James Woods - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



James Woods is a popular American actor to whom any roles are subject to, be it an alcoholic, a killer, a righteous police officer or a lawyer. For his game in front of the directory cameras, James has repeatedly received prestigious awards, in his piggy bank there are award "Emmy", "Golden Globe" and "Young Hollywood".

Childhood and youth

James Woods was born on April 18, 1947 in the town of Vernal, which is located in Utah. The boy along with the younger brother grew in the average family: the father of actor Gale Peyton was a military intelligence officer, and Mother Marta Smith worked in a preschool institution.

Actor James Woods.

Gale, who was also a Ryan Catholic, brought up his eldest son with all the rigor, because of what Little James pursued phobias, complexes and fears. The boy was insecure in himself, besides, suffered from childish hyperticulation, because of what friends could not make.

But on the other hand, the strict temper of the Military brought his fruits: James was almost the best student in the whole school, he not only diligently performed homework, but also managed to get the highest appreciation in English in the final exam.

James Woods in youth

In 1960, Gale died after an unsuccessful operation, so the boy was brought up by stepfather. It is known that after obtaining a certificate of maturity Woods continued to receive education and his choice fell on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he studied in the specialty "Political Science", although it used to think to tie his life with medicine and become an eye surgeon.

Being at the university bench, James showed himself as an active student: the guy gladly participated in the local dramatic circle and led the theatrical productions. Therefore, it is not surprising that, ultimately, James traded a political specialty on acting skills and moved to New York, in order to pursue the expanses of show business.


The creative biography of James Woods began back in 1972, then another young guy managed to make her debut at once in two kinocarthines - "Hicks and God" and "guests" Elia Kazan. After the successful appearance of James Woods, James Woods began to be filmed in kinocartes almost every year.

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If you list the entire filmography of a popular actor, it's not enough and the whole book, because in the jamesvoix of James more than 120 diverse paintings: drama, filmcomy and even chilling blood horror films.

In 1984, James Woods was lucky to participate in the cult film directed by Sergio Leone "Once in America," where he pleased the avid kinomans with his acting game. The plot of this tape revolves around buddies from the Jewish Quarter, which are obsessed with the American dream.

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Woods played Maximilian Berkovich, who came the idea to rob New York Bank. It is worth noting that James worked on one shooting area with such a cinema guru, like Robert de Niro, Elizabeth McGurne, James Hayden, Joe Peshi, Titu Williams and other stars of show business.

Further, in 1986, another fundamental role of Woods followed - he fulfilled the main character in the Drama Oliver Stone Salvador. James reincarnated in the bold correspondent of Richard Boyla, writing materials from hot spots, but remaining without work due to alcohol abuse. In addition to Woods, the main roles were performed by James Belushi, Michael Murphy, John Savage and Elpida Carrillo.

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Two years later, in 1988, James Woods tried the designer of the guardian of the order in the police officer's detective drama. The plot of this tape is simple and non-trivial: the brave guardian of the law of Lloyd Hopkins is trying to uncover the brutal murder and collect all the crime threads together.

It is noteworthy that the Russian film critic Sergey Kudryavtsevsky in the book "3500 Kinorecenzia" noted that James Woods tried to overcome the theme of the police tape and made his character "alive": the actor endowed the protagonist with ordinary human qualities inherent in each mortal.

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In 1985, Woods appeared in the horror film on the novel Styvin King "Feline Eye", and in 1989 the actor played in the drama "My name is Bill V.", where I appeared before the viewers in the role of the Creator of the First Society of Anonymous Alcoholics.

If earlier Woods managed to show the righteous police officers to the alarms, then in 1995 he became a killer in the painting "Killer. Diary of murders. " Also, James played in the films "Ghosts Mississippi" (1996), "phase shift" (1997), "Hercules" (1997), "Contact" (1997), "Another day in paradise" (1998) "Vampires" ( 1998), "This Crime" (1999) and other remarkable filmmakers.

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By the way, probably, every fan of the cartoon series "Griffins" remembers that James Woods appears in some series, which the creators of the show exhibit a bad guy. The fact is that the name of the actor is a school where the younger Griffins are going - Chris and Meg.

And all because the action of the series takes place in the state of Rhode Island, where Woods spent his childhood. James liked the fact that his name sounds in the cartoon, so he wanted to participate in the series personally. Well, and putting the heroes with positive qualities - this is not in the style of the creator of the "Griffin" set of McFarlena. Therefore, the actor laughs over himself, voicing the drawn James Woods.

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It is also known that in 2001, a statutory actor (James's height - 180 cm) took part in the comedy "very terrible cinema - 2", where Anna Faris also played, Tim Curry, Regina Hall and Marlon Wayans. In this film, Woods performed in a small role of the priest, who appeared in the initial stage of the comedy, who paroding the horror film "Exile Devil".

However, the role of Father McFley could get Marlona Brando, which is often sick with pneumonia. Also, the directors were offered to reincarnate in the servant of the Church by the actor Charlton Heston, but he refused to participate in the film.

James Woods as a priest

In 2005, James worked in a comedy "Be cooler!", The producer of which Danny de Vito spoke. Also in the picture, John Travolta, Mind Tourman, Vince Von, Andre Benjamin and Dueine Johnson. A year later, the actor's filmography was replenished with another drama, this time he spoke in the film "Shark" (2006), where Sebastian Stark's former lawyer played, who after the case that occurred in his practice becomes a public prosecutor.

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After the drama "Shark" Woods for five years did not flame on the TV screens. In 2011, he participated in the film "Straw Dogs" in the film, and then played in the "Storm of the White House" and the series Ray Donovan. In 2015, James lit up in a thriller-militant "in the vice", where he worked on the same platform with Dominica Persell, Danny Glover, Stephen Lang, Winnie Jones and other actors.

Personal life

It is worth noting that James Woods has a high coefficient of intelligence. Its IQ is 180, while Einstein's physicist's physicist was equal to 160, and the IQ of a fictional character from the "Theory of Big Explosion" Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) - 187.

James Woods in 2017

According to rumors, James Woods has a plump character that has become a stumbling block in the personal life of the actor. Journalists say that James is not open to communicate, and feminists hung on the actor label of the woman's label.

James Woods and Sara Owen

Woods was married twice, but he hardly had pleasant memories of the previous relationship. With his wife, Sarah Owen Woods broke up with a scandal, she accused him of domestic violence, and he, in turn, said that the spouse was engaged in fraud.

James Woods and Sean Young

Also in the biography of James there is an unpleasant case with actress Sean Young, who accused his colleague on the workshop in habituality. But Woods is also not mistaken: the actor filed a counterclaim about the persecution. It is rumored that James also met with Ashley Madison, which is the younger than his chosen one for 40 years. According to the media, the actor does not have children.

James Woods now

In 2017, James Woods had an anniversary - he was 70 years old. In 2016, James acted as an actor of visualing, his voice can be heard in the animated series about the superhero "League of Justice".


  • 1979 - "Low Field"
  • 1981 - "Witness"
  • 1984 - "Once in America"
  • 1985 - "Feline Eye"
  • 1987 - "Police"
  • 1989 - "My name is Bill V."
  • 1995 - "The killer. Diary of murders
  • 1996 - "Ghosts Mississippi"
  • 1998 - "Vampires"
  • 1999 - "Every Sunday"
  • 2006 - "Shark"
  • 2013 - Ray Donovan
  • 2015 - "In Tisch"

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