Barun Make - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Since its inception, Indian cinema and television exists and develops separately from the rest of the world. The unique atmosphere, actors and actresses with hard-wide named names, unique stories - both based on the country's literary heritage and fictional in modern scenariors and directors - it is difficult to perceive by residents of other countries, so most of the outstanding figures of cinema and television of India are known only in their homeland. However, some people manage to overcome this international barrier and declare themselves to the whole world. Actor Barun Make a bright example.

Childhood and youth

The future conqueror of the Ladies' Hearts was born on August 21, 1984. Parents include - typical representatives of the Pendjab family, who were lucky enough to arrange a child in a prestigious school named after St. Mark in New Delhi.

Actor Barun Datty

Barun since childhood showed an increased interest in everything prohibited, so already being a student of the sixth grade, together with friends used alcohol, looked at the parties to the acquaintance and was sure to get involved in fights.

But everything changed the case - Barun Mati stole from his parents from a wallet of $ 7. When the father of the boy found out about this, he beat his son for the first time in his life. The next morning there was a serious conversation, during which Baruna was given to understand - either he changed, or parents would drive him out of the house. Makely preferred the first option.

Barun to contact youth

The hectic nature of Baruna, as she had rushed to the will, but the boy found where to direct the uneasred energy - it was engaged in football. A year later, he became a school champion and seriously began to think about the career of the football player, however, due to the undevelopment of this sport in India, it was forced to abandon these thoughts.

By the way, Barun also earned his first money in the youth years - when it was 16 years old, his girlfriend Pashmin Manchad invited the boy on his rainy day. Baruna had no money, so for help he addressed his older brother working in the TATA Motor Show. The first work of Baruna was the disassembly of the car on parts with their subsequent carriage to the warehouse. Detty received 2000 rupees for it, which was not enough glad.

Barun Datty

After school, Barun went to the university to study management, on the instruction of the father. Study is not too smooth, but after all, after receiving a diploma, it is possible to get a prestigious firm "Jindal Telecom". It was used in it for six years, after which I decided to throw.

His parents considered a stupid week to throw a prestigious and highly paid job, however, Baruna's friends, Actors Caran Wahi and a pleasant bass, knew how he loved creativity. They led Baruna to contact television. The young twenty-schoolstore guy liked producers.


The first appearance of Makely on the screen took place in 2009. It was the series "Shraddha", which soon closed due to low ratings. The following appearance was an episodic role in the "meeting of the hearts", after which Baruna was invited to participate in a major project - in the series "We have completed the deal." The success of this series led to the fact that he was chosen to one of the main roles in another favorable project "How to name this love".

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It was this series that she brought the actor to the fame of both at home and far beyond it, since the rights to show "how to call this love" were bought by many countries (including Russia - in 2014). Despite the major fees and stunning success, Matty decides to leave television and go to the movies. This decision was made in 2012, when bosses Bollywood made a favorable offer to the actor.

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The first full-length debut of Baruna took place in 2013. It was a melodramatic comedy "I and Mr. Right." The tape fell at the box office, but under the contract, it remained at least two pictures remained. These films had different success - the "seventeenth wedding" turned out to be mediocre, and "22 yards" unexpectedly shot.

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Disappointed in their achievements, Barun returns back to television, to again try on the role of Arnava in the new season "How to name this love." Later, the actor will decide a few times in full-length ribbons - "dry dreams" (2015) and "loves, does not like" (2016), "but in the following interviews it will argue that the Indian TV series has been brought to him.

Personal life

Newspapers are often attributed to the baruna of novels with their colleagues on the set (Sanayia Irani, Ankita Sharma, Shahan Goswami) and fans, but it is not true.

Barun and Sanaya Irani

In mid-December 2010, Motty made a proposal to a friend of childhood Pashmin Manchad - the one for which at the age of 16 earned money for a gift. The wedding was played quietly, in the circle of relatives and loved ones. Barun proudly declares that he is proud of his loyalty and devotion to his wife.

Barun Make and Pashmin Manchad

Questions about how Pashlin responds to the frank scenes with his participation, is simply responsible - the wife has come to hand over his profession. There is no choice of children from the couple, but they are planted to get them soon. According to Barun himself, children are the key to a good family life.

Barun Makely now

Now Barun does contact the model, removing in advertising known brands (including even "Ford" and "Honda"). Also, the actor is preparing for the shooting of the new season "How to name this love" and considers roles in other projects.

In addition, the actor discovered the social networks "Twitter" and "Instagram", so anyone can see new photos of the actor and read His posts. In some of them, he writes about the long-world travel, which is over time to postpone due to Pashlin employment at work.

Barun Makely in 2017

Does not forget Barun and on vacation, so regularly plays with friends in football or basketball, arranges at home parties or just lying on the couch in front of a TV in a family circle, revising movies with Aamir Khan, Sonali Bedre or Dzelzel Washington. Sometimes to touch on one of his motorcycles or on the beloved "Ford Mustang", usually it happens in those moments when Baruna overcomes loneliness (trips help remember the past - borrowed with friends).


  • 2009 - "Shraddha"
  • 2010 - "Meeting of Hearts"
  • 2010 - "We concluded a deal"
  • 2011 - "How to call this love"
  • 2013 - "I and Mr. Right"
  • 2013 - "Seventeenth wedding"
  • 2014 - "22 yards"
  • 2015 - "How to name this love-2"
  • 2015 - "Dry Dreams"
  • 2016 - "Loves, does not like"
  • 2017 - "How to name this love-3"

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