Rambo - Biography of War Veteran, Actors and Roles, Quotes


Character History

The fighter is the highest in-budget genre of cinema, characterized by chains, shootouts, violence and outrageous main characters. Directors stamps Action films almost every year, collecting crowds of lovers to rinse their nerves. But rarely, who manages to exceed the film, which with the times became cult.


If you ask the avid kinoman to list the most popular works, then, of course, he will call the Terminator with Arnold Schwarzenegger, the "strong nut" with Bruce Willis and, of course, Rambo, who brought recognition and glory to Silvestr Stallone.

History of creation

The symbol of the postal syndrome, John Rambo moved to the large screens from the work of David Morrölla, who entered the literary world with the debut book called "First Blood" (1972).

Wizard words admitted that before moving to the United States from Canada, he did not even suspect about the Vietnam War. Morröll found out about it, being a university student: young people who returned from the battlefield, told about bloody events and nightmares. After the deaths seen, this unfortunate was difficult to adapt to normal life.

Writer David Morröll

David decided to declare himself on a literary field in 1968, when two topics were discussed on federal channels: violence and Vietnamese war. Therefore, the novice writer did not have to climb the plot in his pocket when he could only turn on the TV. David also hinted at the prototype of the main character who was the soldier of Od Murphy, who in his arsenal was not one remarkable award. In the future, Rambo prototype suffered from the "Vietnamese syndrome": the charged gun kept in his house, for which he could grab at any time.

Books about Rambo

David's novel became a bestseller, and in ten years the director Ted Kotecheft took up the military plot, presenting the film "Rambo: First Blood" to the public (1982). As it often happens, the scenarios not only reduced the original text of Morrell, but also changed the plot lines of the work. If at the end of the book, the main character dies, then the film ends with Heppi-end: Rambo not only lives, but also moves to other parts of the franchise.

Directed by Ted Kotechff

The writer was confirmed in an interview that the canonical appearance of the killer managed to create only in the final picture of Rambo IV (2008). The producers decided to return to the image presented in the novel, so John turned out to be devastated and embittered on his life: the character realizes that he hates himself for what can only kill.

"I did not kill for my country. I killed for myself. And for this God will never forgive me, "said the hero of the work.

The first film, which cost the creators of $ 15 million, was filmed in British Columbia and other provinces from November 1981 to April 1982, and on October 22, American spectators saw the picture. Russian kinomans learned about the militant only in 1983 with a single-haired translation of the actor Timofey Spivak: almost every Soviet family had a video tape with the adventures of fearless military.

Timofey Spivak - Russian voice Rambo

CoteFFA film is positioned as unnecessary cruel (in Russia a restriction for viewing - 16+). But, despite the fact that viewers are watching constant shootouts and blood, on the plot in the tape only one person died. The picture paid for itself several times, cash charges accounted for $ 125 million. Therefore, it is not surprising that other parts of the militant followed, and Rambo became also the hero of the animated film and video games.


John Rambo contradictory biography, as the information in the books of David Morröll differs from the one that is represented in films. In the second part of the franchise, it turns out that the protagonist, which was called the "combat vehicle", was born on June 7, 1947 in the town of Bowie, which is located in Arizona. It is known that Rambo - Metis; In his veins, European and Indian blood flow. The author of Bestseller claims that the mother of the main character was Indiana from the Navajo tribe, while the creators of the film are confident that Rambo adopted a kind of appearance from his father.

John Rambo

The writer said that Rambo's parent was an Italian in origin, and, according to Marshall Marshall Dossier, John Rambo has German roots. The book "First Blood" states that Rambo's childhood was not cloudless: the mother of the protagonist died of an oncological disease, and the father abused alcoholic beverages, so he did not engage in the upbringing of the Son. In addition, the family lived the injignment.

Moreover, a negligible parent tried to kill his offspring with a knife, for which he received a retaliatory blow from Luke; Fortunately, a little boy missed. It is not surprising that the young man escaped from Father-Tirana, after coincidence, he left high school and went to work in the garage. When a young man turned 17, he was recruited into the US Army. John passed military training on the basis of the main garrison of the ground forces - Fort Bragg.

Rambo in cartoon

Next, John served for three years in Vietnam in the troops of the special purpose of the US Army, which are widely known as "Green Berets". During one of the operations, Rambo captured, where he was subjected to cruel torture. In 1971, Fortuna smiled in the chief hero: he managed to escape from the camp for prisoners of war, after which he was treated for six months in the hospital.

It is worth saying that Rambo service approached quirgingly and acquired useful skills. John perfectly owns the technique of the partisan war, knows how to handle the firearms of any kind, and can also kill the enemy with bare hands. In addition, Rambo, like a superhero from Marvel comic, is trained to ignore pain, perform tasks in any weather, be it non-stop shower or bite frost, and is able to live outside civilization.

Rambo in a computer game

Following the history presented in Kinocarthine, Rambo returns to the United States and in December 1981 arranges a riot in the city of Hope, for which 9 years of religious works (in the book after the pogrom, John dies). The main character was serving only half of the deadline, because after four years the Government of America amneps the "Machine Machine" so that he fulfill the secret task. In the second part of the franchise "Rambo: First Blood 2" (1985) War Veteran after the Vietnamese Mission moves to Bangkok, where it becomes the novice of the Buddhist monastery.

John Rambo

True, John does not live a measured and quiet life, but begins to participate in battles without rules, in order to get money for the monastery. Among other things, Rambo earns the bread fishing and repair of boats, safely forgetting about military conflicts.

In the final series of militants, the film "Rambo IV", which was published in 2008, the hero of Sylvester Stallone returns to the ranch belonging to his father.

Rambo on the screen

Sylvester Stallone was recognized as a permanent John Rambo. It can be said that the fearless killer is firmly associated with this actor, although the producers considered Al Pacino candidates, Dustina Hoffman, Klinte Istud and John Travolta.

When Al Pacino got acquainted with the scenario, he wanted to play the sew psychopath, eager blood, so the director had to reject this actor. Dustina Hoffman did not like excessive cruelty, violence and fights - this is not his role. An American preferred to be held in the Tutsi family film (1982), where he successfully reincarnated to a flirty woman. Another applicant Clint Eastwood was busy in another project.

Sylvester Stallone as Rambo

Actors Nick Nolti, Chris Cristofferson, Jeff Bridges, Robert De Niro and Michael Douglas themselves refused the role of a veteran of war.

Sylvester Stallone did not want to share the fame with the star of Quentin films Tarantino John Travolta. According to unconfirmed information, the actors could not earn the ax of the war for a long time, since Travolta did not forgive her colleague on the shop, that he took a role from under the nose. By the way, Stallone invited John to the film "Stay alive" (1983), who became a caricature.


Sylvester played the main character in four parts of the franchise, and in 2010 he thought about the prequel to the debut film "Rambo: First Blood". The actor managed to get into the role, but the first picture did not like it so much that he tried to buy her away from directors and destroy. But they managed to come to a compromise: Sylvester agreed with the producers, so that his face in the frame appeared as close as possible, so the timing was triggered twice, and for his work a guide was received $ 2 million + $ 1.5 from the rental. Consider a series of militants in order:

"Rambo: First Blood" (1982)

Film actions occur in the winter of 1981. John Rambo learns that his friend died of illness; Thus, the main character remained the only surrounding "Green Berets" detachment. Thus, the director showed the loneliness of John and his cutoff from the world. A meeting with Sheriff Tizl was far from pleasant: he calls veteran by the vagrand, awakening in Rambo beast.

Rambo knife

For the fact that the outsider suits the pogrom, he is in prison, where he gets insults and humiliation. The fighter manages to escape from the site, so the police plans a cloud on the criminal, while Rambo begins to lead the partisan war. In addition to Stallone, Richard Krenna (Colonel Trutman), Brian Denneha (Sheriff Will Tizl), David Kaorazo (MITCH) and other actors starred in the picture.

"Rambo: First Blood 2" (1985)

John Rambo's serving punishment makes a deal with justice and participates in a secret operation: if the mission will be successful, then Rambo, according to the presidential decree, will be released. The main character should penetrate the camp and learn about the presence of prisoners.

Bow Rambo

The difficulty lies in the fact that John is obliged to act incognito, and not to join fighting with opponents. New actors were added to the film: Martin Cove (Sergeant Erickson) and Stephen Berkoff (Lieutenant Colonel Podovsky).

Rambo 3 (1988)

The fearless fighter does not think about military conflicts, but spends its time in the Buddhist monastery and on boxing rings. Samuel Trutman visits John and asks to participate in the operation. The fact is that the Colonel is engaged in transportation of the "Stinger" military missiles in Afghanistan to help the Mujaheds in the fight against Soviet troops.

Rambo machine gun

Rambo refuses dangerous adventures, but, having learned that Trutman was captured by Colonel Zaitseva, he sends to save a friend. Smith Kitnolent played (Agent Robert Griggs), Sasson Gabai (Musa Gani), Spiros Focas (Masood Field Commander) and other actors.

Rambo IV (2008)

War Veteran John Rambo leads a quiet and measured life on the outskirts of Thailand. His peaceful existence violates the group of Christian missionaries who ask Rambo to translate them across the Salouin River: They went on a journey, in order to help Karensky tribes.

Rambo in the last film

Soon, John will find out from the pastor that the missionaries were captured to the military, so the chief hero has to take up the machine gun and the knife. This time, Julie Benz (Sara Miller), Matthew Marsden (schoolboy), Jake La Botz (RISA) and other cinema stars and other cinema stars were entered into the brilliant cast.

Interesting Facts

  • With each subsequent part of the franchise, the number of deaths tirelessly grew. If one person died in the first film, who accidentally fell out of the helicopter, then in the latter there were 83 dead.
  • Maniac Michael Ryan admitted that his films about Rambo inspired for killing.
Maniac Michael Ryan.
  • When David Morröll tried to come up with John surname, his wife treated him with apples. The taste of the fruit was so much like a writer that he asked the spouse by the name of the variety. Having received the answer "Rambo", the master of the word immediately sat down for the printed machine and rewarded with the name of his hero.
  • In Rambo 3, Sylvester Stallone jumps on the horse, which "played" in the film "Indiana Jones and the last crusade".
  • Rambo knife was created by designer Jil Hibben.


"Tramp? It will be cool to look at his grave in Arlington: "John Rambo is resting here, the cavalier of the Congress Congress Medal, who survived in uncontrolled seals on the enemy territory and killed for vagabonds in Jerkoter, USA" "There I managed a million dollars technique, and here not I can even work as a parking machine. "" His body is found: it hijacked the truck and blew the benzocolon on the outskirts of the city. "You seem to do not understand. I came to save not Rambo from you, and you from Rambo. "

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