Timur Eremeev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Leading 2021



Timur Eremeev felt the taste of glory, when he starred in the Cuisine's Sitkom and followed continuations and spin-offs that received record ratings. But it was unlikely that he assumed that real fame would come to him not as an actor, but as an employee of the scandalous story, in which the passion was rapidly. Today, a man who has no right to mention relationship with Spartak Mishulin, says that sooner or later the secret becomes clear.

Childhood and youth

The Motherland of the Star of Teleecran - Korolev near Moscow, and more precisely, located near the village of Pervomaysky. Here the actor was born and graduated from 9 classes. Family lived in a wooden two-story building without water supply, in the area of ​​the Factory "May 1", where he worked as an engineer Mom.

According to Yeremeyev, his name presented him with the main character of the book Arkady Gaidar "Timur and his team." From early childhood, the boy wrote poems and songs, classes in a regular school combined with studying in the musical, and even dreamed of a scene. This desire led to the capital: for a full-fledged secondary education Timur went to school No. 232, in the theater class at Shchepkinsky School.

Having received a certificate of maturity, the young man came immediately at the 2nd course of this cradle of actors, to Vladimir Seleznev. A year later, Yeremeyev joined the ranks of students of the Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies, hitting the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Korenev. Timur managed to visit the "Army" - served the urgent service as part of the troupe of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army.

Personal life

Timur's personal life has been hiding from prying eyes for a long time, now photographs with the scenes of family idyll pleases the subscribers "Instagram". There is an actor and page in Facebook.

Olga's wife for education Piary and advertising manager, first friend, adviser and critic. Spouses raise the daughter of Nick.

According to Yeremeyev, whatever happens in life, he is sure that he can always count on his soul mate. When her husband fell into the epicenter of events related to Spartak Mishulin, Olga turned to Karina with a request not to screw the name of the Timur in the dirt and stop bringing to the television of fake persons.

With free time, the family loves to travel, prefers Europe, but Asia does not like.

Based on subjective experience, Eremeev considers himself an agnostic, man nor blindly believing in God or denying higher forces. Timur is a man of strong physique (height 190 cm, weight 86 kg), the fan of the Spartak football club, is not afraid of extremely like flights in Aerotrub and Fly Yoga on the roof.

Theater and films

Since the demobilization of Timur, the theater of the Russian army is faithful. According to the site of the institution, the actor plays in the production of "Philman Marturno", "Tsar Fyodor John", "Mrs. Ministry".

The name of Eremeev is also indicated on the bills of the Millennium Theater. With the hope of the Angarskaya and Oscar Kucher, he goes to the scene in the play "Hits on hiring", and in the project of the Optimistic Theater "Date on Four" - with Svetlana Permyakova.

In the production of the producer center "TM Production" called "Husband for an hour", the artist was introduced emergency and on video call, but it was in a pleasant environment to Marina Fedunkiv and Roman Bogdanov.

Unlike many colleagues who do not see the difference between theater and film screen, Timur believes that these are two different professions and both give pleasure.

The debut of a young man in the cinema took place in 2004 in the series "unequal marriage", and in 2007, the actor got an episode in the film "Nostalgia for the future". Then the creative biography replenished ribbons with minor roles, as well as the painting "Alc. Secret track ", TV series" Moscow. Three stations "and" Goodbye, Favorite! ".

In 2015, Timur, the audience began to recognize on the streets thanks to the role of Portier Egor in the merry, which beat all the imaginable records of the popularity of the TV series "Kitchen". In the image of the same hero, the artist joined the Spin-Off team "Kitchen" - "Eleon Hotel". A company on the set was made up to him Diana Pozharskaya, Milos Bikovich, Olga Kuzmina, Victor Horinyak.

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Egor - a funny character with a dark past: served in prison for theft, but enjoys the authority from the leadership. Mikhail Jackovich (Grigory Siyatvinda), the Eleon Hotel, uses a guy for delicate purposes, for example, if it is necessary to penetrate somewhere, to open something or produce the necessary information.

Work at the receptionist routine, recalled Timur. Therefore, after reading the script, he "immediately began to think about what kind of fisheets to endorse Hydra" to be interested in the viewer.

In 2017, regular projects appeared in Yeremeyev filmography - small roles in the comedy "Call Dicaprio" and the detective TV series "Unknown".

In addition, at the end of September, Timur published a photo in "Instagram", on which he holds a sign in his teeth from the hotel room with a request not to disturb. From the comment to the snapshot there was a announcement of the output of the 3rd season of the "Eleon Hotel".

In 2018, the Porter Egor swinging from Eleon to "Grand". The film is declared as a direct continuation of the Sitkom with new situations and existing persons.

Melodrama "New Man" - a story about the former hockey player starting life from scratch. In an unexpected comedy role, Tatyana Arntgolts starred here. Timur appeared in the image of a mniving lawyer who is conspiracy everywhere. The picture was created at the height of the proceedings of the actor with a pivot sister, and Eremeev admitted that during this time she had seen any lawyers - and professionals, and clowns.


In the summer of 2019, from the hero show Timur turned into a TV presenter. In Prime-Time on the first channel, the transfer of "Family Secrets" was published. Eremeev, whose personal secret became the public domain, told about strangers. It was about the fact that, in general, it is already known, but information was filed at a different angle, with a support for new facts that no one suspected about.

The inheritance of the investigation was the inheritance of Leonid Brezhnev and Lyudmila Gurchenko, the mysterious death of Zoe Fedorova and Elina Bystritsky. The film crew worked in the archives, met with witnesses of events. The actor emphasized that the goal of the program is not another scandal, but an honest and thoughtful conversation, refinement of details. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to express those who do not agree with the official point of view.

Karina Mishulin, about the relationship with whose Timur, having learned about his career takeoff, said his boyfriend. For ermes as if there would be an influential lobby that puts pressure even on judges. The actor in response was parried that she was not going to discuss "the wildest nonsense," and Karina could fantasize further.

Oil Son Spartak Mishulin

At the beginning of the fall of 2017, Timur gave an interview to the magazine "Caravan Stories", in which he stated that he had the son of Spartak Mishulin, the People's Artist of the RSFSR. Parents allegedly met in 1971 in Vologda, at the mother's homeland and the place of shooting the film "Therent of the Republic". Relief relations lasted for many years, Tatiana even went with his beloved on tour.

Timur remembers the familiarity with the famous Father. He was 5 years old when he fell for Satira theater's scenes, where Spartak Vasilyevich served. After that, the boy often came to the theater with Mom, and after the performances, the three of them went for a walk.

Eremeev never previously advertised the relationship, even her grandmother did not recognize, although in a small grandson saw similarities with the star of Soviet screens. As evidence, Timur provided a photo, where he is in the company with his father in the image of Carlson behind the scenes of the theater. The hometown also stores a bundle from under cigarettes, at which Mom painted Mishulin, when he was on the train with him.

The application was so outraged by the daughter of actor Karina Mishulin, which, accusing a possible brother in slander, she filed a court with an apology, refutation of information and compensation for moral damage. Until now, the woman was considered the only heir to Spartak Vasilyevich.

Timur with Karina met in the talk show "Let them say", where serious passions broke out. Mishulin's daughter called Eremeev's impostor, accused of wishing to reconeach at the expense of an alien name. The young man hurried with apologies against the possible sister and spouse Spartak Vasilyevich, however, added:

"I do not refuse any of my words, ready to answer all the words. How is the story of my life can insult and touch anyone at all? "

Spectators of the show were questioned in the truth of the words of Timur. The fact is that Karina has practically lived in the theater since childhood and sooner or later crossed the new brother, but this did not happen.

Tatyana Yeremeeva virtually supported the Son. The talk show showed an interview in which a woman reveals on relationships with Mishulin. The face of Mother Timur did not remove, but the leading "let them say" Dmitry Borisov tried to convince the public in the sincerity of the words of Tatiana, allegedly she cried at the time of filming.

To put all the points above I, the tradition of DNA spent on the program. According to the results of the examination, Eremeev is really the biological son of Spartak Mishulin. Timur immediately published in the "Instagram" the words of gratitude to the group of support, in which Alexander Dobrovinsky became a star lawyer.

"Many extramarital children are shy to their status, although certainly not to blame for what they were born. They can not choose or invent a false biography. Absolutely every person has the right to openly talk about himself and their parents, I want to repeat it once again, "the actor said later.

Timur assured that he did not pretend to be neither the inheritance of the famous Father, nor on the surname. However, Karina did not stop it. A woman achieved a court decision, which states that the examination was not conducted, Mishulin and Yeremeyev's relationship was not legally confirmed. And therefore, Timur is not entitled to call himself the son of Spartak Vasilyevich.

Timur Eremeev now

One of the main news of the beginning of the 2020 - Dmitry Shepelev leaves from the first channel. The father of the child Zhanna Friske 2.5 years led the program "In fact", a peculiar full-time rate of people wishing to find out the relationship, learn the secret or himself to admit to anything.

In discussions about the advantages of the project, there were a lot of copies broken, but one thing is undoubtedly - the show has its own considerable audience. Therefore, the question of who will occupy the place of Shepelev, who is now promoting its own Youtyub-Channel. The answer was found right away - Timur Eremeev will ask questions to the participants and experts.

In addition, Timur with a colleague Denis Demyin is much time to develop the channel "Let's fast!". This is a 10-minute blitz interview with celebrities, accompanied by various "bonuses" for the hero and spectators.


  • 2004 - "unequal marriage"
  • 2007 - "Nostalgia for the future"
  • 2007 - "Swach"
  • 2012 - "Moscow. Three stations "
  • 2012 - "Alsib. Secret track "
  • 2013 - "LJ"
  • 2013 - "big feelings"
  • 2014 - "Farewell, Favorite!"
  • 2015 - "This is love"
  • 2015 - "Kitchen"
  • 2016 - "Eleon Hotel"
  • 2017 - "Call Dicaprio!"
  • 2017 - "Unknown"

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