Nikolai Rubtsov - biography, photo, personal life, poems and songs



In 2016, Nikolai Rubtsov might noted the 80th anniversary, but the poet lived only to 35. His life, like a comet's outbreak, broke off unexpectedly and strange. But the scars managed to do the main thing - to confess to the love of Russia. Poet and the biography of the poet compare with the creative destiny of Sergey Yesenin. The same short, tragically torn life. The same piercing and complete hidden pain poems.

Childhood and youth

The poet was born in 1936 in the north. In the village of Emetsk, next to Mikhail Lomonosov holkemoral, was the first year of life Nikolai Rubatov. In 1937, the Rubatov family moved to the town of Nyandom 340 kilometers of South Arkhangelsk, where the head of the family of the family of three years led the consumer cooperative. But in Nyland, Rubtsov lived for a long time - in 1941 he moved to Vologda, where they found them.

Portrait of Nikolai Rubsov

Father went to the front, the connection with him was lost. In the summer of 1942, the mother did not become, and soon and the one-year-old sister Nicholas. The pain of loss resulted in a 6-year-old boy in the first poem. In 1964, Nikolai Rubtsov remembered the experience in the verse "quiet my homeland":

"Silently my homeland!

Willow, River, Nightingale ...

My mother is buried here

In the ornament of my years. "

Nikolay Rubtsova with an elder brother as orphans identified a children's house in Nicholas, Nikolskoye village called the people. The years of orphanage the poet recalled with warmth, despite the half-starving existence. Nikolai diligently studied and graduated from the 7th grades in Nikolsky (a house-museum N. M. Rubtsova was equipped in a former school). In 1952, a young writer went to work in Trolflot.

Nikolai Rubtsov in childhood

In the preserved autobiography, Rubtsova states that he is an orphan. In fact, the father returned from the front in 1944, but because of the lost archive did not find children. Mikhail Rubtsov married the second time. Looking ahead, with his father, 19-year-old Nikolay met in the 1955th. After 7 years, the eldest scars died of cancer. Two years, starting in 1950, Nikolai was a student of the "Forest" technical school in Totme.

Nikolay Rubtsov served on the Northern Fleet

After graduation, the year worked by a cochor, and in 1953 he went to the Murmansk region, where he entered the mining and chemical college. In the second year, in the winter of 1955, the student Nikolai Rubatov was expelled due to the desired session. And in October 19-year-old poet called to serve in the Northern Fleet.


The literary debut of Nikolai Rubtsova took place in 1957: his poem printed the regional newspaper in the Optolar. Demobilized in 1959, Northerner went to the city on the Neva. I earned a living, working with a mechanic, a fireman and the factory elementar. I met Poets Gleb Gorbovsky and Boris Taigin. Taigin helped Rubtsov to break through to the public, having released the first poetic collection of "waves and rocks" in the summer of 1962 by the Samizdat method.

Nikolai Rubtsov in youth

In the same year, Nikolai Rubtsov became a student of the Moscow Literary Institute. Staying at the university was repeatedly interrupted: due to a brush and addiction to Alcohol, Nicholas were expelled and restored again. But during these years the collections "Lyrics" and "Star of fields" came out. In those years, the cultural life of Moscow Burlila: the verses of Evgeny Yevtushenko, Robert Christmas and Bella Ahmadulina, threaten.

Books of Nikolai Rubatov

In this loudness, the provincial of Rubtsov did not fit - he was a "quiet lyricist", not "Zheg Glagol". Almost jesenne lines of poem "Vision on the Hill" are characteristic:

"I love yours, Russia, old.

Your forests, floors and prayers. "

The work of Nikolai Rubtsova was distinguished from the writings of fashionable sixties, but the poet did not seek fashion. Unlike Voznesensky and Ahmadulina, he did not collect stadiums, but the fans from Rubatov were. He was not afraid of writing the cramole lines too. In the "Autumn Song", which bards loved, there is a verse:

"I forgot that night

All good news

All calls and stons

From the Kremlin gate.

I loved that night

All prison songs

All forbidden thoughts

The whole persecutor people. "

The poem was written in 1962, and for such authorities did not stroking on the head.

Romantic Poet Nikolay Rubtsov

In 1969, Nikolai Rubtsov received a diploma and became a regular employee of the newspaper Vologda Komsomolets. A year before that, the writer was given a one-room apartment in Khrushchev. In 1969, a collection of "Soul Stores" came out, and a year later, the last meeting of poems "pine noise". The collection "Green Flowers" was ready for print, but came out after the death of Nikolai Rubatov. In the 1970s, Poetic Collections "Last Steamer", "Selected Lyrics", "Plagiers" and "Poem" were published.

Songs on the poems of Rubtsova

The poetic works of Nikolai Rubatov became songs that first sounded in 1980-90. The same "autumn song", only without a crazy couple, sang Sergey Krylov. Music wrote composer Alexey Karelin. At the competition "Song-81" Gintare, Yautakayte sang "in the Hubber of My Light" (composer Alexander Morozov). Next year, the star of the fields was laid on the music. The composition was performed by Alexander Gradsky (Album "Star of Fields").

The popular Leningrad group "Forum" also introduced a song on the poet's poems "flew away. The composition of the same name fell into the "White Night" album, published in the mid-1980s. Alexander Barykin sang verse "Bouquet": the melody and the words "I will drive a long bike" are known not to one generation of Soviet people. In the late 1980s, the song sounded at all concerts.

The stitching of the poem "Bouquet" is written by Nikolai Rubtsov in the years of service on the Northern Fleet. In the 1950s in the village of Nutino near Leningrad, where Brother Rubtsova Albert lived, Nikolay met the girl Tayy Smirnova. In 1958, the poet came to the first place, but the meeting with Tay was farewell: the girl met the other. In memory of the youthful love there was a poem written by Rubricov in 15 minutes.

In the 2000s, Nikolai Rubtsova returned to the poetry: the song "Flowstone, it will take a closer to the Morozher's swamp" Tatyana Bulanova sang, and the group "Kalevala" introduced the composition on the poem "granted" into the repertoire.

Personal life

1962 for the poet was saturated with events. Nikolai Rubtsov entered the Litin Institute and met Henrietta Menshikova, a woman who gave him a daughter. Menshikova lived in Nikolsky, where he was heading the club. Nikolai Rubtsov came to Nikola to see classmates, rested and wrote poems. At the beginning of 1963, the couple played a wedding, but without official design relationship. In the spring of the same year, Lenochka appeared on the light. In Nikolsky, the poet was hitting - he studied in Moscow.

Nikolai Rubtsov and Henrietta

In 1963, the institute dormitory scars got acquainted with the beginner poetess Lyudmila Derbina. The fleeting acquaintance then did not lead to anything: Nikolai did not make impressions on a lus. The girl remembered him in 1967, when a fresh collection of poet poems fell into his hands. Lyudmila fell in love with Nikolai Rubatov poetry and realized that her place was next to him.

Nikolai Rubtsov and Lyudmila Derbina

The woman had already had a failed marriage and daughter of Inga behind his back. In the summer, Lyudmila came to Vologda and remained with Nikolai, for which the poetess Lucy Derbina became fatal love. Their relationship is even not called: Rubtsova had addiction to alcohol. In a state of intoxication, Nikolai was reborn, but the regions were replaced by repentance. The couple quarreled and parted, he was repeated again. In early January 1971, lovers came to the registry office. Wedding day appointed on February 19.


Before marriage, the poet did not survive exactly a month. His lines "I die in Epiphany frosts" were prophecy. On the events of that terrible night and today argue. Nikolai Rubtsova found dead on the floor of the apartment. In disaster murder, Lyudmila Derbina admitted.

Monument to Nikolay Rubtsov

The pathologists agreed that the cause of death was a stroke. The woman was condemned for 8 years, released by amnesty through 6. In an interview with journalists, she told that during a quarrel of that baptist night, a heart attack had happened to the dug. Lyudmila's faults did not recognize. Nikolay Rubtsova buried, as he bequeathed, on the Poshekhonsky cemetery in Vologda.


  • 1962 - "Waves and Rocks"
  • 1965 - "Lyrics". Arkhangelsk
  • 1967 - "Star of the Fields"
  • 1969 - "Soul Stores." Arkhangelsk
  • 1970 - "Sine Noise"
  • 1977 - "Poem. 1953-1971 "
  • 1971 - "Green Flowers"
  • 1973 - "Last Steamer"
  • 1974 - "Favorite Lyrics"
  • 1975 - "Plantain"
  • 1977 - "Poem"

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