1924, he went to the capital, where she settled in the Ministry of Railways and Messages. Not served and five years, Glinka resigned. The cause of speaking from service was the lack of free time for music. Life in St. Petersburg presented Mikhail Ivanovich dating with the outstanding creative people of his time. The environment has mastered the composer the need for creativity.

In 1830, Glinka's health worsened, the musician was forced to change the Petersburg dampness for a warmer climate. The composer went to treatment to Europe. A recreation trip to Italy Glinka combined with professional learning. In Milan, the composer met Donizetti and Bellini, studied Opera and Belkanto. After four years of his stay in Italy, Glinka went to Germany. There he took lessons at Siegfried Dena. Interrupting training Mikhail Ivanovich had to be due to the unexpected death of the father. The composer hastily returned to Russia.

Career flourishing

The music occupied all the thoughts of Glinka. In 1834, the composer began working on his first opera "Ivan Susanin", which was later renamed "Life for the Tsar". The first name of the essay was returned to Soviet times. Opera action occurs in 1612, but the choice of the plot was influenced by the war of 1812, which happened during the childhood of the author. When she began, Glinka was only eight years old, but her influence on the consciousness of the musician was preserved for several decades.

In 1842, the composer graduated from work on his second opera. The work of "Ruslan and Lyudmila" was presented on the same day as "Ivan Susanin", but with a difference of six years.

Mikhail Glinka

Glinka wrote his second opera long. It took him about six years to graduate from this work. The disappointment of the composer was not the limit when the work was not accidentally successful. Wave criticism criticized the musician. Also in 1842 the composer had a crisis in his personal life, which influenced the emotional and physical health of Glinka.

Dissatisfaction with life pushed Mikhail Ivanovich to take a new long-term journey to Europe. The composer visited several cities in Spain and France. Gradually, he returned his creative inspiration. The result of his trip was new works: "Aragon Khota" and "Memory of Castile". Life in Europe helped Glinka restore self-confidence. The composer went to Russia again.

For some time, Glinka spent in the genital estate, then lived in St. Petersburg, but the secular life was tired of the musician. In 1848, he found himself in Warsaw. There the musician lived two years. This period of the composition of the composer was marked by creating a symphonic fantasy "Kamarinskaya".

Mikhail Ivanovich spent the last five years of life. In 1852, the composer went to Spain. The state of health of the musician was weak, and when Glinka reached France, he decided to stay there. Paris favor him. Feeling the rise of vitality, the composer began working on the symphony of Taras Bulba. Having lived for about two years in Paris, the musician with all his creative undertakings went home. The reason for this decision was the beginning of the Crimean War. Symphony "Taras Bulba" was never finished.

Returning to Russia in 1854, the musician wrote memoirs, which were published after 16 years called "Notes". In 1855, Mikhail Ivanovich composed a romance "in the minute of life difficult" to verses Mikhail Lermontov. A year later, the composer went to Berlin.

Personal life

Glinka's biography is a love story of a person to music, but there was a composer and more ordinary personal life. During his travels in Europe, Mikhail became the hero of several amourn adventures. Returning to Russia, the composer decided to marry. According to the example of my father, he chose his long-fighter relative in his companions. The wife of the composer became Maria (Marya) Petrovna Ivanova.

Mikhail Glinka with his wife

The spouses had a fourteen-year-old difference, but the composer did not stop it. The marriage turned out to be unhappy. Mikhail Ivanovich quickly realized that he was mistaken with the choice. The marriage bonds tied the musician with the unloved spouse, and the heart was given to another woman. Catherine Kern became a new love of the composer. The girl was a daughter of Muse Pushkin, who Alexander Sergeevich dedicated a poem "I remember a wonderful moment."

Famous Anna Kern.

Glinka's relationship with beloved lasted for almost 10 years. Most of this time the musician was officially married. His legitimate wife Maria Ivanova, who did not live in a legitimate marriage, began to search for amur adventures on the side. Glinka knew about her adventures. The spouse reproached the musician in waste, scandaling and changed. The composer was very depressed.

Mikhail Glinka and Ekaterina Kern

After six years of marriage with Glinka Maria Ivanov secretly married the cornet Nikolai Vasilchikov. When this circumstance was opened, Glinka received hope for divorce. All this time, the composer consisted of relations with Catherine Curne. In 1844, the musician understood that the intensity of love passions of UGAS. Two years later, he received a divorce, but he didn't marry it on Catherine.

Glinka and Pushkin

Mikhail Ivanovich and Alexander Sergeevich were contemporaries. Pushkin was older Glinka for only five years. After Mikhail Ivanovich stepped over twenty years, there were many common interests with Alexander Sergeyevich. Friendship of young people continued to the tragic death of the poet.

Mikhail Glinka and Alexander Pushkin

Glinka conceived Opera Ruslan and Lyudmila in order to be able to work with Pushkin. The death of the poet strongly slowed down the process of creating the opera. As a result, her setting almost failed. Gljka is called "Pushkin from Music", because he made the same postal contribution to the formation of the Russian National Opera School as his friend in the development of Russian literature.


In Germany, Glinka was studying the creativity of Johann Sebastian Baha and his contemporaries. Without living in Berlin and the year, the composer died. Death overtook him in February 1857.

Grave Glinka

The composer was modestly buried at a small Lutheran cemetery. A few months later, the younger sister of Glinka Lyudmila came to Berlin to arrange the carriage of Gruch's brother to their homeland. The coffin with the body of the composer from Berlin to St. Petersburg was transported in a cardboard box with the inscription "Porcelain".

Restoreli Glinka in St. Petersburg at the Tikhvin cemetery. The authentic tombstone from the first grave of the composer is still located in Berlin in the territory of the Russian Orthodox cemetery. In 1947, a monument to Glinka was also installed there.

Interesting Facts

  • Glinka became the author of Romance "I remember a wonderful moment," which was written on the verses of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The poet devoted the row of his Mousse Anna Kern, and Mikhail Ivanovich dedicated to the music of her daughter Catherine.
  • After the composer received the news of the death of the mother in 1851, his right hand took away. Mother was for the musician the closest man.
  • Glinka could have children. The lover musician in 1842 was pregnant. The composer during this period was officially married and could not get a divorce. The musician gave Catherine Curne a large amount of money on getting rid of Chad. A woman left for almost a year to the Poltava region. According to one of the versions, the child was still born, since Ekaterina Kern was missing too long time period. During this time, the feelings of the musician faded, he left a passion. Glinka, by the end of his life, I very much regretted that I asked Ekaterina to get rid of the child.
  • Musician for many years sought a divorce with his wife Maria Ivanova, intending to be married with his beloved Catherine Caern, but having received freedom, decided to abandon marriage. He left his passion, afraid of new obligations. Ekaterina Kern was waiting for almost 10 years that the composer would return to her.

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