Elena Starry - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Only books can help a person to relieve reality and forget all adversity that happens in life path. Elena Starry is the writer who can take the reader by the hand and take the magic world, where witness people live, elves, martial magicians and sorcerers.

Magic World of Elena Star

Elena, writing in the genre of fantasy, familiar to the books "The Sunrise of a Black Star", "The Breath of Death", "The Mystery of the Cursed Duke", "Dead Games", "Mistress", "Catriona", "How to take revenge on the demon" and other remarkable works.

Childhood and youth

Information about childhood and youth Elena is extremely scarce and does not be shot by facts. The popular writer was born on November 22, 1981, the true birthplace of the author's magic novels remains a mystery. Star told that she was a Russian citizen with a Russian passport. But, according to rumors, Elena lives on the territory of Transnistria, in the village of Kitskana, not far from Tiraspol. In Moldovan, the writer does not say, but thanks to his grandmother since childhood, the Ukrainian language knows perfectly.

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According to information that came to inquisitive fans, Elena from ornamental years called Alena, her middle name - Leonidovna, and the name only with two last letters differ from the alias. In high schools, Alena turned into a real beauty - a high slim blonde with a charming smile could not not attract the attention of others. Perhaps, so there are so many attractive writers among the writer's heroine.

Presumably, the girl grew in an intelligent family, because, as the Starry said, her father instilled his daughter's love for classical literature, for example, to the works of Mikhail Bulgakov, as well as the books of German philosophers. Elena's favorite writers call Aizek Azimov, Robert Asprina, Alexei Tolstoy, Vadim Zelanda, Robert Challini, Vladimir Levi, Mikhail Litvaka. It is also known that Elena was brought up with the senior and younger sisters. Star has two higher education - in psychology and history.

Books Elena Starry

The writer admitted that because of the weak school program to history, she had to prepare independently: the girl slept two hours a day, memorizing the events and dates of the past years. However, the knowledge of this item had to be starful only on hand, because thanks to erudition, she scrupulously describes places, events and socioeconomic models of the world. Psychology, too, has become a help for creativity: thanks to the understanding of the human nature, starry makes characters emotional and alive.


Elena Starr, under the attention of the pseudonym, a foggy witch made his debut on the Samizdat website, which is positioned as a magazine of non-professional literature. The creative biography of the novelist began in 2009, while the girl worked as a correspondent in the media.

When the starman made a sample of the pen, she did not think about glory and laurels of Honor. And even more so did not think about money: the composition of exciting fantastic novels was a kind of medicine from stress. Having writes the first work "Dancing in the night", Elena posted him to the network to the public and received positive feedback from readers.

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Elena Star's debut book tells about a certain girl Nira, the indescribable beauty of which has become a curse for her. Making sure the talent, in the same 2009, the writer begins work on the "Adventures of Merchant Hell" cycle, which, according to Star, became her favorite literary work.

A series of books is dipping the reader into a fantastic world, where the demons, vampires, Eaters and Hyar are inventing fear and horror on civilians. But thanks to the Heroian detachment, headed by the invincible mercenar Hell Evil and the criminals are becoming less and less. Soon the stories were followed, which paved the writer's way to popularity - this is a "girl without the past", "oath", "gray".

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For his writing career Elena Star, pleased with the fans of supernatural numerous novels, the number of which is growing tirelessly. Especially readers remember the series "Academy of Curses", "the right of the strongest", "dead games" and others. High ratings on the website "Laboratory of Fiction" received a novel "Academy Ranmarn", which entered the TERRA cycle. The book is devoted to the Society of the Future, which establishes a totalitarian society. According to the author, this series will be complemented by the works of "Debt Ranmarna", "Ranmarkn's path", "Choice of Ranmarkna".

Initially fans of fantasy could enjoy the novels of Elena on the Internet, and since 2011, the writer's creations began to go out in paper format. The first printed book was the novel "Just One Kiss" (2011), telling about the love of two opposites: the plump and incorruptible Irene Vegeiros and the Plusional Bastarda - Emperor Rionar Darharza. Next, the star began to cooperate with the publishing house Alfa-book, and then, since 2012, with Eksmo.

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In 2014, the book "The Adventures of Watches is published. My personal enemy. " The story, which shares the writer with his fans, talks about thirteen unusual girls. They are unusual because they have supernatural abilities, thanks to which they can get out of a difficult situation.

The heroine of the Roman come to the Academy of Applied Magic to hone their magic skills, but the granite of science was not so easy to nibble. Some critics noted that "the adventures of the witch. My personal enemy "is an exciting, and a humorous work. During these years, Elena Starny twice becomes the owner of the Live lib.ru premium in the nomination "Choice of readers". The author of the author brought the publication "all witches - redheads" and "Academy of Curses. The class is the third: secrets are fatal. "

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In 2016, the novelist continued the cycle of the "Academy of Curses" by the work of the "bodyguard for the demon" from the "Mire of Chaos" series.

Also in 2016, Elena began work on the "Star Mood" cycle and released the books "True Black Witch" and "Warrior's Wife, or Love for Survival" (the cycle "The right of the strongest"), and at the beginning of 2017 the writer released the "Werewolf Castle "

The book of Elena Starry

Elena Star - a versatile writer. In its service, there is both an ironic story and anti-nightopia with intricate plots. In the year, Elena presents to the court readers of 5-6 novels from different cycles. But it is worth noting that Mostly Elena works on the female target audience, because in its works there are many moments that can only understand the beautiful sex.

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Star loves dipping readers with heads to passionate and unacted love relationships of heroes. Thanks to a large number of heroes, which differ in different psychotypes, based on the books of Elena Star Publishing, launched a psychological test called "What heroine Elena Star You look like". The printed version of the test was published in the journal "Rest."

It would be difficult to find a writer bathing in a barrel with honey, in which there is no flying spoon. Not all literary critics perceive the work of Elena Starny seriously, someone says that it is necessary to sell writer's books in a pharmacy along with a sedative. It was also suggested that some fans of fantasy are ashamed to admit that on their bookshelves there are works of Star.

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However, it is worth noting that this opinion of some reviewers does not diminish the merit of the novelist, Elena has long acquired a multi-millionth army of fans, who are looking forward to the release of a new work. And the books of the "Bride for the heir", the "breath of death", "bodyguard for the demon", "be my witch", "my favorite vampire", "Dark Empire" and others in the blink of an eye became bestsellers, many phrases of which fans were dismantled on quotes.

By the way, the writer reacts simply for a negative criticism - Elena shared with fans that bad reviews and Internet trolls make it work in accelerated mode, enemies for evil.

Personal life

Personal life, like the whole biography of Helena Star, is like a book for seven seals. Despite the popularity of fantastic works, the writer remains "behind the scenes", does not communicate with media representatives and does not interview. Also fans make guesses about the true appearance of Elena, because on the network there is not a single photo of the author of magic novels, and Elena Starry is, as you know, a creative pseudonym.

Picture of fans, by rumors depicting Elena Star

Therefore, it is not surprising that some fans of fantasy, and simply lovers of literature believe that a man is hiding under the female name of the writer or even a creative association. Despite the incognito regime, Elena openly communicates with fans on a personal page in VKontakte. According to rumors, the star is married and raises two young children.

"I had a miracle. Miracle one and a half year old, and it takes all my time. In the free watches, I am busy with a senior miracle and husband, accordingly, the work of time remains insanely enough, "said Elena Star Fans.

But, despite the replenishment in the family, in 2017 the books "Mi-5", "Whispering in the Dark" were ended, work on Cat-4 began. With the announcements, the writer introduced fans from the pages of the official site.

Elena Starry now

Continuing to replenish the bibliography, the writer told the fans of the nerves by the books of the series "Dead Games" - "Games with Death", "Death Breathing". While they were available only through the network. A year later, Elena published the next literary work series "On Dark Lords and Blood Magic".

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In 2017, Elena Starrock became the owner of the Roscon Prize in the nomination "Best Fortity of the Year." Its popularity is striking - For several years, Elena gained an impressive army of fans who do not miss any new book of the author. But how to spend awards ceremony with a ghost writer? The organizers and Elena herself agreed that the video conference would be the best way out in this situation. During the solemn event, an image of a writer appeared on the screen in the Venetian mask, in which she had a conversation with the audience.

Books Elena Starry

In 2017, the master of the pen also fell into the top ten of the best authors of science, according to the Internet resource "Litres". Nikolay Lukyanenko and Steven King became neighbors on the list of popular writers and Stephen King.

Now Elena Starre presented to the court to the public the long-awaited books "Magic Expedition" and "Magic practice" from the series "Dragon Valley".


  • 2011 - "just one kiss"
  • 2011 - "Academy Ranmarn"
  • 2011-2012 - Cycle "Hella"
  • 2012 - "Sustain the hero, or the bride for the villain"
  • 2012-2013 - CATRION CYCLE
  • 2013 - "Extreme Interview"
  • 2013 - "My personal enemy"
  • 2014 - "Privotional Workshop"
  • 2014 - Cycle "Terra"
  • 2014-2015 - Cycle "Dead Games"
  • 2014-2017 - Cycle "Academy of Curses"
  • 2015 - "Werewolf Castle"
  • 2015-2016 - Cycle "The Mystery of the Cursed Duke"
  • 2018 - "Magic Expedition"
  • 2018 - "Magic practice"


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