Valentina Biryukova - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Valentina Biryukova is a talented singer whose name has become known to the audience of music lovers thanks to the music TV project "Voice". Bright and charismatic, the girl instantly attracted the attention of the jury and spectators, having ensured a very very promising musical future, and also proving: for a purposeful man there is nothing impossible.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the future singer originates in the city of Troitsk, which is in the suburbs. Valentine was born on August 31, 1984. The girl's father was a military personnel, because of this, the Biryukov family had to constantly move. So, soon Valentine was in Engels. Interest in the girl's music appeared in early childhood. Classes in the music school brought Valentine's pleasure.

Singer Valentina Biryukova

First of the first time on stage, the girl performed the song Anita Tsoi called "Mom". Later, Valentina Biryukova admits that the excitement and delight that was felt during the performance and after the applause applause were simply unforgettable. It was at that moment that Valentina Biryukova decided: the scene must submit. After graduating from school and dreaming about the continuation of the musical career, Valentine was going to enter the conservatory to the vocal department.

Valentina Biryukova with parents

However, a father intervened in such a bold plans for the girl: a man insisted that Valentine followed his example and tied life with the army. Not wanting to move to parents, the singer was within the walls of the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Only after graduating from the University of Valentina dared to take fate in his own hands and went to enter the Saratov Music School. Soon Valentina Biryukova received a diploma-hoomster diploma. It seemed that the cherished dream became closer, but the girl had a long way to the heights of fame and audience love.


In 2003, Valentine arrives in Moscow and sent straight to the casting teleconcurs of "People's Artist". Unfortunately, the girls did not turn out among the winners of the competition, but she demonstrated the ability to stay on stage and, of course, outstanding vocal data.

Valentina Biryukova in the show "People's Artist"

The producers who watched the progress of the show, remember the speech of Valentina Biryukova, and after the Valentine's competition received a proposal to join the team called "not a question", where the singer worked for a while, having received the experience of speeches in the musical group.

The end of 2011 is marked for Valentina Biryukova another musical duel. This time, the girl participated in the project "Bravo, Armenia". The performance turned out to be bright and memorable, here Valentine managed to win the Grand Prix for the total number of points received.

Show "Voice"

A starry hour for a talented girl was the teleproekt "Voice", for the peripeties of which watches without exaggeration all Russia. It should be noted that in front of the jury of the competition, the girl was not with the first attempt, however perseverance and faith in their own strengths are able to reverse even serious obstacles.

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For traditional blind listening, Valentina Biryukova prepared the song of the popular singer Elena Vaengi called "Chopin". The heartfelt performance of this melodic composition forced Dima Bilan, one of the four judges, in the first seconds to turn to a talented performer. It was a real victory, but the most interesting was waiting for a girl ahead. After some time, withstanding intrigue, two more judges unfolded the chair: Alexander Gradsky and Leonid Agutin.

Only Pelagia did not consider it necessary to turn to Valentine. For the performer, it became a strike - Valentine wanted to get exclusively in the team under the direction of Pelagiai. From the remaining mentors, the girl chose Alexander Gradsky. According to their own recognition, the choice was made intuitively, since the confusion and excitement prevented the situation soberly. However, Valentine was not disappointed: Alexander turned out to be a real professional. Biryukov during the project, no doubt, climbed a couple of steps above the stairs of professional skills.

Valentina Biryukova and Alexander Gradsky

Such an exciting audition was only the first stage on the way to a dream. Next, Valentina and the other participants of the teleproekt expected a competition of fights. Here the singer had to face vocals with Alexander Bichev. The girl chose the song "Your traces", which a lot of previously performed Sofia Rotaru. Valentina Biryukova later admitted that he did not even hope to hope for his own victory, believing that the mentor would make a choice in favor of Bichev. However, Gradsky decided to leave Valentin Biryukov, while retaining the chances of winning the project for the singer.

Valentina Biryukova on stage

The next tense point was the knockout stage. Together with Valentina, Alexander Vorobyeva and Ekaterina Shemyakina were in Troika. This fact also became a test for girls: during the singer's show, they managed to go and get used to each other. Nevertheless, the rules of the project are inexlaries. This stage of the competition was not for Valentina Biryukova last. The girl continued to participate in the "Voice".

Unfortunately, to achieve the cherished first place Valentine and failed: the winner was charming Alexander Vorobyov. However, even this did not upset Valentina, because the experience of participation in such a project is simply invaluable. In addition, the girl's talent could not remain unnoticed, and, perhaps, soon the singer would remain only to choose from a variety of proposed musical projects.

Personal life

Valentina Biryukova's personal life has developed happily. The girl is married for eight years. Decoscribe Valentina's name Mountains. According to the girl, the marriage has not yet been issued officially, because it constantly lacks time. However, Valentine and the Mountains consider themselves with spouses, believing that the stamp in the passport is not at all important for those who love.

Valentina Biryukova with her husband

Young people admit that only love and respect for each other's hobbies consider the key to family idyll. Mountains have nothing to do with the world of music - a man is engaged in business. Nevertheless, the "Voice" project, Valentina's beloved came along with his wife, supporting and painful for her beloved. In addition to him, Valentina came to support the sister with her husband and a teacher of vocal skill.

Valentina Biryukova now

Now Valentina Biryukova records songs and often becomes a guest of concert programs and festive events. The compositions of the "Mother Ballad" and "Aleshenka" are touched even an incredibly resistant listener, and the touching performance of the song "I look into the lake blue" in a duet with Elena Maximova made a composition with a loud hit, and the video is one of the most requested on social networks.

The popularity of my song "Sleep My" and "Be happy". Perhaps soon the singer will delight Melomanians a long-awaited debut album.

Valentina Biryukova in 2017

Also, the singer leads an account in the Instagram network, sharing with fans of news and details of creativity. So far, according to the singer, the music does not bring special income, but art for Valentines is more interesting than any earnings and the girl does not plan to stop there. Who knows, perhaps Soon Valentina Biryukova really becomes a new arrival of the Russian pop.

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