Evgeny Gonelin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Evgenia Hanelin, the spectator knows on the series "Devoloic Strength", in which the guide was embodied the image of the harsh Peter Militiaman Lyubimov. Not to say that the image of a person in the pursuit brought over him, however, most projects in the filmography. Although the actor looks like a researcher rather than at the general.

Childhood and youth

The reincarnation master was born on January 19, 1959 in Leningrad. According to the father's line of the ancestors of Hanelin by nationality of the Jews. The head of the family was a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The challenges of the artist laid the mother in his son, taught history in a musical and pedagogical school. She herself played the piano, sang, so did not mind when the boy wanted to do everything at once - from hockey and a photo frame to the folk theater.

Many parents dream that children will continue a professional dynasty, but Eugene chose another way. By the way, his only heir also did not listen to the Soviets of the Father. Alexander Hanelin - Actor.

At the end of the secondary school, the ambitious young man entered Ligitmik to the dramatic faculty, in the class of Honored Arts Worker of the RSFSR Vladimir Petrov. When he solemnly showed the father of the student ticket of the theater institute, he congratulated his favorite child and said that now it was necessary to enter Easta. Zhenya explained that at the same time learn in two universities. An educational institution he graduated with honors in 1980.

Evgeny Hagelin in youth

In the 90s, the actor wanted to go to Moscow, to the theater on Taganka, but his father dissuaded. And then in Haneline, pedagogical genes woke up. Evgeny Rafailovich taught in Alma Mater, in the universities of Finland and Holland.

According to the results of the graduation decade, in the repertoire of which 6 performances on the works of Homer, Thomas Mann, Ivan Vyrypayev, Nina Sadur and Tennessee Williams, graduates of his course in St. Petersburg University, without exception, was excellent.

Now he is the Deputy Head of the Creative Direction of the Department of Acting, Professor, has time to play in the theater, to shoot and write a doctoral dissertation. Incredible performance allows Hanelin not to postpone the scientific work and articles in a long box. The most popular his publications are the compilations of the Acting Profession and the "Educational Performance".

Personal life

Julia, the actor's companion in his personal life, in his youth worked as a librarian, then cared for the sick-sick sickness and treated the husband for months did not appear at home, with his head plunging into work on the set or in the theater.

Evgeny's wife got acquainted on vacation in Odessa. A year later, Sasha's son was born. The young man graduated from the university, where he taught his father, but I did not hear the accusations of protectionism. Now Hannelin Jr. is studying in graduate school of the Russian Institute of Stage Arts and plays with Pope in the theater named after V. F. Commissioner. He lit up in the cinema - in the "sea devils", "Mental Wars", with Maxim Averin in Goryunov, with Konstantin Khabensky in the "White Guard".

In the press, the rumors were investigated at one time that the actor was divorced, married again and got another child. They said that Anastasia Melnikov gave birth to Mary's daughter from him. Above such "news", Julia and Eugene laugh only.

Public person in the family is only Hanelin himself. He is divided into "Facebook", colleagues are tagged with Hestegh with his name frames from the shooting sites posted in "Instagram".

Theater and films

At the end of the Institute of Artist, they accepted into the droupe of the youth theater on the fountain. In 1982, Evgeny moved to the Leninsky Komsomol Theater (now Baltic House), and in 1986 - to the theater named after the Commissioner. During the years of creative career, his repertoire was replenished with a considerable number of roles. This is Dr. and Solomon Naiman in the play "Yama", Pugachev in the "suicide", Don Chiro in the "Thieves in Paradise", Manilaov in "Chikchiki", in the "Unnamed Star" and Sanitary Hessia in "Soap Angels".

In 1990, Haneline founded the theater of the two actors "Chameleon", later collaborated with the production company Vadim Dubrovitsky "Janus" and the Association "Theatrical Peace". As director Evgeny, I put Opales Andamuki and Katharina, the Star Hour Music Parody Show, the Cechuk, the Bulgakov "night rehearsal" and "dialogues" on Alexander Volodin.

As the artist said in an interview, "BDT and" Alexandrinka "was suppressed by monumentality, it's nice to walk along the corridors and watch photos. And they are not adapted to work the soul. " So the path-road returned Ghanelin to Commissioner.

Evgenia's film took place in 1985 in the Military Drama "Feat Odessa". In the picture about the fate of the defenders of the city, he played a courageous senior sergeant, ready to bring himself sacrificing for the sake of salvation of others. Unfortunately, the film did not impress the audience. Also did not bring the popularity of the drama "defendant" and "criminal talent". Despite the failures, the actor did not doubt that his starry hour ahead.

The role in the series "Devoloiy Power" Hineelin received randomly. He did not see a single series of teleproject, until he came to the casting, until the last moment he did not know who would have to play. There was a chance that his hero will be Maxim Verigin. Subsequently, Sergey Koshonin received this role, and Evgeny tried on the image of Jora Lyubimov, a policeman who had fallen to work. The actor loved the character for the fact that he, unlike Verigin's emotional manifestations, was not climbing in the word in his pocket and everyone could give not only physical, but also verbal back.

Fans came to the conclusion that the "slaughter" will be more accurate than competing "streets of broken lanterns." The series has enviable geography - from Estonia to America, from France to Africa. True, in the US and South Africa Hanelin did not take. The artist suspects that so the producers revenged for the fact that he and Kosonin in one moment went to the conflict to defend his own rights.

The most impressive steel series filmed in the Caucasus. The film group was guarded there OMON and BTR, the actors went armed. In general, Andrei Fedorov, who served in the army in the Minno-subversive shelf, was allocated by experience and ammunition. Friends-veterans of Chechen wars provided him with a dagger, camouflage, walkie-talkie and grenades without oppositions.

Hanelin did not hide joy when in 2005 the project was closed - tired. Although the fruits of glory reached a long time. Traffic cops, for example, forgive when he drives on yellow or wrongly parked.

Consultations of professionals took on the shooting of the film "Goryunov", the creators of which "raised" Evgenia to the counter-admiral. Ivan Krasko and familiar captain of the submarine, not knowing the rules and traditions of the sea fleet.

The name of Goryunov, by the way, wore an actor's character in a detective "Gangster Petersburg".

The cinematic biography of Eugene is generally replete with the roles of brave soldiers. For example, in the militant "Situation 202", he embodied the image of the Lieutenant Colonel of Chibis, in Isnous Ribbon "Antisinaper - 2: Double Motivation" of his character became Boris Romanov, and in the drama "Military intelligence: the West Front" received the role of Captain Vladimir Samartseva.

Evgeny Hanelin and son Alexander Hanelin

In 2005, the filmography of Master of Disposal was replenished with a role in the rating series "Sea Devils". In it, the actor played the mysterious lieutenant colonel FSB. Also, Hanelin starred in the TV project "Secrets of the Covenant - 9", having experienced the image of the Head of the Cavun Security Service.

When Eugene asks about his beloved role, he invariably recalls the Military Dot "Dot". In the film Anatoly Mateshko his character became the commander of Dota Leonov. According to the plot, the officer's team fell into a difficult situation, and this had to make a lot of effort, in order to save the subordinates.

Spectators highlight the work of Haneline with Andrei Merzlikin and Sergey Pustopalis in the Spy Tape "Creek Owl", in which he reincarnated in a regular German agent. The series was nominated for the "Golden Eagle" and the Award Association of Cinema and Television, noted the FSB Prize as one of the best works on the activities of security bodies.

For diversity, the artist played an architect in the "Days of Hope", a doctor in the "buy a friend" and in the "At the River two shores", Kameo in the Youth Comedy "Peppers".

"If you play a script that can be imperfect, but for something you can get clinging, then this role is the most important. But after visualing and final installation, when I can not change anything, it remains only to look and understand that, no, this is an unloved role, and getting ready for the next. "

Evgenia do not like comparisons with Vladimir Vysotsky - to such a star still stretch and stretch. In the "slaughter force" he initially demanded "to issue Zhuglov", hinting at the external similarity. Directors also use hoarse and intonation of Hanelin's votes. With the participation of the actor, a dubbing "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Carrier", "Criminal Hivis", "International" was carried out.

Evgeny Gonelin now

The cycle of "Sea Devils", published in 2019, was written specifically for Eugene. An actuate actor considers the psychological thriller "Spy No. 1" based on real events, the premiere of which was expected in 2020, and the Desert Action. In both projects, it is involved in the roles of the second plan.

The main hero of the melodrama "With you I want to be always" - Thesis of Hanelin, the former director of the plant, who has suffered a stroke. Caring for a man's nurse guess that someone wants to speed up his death, and gets involved in a dangerous investigation.


  • 1988 - "Criminal Talent"
  • 2001-2005 - "Deadly Power"
  • 2006 - "Gangster Petersburg"
  • 2010 - "Secrets of the Consequence"
  • 2011 - "Payback"
  • 2012 - "Night swallows"
  • 2013 - "Goryunov"
  • 2015 - "White Arrow. Retribution"
  • 2017 - "Sea Devils"
  • 2017 - "Alien face"
  • 2019 - "Desert"
  • 2020 - "With you I want to be always"

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