Johnny Lee Miller - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Angelina Jolie, Wedding, Movies, Filmography 2021



Johnny Lee Miller is a famous British actor who is not afraid to take on the most complex roles, trying on the images of both valiant and kind and gracious heroes and the masks of villains. All his characters are distinguished by a heartfelt look of an expressive eye, which has become an important factor and another incentive for finding a numerous army of fans.

Childhood and youth

Johnny Lee Miller was born on November 15, 1972 in the picturesque area of ​​Kingston-April Tears in the south-west of London. The boy grew and was brought up in a creative family: Johnny Father Alan Miller was an assistant director and participated in TVV's TV links, and Anna Lee's star served in the theater.

It is also known that Praded Miller was an actor and played in theatrical productions, and his son Bernard Lee, who came to the scene at the age of 6, was remembered by the audience in the role of the head of the MI-6 secret service in the first 11 films about the adventures of the famous agent 007.

When a new bondian project was announced, Bernard came to the hospital with suspicion of gastric cancer. Unfortunately, on November 16, 1981, Lee died. It is known that because of respect for the actor, the creators of the 12th film about James Bond ("only for your eyes") did not seek him a replacement, and the script was rewritten, according to which M "is on vacation. Johnny confessed that he remembered his famous grandfather little, because the boy was only 8 years old when he did not.

It is not surprising that the future actor grew in an artistic situation. We can say that the parents of Johnny predetermined the future of the Son: when Miller was small, he, together with his sister, went to his mother and dad and watched the filming of the children's entertainment program Blue Peter. The boy fascinated the colorful world of directorial chambers, spotlights, chromasque and constant fuss of scripts and operators. Therefore, being a child, Johnny said that he would certainly become an actor. He was preparing for this profession, consistent with the film literature, and in his free time he studied the game on the saxophone.

In school, Lee Miller studied at Tiffin School - an elite educational institution for boys, located in the south-west of London. There, the young man managed to play in the musical The Ragged Child, which tells about the children's fever in the UK, as well as Johnny performed in the team Tiffin Swing Band.

Later, a guy who dreams of glory, joined the National Youth Music Theater, where he met friend - actor Jude Low. After receiving the GCSE (certificate of medium education), Miller did not continue their studies, fully dedicated himself to acting skills.


Thanks to the Father, the creative biography of Johnny Lee Miller began early: as a child, he often flashed in multi-sized films and television programs.

For the first time in front of the directorized cameras, Johnny appeared at the age of 9th - the boy starred in the fleeting role of the cult fantastic series "Doctor Who" (episode Kinda, 1982), and after a year Lee Miller fulfilled the role of Charles Price in the first filmization of the Roman Jane Austin "Mansfield the park". In 1999, the artist once again took part in the film of the same name, but already embodied on the screen Edmund Bertram.

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In 1995, Johnny received a ticket to a big movie: he made his debut in the full-length film director Yena Softyley "Hackers", which brought to the life of the actor, universal recognition and glory. The picture was the sign and for the personal life of the artist - on the site he met with the future wife of Angelina Jolie.

In the same 1995, Johnny appeared in immoral, but at the same time a humorous film on the novel by the writer Irwin Welsh "on the needle", where the loser was played by nicknamed Kaifol.

It is noteworthy that for the sake of this role Johnny radically changed the image, cutting his hair into white. Yuen Mc Gregor, Robert Carlisle, Kelly McDonald and other famous movie figures played in the criminal film. By the way, from the whole acting four Johnny turned out to be the only one who had no Scottish origin. However, despite this, Li Miller managed to be brilliantly born into the image of a native Edinburgh.

After a series of successful roles in the distant 1997, the actor, together with his buddies, Yuena Mc Gregor and Jude Low, founded the Natural Nylon film company, but after 7 years the joint business burned and went into the summer, but it did not affect the relationship between colleagues.

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It can be said that in the directorial world of Johnny acquired enviable popularity, after all, the famous creators of paintings almost every year approved him on a major role. Most likely, this contributed not only to Miller's attractive appearance, as well as professionalism, because during the career in the cinema a man showed himself as a diverse actor.

In 2004, Miller was awarded the main role in the film Renny Harlin "Reason Hunters." In the modern adaptation of the Roman Agatha Christie "10 Negreat" in the style of "hungry games" Johnny played the charismatic agent Lucas Harper.

In the same year, the actor starred in the Love Melodrame of the director Woody Allen "Melinda and Melinda". Johnny was lucky to work on the same platform with Rada Mitchell, Wallace Schuen, Amanda Pit and other famous actors.

Despite the successful career in full meter, Lee Miller with pleasure participated in the shooting of the series. He appeared in the fifth season of the cultural multi-seater film "Dexter", filmed based on the novel Jeff Lindsa, where he fulfilled the charming killer and a rapist.

In 2009, the 3rd screen version of Roman Jane Austin appeared on the actor's account, this time Emma. The main role in the mini-serial was performed by Romola Garai, Johnny tried out the image of Mr. Knightley, which made himself to the public, which compared him with Jeremy Nortem, who played the same role in the previous version of the picture.

It is noteworthy that in 2011, Johnny performed at the stage of the Royal National Theater in the formulation of Frankenstein. This performance is unusual by the fact that Miller and Benedict Cumberbatch play Victor and his monster, and in different statements the actors change roles. Benedict managed to make his characters with real villains, while Johnny's heroes caused despair and pity.

For impeccable reincarnation in the actors from Roman Mary Shelly, both actors were awarded the prestigious Prize of Lawrence Olivier in the nomination "Best Actor", as well as the theater award of the Evening Standard newspaper.

A year after the premiere of Frankenstein, Li Miller was lucky to play at the most macabric director of modernity - Tim Burton in the film "Gloomy Shadows". In the picture telling the extravagant vampire, Johnny Depp, Eva Green, Michelle Pfaiffer, Helena Bonmem Carter, Chloe Grace Market and other actors.

In 2012, Johnny Lee Miller reincarnated in the famous Sherlock Holmes in the TV series "elementary". It is noteworthy that in the adaptation of Holmes became a drug addict in the string, and Dr. Watson played Actress Lucy Lew. Thus, the creators wanted to show how the man and woman, not burdened with romantic relationships, are able to coexist with each other.

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Johnny admitted that on the set "elementary" felt relaxed, because he did not have to imitate American accent and hide the numerous tattoo. By the way, whether Miller was filmed in other films, the make-ups left for about an hour to hide the uncomplicated actor decorations. In this project, the artist had to try a lot of new things. In addition to other experiments on the site, he shaved sleep.

Despite the fact that the multi-detective is far from the handwritten original, he received positive reviews from film critics. By the way, the actors themselves for filming in the series did not read any work of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

The tape visiting the audience received a continuation that became no less popular. But due to the fact that the broadcast was transferred to an uncomfortable time, the project ratings began to fall, and after the release of the 7th season, the detective exit decided to stop.

Danny Boyle, director of the film "On the Needle", Long Hall to remove Sikvel to the ribbon, taking the Roman Irwin Welsh "Porn" as the basis. The picture came out called "T2: trainspotting" ("on the needle - 2"). Johnny returned to the sign in the youth of the role of a blond sique battle.

In an interview with Danny Boyle, he said that the actors who re-played their characters were perfectly understood that the audience would compare them with those heroes that were remembered by the first film. However, the performers did not embarrass, they were not ashamed of their age and acquired life experience and were ready to tell about it in the frame.

Personal life

It is known that Miller is an avid shopaholic. Even out of sight of the director's chambers Static actor (Johnny's growth 177 cm) got used to dressing with a needle. He practically knows the names of famous brands, in the wardrobe Lee Miller you can find jeans from Levi's, White Label and Nudie Jeans, pants from GAP and strict classic costumes from Dolce & Gabbana.

In his free time, Johnny tries to play sports: he gets up at 5 am and goes on a jog, which is accompanied by music. Lee Miller confessed that he was Meloman, however the actor loves to listen to the batch from the musicals. His favorite ideas are the "Book of Mormon" from the creators of the Southern Park and "rejected" on the novel by Viktor Hugo.

As for love relationships, Miller's handsome was married twice. The first chief of the charming gentleman was then a little-known actress Angelina Jolie, with which Johnny met on the set of the movie "Hackers." Young people began to meet in 1995, and two years later we looked at their relationship. Although the wedding of Jolie and Lee Miller was quite modest, the bride and the bride managed to "leave the mark" in history.

The fact is that instead of the wedding rings, beloved exchanged blood droplets, injections of unnamed fingers. The groom's costumes and the brides were also unforgettable: for example, the wrinkled Angelina appeared on the ceremony in leather trousers and a white T-shirt, on which his own blood wrote the name of his beloved.

Despite the bloody ritual, which, according to Jolie, tied more stronger than signature on a piece of paper, already in 1999, at the initiative of Lee Miller pair filed for divorce. It is worth saying that in this relationship Johnny was not easy, since his chosen one had a lot of confidence, for example, she never prepared and hated when she was touched.

Also, journalists sowed rumors that the probable reason for the breaking of the relationship was the constant treason of Jolie with Timothy Hatton or the narcotic dependence of the actress. But in any case, according to ex-beloved, they never quarreled and diverged good friends.

Miller's second wife became Michel Hicks, who gave birth to the actor of the son of Bastera Timothy Miller. With the American actress, Johnny began to meet in 2006, and in two years the lovers played a wedding.

In 2009, the artist fell into the lens of paparazzi together with the same name - a strong Miller. The meeting caused a certain wave of rumors, despite the fact that in the pictures of Johnny was with a carriage, in which his one-year-old son was located, and the actress at that time was his colleague on the Broadway Stage "After Miss Julie."

In the summer of 2021, Paparazzi noticed the former American spouse Angelina Jolie, leaving his house, which gave rise to a wave of rumors about the novel. It is known that the artists have retained a good relationship, moreover, their Kids Knox and Baster are also friends.

The famous actor loves to cook. Johnny's culinary arts began to comprehend during the pregnancy of his wife, because he did not want to burden her beloved by homely hassle. However, this lesson fully swallowed Johnny, and the future father began to read the culinary books of famous chefs: Gordon Ramsi, Jamie Oliver and Nagel Slater.

In particular, Miller is interested in Italian cuisine. The artist confessed that in cooking it is not an innovator, because the recipes of the dishes prepared, he looks tracks in the manuscripts of culinary authorities. Although in the Arsenal Johnny there is one own recipe for Sauce Bolognese to Spaghetti.

With fans, the star communicates through social networks, Johnny lays out numerous photos from the shooting sites on a personal page in "Instagram".

Johnny Lee Miller now

Now the life of a popular star is very diverse. The movie in it still stands in the first place, as evidenced by the actor filmography, regularly replenished with new projects.

Johnny worked on the thriller called "Alice", which became a directed debut for Christine Ver Linden. In July 2021, the premiere of the British tape "Messiators" started, for filming in which Miller had to visit South Africa.


  • 1995 - "Hackers"
  • 1996 - "On the needle"
  • 1999 - "Mansfield Park"
  • 2000 - "Dracula 2000"
  • 2004 - "Reason Hunters"
  • 2004 - "Melinda and Melinda"
  • 2005 - "Eon Flaks"
  • 2006-2007 - "EXTRA Class Thieves"
  • 2008-2009 - "Elai Stone"
  • 2009 - "End of the game"
  • 2009 - Emma
  • 2010 - "Dexter"
  • 2011 - "Frankenstein"
  • 2012 - "Gloomy Shadows"
  • 2012 - "Byzantium"
  • 2012-2019 - "Elementary"
  • 2017 - "T2: trainspotting"
  • 2021 - "Messages"
  • 2022 - "Alice"

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