Alexander Parvus - biography, photo, personal life, films about him



Alexander Lvovich Parvus (Israel Lazarevich Gelfand) - Russian revolutionary, follower of the Social Democratic Movement, Ph.D., author of scientific papers and plays.

In the Jewish family on September 8, 1867, a boy named Israel was born. Years will be held before Israel takes new name and surname. So the young man will turn into Alexander Parvus. The joyful event in the Gelfand family occurred in Berezin, which is under Minsk. A major fire soon destroyed the house in which the future revolutionary lived. The city suffered from fire.

Alexander Parvus

This was the reason for moving the family in Odessa, his chapter was born in this village. The man went to work in the port. Israel was educated in the gymnasium, visited the sections where the revolutionary youth was going. Talented Alexander in 1885 moves to Zurich for the sake of higher education. Here, Comrade meets the participants of the Labor Release Group. It is PB. Axelrod, G.V. Plekhanov, V.I. Zasulich.

In the official biography of the revolutionary, it was said that Parvus in the University of Basel was investigated by political economy. According to the results of his studies, he received the degree of doctor of philosophy. Alexander moved to Germany and became a member of the Social Democratic Party. According to I. Doycher, Parvus wished to "revive the revolutionary spirit of German Socialism."

The revolution

Alexander returned to St. Petersburg in the early days of the revolution. The company Parvus was Lion Trotsky. Men launched activities in the executive committee of the Council of Workers' Deputies. Alexander planned to implement the theory of "permanent revolution" in practice. The tool for the formation of revolutionary movements Parvus saw the proletariat.

Stand on a coup in Russia, a man did not want. The plans of Alexander attended the world socialist revolution. Almost half of the year Parvus performed before working with calls to rebel against the current power and create a working democracy.

Alexander Parvus, Leo Trotsky, Lev Dayach

Revolutionaries needed pressure on society. Trotsky and Parvus decided to do it through the Russian newspaper. The new E-editors have increased the circulation of the print media to 100 thousand, and after and up to 500 thousand copies. With such volumes of "new life", belonging to the Bolsheviks, could not.

Alexander became a driving force in the St. Petersburg Council. On the shoulders of the Parvus lay down the responsibilities for writing articles and proclamation, developing strategy and tactics. The revolutionary was attracted to performances at industrial enterprises, in the Council. The influence provided by Parvus on residents of St. Petersburg was powerful, people walked for Alexander.

Parvus was revolutionary in the afternoon, and evenings spent on creating plays. Satirical labor was used to form the performances. Alexander pre-acquired a few tickets in advance to give the counter to friends.

Alexander Parvus and Rosa Luxembourg

From under the pen of the revolutionary, "Financial Manifesto" came out. The document contained information about the corrupt officials in the Firm of the Russian Government, the absence of money in the treasury and on the fictitious reporting. According to the members of the Council, the people should not pay on the debts of the royal family.

It is time arrests. The first prisoners were the leaders of the party. Then Parvus came to the place of Trotsky, but soon and the revolutionary was in disgraces in power. Alexandra convicted and already sent to Turukhansk, where a man had to spend 3 years. But Parvus managed to run. With me, Alexander had fake documents and money.

The disappointment of the Russian revolution came unexpectedly. Parvus decided to send the gaze to the Balkans, where the people tried to make a coup. Shortly before the trip to Germany, Alexander presents the "colonial policy and the collapse of the capitalist system." Contemporaries considered this better work of the revolutionary.

Alexander Parvus and Vladimir Lenin

Interestingly, labor influenced representatives of the II of International, among whom Vladimir Ilyich Lenin turned out to be. There is almost nothing to know about the life of a parvus in Europe. Biographs had to believe rumors and assumptions.

In 1910, Constantinople becomes a permanent residence. The revolutionary helped the Turkish authorities in the economic sphere. Turkey became the second home for parvus. From young age, Alexander dreamed of becoming rich. In Constantinople, this desire was fulfilled. How the revolutionar bills were replenished - still a mystery.

To live away from the Motherland for the parvus was difficult, so after the October Revolution, which made it possible to overthrow the royal power, Alexander was looking forward to when V.I. Lenin will return the revolutionary home. The miracle did not happen. The posts of the Minister of Finance Parvus did not wait. The leader of the world proletariat avoided ties with a compromised Jew.

Alexander Parvus and Vladimir Lenin

Without waiting for permission, Alexander decided to help Russian revolutionaries from Europe. So in Scandinavia appeared a Russian newspaper, which tried to ridiculate power, promote new foundations of life. In response from Russia, accusations in provocations for personal enrichment were heard. Emotions from these events Parvus expressed in the book "In the struggle for the truth".

In 1918, Alexander Lvovich decided to leave politics in the past. The accumulated savings were enough for decent life and favorite entertainment - provocations. Impecable reputation revolutionary did not work, so even millions in accounts did not give parvus opportunities to meet and communicate with famous people, politicians and ambassadors. Celebrities avoided connections with Alexander.

Personal life

According to official information, Alexander Parvus was married twice. The first spouse is Tatiana Naumovna Berman. A woman knew as a tabos herst. The citizen was considered the Yellow Representative of the Social Democratic Movement, and part-time worked as a librarian and translator.

Alexander Parvus and his wife Tatyana Berman

In this union, the son of the Jewish family was born the son of Evgeny Aleksandrovich Gamen. A young man who achieved mature age was appointed to the position of Soviet diplomat, but later became a dissident, he wrote memoirs.

The second spouse of the parvus is not preserved data. It is known that the spouses have a son who worked at the Embassy of the USSR, in Italy. With mysterious circumstances, a man disappeared.


In 1924, Alexander Parvus was in Berlin. In the capital of Germany, the revolutionary overtook the stroke, after which a man could not. After the sustainable death of the parliament accumulation disappeared. Who is behind this is unknown.

The life of Alexander is shut-off by secrets and unsolved riddles. The biography of the revolutionary has incredible gifts of fate and disappointments, so often the scenarios use the history of life to create movies.

In 2006, the documentary film "Parvus Revolution" saw the light. After 9 years later, the audience showed a new ribbon - "Demon Revolution". The second name of the picture is the Memorandum of Parvus.


  • 1895 - "Coupling and mass political strike"
  • 1897 - "World Market and Agricultural Crisis"
  • 1906 - "Russia and Revolution"
  • 1907 - "In Russian Bastille during the revolution"
  • 1908 - "Colonial policy and wreck of capitalist building"
  • 1908 - "Capitalist production and proletariat"
  • 1908 - "Class struggle of proletariat"
  • 1908 - "In the ranks of the German Social Democracy"
  • 1909 - "Social Democracy and Parliamentarism"
  • 1909 - "Socialism and Social Revolution"
  • 1915 - "Plan of the Russian Revolution"
  • 1918 - "In the struggle for the truth"

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