Nikolay Rostov - biography, appearance and character, life path


Character History

The character of Roman-epic "War and Peace" of the authorship of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Senior of children of the family of growth, the brother Natasha, Peter and Faith.

Writer Leo Tolstoy

Nikolai Rostov has a prototype - the father of the writer of Leo Tolstoy, who, like the character, called Nikolai. Literary image is close to the original. Lion's father Nikolayevich has fun of youth and rushed huge money. To restore a shameless condition, the father of the writer, as well as Nikolai Rostov, married a ugly and elderly princess, the heiress of the estate of Clear Polyana.

Appearance and nature

In the novel, the hero is described as a "low curly young man with an open expression of the face" - so Nikolay looks at the age of 20. In the novel, the hero is repeatedly called beautiful. The young man of Rumba, is stored, slightly flirting, light and fast in movements, wears black mustache. It is often described by dressed in a military form.

Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy - Prototype Nikolai Rostov

Nikolay can give the following characteristic. The hero is characteristic of enthusiasm and swiftness. He has a fun and open character, Nikolai does not know how to hide his own feelings, frank with people, and the heart of the hero is "full of poetry". Disabled to others and brightly shows emotions, does not hide tears.

Nikolai Mil and respectful, and the heroes are considered to be a nice little. At the Military Service, Nikolai Rostov shows himself a caring commander for subordinates and a person worthy of respect for both comrades and bosses. At the same time, Nicholas is a simple temper, the hero does not like difficulties in communication, subtleties, does not differ in particular insight.

Nikolay Rostov (right) in military uniform

Tolstoy describes honest and kind eyes and children's, pure smile of the hero. Nikolai does not tolerate deliberate lies and tells people the truth, never deliberately makes noise. Nikolay Rostov believes that a person should live on conscience and to keep loyalty to the Motherland. Such a manner of behavior provides a hero of universal love.

As it should be a well-brought up young nobleman of that time, Nikolay Rostov deftly dances, knows how to sing, enjoys the dog hunting, perfectly disassembled in horses.

Life Path

At the beginning of the novel, the reader sees Nicholas a 20-year-old young man, a student. Then Nikolay graduates at the university and enters the service in the army. The hero follows the old friend Boris, who produced in officers. Nikolay, looking at him, wants the same fate. The young man wants to become a participant in the war with Napoleon and fight against the aggressor.

Appearance of Nikolai Rostov

The case, however, not so much in the desire to imitate a friend. Nikolai Rostov went to war, because he believes that in military service - his vocation. The hero is tied to colleagues and considers its own regiment with the same cute and expensive heart to the place, like the parental house.

In addition, Nikolai is confident that it is not suitable for any other work that stuck nobleman - neither for diplomatic, nor for officials. The hero is disgusted with these activities, and military service sincerely loves, which is visible even from the attachment of Nicholas to his own uniform.

Nikolay Rostov on the battlefield

The hero took part in Shenagraben's battle. For the first time, being in war, at first the brave rushed into the attack, but he was wounded in his hand and frightened. Nikolay is peculiar to courage, and cowardice (or rather, confusion) The hero showed once, when he did not kill the Frenchman on the battlefield, but only threw in that pistol and escaped as "hare running away from dogs." In a panic, the hero thinks about his own death, does not want to die young and together with life to lose her habitual happiness.

The hero is accustomed to such an extent to universal love of the house and among the colleagues that the intention of the enemy soldiers kill him seems to Nicholas unthinkable and incredible. In this episode, the image of the hero is somewhat reduced. Despite this attack of panic and the cowardice shown in the first battle, the hero still makes a military career and becomes a hussar - brave, loyal duty officer. The hero participates in the war of 1812.

Family Rostov

Open and warm relations inside the family of growth is clearly visible in the episode where Nikolai comes home on vacation. On the road, the hero can not wait for, when it turns out to be among the relatives and again in the atmosphere of love and care.

His personal life is as follows. Nicholas has a rosulid sister Sonya, a damnant, and the hero nourishes to that feeling. Between them, novel, Nikolai wants to marry a girl, although his mother is against this marriage. Count Rostov, the father of the hero, it does not matter, and the mother of Nicholas wants to correct the financial situation of the family, the marrying of the Son on the rich Princess Bolkonskaya. Sonya writes Nikolay's letter, in which he tells the hero on the break of relations.

Nikolay Rostov and Sonya

After the graph of Rostov died, Nikolai became inherited some debts. The noble hero believes that it should take care of Sona and his own mother and pay to the father's notes. The decendent family of growth sells the estate and moves into a small apartment.

The Mother Council still sees salvation in a good marriage and explicitly hints to his son that he should marry the princes. The hero considers such an act inappropriate and offensive. After all, if Nikolay marries Marie Bolkonskoy, the society will begin in society that he concluded a marriage for the calculation, and the hero considers such a state of affairs for himself.

Nikolay Rostov and Marya Bolkonskaya

At the same time, Nikolay is experiencing feelings to Marya, and later it turns out that the princess is in love with the hero. When the fortress princes of Bolkonskoy decide to convey the French, Nikolai Rostov saves Marjo - and the girl's love conquers this.

To thirty years, Nikolay Rostov still marries Marie and moves to the estate of the spouse, capturing his beloved cousin Sonya. In the final of the novel, the reader sees Nikolai by the father of three children, and Marya is waiting for the birth of the fourth. For the final, Nikolai for 35 years, the hero is shown by a wealthy landlord. By the end of the novel and life path in Nikolae Rostov, such features of nature as rigorism and responsibility are manifested.

Nikolai Rostov

Youth Nikolai saw the meaning of life in pleasure and military service. Showed indifference to financial difficulties of growth. He led himself frivolously, made card debts and washing money, although the state of family capital was not secret for him.

The sad experience gained due to the debts of the father and his own waste, did from the hero by the 35 years of the maternity owner, whose life goal is to increase the well-being of the family. The mature hero does not want his own children to go to the world, and trying to arrange financial affairs growth in the best possible way. At the same time, Nikolai did not lose the sense of justice or a good attitude towards people. The peasants belong to Rostov with respect:

"The owner was ... Muzhitsky, and then his own. Well, the poverty did not give. One word is the owner! "


In January 2016, a dramatic mini-series "War and Peace" was released at the Britan TV channel "BBC One" based on the legendary novel. In the series six episodes, each comes hour. The Scottish actor Jack Louden starred as Nikolai Rostov. To remove the scenes of the balls, the "Air Force" team went to St. Petersburg and in the royal village. The shooting took place in the Yusupovsky and Catherine Palaces, in the Assumption Cathedral, on Palace Square and in Gatchina.

Earlier, in 2007, another television series on "War and Mire" was published - a joint project of five countries: Russia, France, Germany, Italy and Poland. The total duration of the series is 480 minutes. The acting mixed, the role of Nikolai Rostov played Russian actor Dmitry Isaev.

In the film a lot of discrepancies with a novel. For example, Helen, who died in the novel due to an unsuccessful attempt to make an abortion, in the film, hecticly dies from Syphilis, who picked up from a certain lover who came to the nearest environment of Napoleon.

Dmitry Isaev as Nicholas Rostov

And Pierre Duhov in the film After Moscow declare the French, finds Natasha Rostov playing on the piano in the destroyed house, while in the novel the member of heroes occurs at less spectacular circumstances. Nikolai Rostov in the film became a Pierre's Secundant, not Dolokhova, as it was in the novel.

Oleg Tabakov as Nikolai Rostov

In 1965-67, director Sergey Bondarchuk released a film-efficient in 4 parts of "War and Peace". The shooting began in 1961 and demanded an unprecedented budget for Soviet cinema - 8 million Soviet rubles. In 1969, the epic received the Oscar award and the Golden Globe as the best film in a foreign language.

The role of Nikolai Rostov played actor Oleg Tabakov. True, from the storyline of Nikolai Rostov in the film refused, as from some other episodes, although in general reproduced the romance carefully and accurately.

Jeremy Brett as Nikolai Rostov

In 1956, American-Italian film was released, where the role of Natasha Rostova got actress Audrey Hepburn, famous for the films "Breakfast at Tiffany" and "Roman Vacation". Nikolai Rostov played English actor Jeremy Brett, who is famous for the execution of the role of Sherlock Holmes in a series of films based on the works of Conan Doyle, who went out on British television from 1984 to 1994.

Jeremy Brett and Audrey Hepburn

Brett was chosen to the role of Nikolai Rostov in particular due to the fact that the actor was externally similar to Audrey Hepburn, which was represented by Sister Nikolai on the screen. And Brett is the only actor who jumps on a real horse in an episode, where Rostov is the name of Prince Andrei to go to hunt. The shooting of the film was held mainly in Italy, and winter scenes were filmed in Finland.


"Oh, what funny you are! ... And do I love my wife? I do not like, and so, I do not know how to tell you. Without you and when this is how we have some kind of cat, I as if disappeared and I can not. Well, I love my finger? I do not like, but try to renounce it ... "

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