Vladislav Reznik - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Vladislav Reznik - a copy of his grandfather tanker, the witness of the armed conflict in Azerbaijan in the early 90s. Therefore, the images of people in the pursuit of him succeed in the best. People whose life is susceptible to danger and who need to be strong in spirit. Actor stepping into the similarity of heroes, stating that everyone has its own psychology and the motives of actions.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in the capital of Azerbaijan in the winter of 1973. Baku is grateful for "Caucasian education, respect for parents and others, as well as an optimistic look at life." Vladislav with Brother Andrei grew in the family, where labor and universal values ​​were in the first place. As a child, they, holding his breath, listened to the stories of the grandfather, who had passed the war from beginning to end. At the Order and Medals looked at the shrine.

Grandma of the actor - the hero of socialist labor, was familiar with the National Star of Phadge Bulbulie-oglu. An artistic atmosphere has reigned in the house, music sounded, which could not not affect the further biography of the boy.

Reznika studied at the music school at the conservatory, was engaged in dancing and drawing, and in the 5th grade it was a desire to become an actor. Special education young man got in Lirtmake. A high (height of 190 cm) of a charming student of Lion Dodina took warmth in the Novosibirsk theater "Red Torch". Vladislav went out on the scene of the Omsk Drama Theater, and 2006 returned to the city on the Neva.


In search of roles in the cinema, Reznik went on castings, and fate smiled at him: the artist was invited to the episode in the criminal series "Ostrog. The case of Fyodor Sechenov. " Fame came along with work in the melodrama "Mommy, I love Killer." The role of the criminal turned the actor in the favorite of the women's audience.

A mansion in the filmography of Reznik is allocated projects about the war. The actor dreamed of playing them since first appeared on the screen. I remembered the role in the drama "We are from the future - 2". Major Demin performed by Vladislav turned out to be convincing - they helped the memories of the stories of the grandfather-Frontovik.

More large ratings from the film "On the Razor Blade", where the actor got the role of Nikolai Gusnetsov, who served Nikolai Kuznetsov - the legend of Soviet intelligence.

In 2016, on the first channel, the audience saw the favorite actor in the main role in the series "Climbing Olympus". Reznik's character, captain of the police, investigates a series of loud robbery in Moscow on the eve of the Olympiad-80. The origins of the crime lead to the distant 1945th.

Gallery of FESBESHNIKOV, customs officers and other guards of the law diluted doctors from "Mom Lyuba" and "Dr. Snail", Avtochetcher from "Narcotraph", a banker from Melnik, a diplomat from melodrama "Hurricane wind is expected."

Personal life

Vladislav is a father of three children, that's just a relationship with their mothers folded in different ways.

The first wife Marina Pereladova - a colleague, works in Novosibirsk in the studio created by it, teaches acting skills. The son of Ilya was born in marriage, and after 5 years, a divorce followed. The spouse did not want for a former husband to somehow intervene in her personal life, forced a refuse of a child with blackmail and forbidden to meet.

With an adult Ilya, he saw only in 2019 in the studio of the "Fate of Man". The young man himself found his father in social networks and no resentment. Marina did not hide that he was learned by stepfather, offered to change the surname, but Ilya refused.

Relateds were advised by Vladislav not to marry artists, but he stepped on the same rake. With Natalia, a pigeon actor worked at the "Red Torch" theater. In 2000, Masha's daughter was born. And this family also existed for 5 years. This time, former spouses remained friends, Reznik participated in the upbringing of the girl.

Now Natalia is friends with the current wife of the actor Yulia Isakova, a stylist and makeup of the theater of the musical comedy. And this state of affairs is a lot of friends. Dating a couple took place thanks to the Internet. Vladislav was looking for a companion for a hike in the theater and invited Julia.

Reznik did not hurry under the crown, having remembered about the last experience, warned his beloved that he would go to the registry office if they stretched out for 5 years. And the word kept. In anticipation of the stamp in the passport Isakov managed to give birth to the son of Dmitry.

Vladislav Reznik now

"VKontakte" and "Instagram" for Reznik not only the place where you can publish photos. First of all, these feedback channels with fans, the ability to evaluate their work through the prism of their perceptions. There, the actor shares news from creative life.

In 2019, Vladislav had several films at once. The Drama "White Shaman" tells about the only student of the famous medium and hypnotist Wolf Messing. In the picture "Where there is no" Reznik - the head of the family, which includes Anna Miklash and Daria Cuccary. Problems in business at the main character are added to trouble with a daughter that fell under the influence of the sect.

In the detective melodrama "Dark Side of the World", the artist returned to the image of a policeman. In his partner, his character-investigator got the heroine of Anna Bashchikova, the stars of the "Izkanka" series.

The plot of the historical tape "Union of salvation" is based on real events. So called the secret society of the nobles, from which the Decembrist movement grew. Vyacheslav reincarnated in the commander of Pavel Golenishchev-Kutuzov. The general took the post of Military Governor of St. Petersburg after the death in the Senate Square in December 1825 of his predecessor.


  • 2007 - "Secrets of the investigation - 7"
  • 2008 - "Streets of broken lamps - 9"
  • 2008 - "Mommy, I love killer"
  • 2009 - "Foundry"
  • 2010 - "We are from the future - 2"
  • 2010 - "Sea Devils - 4"
  • 2012 - "Legal"
  • 2013 - "Route"
  • 2014 - "On the razor blade"
  • 2015 - "Climbing Olympus"
  • 2015 - "Own Alien"
  • 2017 - Elena Beautiful
  • 2018 - "Doctor Snail"
  • 2019 - "Salvation Union"
  • 2019 - "White Shaman"

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