Marcel Proust - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books



Marseille Prost is one of the most controversial writers of the 20th century. His great work "in search of lost time", composed of several individual novels, still evokes disputes of literature and critics. In addition, the prost is considered to be the most vivid representative of modernism in French literature.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the writer - Viennene Louis Georges Eugene Marseil Prist. The future prose and the philosopher was born on July 10, 1871 in the Paris suburb. The probe family was included in the circle of wealthy and famous houses of the city. The father of the boy - Adrian Prost - had a position in the Ministry of Health, Mother Jeanne Veil was also a birth from the secured family.

Marcel Proust in childhood

Marseille was a painful child, and at 9 years old, the boy was diagnosed with Asthma. The attacks of the disease were tormented by the writer to the end of life, which imposed a serious imprint on the character of the prost: he was distinguished by a closed temper.

She studied Proust in one of the oldest lyceums of the French capital - Condorce. Most of all, the young Marseille was interested in philosophy and literature, a clock could read the work that did not need noisy games and peer companies.

Marseille Prost in youth

The most accurate character of the prostsis can be represented due to the questionnaire, which he filled allegedly at 13 or 14 years. The fact is that there were a variety of questionnaires in fashion. And children, and even adults passed to each other questionnaires, and then discussed each other's answers. Already at such a young age, the prost demonstrated the depth of judgment and a rare for a teenager prudence.

After graduating from a lyceum, Proust went to the army, where he served until 1890. Then the young man decided to continue his studies and entered Sorbonne, choosing a legal specialty. At the same time, Marseille Pruts could often be caught in fashion salons, among the nobility and intelligentsia of that time.

Marseille Prost With Mother and Brother

During one of these creative evenings, Prunov met the writer Anatola France, who inspired the young Marseille, and also helped a young man to publish the first collection of stories and etudes, called "Entertainment and Day" (the collection was published in 1896). France even wrote an entry to this edition, appreciating the style and image of the thoughts of a beginner prose. Perhaps from this point on, the writer's biography of Marcel Proust.


Despite the positive feedback to Anatoly França, the first sample of the pen of Proust caused a rather negative reaction of critics, which considered Marseille to dilettania. Particularly caustic comments of Jean Lorrene, the poet and the prose of the time, so crushed prouds that he even called criticism on a duel.

Portrait of Marseille Prut

A few years later, in 1892, the prost decided to establish his own magazine. The edition got the name "Pier". In 1984, Marsell tried the power in the poetry, submitting a poetic collection to the court of refined public. This book remained unnoticed by critics, and for the prost, the glory of the amateutant was finally entrenched.

But this fact did not forced the creative nature of Marseille Pruts to abandon the selected path, and in 1985 the writer began to work on the first large-scale work - the novel "Jean Santa". Four years later, the prost scored a novel, however, many plot lines of this work worked later, in subsequent books.

Writer Marseil Prist

In 1907, the article of Marseille Proust was published in the Figaro newspaper, in which the writer presented reasoning about the feeling of guilt and the peculiarities of human memory. These topics, obviously, worried prouds, were subsequently key in the cycle of novels "in search of lost time". Above this epic, Proust also began work in 1907. Initially, the author planned to split the work into three parts and publish in two volumes.

Four years Proust spent on the first version of the epic. In 1911, the writer ended the cycle of novels, called the "interruptions of feelings." The work consisted of three parts: "Lost time", "under the shadow of girls in bloom" and "Rereted Time". Unfortunately, none of the publisher agreed to publish the epic of Marseille Proust. And only Bernard Grass resident did not refuse to publish (for the author's funds), but demanded that serious reductions in the initial version.

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The year later, Marseille Prost wrote another novel - "towards Svan." This work also did not cause enthusiasm readers. But Proust continued his work, supplementing the epic for two more works - "Captive" and "Beggages". And in 1919, the novel "Under the Senyuyu girls in bloom" was reissued again and brought Marseil Prista the prestigious Honorovsky Prize.

In general, the cycle of novels "In Search of Lost Time" turned out to be truly monumental. Prost published seven works, on the pages of which about two thousand actors are revealed in front of the reader. Unfortunately, the writer did not have time to finally edit the last volumes. The editorial was completed by the brother's brother.

Marcel Prost.

Glory and recognition came to the pector already posthumously. The writer Somerset Moem insisted that the cycle "In Search of Lost Time" is the best product of modernity, and his colleague Graham Green also counted the prubs to the best novelists of the XX century.

The prost himself was repeatedly recognized that Fedor Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy, considered idiors in the field of literature. These wound thinkers for Marseille Pruts a source of wisdom, internal force and a constant source of inspiration to create their own works.

Personal life

About the personal life of Marcel Prousts went many woven. The fact is that the writer was a homosexual. For some time, Prosti even contained a public house and often spent time in the walls of this institution, preferring a society of young young men. The manager of the public house and the assistant Proust became a certain Alber Le Kuzez. He, by rumors, was and beloved Marseille. Also Marsel Prover is attributed to Roman with a talented composer Reynaldo Nom.

Reallydo An and Marseille Prost

The lifestyle of Marseille Pruts could not not affect his literary writes. There is a version that this institution has become the prototype of the bouquet of the bouquet of the bouquet of the bouquet of the Marseille on the pages of the work "in search of lost time". Moreover, by the assumption of the writer's biographers, the scenes of the biching of nude men and other spicy moments described in the epic of Prousts were not the fiction of the author, prone to Mazochist Usladam.

Marseille Prost became, perhaps, the first writer of the time describing homosexual relationships on the pages of books. Pruns seriously analyzed the love relationship between two men, bringing the truth to the public with the truth to the public.


In 1922, the writer is running with a strong cold. Soon the disease passed into bronchitis, which was complicated by inflammation of the lungs. Unfortunately, the efforts of the drugs were in vain, and on November 18 of the same year, Marseille Pruh left his life. Writer was 51 years old. The grave of Marseille Proust is in Paris, in the cemetery of Per Lashez.

Grave of Marseille Prut

The works of the prubet, who did not find recognition during the life of the writer, after his death found the status of an epochal. The books literally disassembled quotes, and the philosophical thoughts and observations of Prousts still remain the subject of disputes and discussions.


  • 1896 - "Joy and days"
  • 1896-1899 - Jean Santa
  • 1908-1909 - "Against Saint-Beva"
The cycle "In Search of Lost Time":
  • 1913 - "In the direction of Svan"
  • 1919 - "Under the shadow of girls in bloom"
  • 1921-1922 - "Hermann"
  • 1922-1923 - "Sodom and Gomorra"
  • 1925 - "Captive"
  • 1927 - "Beggage"
  • 1927 - "Rereted Time"


"... Thanks to other advantages, what a person possesses, he easily transfers the shortcomings of the neighbor, he does not suffer from them; A very gifted person usually pays attention to someone else's stupidity than a fool. " ("Sodom and Homorra") "Fatigue, especially in people of nervous, partly dependent on whether their attention is absorbed by fatigue and will remember whether they remember about their fatigue." ("Sodom and Gomorra") "In general, to whom our words are addressed, fills them with the content, which he removes from his essence and which is sharply different from what we have invested in the same words, - with this fact we are constantly faced in life". ("Under the shadow of girls in bloom") "There are diseases that should not be treated because they protect us from more dangerous." ("Hermann")

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