Vasily Grossman - biography, photo, personal life, books



It is not surprising that even famous writers will find out one key product. For example, most familiar with Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev thanks to the novel "Fathers and Children", while Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is associated with "dead souls", and Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov - with the "Hero of Our Time".

Writer Vasily Grosman

So in the piggy bank of Vasily Semenovich Grossman, there is a fundamental novel "Life and Fate", which is often compared with the book of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace". But, unfortunately, some manuscript of the writer because of the assignment by the authorities of his work, the label of anti-Soviet propaganda was published only after the death of Vasily Semenovich.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born on September 14, 1905 in the historic city of Berdichev, which in the Zhytomyr region. This area was rich in furniture factories, sugar and leather factories. Grossman often recalled Berdichev and responded about the city as a place that did not lose the atmosphere of goodness and naivety, despite the grindiness, dirt and hunger.

Joseph Solomonovich (real name of the writer) grew and brought up in an intelligent family of Jewish origin. The parents of the writer, from birth, wanted to "encode" their offspring to success, calling it the name Joseph, which is sacred and literally translates "God, will repay." But in the child's house, they called Laskovo Yosay, and later this name turned into Vasya, which later and became a creative pseudonym for the author of the story "everything flows ..."

Vasily Grossman in childhood with mom

The main breadwinner in the house of Solomon Josephovich was a leaving of the family of a bombard, in 1901 he graduated from Berne University, which is located in the capital of Switzerland. Having received an education, the father of the writer worked by a chemist engineer. Until 1906, Grossman-senior consisted of Menshevik factions, changed not one workplace, worked in many mines of the country, including in the Donetsk coal basin.

His wife Ekaterina Savelievna and part-time Mother Joseph taught in the local school French, instilling his love for the literature of the fifth republic. Therefore, it is not surprising that Grossman knew the work of the works of Müs, Maupassant and Dodé.

Vasily Grossman in youth

Unfortunately, or fortunately, the father and mother of the writer decided to live apart and filed for a divorce, and the little boy remained at the care of Catherine Savelins (however, in 1921 he lived at his father in Kiev). In 1912, Joseph, together with his mother, went to Switzerland, received primary education in high school located in Geneva.

A year later, a small family moved to Lausanne, and in 1914 Grossman found himself in Kiev, where the young man entered the Kiev real school of the 1st Society of teachers and studied there until 1919. Further, in 1921, Joseph Solomonovich continued to comprehend the basics of science and became a student of the Kiev Institute of National Education, but in two years he chose a non-arrangement path and transferred to the chemical department of Physman MSU.

Vasily Grossman

As the Joseph's family did not possess funds, the young man early learned what it was - to make a hard work for bread. For example, being a student, Joseph Solomonovich worked as a tutor, an educator in the working colony of the attendants and even worked as a firewoodpinger. Student Grossman lived with his friend in a crowded apartment on Garden and Triumphal street. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, the comrades of Joseph Solomonovich were always gathered in that room and organized friendly gatherings.

Military Correspondent

Since 1941, Vasily Semenovich Grossman, as well as his colleague on the shop Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov, worked as a military correspondent in the "Red Star" newspaper. This edition also published articles by Mikhail Sholokhov, Alexei Tolstoy, Vsevolod Vishnevsky and Andrei Platonov.

Vasily Grossman in the war

The writer had to observe the battle for Stalingrad, for participating in which he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The writer also experienced a sorting event: during the extermination of the Jewish ghetto, Elena Savelievna died from the hands of the Nazis, and Grossman wrote the letters of the deceased mother before the end of the world.

At the end of 1944, the military correspondent affects the acute theme of the Holocaust in the USSR, which was considered in the Neckline Hell article. From 1943 to 1945, Vasily Grossman and Ilya Erenburg worked on the Black Book, which included documents, as well as letters and testimony of eyewitness crimes against the Jewish people in the Soviet Union and Poland.

Vasily Grossman in military uniform

However, the historian Ilya Altman believes that the idea of ​​creating a book about the atrocities of Hitlerists belongs not to Ehrenburg, but Albert Einstein, who insisted on the need to collect materials testifying to the crimes of fascists. But, nevertheless, due to disagreements and ideological installation, the Black Book was scattered in 1948. Thanks to Irina Erenburg, which in the 1970s found a manuscript of his father in 1980, in 1980, the first edition of the collected material was published.


Being at the university bench, Vasily Semenovich (pseudonym Joseph Solomonovich) took over the inkwell and the pen and began to compose stories and small works. Shortly before the end of the educational institution, Grossman began his creative biography by publishing two small articles in the "Our Gazeta" and "Pravda" in the summer of 1928.

Writer Vasily Grosman.

In life, Vasily Semenovich happened so that he had to choose between scientific activities and literature, but the young man expressed in detail his position in the letter of his father, in which he explained why he preferred writing work.

The story of the Civil War called "In the city of Berdichev" (1934) became the debut artistic publication of Vasily Semenovich. Next, the novice writer has enlisted the support of the famous author's play "At the bottom" Maxim Gorky and published the story "Glucauf", telling about Donbass miners.

Vasily Grossman in the office

Lavra Honor, who went to Vladimir Semenovich, only strengthened faith in his creative talent, so the Word Wizard begins to work in accelerated mode. Thus, from 1935 to 1937, collections of Grossman's stories were published, and a little later, the famous epic trilogy of World War "Stepan Kolchugin" (1940) saw the light.

In 1952, Vasily Semenovich Grossman is working on the dilogy "for the right case", and from 1950 to 1959 it begins to work on the novel in the genre of socialism "Life and Fate", which tells about the bloody events of the Great Patriotic War.

Book Vasily Grossman

It is noteworthy that in this book Grossman considers not only the collision of the two countries, but also tells about the confrontation of human kindness and hatred of enemies inspired by the authorities.

For example, Vasily Semenovich describes how the Germans relating to Soviet citizens as the people of the second grade occupying under Stalingrad, become the same starving and freezing mortals, and one of the heroines of the work unexpectedly shares a piece of bread with a German officer.

But it is worth saying that such a plot development, as well as a sharp criticism of Stalinism (the novel was written after the death of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin) allowed the superior instances to recognize the work of Grossman Antizetsky. In 1961, the manuscript of Vasily Semenovich and all drafts were withdrawn from his apartment by the State Security Committee. Wizard, trying to save his brainchild, wrote a letter to Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, in which he asked to return the freedom to his book:

"... After all, I wrote it, because I did not reject and do not renew from her. ... I still think that I wrote the truth that I wrote her, loving and regret the people, believing in people."

But all the attempts of Grossman were doomed to Fiasco, for Mikhail Andreevich Suslov, even without reading the novel, said that in the next 200-300 years there could be no question about publication. And only in 1980, the Book "Life and Fate", thanks to the publication in Switzerland, was able to come out because of the irresponsible political curtain.

Personal life

Vasily Semenovich Grossman not only loved the classical literature, but also adored the verses of famous poets: he drew the works of Yesenin, Nekrasov and Tyutchev. Also, contemporaries noted that the writer was a man of good and ready to serve the hand at the right moment.

Vasily Grossman in late years

Wizard words appreciated friendship and often started it with colleagues in the workshop - military correspondents. One day, when Grossman was in a close circle of buddies, the messenger called the door, in order to report that Vasily Semenovich is called to the Kremlin to present a reward for his work. But the writer stated that he did not want to break the company and take the Order later in a unfulbitable.

Vasily Grossman and Olga Gubern

As for the amournal relationship, Grossman was married three times. Anna Matsuk became the first chief of the writer, with which Vasily Semenovich met, being a student of the Kiev School. From this marriage in 1930, Ekaterina Korotkov-Grossman was born.

Next, Vasily Semenovich made a proposal of Hand and Hearts by Olga Gubern, and since 1955 began a joint life with Catherine Zabolotka, which was a former wife of Prosaik Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky. With Catherine Vasilievous Writer, he lived in a civil marriage for three years, and then returned to Olga Mikhailovna.


It is the opinion that the persecution of the authorities only undermined the physical health of the writer, who struggled for non-existent justice by the end of the days.

Vasily Grossman's grave

Vasily Semenovich died on September 14, 1964. The cause of death is kidney cancer and an unsuccessful operation. The great writer, who revealed the future generation of the past years, was buried at the Trocerovsk cemetery in Moscow.


  • 1934 - "Glucauf"
  • 1934 - "In the city of Berdichev"
  • 1940 - "Stepan Kolchugin"
  • 1942 - "People are immortal"
  • 1943 - "Stalingrad"
  • 1945 - "Years of War"
  • 1946 - "Black Book"
  • 1946 - "If you believe Pythagoreans"
  • 1952 - "For the right thing"
  • 1959 - "Life and Fate"
  • 1962 - "Old Teacher"
  • 1963 - "Everything flows ..."
  • 1967 - "Good to you!"
  • 1985 - "For Jewish themes"

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