Zhanna d'Ark - biography, photo, personal life, movies, books, execution



586 years have passed since the death of the famous Orleansian Virgin. Amazing life Zhanna d'Ark does not give rest to historians. The legendary liberator of France is devoted to books, works, movies, performances and picturesque canvas. In France, there is no city in which her name would not be perpetuated. The phenomenon of memory and a huge reverence Zhanna d'Ark lies in her unique biography - at the age of 17 became commander-in-chief of France.

Monument to Zhanna d'Ark in Paris

It is the only victim of the Catholic Church, not just rehabilitated after death, but also ranked saints. Unless dedication to the people, the courage and the resistance of the Orleans of the Devir made it a symbol of France. A bright outbreak used in medieval history, Zhanna d'Ark left an indelible mark in the history of mankind.

Childhood and youth

Jeanne D'Ark, in childhood Jegesta, was born on January 6, 1412 in Domremis (Lorraine, France). Father Zhanna - Jacques d'Ark, Mother Isabella Roma. Numerous biography researchers Zhanna do not give an accurate answer, from what class the family occurs. According to the information left by the descendant of Jacques, D'Arka, Charhl Du Fox, Jacques married Isabelle and moved in Domremi from Seffon, grown bread and had 20 hectares of land, cows, sheep and horses.

Joan of Arc

Jeanne is a senior of children d'Ark. In the family grew Zhanna Brothers - Jean, Pierre, Jacques and Sister Katrin. Catherine died in his youth. Brothers became associates and support Zhanna in the future. Jeanne did not call himself Jeanne d'Ark - in childhood, the Orleans gave himself the name "Zhanna Virgin".

Vision and prophecy

The first vision to Jeanne came at 13 years old. The girl saw the Archangel Mikhail, the Velikomi in Ekaterina Alexandria and Margarita Antioch. In the vision, God pointed to Earleans at the head of the troops and remove the siege, lead to the Radfin Charles Crown and clear France from the English occupiers. Probably, the girl's imagination influenced the prediction of Merlin's prediction at the court of Archur King, who predicted that France would save Virgo from Lorraine.

At that time, the country was torn to a centenary war. Part of France was occupied by the British, and the part was subjected to raids and robbery. Isabella Bavarian, the wife of a polulous karl VI, in 1420 he signed an agreement with the British, according to which the power after the death of Karl Vi did not go to Karl's son, but to Henrich V, the king of England. The exhausted people and the army who endure defeat was waiting for a miracle, savior.

At war

In January 1429, Zhanna d'Ark ran out of the house and went to the voculaler. Having met with the captain of the city of Robert de Bodrikur, announced his intention to meet with Dofi. The girl was not taken seriously and sent home. Returning to the voculaler a year later, Joan shook the captain, predicting the defeat of the French in the battle of RUVRE, the news of which came much later than the prediction.

Impressed Robert de Bodrikur sent Zhanna d'Ark to the court, providing a male closure, writing to the dofine and giving a group of soldiers. In the way, the girl was accompanied by the brothers. The path of Karl's courtyard was extremely dangerous. As Zhanna said, Archangel Michael helped the travelers on the road.

The moment of meeting Zhanna d'Ark and Karl is poeticly described in many works. Karl did not decreased for a long time. The courtyard was divided into two camps, many discouraged Dofene from a meeting with a shepherd from Lorraine. The clergy believed that the Orleans was leading the devil. By giving consent to the audience, Karl planted instead of himself to the throne. Zhanna, entering the hall, did not look at the throne, and went to Karl, standing among the courtiers.

Orleans Deva Jeanne d'Ark

As then she said, Archangel Mikhail was pointed to Karl. After dialogue Zhanna and Karl alone, the future king looked enlightened. The essence of the conversation Karl revealed only after a quarter of a century - d'Ark dispelled doubt dofin regarding the legality of his power. Zhanna assured the future of the sovereign that the throne belongs to him rightly.

So, Carl believed the Virgin. But his opinion did not solve everything - the last word was for priests. Churchmenteers arranged Jeanne tedious test. Due to the sincerity and purity of thoughts, passing all the tests and interrogations of the Commission in Poitiers, Jeanne was admitted to Carl to the army. The valiant military path of the Orleansian Virgin began. From Poitier Zhanna d'Ark arrived in the tour. Having received a gear and horse in the tour, Virgo went to the city of Blois - the starting point on the way to Orleans.

Jeanne d'Ark in battle

In Blois, an inexplicable event was happening - Jeanne d'Ark pointed the Saint Catermen-Fjerbuy chapel, which kept the sword of King Charles Martella. With this sword, the king won Saracinov in the battle of Poita in 732. The sword helped the Virgin in battles. The news about the appearance of the Savior flew through France. Under the banners Zhanna d'Ark gathered militia. The chaos and sadness in the ranks of the troops came the end, the fighters took the spirit and believed that the Orleans Deva would lead to victory.

Zhanna stood ahead of troops in shining armor, with an ancient sword and a banner. Incredibly, but a small-grade shepherd from Lorraine was managed as soon as possible to master the tricks of military science, to bring order in demoralized troops, to earn respect for the military bosses. It remains to be guessing, as in a 17-year-old, a non-odd talent of the commander was manifested. Jeanne itself repeated that God leads her.

Joan of Arc

The first step in the struggle of Zhanna vs. British is the removal of the siege of Orleans. Orleans was the only outpost on the path of the English troops to the complete seizure of France, so the liberation of the city was the first priority for Jeanne d'Ark. On April 28, 1429, French troops led by the young commander made a campaign to Orleans. They were met by the six-thousandth army of the French. Virgo invited the captains of his army to approach the chief goal of Orleans and attack the enemy's troops.

But the commanders dismissed the order, brought troops to the deposited Orleans and stood on the left shore of Loire, opposite the enemy's troops. Both bridges to Orleans were besieged by the British. Crossing the opponent under the arms - the matter is dangerous. The position turned out to be hopeless. Zhanna was rumped up. I had to send troops back to Blois, and send Loire on the right shore. Heself, d'Arc with a small detachment, the flooded scored on the south side of Orleans and entered the city through the Burgundian gate. Lyuboving citizens was not limit.

Folk heroine Zhanna d'Ark

The battle under Orleans ended with the triumphal victory Zhanna d'Ark. In the removal of the siege of the fortresses of Saint-Lo, Augusten and Tomer Virgo participated in person. In the attack on the latter received wound in the shoulder. On May 8, 1429, the British left the approaches to Orleans and shared. The city was declared saved. The victory of the French had psychological importance - the country believed in his forces. After the victory near Orleans, a young commander-in-chief was given a nickname "Orleans".

Coronation Carla

Celebrating the victory in Orleans, Jeanne D'Ark went to the tour to Carlo, declare victory. The path to the dofina passed through the crowd of grateful French. Everyone wanted to touch the armor of the Orleansian Virgin. In churches held solemn prayers in honor of the Savior. Karl met a young commander-in-chief with the honors - sat down nearby, as the queen, granted the noble title.

Zhanna d'Ark on Karl's coronation

The next task for the Orelian Virgin was the liberation of Reims. It was in him that the coronation of all the rulers of France was held. Unprecedented patriotic sentiment of the population allowed to collect about 12 thousand soldiers of the national liberation army. The wave of the liberation movement swept France. Karl until the last doubted the success of the hike on Reims. However, the prediction of the Virgin - the troops were blurred to the walls of the city in two and a half weeks. Karl's coronation has passed in a traditional place. The crown of dofine was put in the Reimary Cathedral. Next to the king stood Zhanna d'Ark with the banner, in the armor of the knight.

Film and death

With the coronation of Karl, the Mission of the Orleansian Virgin ended. Zhanna asked the king to let her go to his native village. Karl personally asked to stay as commander in chief. Zhanna agreed. The ruling top of France, led by La Treule, receiving income from the war and concluded a truce with the Duke of Burgundy, persuaded Karl to wait with the liberation of Paris. Zhanna D'Ark attempted independent offensive.

Foundation Zhanna d'Ark

On May 23, 1430, Zhanna came prisoner to the troops of Burgundy. He kept her in captivity the commander of the Burgundians in Picardia Jean Luxembourg. He was not going to give the virgin to the British, but asked the redemption from Karl. The king betrayed the one that arose him to the throne, without manifesting interest. Silent refusal The French consider the main betrayal in the history of the country.

The court over Jeanne d'Ark was held in Ruang. The British needed not just to kill Orleans - it was necessary to blame her name. Therefore, Zhanna should have confirmed the connection with the devil before the execution of the French Tribunal. To do this, the church conviction was invited to the very sophisticated. They became Pierre Sostene, former Biscopa Bove. For a successful campaign over the Virgin English promised Soster Mitra Archbishop Rouen.

Since December 1431, Zhanna was detained in Ruang - a place belonging to the British on France. There was a court. You needed to sentence a virgin to death, proving contact with the devil. In this, indirectly helped the defendant, explaining the actions with a bond with supernatural. Neither the king nor Savened Orleans nor the combat comrades did not come to the rescue of the Savior. The only one who rushed to the aid of Zhanna d'Ark, - Knight Gilles de Ree, later executed.

Execution Jeanne d'Ark

At the Cemetery of St. Wen's Abbey, Zhanna signed the paper about guilt and communications with the devil. The judges decided to recognize the deception by reading another document. Revealed the forge later, in the process of rehabilitation of the martyr. The verdict of the Tribunal was reading: "The penalty through burning at the fire is alive." Jeanne until the death of death kept calmly and confidently. "Voices" promised the Orleans Virgin salvation in May 1431.

Rehabilitation Zhanna d'Ark took place in 25 years, after the liberation of France from the English occupiers.

Personal life

Personal life Zhanna d'Ark is deprived of passion. Once in the army of a 16-year-old virgin, the Orleansian Virgin died at the fire in 19 years.


Today, the memory of the Orleans is immortalized in monuments, movies and books. The Catholic Church celebrates the Day of St. Jeanne d'Ark every year on May 30. The French celebrate annually on May 8, Jeanne d'Ark day. In Paris, the monument to the Virgin on horse in Gold is in Paris. 100 paintings dedicated to Orleans Virgin are shot.

Mila Yovovich as Zhanna Dark

Lightweight is very popular by Luke Cherson "Messenger. History Zhanna d'Ark "with Milla Yovovich in the lead role. The fate of the heroine of France is described in the book Mark Twain "Jeanne D'Ark".

Other works

  • Zhanna-Woman (film, 1917)
  • "Jeanne d'Ark at the fire" (1954)
  • "Process Zhanna d'Ark" (film, 1962)
  • "Start" (film, 1970)
  • "Messenger. History Zhanna d'Ark "(film, 1999)
  • Jeanne d'Ark (film, 1999)
  • "Silence Zhanna" (film, 2011)
  • "Holy John" (Bernard Show book)
  • "Orleans Virgin" (Voltaire Poem)
  • "Orleansian Virgo" (Fritrich Schiller tragedy)

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