Casir Lisk - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



The photo of a tragically left of the Americans who fell in love with the Russian theater, fascinates open and slightly sad smile. Talented actor, director, musician, Young Father - Casir Lisk will be remembered by theatrical fans with a short but bright life dedicated to creativity.

Childhood and youth

The boy was born in 1982 in Colorado, USA. The city of Denver is native for the actor's family. Kid grew restless and cheerful. Lisk parents are architects. As Casimir himself told, the father and mother supported the Son, although they didn't quite understand his aspirations for the theater.

Full Casimir Lisk

The American Theater Wednesday, the impressions of the native of Denver, differs from the Russian. In modern states, the actor's profession is not considered prestigious and outstanding.

The young man himself became interested in the magic world of the theater from an early age. I loved the movies in my own way. After graduating from school in 2001, Lisk comes and receives a diploma of dartsmut college in the specialty "Director and Scenography". Training is completed in 2004.

Casir Lisk

And then Casimir comes to Russia to internship in MCAT. According to some information, the actor was not going to stay in someone else's country for a long time. Initially planned a three-month journey. Lisk wanted to pull the knowledge in Russian. Fate ordered otherwise: Arriving to Moscow, the American fell in love with Russia, and most importantly - the theater.


Study at the Studio School MCAT was held for the actor under the direct leadership of Konstantin Raykin. Together with Casimir, his compatriot one Byron was studied. Later, Bayron, like Lisk, starred in the TV series "Interns".

The American actor filmography in Russian cinema is not so notable. In the films of Lisk, episodes and heroes of the second plan were delivered. Popularity brought the role of English Patient Edward in the TV series "TNT" - "Interns".

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An episodic role did not get into the main titers of the film project, but the smiling charming foreigner attracted the viewer. In 2011, the actor was noticed in the TV series "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva" on the CTC channel. Lisk fulfilled the role of a fitness instructor.

In 2015, Casimiro got the main role in the author's film colleagues and comrades for theatrical work of Ivan Vyrypayev "Salvation". The painting tells about the journey of a young Catholic sister in Tibet. Faced with a different religion, with a different look at the world, the heroine rethinks things seemingly obvious.

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Lisk appears in the role of an enlightened musician. The film did not become a cash desk, the drama is designed for electoral experts of cinema.

One of the latest works in the movie was the episodic appearance of the American at the cash picture "Up Movement", released on the screens in 2017, after the death of the artist. The actor played an assistant coach of the American team - rivals of the legendary winners-basketball players of the USSR.


But the real love of the American artist still remained the theater. Casimir, or, as colleagues and friends called him, CEZ became almost the legend of the Moscow Theater. After the end and a short period of work, the School Studio Assistant, a talented young man falls into the team of the experimental theater center of the new drama "Practice".

In addition to the fact that KEZ went on the theater scene, he also becomes the director of two performances - Black & Simpson and Sugar. Both performances were delivered in collaboration with the artistic director of the "Practice" theater and other Ivan Vynepayev.

Theatrical director Casir Lisk

The Black & Simpson statement caused an ambiguous reaction of the viewer. The plot is built on the correspondence of the father killed a girl with a killer. A man is trying to understand the causes of the crime, the thoughts and feelings of the criminal.

In addition to the director's talent, the theater demonstrates the creative abilities of Lisk-composer. Music to the performances of "sugar" and "unbearably long hug" is written by a gifted artist.

Personal life

On the shooting of the very film of Vyrypayev "Salvation", the actor met Polina Grishin, who played the main role of the nun. Young people loved each other. Relations ended with a wedding. And in the same 2015, a happy addition happened in the new family. Polina gave the wife of the Son Oliver.

Casir Lisk with family

Personal life of the actors remained behind the community of the public and the press. It is known that the spouses lived in an apartment in Moscow, the Son raised and devoted themselves to work in the theater.

Casimir remained a versatile talented person. In addition to the acting and director's career, he sang perfectly and composed music. In addition, on a par with native English spoke Russian and Italian. Possessing the perfect musical hearing, the American managed to almost completely get rid of the accent.


The biography of a young talented actor tragically broke on April 24, 2017. For unknown reasons, a young father fell out of the window of his own Moscow apartment, located on the fifth floor.

Some time after the fall, the actor remained alive, staying in an unconscious comatose state. The loved ones called "ambulance" in the fifth hour of the morning, discovering the happening tragedy. Lisk urgently delivered to the 13th city hospital. Doctors attached maximum effort, trying to save the artist. The most complex operation was carried out. The result of falling is the numerous spinal fractures, limbs and the hard cranial injury.

Full Casimir Lisk.

Damage incompatible with life caused the death of theatrical talent. To return the artist to life, unfortunately, failed.

For relatives, close and friends, the departure from the life of Casimir turned out to be shocked and surprise. The spouse later recalled that her husband came home around one hour, they peacefully talked, discussed the past day. No signs of trouble.

After the death of the actor, a number of media, in particular "Moscow Komsomolets," published information that the examination found in the blood of the deceased the presence of narcotic substances, and in the apartment actor - the remains of marijuana. However, Comrade Lisk on the theater Ivan Vynepayev with indignation denied rumors.

Casir Lisk died in 2017

The artistic director of the theater, trying to explain the act of a friend, called the cause of the tragic accident that occurred. In addition, he noted that the actor suffered morally, was broken down, which in the end led to inattention and lack of death ended in death. The spouse confirms the version of the Vyrypayev, specifying that the cause of death with Suicide had nothing to do. Notes or other explanations of the tragedy did not leave the actor.

Some time later, the press appeared in the press that the investigative committee, who conducted the investigation, the cause of death considers an accident.


  • 2009 - "Ivan Grozny"
  • 2010 - "Interns"
  • 2011 - "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva"
  • 2011 - "Wedding for Exchange"
  • 2014 - "Leaving Nature"
  • 2015 - "Salvation"
  • 2017 - "Movement up"

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