Jean-Claude Juncker - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



Jean-Claude Juncker is a politician of Luxembourg and Europe, chairman of the European Commission.

Jean-Claude was born on December 9, 1954 in the town of Redange-sur-attert Duchy Luxembourg. The father of the boy, Luxembourger by nationality, worked in metallurgy and was engaged in public operation. In his youth, the Wehrmacht was rapidly recruited and fought on the side of Germany, so after World War II began to show interest in the left political block.

In childhood, Jean-Claude participated in the rallies together with his father and was aware of the events occurring in the trade union of the plant. High School of Junker ended in Belgian Clerfontene, after which he entered Strasbourg to the Faculty of Law. At the 20th age, became a member of the socio-Christian party, which still consists.


After graduating from the university in 1979, Jean-Claude was engaged in a lawyer, but after five years he was able to participate in the work of the Luxembourg Parliament. Jacques Santer, Luxembourg Prime Minister, Deputy of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Social and Christian Party began to look at promising young policies. Thanks to the protection of Santer, Jean-Claude becomes the head of the Council of Ministers of the European Union on social issues. In 1989, Juncker receives the post of Minister of Labor, the budget policy of Luxembourg and the Director of the World Bank.

In the 90s, Jean-Claude Juncker participates in the development and implementation of the Maastricht Treaty, a fundamental legal document of the European Union. In 1990, he was elected by the Chairman of the Socio-Christian Party for five years, in 1994 she was re-elected to the Cabinet of Ministers and Parliament.

1995 - a turning point in the political biography of Jean-Claude. By secret voting, Junker is elected by Luxembourg Prime Minister. Politician, participating in the work of the European Parliament, promotes the idea of ​​a single currency. Jean-Claud is developing a strategy of the European Union in relation to the employment of the population of Europe.

Jean-Claude Juncker and Vladimir Putin

Own ideas of the Junker could have received the post of Chairman of the EU in 1997 for six months. In 1999, thanks to the efforts of the Luxembourg group of parliamentarians, the new currency of the euro was introduced into non-cash settlement, and since 2002, the first banknotes appeared. The post of Prime Minister Luxembourg, Juncker was re-elected three more times: in 1999, 2004 and 2009, fully preserving the previous powers.

Prime Minister of Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker

In 2005, Jean-Claude as an experienced financier was invited to the post of President of the Eurogroup, which included all the ministers of the finance of the eurozone states. The beginnings of the Junker find the support of Chancellor of Germany Angels Merkel, which stands for Jean-Claude to become the successor Jose Manuel Barrow. But the United Kingdom represented by the Prime Minister David Cameron opposes the candidacy of Luxembourg. The British fear the strict centralization of Europe, which the Junker becomes a supporter.

Jean-Claude Juncker and Angela Merkel

In 2013, the scandal broke out in Luxembourg, in the center of which was the operating Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker. The Special Commission recorded the excess of the powers of the National Intelligence and Safety Service of Luxembourg. The organization was charged illegal receipt of funds, as well as the cabinet of the Cabinet of Ministers. The main defendant in the case of the investigation was held by Jean-Claude Juncker, who is in an emergency, without waiting for the results of the investigation, resigned.

Head of the European Commission

In the summer of 2014, at the Summit of the European Union, Jean-Claude Junker was put forward by a candidate for the post of Chairman of the European Commission. Of the 26 leaders of the Eurozone countries against Luxembourg, Prime Ministers of Great Britain David Cameron and Hungary Victor Orban voted. In November, Jean-Claud began the official responsibilities of the head of the European Commission.

Head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Junker

The main priority for the work of the EU UNCER identified the reorganization of the energy sector of the continent, a gradual transition to the autonomous maintenance of the EU's energy needs. Juncker made the development of political and economic relations with Washington, as well as against the exit of the UK from the EU. Jean-Claud is working on the creation of a balanced labor market and the increasing economic growth of the Union.

Jean-Claude Juncker and Peter Poroshenko

Jean-Claude for 20 years already lobbies the interests of an Eastern European state in the EU. Politician supports reforms and changes occurring in Ukraine, so immediately after the head of the head of the European Commission, the Junker ordered to translate Kiev Tranche in the amount of € 100 million.

In 2015, Jean-Claude Juncker, together with the President of the European Council, at Donald Tsky visited the EU - Ukraine summit, which was held in Kiev. At a meeting with Peter Poroshenko and Arseny Yatsenyuk, the Europeans supported the desire of Ukraine to cooperate with Europe, the confrontation of Russia and the return of the Crimea of ​​the previous political status.

Personal life

In communicating with journalists, Jean-Claude Juncker is extremely reluctant to the topic of personal life. It is known that, being another student of the Law Faculty, a novice politician met the girl named Christian Freizing, who soon became his wife.

Jean-Claude Juncker with his wife

The family turned out to be strong, despite the lack of children. Juncker free time gives reading books and walks with his beloved dog named Plato.

Jean-Claude Juncker now

At the end of 2016, Jean-Claude promised to Ukrainian colleagues another tranche at € 600 million in response to the removal of the moratorium on the export of Ukrainian wood to Europe. Speaking about Russia, the European politician emphasizes that the Russian Federation cannot be called a regional power. This is a world-class military superpower.

Jean-Claude Juncker in 2017

In May 2017, a large scandal broke out at the Geneva Summit. Jean-Claude Juncker appeared drunk at the meeting of the leaders of the EU states. The reason for the inadequate behavior of the chairman was unclear, when he gave a social student at all, and then suddenly began to kiss those present. Provocative photos and video VMIs have become a sensation on the Internet. It turned out that at least the year of Jean-Claude Juncker has alcohol problems.

Now the head of the European Commission is engaged in solving foreign policy issues: the development of investment schemes in the Chinese economy, the main condition for which the UNCER calls respect for human rights in the PRC. Great concern Jean-Claude cause trade agreements with the United States, which are the EU states bypassing Brussels.

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