Mikhail Svetin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography



Self-taught actor, the king of the episode, the People's Artist of Russia, born in Ukraine, is equally beloved in two countries and in the entire post-Soviet space, the charming Thomas Bryl, the partner of the carmer from the New Year's fairy tale "Wizards", - the audience remembered Mikhail Svetina. Unusual texture, a brilliant sense of humor, a pronounced comedy role of Svetina was in demand in hundreds of full-length paintings of various genres. Many of them entered the Golden Fund of Soviet and Russian Cinema.

Childhood and youth

The name of the actor given to him at birth - Mikhail Solomonovich Goltzman. Mikhail was born in Kiev in December 1929 in a wealthy Jewish family. Mom worked as a teacher in the Kiev Children's House, the father was worked. Before the revolution, the grandfather along the father owned the grocery bench in the rookest, and the Goltzman family did not need anything.

Full Mikhail Svetin

The acting talent of the boy manifested itself in childhood. A little Misha had an excellent sense of humor, he copied his idol Charlie Chaplin and disadvantaged the audience without difficulty. They became both relatives and very unfamiliar people, whose attention did not constrain Misha. At 11 years old, doctors have discovered Tuberculosis from Mikhail. The boy was sent to the Crimea, to the sanatorium. But Misha has not managed to fix it: the Great Patriotic War began. In the evacuation to Tashkent, Mikhail Svetin went along with his mother and brother who came to visit him.

Mikhail Svetin in childhood

In the native city, the family returned in 1944 to the house at the Malaya Zhytomyr Street. Mikhail Svetin, then another Goltzman, went to school. But after grade 8, the guy was expelled for hooliganism and fountaining humor. Misha's mini concerts on change and comedy tricks in the teacher's lessons were not approved. To set up students for a lesson when the future artist was sitting in the classroom, it was an archent task. Mikhail Svetin entered the music school and quickly learned to play the bob. In 1955, the guy called for service. The musician was determined in a military orchestra.

Mikhail Svetin in youth

He served Kievlin in the battalion of self-propelled artillery attitudes in the city of Uman, famous for his Sophia Dendropark. After the demobilization, Mikhail Svetin went to the third course of the music school, which was safely graduated. Having become a certified musician, Mikhail Svetin settled music teacher at school.

Mikhail Svetin in youth

But the acting talent rumbled out, the young man became closely as part of the teacher and the musician. He took two unsuccessful attempts to enter Gitis and Schukinsky Theater School in Moscow. The admission committee refused the young man because of small growth and speech defects.


The capital did not accept the Kievlyanin with open arms, but he did not retreat and with a dream to become an artist did not part. Mikhail Svetina managed to settle in the theater of Arkady Rykin: the beginning actor was taken into the auxiliary composition. But the Svetina was difficult to resist in a rigorous framework, and the leadership of the theater pointed him to the door, calling the irresponsible and shackled. Later, in an interview, Mikhail Svetin with his own humor explained the dismissal by taught Arkady Rykin, how to play.

Mikhail Svetin on stage

Mikhail Svetina's creative biography began on theatrical stage in Kamyshin and Kemerovo. Then Kievman went to the scene of theaters in Petropavlovsk, Irkutsk and Penza. Going to the theatrical scene, Mikhail Goltzman felt uncomfortable when he pronounced his last name. Therefore, he came up with the creative alias of the Svetin, taking the name of the small daughter Svetlana as the basis. Officially, Mikhail Solomonovich Goltskman became Mikhail Semenovich Svetin in 1983, changing the name in the passport.

Mikhail Svetin in the theater

In the mid-1960s, Mikhail Svetina took a musical comedy in Kiev in the troupe. After 6 years, he moved to Leningrad, where he went to the scene of a small dramaater. In 1980, Mikhail Svetina noticed the artistic director of the Leningrad Comedy Theater Peter Fomenko and invited to Troupe. For the actor, the long-awaited bright band in the creative biography began. On stage, he played victoryosikov in the formulation of Banya, the Usurper of the Duke Frederick in the "Fairy Tale of the Ardenan Forest", Brighella in "Lystie" on the play Carlo Goldeni.


Mikhail Semenovich began to invite to play a movie. In 1974, the comedy "Ne a fluff, no feather" came to the screens, where Svetin played a doctor Semenovich seeds. In the frame, the actor appeared with Arkady Arkadyev, Nikolai Grinko and Alexander Lenkov. In the same year, the drama element of Klimov "Agony" on the times of the Board of Nicholas I and the conspiracy in order to kill Grigory Rasputin. The elder played Alexey Petrenko, Mikhail Svetina got the image of Terekhov. Leonid Armored, Anatoly Romashin and Alice Freundlich starred in the film.

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But not this, and the next film brought popularity to the actor. Directors saw in the Svetina an outstanding comedy talent. In the mid-1970s, Golden Comedy "Afonya" was released on the screens. The brilliant director's work and the star composition of the tape, in which Mikhail Svetina was found (he played an episodic role of the driver of the Voronkov), turned the picture to the film School of Soviet cinema.

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In 1976, Mark Zakharov called Mikhail Svetina in the comedy "12 chairs", where the son of the Turkish Ostap of Bender played the brilliant Andrei Mironov. Kyivlyanina got the role of the engineer of Bruns in the 4th series. And again the stellar environment: Anatoly Papanov, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, Alexander Abdulov.

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Mikhail Svetin is in demand in the cinema, each year comes out for several paintings with his participation. In the 1980s, the audience saw the actor in the "piggy bank" comedy in the role of Shamburg. This is a sparkling ribbon about a modest ruler, folding money from card winnings in the piggy bank, to spend a great time with downtry friends every year. The company Svetina amounted to Zinoviy Gerdt, Igor Dmitriev and Ernst Romanov.

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In 1981, Mikhail Svetin appeared in six tapes, among which the comedy "be my husband", on the set of which Svetin met the second time with Mironov. And he appeared in the Twistered Music film "Silva" and the melodrama "Favorite Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov" with Lyudmila Gurchenko in the lead role. Mikhail Svetina got the role of "Pentyuha" Viktor Mikhailovich, theatrical musician.

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Loud, deafening glory came to the actor at 40 years. Svetina got a star role in the good New Year's film "Wizard", which tells about the amazing events at the Nuhin Institute. Mikhail Svetin played an employee of the Foma Foma Pesuching Bryl, who worked in a pair with carpet (Emmanuel Vitorgan) in the workshop of magical wood. The tale comedy came out in 1982. The song is about what "the main thing is to sit", sang the whole country, and the film became truly cult. Many without this tape, as without Ryazan hits, do not represent New Year holidays.

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Good, slightly ridiculous and naive heroes Mikhail Svetina caused a sympathy and smile of the viewer. The old age actor did not interfere with him to live an active creative life. On the theatrical stage of Svetin (since 1996 - the People's Artist of the Russian Federation) played the Minister of Finance in the play "Shadow" on the play of Evgeny Schwartz, Sir Toby Balcha in the "Twelfth Night" and the neighbor of Beni in the formulation of "difficult people."

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Not less saturated was the work of Mikhail Svetina in cinema. He appeared in the tapes "Man with Capuchin Boulevard" (Pharmacist), "Don Cesar de Bazan" (Viscount de Monteho), "Bright Personality" (Ptashnikov), in the comedy "about businessman foma" played the chairman of the Zozulin collective farm. In the first decade of 2000, the audience saw the beloved actor in the Golden Teleen in the role of the pounds of the pound, in the New Year's Musical Musicle "First House" (Thoma Bryl), the Comedy "Paradox" (scientist-mathematician) and a film-fairy tale "Truthful story about Scari Sails "(seller of fabrics).

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In 2010, Mikhail Svetin in collaboration with film critic Elena Alekseeva wrote a book "Conversations by phone: Memoirs." In it, the artist in the form of monologues and telephone conversations spoke about life situations and comic cases of his rich creative biography, adding memoirs with unique photos. The last film with Mikhail Svetina came out in January 2014 on the first channel. This is the Military Drama "Line Martha", filmed by the director Oleg Gaza. Scene line - double, events are developing in a blockade Leningrad and in our time. Alice Freindlich and Vasily Lanovova starred in the picture. Svetin played George Galanacher.

Personal life

The tight schedule of the actor in the theater and on the film studio did not prevent him from creating a strong and happy family. In 1959, Mikhail Svetin married the theater actress Bronislava Arcured, who came to the scene of the Leningrad Mall Drama Theater with him. The artists met in Kamyshin, and despite the difference in age (smoking younger than Svetina for 12 years), they lived a soul in the soul of 57 years.

Mikhail Svetin with his wife, daughter and granddaughter

In marriage, the only daughter of the artist Svetlana Svetina appeared. She gave birth to Mikhail Semenovich two granddaughters - Anna and Alexander, for which the grandfather really missed. The daughter married and emigrated to America. The granddaughters of Mikhail Svetina are creative personality. Anya - Graduate of the Art Academy, Sasha - a copy of the grandfather, she has excellent musical hearing, the girl plays the guitar and piano, singing, participates in musicals and performances. Brother Mikhail Svetina - Leonid Goltzman - musician gobist, teacher and concertmester. Lives in Israel.


In August 2015, 84-year-old Mikhail Svetina was delivered to the Gatchina District Hospital. They hospitalized the actor on Sunday directly from the cottage in the Vyritsa, where he rested with his wife and unexpectedly lost consciousness. The urgent delivered Svetina to the hospital, where doctors suspected stroke and laid the patient in the resuscitation chamber.

Mikhail Svetin in recent years

The neurosurgeon caused from St. Petersburg has made the operation, but its condition has deteriorated. Transport Mikhail Svetina to the Institute. Polenova, where he has been observed for a long time, did not allow. The hopes of relatives and friends for recovery were not justified: death came on August 30. It was the cause of hemorrhagic stroke.

Mikhail Svetina's grave

The funeral of Mikhail Svetina took place on September 2. They said goodbye to the actor in the N. P. Akimov's native comedy theater. The grave of the artist is located at the St. Petersburg Serafimovsky cemetery, the monument is made on the sketch of Anna's artist's granddaughter. A sad clown is sitting on the pedestal, the head graspted by his head.


  • 1974 - "Agony"
  • 1975 - "Afonya"
  • 1975 - "Can't Be!"
  • 1976 - "12 chairs"
  • 1980 - "Piggy Bank"
  • 1981 - "Favorite Woman Mechanic Gavrilova"
  • 1981 - "Silva"
  • 1982 - "Trust that burst"
  • 1982 - "Wizard"
  • 1985 - "Rus Primary"
  • 1987 - "Man with Capuchin Boulevard"
  • 1989 - "Don Cesar de Bazan"
  • 1989 - "Bright Personality"
  • 1989 - "Sirano de Bergerac"
  • 1989 - "Private Detective, or Operation" Cooperation "
  • 1991 - "The case of Sukhovo-Koblin"
  • 1993 - "About businessman foma"
  • 2006 - "Golden Calf"
  • 2014 - "Line Martha"

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