Christian Dior - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Fashion House News, Perfume, Official Website



The modern world imposes standards: To live a successful and happy life, you must get a higher education, go to work in a specialty in the international company, marry or marry the 25 years, to the age of 30, have children and your business etc. But if you look at the biographies of outstanding figures of the nearby past, it is clear that their life path intersects little with these standards. Take, for example, the Grand Couturier of Christian Diora.

Childhood and youth

The future legislator of fashion was born in the former fishing port of Granville, located in Normandy (France) on the shore of La Mansha. This event occurred January 21, 1905. Christian became the second of five children Maurice Diura and Isabelle Cardamon. Maurice is a leaving of the rich family, besides, at the beginning of the twentieth century he managed to increase capital at the expense of trafficking popular chemical fertilizers. Therefore, Isabelle did not work, and did not refuse to children.

Portrait of Christian Diura

In 1911, the Christian Diora family moves to Paris, where Maurice buys real estate. By decision of parents, the children received primary education at home. The teachers celebrated a tendency to accurate science at the boy, so parents decided to send a child to the Institute of Political Studies (until 1945 - a free school of political sciences). Christian comes there to study, but quickly throws it - hiking in the theater and visiting art exhibitions seem to be much more interesting and closer.

Christian Dior in childhood

Then he begins to learn painting. In 1928, Christian decides to open his gallery. Father refuses to financially help, so the young dior begins to look for a partner. They become his old friend Jean Bonzhak. The gallery of Dius and Bonzhaka was not the largest in the capital, but brought them a profit, because there were exhibitions of such artists like Henri Matisse, Raul Dufi, Andre Deren, as well as an exhibition of work Pablo Picasso, made in the style of cubism.

Christian Dior in youth

But the 1930s comes - hard time for Christian. First, the doctors found mental deviations from his brother and took the treatment. The next step was the death of Mother Diura - Cancer. Christian's father also does not withstand such a burden, ceases to follow things up, which ultimately leads to the ruin and selling most of the real estate. And after being infected with tuberculosis.

Christian Dior in youth

To at least somehow distract from the misfortunes that have fallen on his share, Dior decides to go to the Soviet Union as a tourist. During this trip, he has time to visit the museums of Leningrad, as well as enjoy the beauties of the Caucasus and the Black Sea coast. The impressions of the trip change some of his views on life, so, returning to Paris, Christian closes his gallery. On the advice of friends the next step is to visit the islands of the Spanish archipelago located in the Mediterranean.

Fashion and design

In the Balearic Islands, Christian again begins to draw. The reason for this becomes his new passion - carpet. Dior creates sketches for carpets, but they cannot be implemented - investors refuse to invest in this case, since they consider it non-profit due to the lack of demand.

Christian Dior

Returning back to the capital of France, Christian decides to end the world of art. The first thing Dior begins searching for work in the administration, bank or just an office. But nothing can be full of this venture - he is denied everywhere. Financial situation leaves much to be desired, so Dior will decide to return to the world of painting to realize the picture "Paris Plan" written by Raul Duf in 1925.

Designer Christian Dior

After the sale of the canvas, the sale of several metropolitan apartment diors should be sold, all the family, with the exception of Christian, is moved to the province. Cristian himself settled at his long-time comrade Jean Ozanena. At that time, Ozenne was a rather famous fashion artist and collaborated with popular magazines and the best tailors of Paris. Dora like it, so he starts to take the lessons to take lessons both at the Ozenna himself and at the teacher of Max Kenna.

Fashion designer Christian Dior

The first success does not cause herself to wait a long time: Jean Ozenne begins to offer the tailor and magazines of the work of Dius (mainly the patterns of women's caps) and they take them to bang. The first publication took place in 1936 in Le Figaro Illustré. After just a year, the income of the Diora becomes stable, and he begins to delete her housing.

Christian Dior is preparing a new collection

Draw only hats becomes boring for Christian, and he goes to clothes. It is these works that drive a fashion designer Robert Peig delight. In 1938, they establish communication, after which Peig offers Dora work. Christian agrees and all next year works under the start of Robert. But the Second World War begins. Dior goes into the army to go to fight to the south of France.


In 1941, after seeing the horrors of the war, Christian returns back to Paris. Lucien Lelong learns about this, the old familiar Robert Peig, and immediately offers a diory job in his fashionable house. Christian agrees. In a short time, he managed to raise the fashion house of Lelong from his knees. As a sign of gratitude, Lucien raises the salary of Dora, which allows the latest to open the perfume laboratory (in the future, the shop in which the created perfumes and toilet water will be sold to the "Christian Dior Parfume").


In 1946, Christian leaves Lelong and with the support of the textile magnate of Marseille Buissak opens his fashion house. On February 12 of the next year, a presentation of the first collection of Dius is held in the estate on Montaen - Avenue. Kuturier calls her "New Look" ("New Look").

Crystian Diora

True, the new concept is far from the fact that girls and women of those times were worn before. Elegant and romantic style was opposed to uniform and working clothes. Christian himself called this collection by the embodiment of his own ideas about the ideal woman and femininity at all. The collection was successful in his homeland, but the American colleagues "New Look" outraged, as was written in thematic publications.

"Let you be better inclined on the first strip than you give two lines of praise on the last one," Dior answered it.

In addition, the Americans quickly subsided, because the rest of the trendy collections also had to do. From 1947 to 1957, Christian harms the missed, releasing two collections per year. Each show - extravagancies, new dresses and hats wearing fantastic names like "cyclone", "tulip" or "vertical", become hits, and Paris is officially declared the capital of fashion. To the question of how he managed to achieve such popularity, Dior answered:

"Women instinctively felt that I wanted to make them not only beautiful, but also happy."

Christian succeeded, but he was not going to stop. The production of spirits (based on the perfume laboratory itself). The most popular perfumes are the aromas of "Miss Dior", "Dorama" and "Diorissimo". In 1953, Kristian manages to lure to himself, Vivier - popular worldwide shovel, "Christian Dior" starts the production of shoes. In 1955, Dior works with the Madrah Daniel Swarovski over a collection of jewelry made of mining crystals.

Dresses from Christian Diora

Do not forget Christian to cooperate with the leaders of theater and cinema. Back in 1940, he managed to create suits for the play "School of Crossing", supplied by the De Maturin Theater, and in the 50s made sketches for the productions of Rolan Petit. In the world of cinema dior, Dior managed to rise with directors like Alfred Hichkok and Claude Otan-Lara, as well as with actresses Edith Piaf, Avoi Gardner, Olivia De Haviland and Marlene Dietrich.

Christian Dior and his models

After years and the film will remove the film (and not one) "Christian Dior. Legendary person". Double couturies nominate to Oscar and BAFTA for the best design of costumes - Termini Station (1955) and "Arabesque" (1967, posthumously), respectively. Another important award becomes the Order of the Honorary Legion, which Diurna is awarded in 1950.

Personal life

Great Kuturier was gay. His first love was Italian Perrotino, who worked for some time by the personal driver of Christian. The reasons for their separation are unknown, but it has plunged a diora into depression. Subsequent years, Christian is trying to find another love, but to no avail - the guys reject it.

Christian Dior

So it lasted until 1957, while Dior did not meet the North African model Jacques Benitis, who replied reciprocity. There were also rumors that Dior was a novel with his student Pierre Carden. However, except for the words of Carden, no confirmation.


In 1957, a happy strip begins in the privacy of Christian. Then the decision appears to sit on the diet to lose weight. Dior goes to treatment in a small town of Tuscany (Italy) Montecatini Terme, where he suddenly begins with heart problems. October 24 of the same year it did not.

Fashion house now

After the death of Kuturier, the fashion house did not even endure the changes. First of all, of course, the number of employees "Christian Dior" increased - if in the fifties, the firm contained about 900 jobs (the models in the number of workers were not included), then at the moment their number is measured by thousands.

Christian Dior - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Fashion House News, Perfume, Official Website 16828_15

Recent changes include the beginning of the issuance of collections for men, this happened in 2006. Home Products in this direction are clothing and accessories.

In 2012, the post of director of the fashion house took the Belgian designer RAF Simons. After 4 years, Mary Grazi Kury changed him on this field, becoming the first woman-director in Christian Dior.

To see a collection of a fashion house for 2017, as well as a photo and video from the shows, you need to go to the company's official website.


In memory of Christian Diore filmed movies, both art and documentary

  • 1994 - "Monsieur Dior"
  • 2005 - "Christian Dior. Legendary person"
  • 2014 - "Dior and I"
  • 2016 - Dior
  • 2016 - "Dior. France"

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