Sergius Radonezh - biography, photos, icons, power, temples, help



About the life of Sergius of Radonezh, Hieromonach of the Russian Church, the reformer of monasses in the north of Russia and the founder of the Holy Trinity Monastery, a little known. All that we know about the "great older" ranging to the face of the saints, it is written by his student monk epichnia to wisdom.

Sergius of Radonezh

Later, Sergius Radonezh was edited by Pahomi Surb (logo). From it, our contemporaries draw information about the main milestones of the biography of the Church Worker. In his life level, the epiphany managed to convey to the reader the essence of the teacher's personality, his greatness and charm. The earthly path of Sergius recreated them makes it possible to understand the origins of His Glory. His life path is indicative in that it makes it clear how any life difficulties with faith in God are easily overcome.


The date of birth of the future devotee is definitely not known, some sources are called 1314, others - 1322 g, the third inclined to the fact that Sergius Radonezh was born on May 3, 1319. With baptism, the baby received the name of warfolomes. According to an ancient legend, Sergius's parents were boyar Kirill and his wife Maria, who lived in the village of Varnazn, in the vicinity of Rostov.

Monument to the family of Sergius of Radonezh

Their estate was located near the city - in places where the Trinity Varnitsky Monastery was subsequently erected. Bartholomew had two more brothers, he was average. At seven years, the boy was given to learn. Unlike intelligent, rapidly grabbing the diploma of brothers, learning the future saint with difficulty. But a miracle happened: an awesome way was to know the diploma.

Epiphanas wisdom

This event describes in his book the epiphany woven. Bartholomew, wanting to learn to read and write, for a long time and with a diligence prayed, asked the Lord to cross it. Once he was an elder in black riza, to whom the boy told about his misfortune and asked him to pray for him and asked for help from God. The elder promised that from this moment the tags will write and read and exceed their brothers.

They entered the chapel, where the warfolomes confidently read the psalm without a knock. Then they recovered to their parents. The old man said that their son was marked by God before childbirth, when she came to the church for the service. During the singing of the Liturgy, the child, being in the womb, shouted three times. On this plot of the life of the holy painter Nesterov wrote a picture "Vision of the Pattern of Bartholomew".

Sergius Radonezh - biography, photos, icons, power, temples, help 17678_4

From this point on, the Bartholomew has become available books about the lives of saints. When studying the Holy Scripture, an interest in the church appeared at the expense. From twelve years, Bartholomew dedicates a lot of time and keeps a strict post. On Wednesdays and Fridays, he is starving, the rest of the days eat bread and drinks water, prays at night. Maria is worried about the behavior of the Son. This becomes the subject of disputes and disagreements between the Father and Mother.

In the years 1328-1330, the family faced serious material problems, heleras. This was the reason that Cyril and Maria and children moved to Radonezh - the settlement on the outskirts of the Moscow Principality. It was not easy, troubled times. In Russia, the Golden Horde ruled, lawlessness was worked. The population was subjected to regular raids and was imposed by the unbearable tribute. By principally managed the princes appointed by Tatar-Mongolian Khans. All this was the reason for moving the family from Rostov.


At 12 years of age, Bartholomew makes the decision to get into the monks. His parents did not hinder, but put the condition that he would be able to become a monk only when they won't be. Bartholomew was their only support, as the other brothers lived separately with their children and wives. Soon, parents died, so it was necessary to wait.

Monk Sergiy Radonezhsky

According to the traditions of those times before the death, they accepted the inhang stop and schima. Bartholomew goes to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky monastery, in which his brother Stephen is located. He was widowed and accepted by Holder before Brother. The desire for the strict monastic life led brothers to the coast of the River Konchura in the tract of Macoves, where the deserts were founded.

In the deaf Bor, the brothers built a wooden celle from logs and a small church, on the site of which the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity is currently standing. Brother does not withstand herchloride life in the forest and moves to the Epiphany Monastery. Bartholomews, who was only 23 years old, takes a post, becomes Father Sergius and remains to live in a tract in complete loneliness.

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A little time passed, and Inka was reached into Makovets, a monastery was formed, after the years I became the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, existing and soy. Her first igumen was a certain Mitrofan, the second igumen - Father Sergius. Abboots of the monastery and disciples did not take the fires from believers, living the fruits of their work. The community has grown around, the peasants were settled around the monastery, the fields and meadows were mastered, and the former abandoned Geremak turned into a skilled territory.

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The feats and glory of the monks became known in Tsargrad. From the Patriarch of the Universal Philof, Soviet Sergia was sent cross, schima, paramam and gram. On the advice of the patriarch in the monastery, kinovia is introduced - community-knowledge charter, adopted by many of Russia by many abode. It was a bold innovation, since at that time the monasteries lived in the work charter, according to which the buildings were equipped with their lives as they were allowed.

Cynovia assumed property equality, meals from one boiler in general refectory, identical clothes and shoes, obedience to igumen and "elders". This way of life was an ideal model of relations among believers. The monastery turned into an independent community, the inhabitants of which were engaged in prosaic peasant work, prayed for the salvation of the soul and the whole world. By approving the charter of "General Life" in Makovts, Sergius began to introduce a life-giving reform in other monasteries.

Sergey Radonezh monasteries

  • Trinity-Sergium Lava;
  • Old-Goolin near Kolomna in the Moscow region;
  • Vysotsky Monastery in Serpukhov;
  • Blagoveshchensky monastery in Kirzhach, Vladimir region;
  • Georgievsky monastery on r. Klyazma.
Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra in Sergiev Posad

The followers of the Holy teachings founded even more than forty monasteries in Russia. Most of them were built in the forest wilderness. Over time, villages appeared around them. "Monastic Colonization", started by Radonezh, made it possible to create supporting points for the development of land and the development of the Russian North and Volga.

Kulikovskaya battle

Sergius Radonezh was a great peacemaker who made an invaluable contribution to the unity of the people. He found the quiet and krobry speeches a way to the hearts of people, calling for obedience and peace. He reconciled the warring parties by calling for a prince to the Moscow and the unification of all Russian land. Subsequently, it created favorable conditions for exemption from Tatar-Mongols.

Sergius Radonezh bless Dmitry Donskoy

The role of Sergius Radonezh in the battle on the Kulikovsky field is great. Before the fight, the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy came to the saint to pray and ask for advice, whether the Russian man opposed to godsides. Khan Mamai and his huge army wanted to enslave the freedom-loving, but the Russian people embraced by fear. Rev. Sergius gave a prince blessing on the battle and predicted victory over the Tatar Horde.

Sergius Radonezh bless Dmitry Donskoy

Together with the prince, he sends two inkom, thereby breaking the church canons, forbidden to fight the monks. Sergius was ready to sacrifice the salvation of his soul for the Fatherland. Russian army won in the Kulikovsky battle on the Day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. This was another evidence of the special love and the patronage of God's Mother of God in Russian Earth. The prayer of the Major accompanied the whole life of the saint, his favorite celle icon was "Our Lady of Odigitria" (guide). It did not take place without singing an akathist - a hooked chant, dedicated to the Virgin.


The ascent on the path of spiritual improvement of the devotee was accompanied by mystical visions. He saw angels and paradise birds, heavenly fire and divine radiance. With the name of the saint associates the wonders that began before birth. The first miracle mentioned above occurred in the womb of the mother. The baby's cry heard all who was in the church. The second miracle is connected with unexpectedly discontinued knowledge abilities.

Sergius Radonezh and Bear

The peak of the spiritual contemplation was the phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin, who was awarded the Holy Old man. Once, after self-challenging prayer before the icon, the dazzling light was illuminating, in the rays of which he saw the most preching the Virgin, accompanied by two apostles - Peter and John. The monk fell on his knees, and the most turned to him and said that he heard prayers and would continue to help. After these words, she again became invisible.

Phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sergia Radonezh

The phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin Mary was a good omens to the monastery and all of Russia. There was a big war with Tatars, people were in a state of disturbing expectation. The vision has become a prophecy, good news about a prosperous outcome and the coming victory over the Horde. The theme of the phenomenon of the Virgin Igumen has become one of the most popular in icon painting.


Life sunset Sergius, who lived to deep old age, was clear and quiet. It was surrounded by numerous disciples, he was honored with great princes and the latest beggars. For six months before the death of Sergius, he nugged the student Nikonu and renounced from all worldly, "began to silence", preparing for death.

Monument to Sergia Radonezhsky

When the ailment began to overcome everything stronger, in the premonition of care he collects monastic brotherhood and appeals to them with the instruction. Requests "to have fear of God", keep the binding, cleanliness of the soul and body, love, humility and wenexious, expressing in the care of the beggar and homeless. In the world of another old man moved September 25, 1392


After the death of Trinity monks, they built him into the rank of saints, calling the reverend, the wonderworker and the saint. A stone cathedral called Troitsky was built above the grave of Saint. The walls of the cathedral and the iconostasis painted Artel under the leadership of Andrei Rublev. Old paintings were not preserved, in their place in 1635 new ones were created.

Icons Sergius Radonezhsky

According to another version, the canonization of the Radonezh took place later, 5 (18) of July, when the relics of the saint were acquired. Relics to this day are in the Trinity Cathedral. His walls they left only with a strongest threat - during fires and Napoleonic invasions. With the arrival of the Bolsheviks, the relics were opened, and the remains were kept in the Sergiev Historical and Art Museum.

Modest Radonezh Igumen gained immortality in the memory of followers, all believers and in the history of the state. The saint considered to be their intercession and the patron saint of the Moscow kings who visited the manty in the Trinity Monastery. To his image was treated in severe times for the Russian people. His name became a symbol of the spiritual wealth of Russia and the people.

Icons Sergius Radonezhsky

The dates of the memory of the saint is the day of his death on September 25 (October 8) and the day of the glorification of the saints of the Inok Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra 6 (19) of July. In the biography of the saint there are many facts of selfless service to God. In his honor, many monasteries, temples and monuments were built. Only in the capital of 67 temples, many were built in the XVII-XVIII century. There are also abroad. Many icons are written and paintings with its way.

The miraculous icon "Sergius Radonezh" helps parents when they pray for their children to study well. In the house where there is an icon, children are under his patronage. Schoolchildren and students are resorted to the help of Holy, when they have difficulty learning and during passing exams. Prayer before the icon helps in court cases, protects against mistakes and offenders.

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