Zarathustra - biography, photo, personal life of the prophet, writings, quotes 2021



Zarathustra - Priest, Prophet and reformer of the ancient Original religion, called Zoroastrianism. Despite the legendary nature of the information about the prophet, his mythology and significant differences in biography dating, researchers do not doubt the reality of the existence of prosthestra.

Childhood and youth

In the interpretations of the prophet's life researchers, the dates of his birth will differ, and the directions where he appeared. According to one version, Zarathustra was born in East Iran, in the suburbs of Tehran Rales between VII and the first half of the 6th century BC. E .. But the analysis of GAT (the main part of the sacred texts of Zoroastrians) refers the era of the reformer activity by the XII-X centuries. BC.

The authors of the ancient world indicate that Zarathustra lived in the times of Tsar Gistaspa, the board of which falls on 522-486 BC. er, but the nationality of the prophet is called different: Persian, Indian, Persomidian, Allin, Assyrian. According to other information, Zarathustra - Chaldems, Phamfilice or a Jew from the genus Prénce of Samaria.

Portrait of Zarathustra

Vintage Muslim sources (Al-Hamavi and Al-Biruni historians) say that the place of birth of the saint is atropatena, the ancient state located on the territory of Southern Azerbaijan. And British Nora Bois, a journalism and a research scientist and a researcher of Zoroastrianism, I am sure that the priest was born in the town of Sintushta - now the Chelyabinsk region of Russia.

If you believe in Gates (17 anthems of the Prophet addressed to God), Zarathustra took place from the ancient kind of priests. The parents of the Prophet - the father of Christiaspas and the Mother Dugdov - made five sons on the light. But the baby Zarathustra differed from the brothers: Born, he did not cry, but laughed, killing 2 thousand demons with a laugh.

According to the tradition of a newborn, washed with urine cows and washed in the sheep's skin. After the occurrence of Zarathustra around him, many wonders came around. Dark forces were envied by the power of the boy, but they could not destroy him: the divine force had to protect the baby.

Zaratustra holds heavenly sphere on the fresco of Raphael

The name of the prophet is typical for ancient Iran, common in simple peasants, indicates the "owner of an old camel." The name of the mother - Dugdov (Daidai) - translates as "Divine Fish". However, the translation from Greek gives a different interpretation name: Zoroaster denotes the "golden light" or "Golden Star".

From 7 years old Zaptoschered to priestly. The doctrine was transmitted through stories, since at that time Iranians could not write. The boy studied rituals and mantras (spells), which left the wise men of previous generations.

At 15 years (the age of maturity) Zarathustra became a priest, Mantran - the compiler of mantras and spells. The young man possessed a poetic gift and composed the hymns and chants.


The period of life of Zarathustra is called a time of moral decline. The era of wars and bloody sacrifices, the magicians and sorcerers. Mademism dominated in Iran - Multi-Length Religion. People believed in the gods of fire (Agni), wind (Wash), Ocean (Varun). Zarathustra brought a monotheism to a change to change, proclaiming the wise gentlemen - Ahura-Mazda - the main thing, to abdicate the meanings of other deities.

Prophet Zarathusta

Tradition says that in 20 years Zarathusta rejected worldly desires and became the righteous. Ten years wandered in search of Divine Revelation and at 30, having received it, went into the wanderings, as stated in the gates.

In the festive spring day, Zarathustra went to the river in early morning to gain water to prepare a soma - a ritual drink, which was cooked from the leaves of the ephedra (shrub). The drink caused the initiation dedicated and "raised in the winds" above mortals.

Taking clean water from the middle of the river and returning to the shore, the purified Zarathustra saw a shining creature. The vision called the future of the Prophet for himself and led to six other luminous figures. Because of the light, which they radiated, Zarathustra did not see his own shadow. Among the deities, called the future of the Prophet, the main thing was the Ahur Mazda, whom Zaraptustra soon proclaimed the Creator, who called him for the ministry.

Medieval image of Zarathustra

After a meeting with God, Zarathstra preaches the Iranians his covenants. Soon, Zoroastrianism spread to Afghanistan, Central Asia and South Kazakhstan, having an impact on world religions. The peculiarity of the teaching of the prophet is that the path to the Creator lies through righteous life and pure thoughts, but religion does not deny rites and sacrifices.

Preaching Zarathustra did not meet among the tribesmen of understanding: the mussels (West Iran) rejected the new religion, retaining the old one. After the expulsion of the Holy 10 years wandered and underwent serious tests. Of the like-minded people, he found in the east of the country and was favorably adopted by the ruler of Arieshyana - the state that occupied the territory of modern Turkmenistan and Afghanistan.

Writings and sermons Zarathustra captured 12 thousand bullish skins, and the main sacred book - the Avesta was put in the Treastery of the King. Zarathustra was equipped in the mountains of Bukhara. Holy Housing - a round cave - decorated characters and images of constellations, and an image of the sun and planets appeared on the ceiling.

Zarathustra sign

Zaptust is called the first Prophet, who told about the existence of Paradise and Hell, about the resurrection after death and the last court. The reformer discovered the disciples that the rescue of the sinner depends on the totality of affairs, words and thoughts, and on the judy day, a person will share responsibility for the fate of the world.

The teachings of Zarathustra about the struggle of good and evil forces echoes the texts of the Bible and the teachings of Plato. After the death of the Prophet, his followers moved to the west of Iran, turning the Mages tribe into Zoroastrianism.

Personal life

In his youth, the parents of the future of the Prophet found the son of the bride, but Zarathustra showed the character and rejected the proposed brides. The reason for the refusal to marry one of the girls called the unwillingness of the bride to look into the eyes - the beauties turned off the face and looked away. The young man went to the wanderings.

After meeting with the Creator and his revelations, the Prophet performed this covenant, according to which a person is obliged to leave the offspring after himself, otherwise he is sinner and unhappy. Children give immortality to the accuracy of the last court.

Sculptural images of Zarathustra

Zarathustra married twice (in a different version - three times). The first wife was the widow. Such wives were called "employees." She preacked two sons. The firstborn became a cattle breeder, the second son - the warrior.

The second wife of the prophet became a virgin - the "ruling" wife. A young woman gave birth to a sown grant and three daughters. This son is Isad-Wastra - became the Supreme Priest of Zoroastrianism. According to another version, four children a preacher gave birth to two "ruling" wives.

According to the existing belief, after the resurrection of the saint with him, the "ruling" wife remained, because the widow after death turns out to be next to the first spouse.


The killer of Zarathustra turned out to be a man named brother-decay tour. The first attempt to kill the prophet was crowned with failure: brother-decay tour with an accomplice - sorcerer Durashrobom - came to destroy the saint in infancy. The killer repeated attempted after 77 years, being a stray old man.

The brother-decay tour snuck into the house of the Prophet when he prayed. The killer did not dare to look in the eyes of Zarathustra and killed him with a blow of a sword in his back. At the same time, the brother-decay tour died.

Zarathustra foresaw for a rapid death and preparing for it the last 40 days of life, spending time in pinching and prayers. Researchers do not exclude that later these 40 days of prayers of Zarathushra have become the religious traditions of other peoples in the posthumous 40 days. Many religions believe that the soul of the deceased remains in the world of people 40 days after death.


  • In the Opera Mozzart "Magic Flute" (1791), the image of the intensity, symbolizing the light and wisdom, is a reference to the worship of the Zarathustra Masons.
  • The German writer-philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche has a work "so spoke Zarathustra."
Illustration for Friedrich Nietzsche's book "So spoke Zarathustra"
  • In 1896, under the impression of the book by Friedrich Nietzsche, "so spoke Zarathustra" German composer Richard Strauss wrote a symphony poem "so spoke Zarathustra."
  • The same book, according to the leader of the Alice Group, Konstantin Kinchev, is devoted to the song "Red on Black".
  • In the adaptation of Leonid Gaida Roman I. Ilf and E. Petrova "12 chairs" Ostap Bender, introducing himself to the fire inspector, said Pasha, who would sell a chair: "Eh, I would have snapped for you, but only Zarathstra does not allow you."


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