Sergey Chezov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Rostech" 2021



Sergey Chezovov is a person who is called one of the most influential figures of modern Russia. A member of the composition of the Supreme Council of United Russia, friend Vladimir Putin, President of the country, Director General of the Rostech Corporation. Chezzov is a controversial figure, a lot of repudates spard around his behalf. However, however, it is impossible not to admit in Sergey Viktorovich talent of the head.

Childhood and youth

Only dry facts are known about the childhood and adolescence of the head of Rostech. The biography of a man began in the Irkutsk region, in the town of Cheremkhovo. Sergey Viktorovich was born on August 20, 1952. His parents worked at the mill plant: the father started there a simple worker and rose to the head of the workshop. In addition to the firstborn Sergey, two more daughters were born in the family.

In 1961, Chezzov moved to the outskirts of Irkutsk, where he was transferred to the head of the family to a new factory. The area in which the youthful years of Sergey was held, turned out to be disadvantaged, but the guy was not embarrassed - he visited the boxing section and could stand up for himself. In addition to study, the young man helped parents. At the Mukomolny Plant, which by that time he was headed by his father, he worked as a guard and a loader.

In 1975, a young man with a red diploma graduated from the Institute of National Economy in Irkutsk, then went to the capital, where he studied at the highest courses of the Academy of the General Staff of the USSR.

Business and politics

Such a fundamental education allowed Chezzov to quickly occupy a leading position in the industrial association "Light". Until 1988, Sergey Viktorovich represented an association abroad, in the GDR. There Sergey Chezovov and met the future president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich. Putin at that time passed the service in Dresden, having "recipience" - he worked as the director of the House of Friendship of the USSR-GDR.

Some media provide information that Sergey Viktorovich was also an employee of the KGB. Until 1996, he worked as Deputy General Director of Wizalisport, a foreign trade organization. Then he took a post in the management of foreign economic relations under the President of the country.

Two years later, in 1998, Vladimir Artakov was appointed deputy head of one of the departments of the same management, later led by the Samara region. According to rumors, Sergey Viktorovich personally contributed to the appointment of Artakov. From 1999 to two years, Sergey Chezovov headed the company "Primexport", which in a year, together with Rosvoorovia, formed a single structure called Rosoboronexport.


In Rosoboronexport, Sergey Viktorovich worked until 2007, reached by the Director General. Then Chemezov headed the state company Rostechnology (from July 2014, Rostech), which united under one name several hundred serious industrial enterprises of the country.

The talent of the head allowed Sergey Viktorovich at different times to lead or participate in the Board of Directors of Aeroflot, AvtoVAZ, Rosoboronexport, Norilskel, Rosnano, Novikombank, the Union of Machine Builders of Russia and many other industrial companies.

Sergey Chemezov, Sergey Ivanov, Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin

According to the estimates of some media, "Rostech" on economic indicators gradually compared to the level with the so-called natural monopolies. This, according to Chemezov, was the main task of the corporation - to bring initially unprofitable state assets for a high competitive level.

In 2013, news issues reported on the working meeting of Sergey Chezzov with the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The event was really a sign: Sergey Viktorovich demonstrated Medvedev and journalists Russian development - Yotaphone. Photos from this significant meeting have had many media.

Personal life

The first wife Sergei Viktorovich became Love Cheekzova. It is known that even during her stay with her husband in the GDR, a woman was friends with Lyudmila Putin, wife Vladimir Vladimirovich. This marriage collapsed.

Changes in the personal life of Sergey Viktorovich occurred in the early 2000s. The second beloved was Ekaterina Ignatova. Catherine under his husband - leads serious companies. For example, according to media information, Ignatova has a network of fashionable metropolitan restaurants. In addition, a woman is a shareholder of ITERA Gas Holding. Thanks to the joint efforts, the state of the Chezzov family in 2016 according to the assessment of the Forbes edition exceeded 1 billion rubles.

Sergey Viktorovich has three native children and a reception daughter from the second wife. Stanislav, Senior Son League (born in 1973), also engaged in business. It is known that Stanislav Chezovov is a co-owner of MedfarmTechnology, a member of the Board of Directors of Avtovazenergo, and, together with Dmitry Artakov, manages the hotel business in Gelendzhik (the company is called "Meridian").

Middle Son Sergey Chemezov names Alexander. He was born in 1985, graduated from the Medical Institute. Padderitsa Anastasia, the daughter of the second wife Sergei Viktorovich, is fond of political science. She defended his thesis, teaches in MGIMO at the Department of Political Theory.

It is known that since 2011, a girl with Mikhail Prokhorov, a serious Russian entrepreneur, participated in the development of the "creative exchange center". After 3 years, the company was eliminated. In 2017, Anastasia founded his own pharmaceutical company.

Sergey Chezov now

Now Sergey Chezovov continues to develop the project "Rostech", taking advantage of the development of the Russian industry. His name often appears in the press in connection with the journalistic investigations on foreign real estate of his relatives and friends, as well as personal acquisitions, because of what the reputation of the corporation itself suffers.

In this regard, in the spring of 2019, a contract for PR support "Rosteja" appeared on the public procurement website and the companies subordinate to it worth 92.7 million rubles.

In August 2019, after the protests in Moscow, Sergey Viktorovich gave feedback through the media. The head of "Rostech" is confident that healthy opposition only strengthens the state and allows you to develop in the right direction, without falling into stagnation.

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