Georg Ots - biography, photo, personal life, songs, death



Legend man, talented artist, opera and pop singer, whose velvet baritone penetrated straight into the soul. George Otsa did not have rivals: he equally brilliantly performed the opera parties and sang on the stage, easily "flowing" from one genre to another, whether it was filled with drama of Mr. Mr. Iks in the screening of the operetta Imre Salman or the life-affirming "Captain Song".

Georg Ots.

The laureate of the two Stalinist and state award of the USSR, the People's Artist, the "business card" of Soviet Estonia and the idol of Millions remained in the memory of the older generation, because in the rare house there was no place for his record.

Childhood and youth

Georg Ots is a singer and a musician in the fourth generation. Praded Georg - Tyna Ots - was a virtuoso violinist, Grandfather Hans played a piano and a body, united in the Narva of the theater lovers and conducted a choral team. The father of the unsurpassed Mr. X - Tenor Karl Ots - graduated from the St. Petersburg conservatory and solired in the Tallinn theater.

Georg was born in the spring of 1920 in the Northern Capital, but soon after his appearance, the young family moved to Tallinn. Music and singing The boy absorbed with mother's milk. His musical education paid attention from early childhood. OSS was determined in a French lyree, where he sang in the choir, learned to play trombone, piano and flute.

Georg OTS in childhood

The opera star is growing up, teachers learned in the first grade. At the request of the teacher, who estimated the vocal abilities of children, something to fit 6-year-old Georg performed the Italian Aria, which he remembered, listening to his father. It turned out, in the "repertoire" of a small singer, dozens of opera arias, bought for their parent.

But no less than music, young George Otsa attracted sports. The teenager was fascinated by fencing and basketball, became a member of the swimmers club and won the republican championship in 1939, sailing the first 1500 meters.

Georg OTS in youth

After graduating from the French Lyceum, the young man thought about the future profession. Father, familiar with thorn on the path of the opera vocalist, recommended to choose a "profession more and more." Georg studied in a military school and aimed at the specialty of the architect. In 1941, the young man graduated from the first course of the technical university in Tallinn.

In 21, George was mobilized and sent on a steamer to the city on the Neva, where the army part was formed. In Finnish bay, 180 km from Leningrad, the Siberia vessel attacked the German bomber. From the death of the young man saved a mine trailer.

Georg OTS on stage

From Leningrad, Georg Osza, together with mobilized, brought to the Chelyabinsk region, and from there to Estonia to lead the anti-tank platoon. But the service for OSS ended in a month: the case of Svet, George with the artistic director of Estonia ensembles, sweeping the artists for speeches to the defenders of the Motherland.

So began the creative biography of Georg Osza: first in the mixed chore of Gustav Ernesks, then in the jazz orchestra, where the musician accompanied the soloist Viktor Guriev. The debit of OSSA as a solo artist took place in a military hospital, where he sang in the wounded several compositions.


Gastroes Georg UTS in the Estonian ensembles visited Siberia and in the Caucasus, traveled to Central Asia and the White Sea coast: the artists gave over 400 concerts. In the spring of 1944, Estonians were given in the metropolitan concert hall. P. Tchaikovsky Great concert, on which the talented Vocalist of Otza noticed and praised the eminent teacher on the vocal vocal Nazari Paradisk.

In the autumn of the same year, the team disbanded and Georg Otsa took to the state of the theater in Tallinn, where his father worked. The meeting with the world of the theater shocked Georg, but before the young vocalist arose about his profile education.

Soon he joined the ranks of students of the city musical school, which he graduated in 2 years, externally. Later, in 1951, UTS received a diploma of the Tallinn Conservatory. In the theater, Georgi, hesitally trusted small parties in operations and operettas, but they soon commissioned the leading.

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In the late 1940s, after reorganization, the theater changed the profile to the musical. The season opened the Opera "Eugene Onegin", where the role of Onegin in the spare composition was distinguished. But due to the disease of the vocalist of the first lineup, the Arias of Onegin had to be Georg, with which he brilliantly coped. The party has become beloved in the artist repertoire for decades. For its execution, UTS was awarded the state award, and in the 1950s became the leading soloist of the theater.

A year later, the audience saw an artist in the Drama of Herbert Rappaport "Light in Coorders", where he played the main character. For the work in the cinema, the official premium was handed over to the second premium. Teacher Georg Osza in the conservatory was an outstanding baritone Estonia Tiyt Kuussik, who set the vocal student and revealed his talent depth.

In the post-war years, the vocalist took light pop songs into the repertoire, which in the execution of the OSS received a new interpretation: the velvet voice timbre, the Bariton of the Estonian singer contributed to many compositions of the highlight.

Over time, in the repertoire "piggy bank" of the artist turned out to be half amented of pop songs - from patriotic to humorous. A rare concert did without the "Sevastopol Waltz", "Evening on the raid", "I love you, life" and "Eh, roads", spat, sincere Bariona Georg Osza.

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In 1953, the famous Soviet theater director Alexander Wiener entrusted his difficult Aria "Demon" in the Opera eponymous. To feel the role, the artist studied Mikhail Vrubel's cloths and the work of Mikhail Lermontov. Later, Georg Uz admitted that the part time was the most interesting for all the years of theatrical work.

In 1956, the Estonian performer assigned the title of People's Artist of the USSR. 1950-60s - years of triumph of Georg Osza, his tour in the cities of the Soviet Union and Europe. But the ninth tree of fame covered the artist after the release in the mid-1960 music film Yulia Khmelnitsky "Princess Circus" Studios "Lenfilm". The songs performed by Mr. X, sang the whole country, and the role in the melodraman became a diamond in the artist's creative piggy bank.

In the repertoire of the Estonian-Russian Bariton, there were compositions in 20 world languages. Georg UTS insisted on the performance of folk songs in the original language, so that the soul of the song is not lost when translating.

In his native language, the vocalist performed "Saaremaa Waltz" is his most popular song in his homeland. Even after the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the statehood of Estonia, when all Soviet was rejected and crossed out, "Saaremaa Waltz" continued to sound on the air.

Personal life

The pre-war marriage of Osza on the girl named Margot destroyed the war and the infidelity of the young wife. The couple lived together for only six months: in 1941, George was mobilized. Soon, the spouse reported the death of the second half, but Margotorn grieved for a long time: the beauty took a love affair with an adjutant of the German office and at the end of the war escaped to Canada.

Georg Uz and Asta Saar with son Yulo

After the war, Georg Sun married the second time, taking a ballerina Asta Saar to his wife, who met on the set. A stormy novel was crowned with a marriage in which the couple lived 20 years. Georg and Asta together went on the stage of the Estonia theater. The spouse gave birth to a selection of two children - Son Yulo and daughter Yulle.

In the mid-1960s, the spouses divorced. Georg UTS met the youngest for 20 years a beautiful mannequin Ilona, ​​whose photo did not leave the covers of glossy magazines.

Georg UTS and his wife Ilona with Mariana's daughter

Later, the woman said that the representatives of the beautiful sex could not resist the charming Georg from 17 to 70 years. Ilona did not resist her husband all his life. In order not to force Georg to jealous, the girl left the job. The daughter of Marianna was born soon, but together the couple lived only 11 years.


In the early 1970s, the artist diagnosed the brain tumor. Georgue was made of 8 more complex operations, amputated the eyes. He courageously tolerated the disease and, barely recovered, went to work with his head.

For 2 years, who took him fate after the operation, he managed a lot. Gave a concert in the city on Neva, played key roles in the opera "Traviata" and the painting "Cola Brynon", went with the theater troupe on tour to Europe, spoke in the Russian capital, where he was still remembered and loved.

Grave Georg Osza

In 1974, Georg Uts took the Opera class at the Conservatory of the Native Tallinn, where he was briefly told talented young men and girls. In the same year, the artist headed the theater society.

The artist died early in the fall of 1975. I buried Osza on the Tallinn "Forest Cemetery", where they found the last shelter celebrities and state figures of Estonia.

Discography (Opera Parties)

  • 1944 - "Evgeny Onegin"
  • 1946 - "PAYTS"
  • 1947 - "Carmen"
  • 1947 - "Don Pasquale"
  • 1949 - "Faust"
  • 1950 - "Traviata"
  • 1952 - "Don Juan"
  • 1952 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 1953 - "Demon"
  • 1957 - "Peak Lady"
  • 1958 - "Wedding Figaro"
  • 1959 - "Manon Lesko"
  • 1961 - "Iolanta"
  • 1962 - "Bohemia"
  • 1962 - "Demon"
  • 1963 - "Othello"
  • 1964 - "Magic Flute"
  • 1964 - "Aida"
  • 1971 - "Don Carlos"
  • 1972 - "Gianni Skisci"
  • 1974 - "Traviata"

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