Charles Baudelaire - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Poems, Books



Paul Verlin is the author of the strange expression "damned poets". He believed above all his herself. This list also included several odious authors and, of course, Baudelaire. The latter influenced world literature, including the formation of representatives of Russian symbolism. Creativity Charles Bodler was based on contrasts. His life was torment, fruitless attempts to find a balance between the illusory poetic world and reality.

Childhood and youth

The future poet, critic and essist was born in 1821 in the French capital. The early period in the biographies of the author "Colors of Evil" was cloudless. When Charles was born, his father was already in 60. Mother - 28. Carolina Arshanbo was a hopeless. However, marriage behind the elderly and a wealthy person attracted her not only the opportunity to get out of poverty. Francois Baudelaire was causing, possessed aristocratic manners and the original mind warehouse.

Charles Bodler

Charles's father came out of the peasants. Participated in revolutionary events. The era of Napoleon opened new ways for representatives of the lower estates. Francois Bodler received university education. He worked in the Senate, slowly, but rightly climbed on the social staircase.

Baudelaire-Sr. often drove his son on old attractions. Already at an early age, love for art awakened in the boy. Father died when Charles was still a child. The first psychological trauma, the poet received in childhood, with the death of his father. He not only lost a loved one, but also learned the flour of jealousy.

Portrait of Charles Bodler

Mother went to just a year. This time the 17-year-old officer became the chief of Carolina, not a meaningful nothing in literature and art. It was a man disciplined, educated. But he could not find an approach to meat. Charles sent to Lyon, to the boarding school at the Royal College.

The first poems of Baudelaire belong to the Parisian period. After release from the boarding school, he went to the capital, where he continued to education. Early works are filled with a sense of disappointment, longing. In 1841, Lyric graduated from training. Stephip insisted on a legal career. However, Charles already knew that his life would be associated with literature. Parents convinced him to go to India, hoping that in this way would save the young man from the "Independence".


Voyage lasted less than a year. Baudelaire, and without reaching the shores of India, visited the island of Reunion. Sea landscapes had strong impressions on the young lyrics, and later reflected in poetic creativity.

Poet Charles Bodler

At the beginning of the literary path, Bajler screams inspiration in the events of the end of the 40s. The poet did not stay away from the growing revolutionary movement. Along with the workers, they fought on the barricades in the summer of 1848, published articles in the radical Paris newspaper. Later he will call it in charge. And over the years will begin to experience almost physical disgust for politics.

The first poems Charles Baudelers printed 1843. The flourishing of the creative forces fell at the beginning of the 50s. The main object of the image in the poetic works was the confusion, the clash of ideals with a gray reality. In 1957, the collection was published, which caused resonance in society, "Flowers evil".

Portrait of Charles Bodler

Reality appeared to the poet chaotic and shapeless. Unlike romantics, which also did not suit the reality, the Baudelaner did not master himself with illusions, did not dream of a fabulous world. In the human soul, he saw a fragment of rotting reality. In poems included in the scandalous compilation, the author exposed his own vices. Baudelaire became the first poet that criticized not as to the Company as to the address itself.

"The Hymn of Beauty", which was included in the famous compilation, not chanting the beautiful. Beauty In this work, the author presented the attractive, charming, but merciless. This contrast was reflected in the composition of the poem. The main element is here - antithesis.

Charles Bodler

In the "blessing" the poet speaks of terrible evil in this world - about boredom. Works from "Evil Colors" were subjected to numerous interpretations. The meaningful philosophical meaning of the poet decadent poems is the eternal theme of literary disputes. Censors, contemporaries of Bodler, found separate works frankly obscene. Readers and critics met them with delight.

Two weeks after the publication of the collection began the process against the author. Bodler accused of blasphemy, violation of moral norms. The poet was forced to pay a fine, which was able to reduce due to the appeal to the Empress. Among the poems included in the book, which caused the stir in society: Albatross, Padal, Ideal, Flacon, "Abyss", "Self-Beman".

The images created by them simultaneously attractive and repulsive. Quote, demonstrating the pessimisticity of the French poet, "the person should fall low to believe in happiness." Another book of the founder of decades, published in 1957, "Poem in Prose." But she no longer had such widespread success.

"Paris Spleen" is a collection of light in 1960. The book includes poems in prose ("crowds", "Old Pajats", "Alien", "The toy of the poor man"). "My naked heart" is a collection of diary records. Both books poet did not complete. Disease, failures in personal life deprived of his last strength.

Self-portraries Charles Bodler

Baudelaire is the first writer, who focused on his work the effects of Gasisha on a person's consciousness. At the end of the 40s, he visited the club whose participants actively accepted drugs prohibited today. He himself used hashish just a few times in life. Theophile Gauthier claimed that the dubious happiness of the hashishist at Bodler was disgust. True, in the early 50s the poet tried opium. But from this addiction he managed to get rid of.

On the experience of using psychotropic drugs, he wrote a few articles entering the book "Artificial Paradise". Essays about the fault and hashish was written in 1951. After seven years later, Baudelaire dedicated a narcotic drug to another work. He believed that the drug had an interesting action on the consciousness of man. However, its use is incompatible with creative activities. Other opinions he adhered to regarding wine. The poet argued that alcohol makes a man open, lightweight, happy.

Personal life

In the biography of Charles Bodler, the name Zhanna Duval is consistently mentioned. The actress was the french poet muse. He dedicated her many works: "Shevory", "Balcony", "Dancing Snake." The charming Creolek inspired him and on the creation of the poem "Padal" from the collection "Flowers of evil". They met at the beginning of the 40s, but the Bajler's family did not accept Jeanne. Mother did everything in order to separate them. One day, the decadent poet even attempted suicide.

Charles Bajler and Jeanne Duval

Bodler did not part with Duval until the end of his life. He was a wasteful man, got involved in dubious projects. Relatives paid him a monthly amount that quickly dried up. Most of the life of Baudelaire spent in poverty. In addition, as Jeanne, suffered from syphilis.


In the mid-60s Charles Baudelaire left Paris. The last years of his life spent in Belgium. The condition has deteriorated, the disease rapidly destroyed the body of the patient. Once on the street he lost consciousness. In April 1866, Baudelaire was hospitalized, but they soon transported to the hotel. The mind of the author "Colors of Evil" gradually faded. The poet stopped getting up from bed, did not utter a word.

In 1867, Bodler was placed in the hospital for mentally ill. On August 31, he died. The grave of the Great French Poet is located on the legendary Paris Cemetery, which has become the last refuge for the most famous French, - in Montparnasse.


  • 1847 - "Fanfarlo".
  • 1857 - "Flowers evil".
  • 1857 - "Poles in prose"
  • 1860 - "Paris Splin"
  • 1860 - "Artificial Paradise"
  • 1864 - "My naked heart"


"I love girls and hate philosophizing ladies." "Woman is opposite to dandy. So she is disgusting. "" Argument in favor of God. Nothing exists aimlessly. "" Superstition is a capacity of all sorts of truths. "Robespiera appreciate only that he uttered several beautiful phrases."

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