Feduk (Feduk) - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, Sasha Novikova, married, "Sea of ​​Love" 2021



Now Feduk is a popular Russian singer, the compositions of which are invariably become hits among fans. He does not insist on being called rapper, because "turned rap in Pops." The artist's creative biography is an excellent example of purposefulness and love for what he is engaged. Perhaps these terms and brought a young man so crazy success and popularity.

Childhood and youth

Rap star was born on February 9, 1992 in Moscow. Since childhood, Fedor Insarov (real name of the singer) was lucky to go around the distant countries: the work of the Father, the MGIMO teacher, assumed permanent foreign business trips. When the boy was 5 years old, the family moved to China, and at the age of 11, Fedor came to Hungary, where she lived for another 4 years.

Later, the artist admitted to journalists that Rap heard in Budapest. A young man "hooked" the style of execution that he began to try to compose his own songs. In the same place, in Hungary, Fyodor got acquainted with a like-minded person who weeded the pseudonym Spring (Rodnique). This man began to help the novice musician, the guys even recorded several joint tracks.

The name Feduk is connected with Hungary, under which Insarov and became famous. The allegation of the pseudonym is simple: Feduk sounds more organically for the Hungarian ear, rather than Fedor. Therefore, in Budapest to the young man treated this way.


In 2009, Feduk collected his own team called "Dobro Za Rap". The team turned out to be quite large: In addition to the soloist, there were seven more people. A year later, the group released the first album "Moscow 2010". Songs were close and understood by young people: Feduk "told" about friends, life joys and failures, football and cute girls.

Another 2 years for Insarov, it was starry hour: he was offered to write a soundtrack and video to the film "Porifutball". Without the slightest thought, Feduk agreed to participate in this project. After some time, the first version of the hit was hit by the network, and in 2013 the long-awaited official clip came out, an instantly became a hit.

The next 2 years turned out to be fruitful. The artist released 3 plates in a row. Each album climes to the tops of the charts, bringing a singer more and more fans. In the same period, Feduk got acquainted with Colleagues Raskolnikov, Kalmar and Pasha technician. The musicians pleased with joint compositions and concerts, collecting many listeners.

Then the singer presented the track created specifically for the program "Street Football. Extreme. " In addition, Feduk recorded several new compositions. They all entered the album "Our Island", who saw the light in the same year. Fans noticed that songs from this plate sound completely different.

The following Feduk disc was called "Fries", and the Tour De France composition has become hardly by anthem of football fans. Fedor admitted that he was sick for Spartak, so it could not stay indifferent to the fate of the beloved club. Interesting and choosing a cover for a disk: Feduk lies in the photo of Frei Potato. Almost immediately after the release of the album, a clip was recorded on the composition "went over".

In 2017, the performer released a F & Q plate. Fans of rap and musical critics converge on the fact that this is the best "studio" in Insarov's career. Songs "Watercolor" and "I want to fly" became real hits.

Fedor's success is associated with another rapper Elder. Young people met in 2014. At that time, Eldj still lived in Novosibirsk. When he moved to the capital, Feduk immediately offered a friend to fulfill something together. So the composition "Pink Wine" was born, which instantly became a "number 1", won and all sorts of hit parades and charts, and the hearts of fans.

However, as it should be the present "explosive" hut, the track - or rather the clip to it - came out with a scandal. It turned out that Fyodor took over the courage to post this video into the network, while the Elder team did not approve the roller. Feduk's act annoyed a popular singer invited to them so much that the latter blocked the clip. In addition, journalists learned that the future spouse of Nastya Ivleyeva hurt that in the title of the video the name Füka was in the first place, and then went his own.

For this, Fyodor said that he was the author of the song, and Eldji acted as an invited guest. The clip was unlocked, and in a short time the video gained rabid popularity. Based on the conflict of two performers, Ivan Urgant, together with Alexander Gudkov, made a bright parody of the composition, renamed the track to the "Rose-Malino Wine", attaching a popular Igor Nikolaev's popular hat to him.

In the clip, Yuri Dwell was shot, shortly before that Fedor managed to become a guest of the next issue of the blogger. In an interview, the musician spoke about cooperation and disagreements with Elder, about the path to glory, about the history of the creation of some songs. So, for example, the audience learned that the Track "Budapest" is dedicated to a friend to a friend of Raper, Rodion, who taught the artist to love and understand Rap.

The next collaboration in Insarov was with Egor Crem and LSP. In the clip "Bachelor", Trinity shared his own opinion on the negative and positive sides of life without women. In 2018, Feduk's discography was replenished with the album More Love. The innovation of this record is in acoustic sound. True, the listeners did not like it that the "Moon" song did not enter the track list in which she sounded at concerts.

Rapper continues cooperation with colleagues in the genre. Together with the glory of the CPSU and Dzhigley, he recorded the single "Where Justice", with Lil Krystall - the "cool" track, with OG Buda - the composition "Good acoustics". The list of independent work has replenished the clips "Palm" and "Amazon".

In the summer of 2019, Fedor came out at the closure of the New Wave Festival, and in October the planned solo concert was held in one of the largest metropolitan clubs Adrenaline Stadium. Fans heard the "Lambo" composition in joint execution with Rapper Platinum (Robert Playss, Latvian by nationality) and the "Sea of ​​Love" track. In the same year, the singer as a guest performed in the Evening Urgant program.

In the process of communicating with Ivan, the artist told the original story from childhood. During his residence with parents in China to Beijing arrived with the touring troupe of the Mariinsky Theater. For the Opera, the "peak lady" was looking for a child for the role of a commander of haunted troops. Little Fedya perfectly approached this, and his mother managed to capture him in a scenic suit in a photo along with a conductor Valery Gergiev.

Personal life

Fedor's personal life, in contrast to musical success, until some time was securely hidden from the curious eyes of fans and journalists. 8 years Feduk consisted in relations with Darya Panfilova. Each year, the couple celebrated the dates of dating - July 27, the Harmonifications of the Union said joint photos placed in the Instagram account of Rapper.

The track "Flakes is flying up" appeared after parting. Former lovers remained friends, despite the fact that, according to rumors, Dasha spun a novel with a friend and operator Insarov Alexei Rozhkov.

Feduk said in an interview that he was not looking for new acquaintances, allegedly ladies went mercenary, trying to use someone else's glory in their own interests. However, in 2019, the media learned that the musician was found with Sasha Novikova. Choosing a favorites - Businessman Arkady Novikov, Creator of the Federation of Restaurants and Hoteliers, whose institutions serve the event management activities of the President of Russia.

Alexandra graduated from College Bradfield in London, the course of the Auction House "Christies" Modern & Contemporary Art, the online institution Institute of Integrative Nutritions in New York, returned home and began to promote the HOW TO GREEN project dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

In May 2021, it became known that the couple got married.

Feduk now

In 2020, the musician continued solo creativity. So, fans were able to appreciate the bright hits "Bangher" and "Russian People's Trap", included in the new album "Yay", as well as the composition of "paints", which was shot by the clip. Bright in the works of Rapper became the appearance of a video for the song "Stay". The main role in it was played by the actor Yuri Borisov, a famous public on film projects "Bull", "Kalashnikov", "Peace. Friendship. Gum".

According to the plot, the artist's character remains in a closed cinema, where several different images are trying on themselves, including female. Directed by the video made Roman Kim and Misha Sechov. Feduk also fell among the participants of the show "100 questions to the adult". In 2021, the poster of the performances of the artist is painted for months. In addition, the news about the work of the rapper shares with fans in "Instagram".


  • 2013 - "Season" (together with TooBe)
  • 2014 - "Tight Staff"
  • 2014 - Ghetto Space
  • 2015 - "Our Island"
  • 2016 - "Free"
  • 2017 - F & Q
  • 2018 - More Love
  • 2020 - "Yay"
  • 2020 - "Stay"

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