Mikhail Tukhachevsky - biography, photo, personal life of Marshal



In 42, he became the youngest marshal of the Soviet Union. Baron Peter Wrangel mentioned Peter Tukhachevsky in the memoirs, saying that he "misses himself with Russian Napoleon." Later, Joseph Stalin agreed with Wrangel, calling the ambitious military manual.

Portrait of Mikhail Tukhachevsky

The identity of Marshal Tukhachevsky remains the most controversial among Soviet military leaders. Moreover, the spread of the opinions is so wide that the repressed and rehabilitated march is called mediocre and ingenious, while the argument is convincing in both cases.

Childhood and youth

A future warlord was born in the winter of 1893 in the Smolensk province, in the family landlord Aleksandrovskoe. Father - the hereditary nobleman Nikolai Tukhachevsky is the only son early widowed and ruined noble. The young landowner neglected the length of the prejudice and married the beauty of the peasants - Maur Milohova. In marriage, 9 children were born, four of them - sons. Mikhail appeared third. He early learned a diploma and read the days.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky in childhood

In the matter of origin, the genus Tukhachev historians did not come to a common denominator. The ancestor is called the Flemish Count Indris, which posted the beginning of the county genus Tolstoy. Other researchers respond to the question of the nationality of Marshal, pointing to the Polish roots of the family. Third argument that Mikhail Tukhachevsky is a Jew of Polish origin. Documentary evidence has no version.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky in childhood

The future commander since childhood showed multifaceted talents. The boy grew up artistic and musical, satisfied her homework and learned to play the violin. But most of all, Mikhail wanted to go in the footsteps of the cousin-general and to decline the fame of the military.

In the gymnasium Misha to the fourth grade studied without diligence - the top score was the "four" in French. The boy strolled the lessons and grabbed the "bobbies". The director of the gymnasium, who knew about the ambitious intentions of the student to become a military manner. The director explained Mishe that with such patrimony to the military school will not take.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky in youth

Penza Gymnasium Mikhail Tukhachevsky graduated with honors and entered the capital Cadet Corps. Being the best student, soon moved to the Alexander Military School. In 1914, the young man left the walls of the educational institution, being in the triple of the strongest graduates. Military biography Mikhail Tukhachevsky began in the Guards Semenov Regiment, where he did a suborpecus at the beginning of the First World War.

Military Career

In the summer of 1914, Mikhail Tukhachevsky appointed a junior officer. In this rank, the young military participated in the battles with the Germans and the Austrians on the West Front. The young man demonstrated the desire to become a general up to 30 years: ambition and desire to quickly move on the career stairs added courage. For six months, Michael was awarded orders five times.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky in the royal army

In the winter of 1915, Mikhail Tukhachevsky served in the middle of the Polish town of Lombrie. At night, the German troops destroyed the company, Tukhachevsky survived a miracle and captured.

After four attempts to escape the captive transported to the ingolstadt camp, where the fugitives were kept. Here Mikhail met the future president of France by Charlay de Galer. The fifth escape in September 1917 was successful. In October, the fugitive returned to his homeland. Mikhail Tukhachevsky was enrolled in the Semenovsky regiment, entrusted to the command of the Roth.

The revolution

In the Red Army, Mikhail Tukhachevsky entered a volunteer. In the spring of 1918 he was entrusted to work in the military department of the All-Russian Wenty. After joining the ranks of Communists, Tukhachevsky was commissioned to defend the capital, appointing the military commissioner.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky in the Red Army

Next year, the People's Commissar of the 5th Army entrusted to the Narc Lev Trotsky. Mikhail Tukhachevsky headed the campaign against the strength of Alexander Kolchak in Siberia, then together with the troops was overcome to the south of Russia, where he continued to pursue the whites. At the end of the winter of 1920, Mikhail Tukhachevsky moved to Kuban. His cavalry invaded the rear of the enemy, Denikinians suffered losses, they were pushed to the Black Sea.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky

Under the final of the Civil War, Tukhachevsky was headed by the 7th Army and in March 1921 suppressed an uprising in Kronstadt. The decisive military man was sent to palancing the rebellion of the Tambov peasants, with which Mikhail Tukhachevsky coped, for the first time, applying gases for the assimilation of the enemy. The colleagues noted the cruelty of the military man holder, who gave orders for the shooting of the riskers without trial.

Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky

The operation of the Bolsheviks during the Soviet-Polish War was failured: the invasion choke, having met powerful resistance. At first, the courage of the 27-year-old commander brought success, but after the dear promotion, Mikhail Tukhachevsky overestimated the strength. Under Warsaw, his troops broke through Yuzef Pilsudsky. The defeat in the operation Tukhachevsky was remembered in 1937.

Warlord Mikhail Tukhachevsky

In the Soviet-Polish war, Joseph Stalin participated. After the defeat, Stalin and Tukhachevsky accused each other in defeat. Becoming the party leader in 1929, Stalin did not forget the miscalculations of Mikhail Tukhachevsky. Having raised the denunciators for him, planned to violence. But in the early 1930s, Joseph Vissarionovich had not yet possess unconditional support of the associates, so the young military leader escaped his arrest.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky in recent years

Mikhail Tukhachevsky wrote not one dozen books on the theory of war. In 1931, "Red Bonaparte" entrusted a leading role in reforming and re-equipment of the army, but Mikhail Nikolayevich's ideas did not support Stalin. The beginnings of Mikhail Tukhachevsky in artillery management recognized ineffective: large means were spent on non-prospective arms patterns. As an example is a semi-star dynamo-jet gun.

Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky

In 1935, Mikhail Tukhachevsky became Marshal of the USSR, but clouds thickened over his head. Stalin's power strengthened, his leadership in the WCP (b) was no longer challenged. In December 1934, after the murder in Leningrad, Sergei Kirov began a big terror. In the early 1936 Tukhachevsky, with the Soviet delegation, visited London, at the funeral of King George V.

Personal life

Love for music Mikhail Tukhachevsky carried through all his life. Since 1925, he was friends with Dmitry Shostakovich. The composer was visiting Marshal. In the mid-1930, when Soviet criticism collapsed on the opera Shostakovich "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County", Tukhachevsky defended the musician. On the Personal Front, Marshal won no less victories than on the battlefields. Women adored the state handsome man, possessing an incomplete strength and bright appearance.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky

The first wife of Mikhail Tukhachevsky became the daughter of the Penza Railwayman Maria Ignatiev. They met the ball in the gymnasium. The broken romance passed the test of time: the future "Red Marshal" graduated from the Cadet Corps, passed the front of the First World War, turned on the civil war. In Prenz, where Masha was waiting for him, Mikhail Tukhachevsky arrived by the Army commander. Like the Father, Mikhail married a girl without noble origin.

The wife went along with her husband's roads, supporting Michael in difficult moments and persistently suffering. Her mistake was supporting relatives in hungry years. Masha, knowing that the wife of a high military leader would not dare to stop, drove their products relative to Penza.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky with his wife Nina

When the Neffatvenists reported on the "unworthy behavior" of the wife of Tukhachevsky in the Reviable, the ambitious Mikhail Nikolayevich suggested Mary to divorce. The woman committed suicide. The 27-year-old Widower for the funeral of the spouse did not come, having ordered organizational issues an adjutant.

The second love commander met in 1920, in the fall. After the failure of the Soviet-Polish operation, Tukhachevsky needed support. She received it from the niece of the forester, in whose house near Smolensky has gained. The 16-year-old face (Lydia) had noble origin. In the winter of 1921, Mikhail Tukhachevsky offered a girl and heart to the girl. Uncle Lester insisted that young people would have happened in the church. The red commander agreed, and the secret wedding took place.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky and Nina Grinevich

Entering the church, the newlyweds saw the omen - the coffin with the dead man. A year later, a pregnant spouse announced that he was returning to his relatives. Lika learned about her husband's mistress, Tatiana Chernolusskaya. Mikhail did not want to part with his wife, but the woman did not forgive betray. Shortly after the divorce, she married. Born daughter Irina died from diphtheria in infancy.

With the third wife, Marshal met in Smolensk. Krasavitsa Yozhnik Nina Grinevich turned out to be a woman educated. The daughter of Svetlana was born in marriage. But the family life of Tukhachev's flawless was not: Marshal got a novel with his wife's colleague - Julia Kuzmin. The extramarital daughter called the Svetlana too.

Arrest and criminal case

Moment for violence with a long-time enemy Tukhachevsky Stalin waited in 1937. Marshal was freed from the post of Defense addict and transferred to the position of commander of the Volga Military District. In Kuibyshev, where Mikhail Tukhachevsky moved with his family, he was expected to be searched, arrest and accusing an anti-state conspiracy.

Investigative case Mikhail Tukhachevsky

In May 1937, Tukhachevsky was delivered to the capital. NKVD, NKVD, who led Nikolai Ezhov, achieved the recognition of Marshal in the fact that he was a German spy and in Union with Bukharin developed a plan to seize power. Later, the NKVD Defector Alexander Orlov pointed out that Marshal had a royal security documents during the search, Stalin, in cooperation with her. Orlov argued that Tukhachevsky conceived a coup, but Generalissimus was ahead of him and destroyed.

Arrested daughter Mikhail Tukhachevsky

According to another version, which British historian put forward Robert Conquest, heads of Nazi special services Himmler and Heydrich made fake documents about the collusion of Tukhachevsky with the Wehrmacht against Stalin. The fake fell into the hands of Stalin and got a move. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it turned out that the papers on "treason" Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky made the environment of Stalin, organizing the leakage of the fake to the heydrich.


In June 1937, the case on charges of Marshal of the Soviet Union Tukhachevsky and the eight senior army commanders were considered in the closed meeting of the military tribunal. The accused did not give lawyers and did not allow to appeal the sentence. On the night of June 11 to 12, the defendants were recognized as guilty and shot. Buried in the general grave at the base cemetery of the capital.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky's grave

In the millstone repression got the whole family of Marshal. The wife and brothers Mikhail Tukhachevsky shot. The daughter and three sisters were sent to the Gulag. Mother Maurus Petrovna died in the link.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky - biography, photo, personal life of Marshal 16780_18

Rehabilitated Marshal Tukhachevsky after the Khrushchev exposure of Stalinism. Roman about the fate of the commander wrote Boris Sokolov. In the book "Mikhail Tukhachevsky: the life and death of the" Red Marshal ", the writer managed not to slip in extremes in the image of the hero: in Roman Tukhachevsky - a person with weak and strong parties, who lived in difficult time.

Interesting Facts

  • In the youth, Mikhail Tukhachevsky made his appointment on the course of the Junkers School of Feldfelm. The commander he was cruel. Three classmates because of the soldier of Feldofebel Tukhachevsky brought the score with life - shot himself.
  • In 1915, Tukhachevsky was captured. According to the incomplete rules, if the officer in captivity gave the word of honor not to look for opportunities for escape, he received more rights and could go for a walk. Tukhachevsky gave the word, but during the walk escaped. His act caused outrage and among the Germans, and among Russian prisoners officers. They filed a collective petition to the German command that they had no honor to honor the Tukhachevsky man.
Mikhail Tukhachevsky
  • In March 1918, immediately after joining the party, Tukhachevsky offered his own project of the prohibition of Christianity and the revival of paganism.
  • Lev Trotsky called the Tukhachevsky "Demon Revolution". Tukhachevsky did not recognize the authorities. He was distinguished by the ultimate cruelty in his rules over the civilians, created concentration camps, travertent of peasants with gas.
  • Stalin called Tukhachevsky "Red Militarist". Mikhail Nikolayevich's global plans in 1927 on the release of 50-100 thousand tanks per year were not just unreal, but also disadvantaged for industry. Tukhachevsky offered half began to pay on tanks. Also, "Red Militarist" offered to produce 40,000 aircraft per year.

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