Mukhtar Gustengadzhiev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography, Court 2021



The leaving from the poor Dagestan family Mukhtar Gussengadzhiev managed from the bottom to climb to the top of the show business, thanks to work and persistence on the way to a dream. The owner of the County title, as well as the title of "the flexible person in the world" by the 50 years, it would seem that I learned to manage my own life at perfection, transmitting experience to fans in philosophical seminars. However, fate proved that every step is impossible to calculate, and the next 20 years old, a man has to be held behind bars.

Childhood and youth

The early biography of Mukhtar is filled with difficulties and deprivation. The boy was born in Dagestan in the small town of Election. Mom led the farm, and his father twisted the branch of the service car. Husengadzhiyev, and without that, bare ends with the ends, so soon the head of the family was in prison. The term later received a native brother.

Full Mukhtar Gustengadzhiev

Mukhtar had to help mother earn money. From his words, he received upbringing on the street, and future events only harden the character and opened the talents dated by nature. After the school served in rocket troops, but at 22, a young man went in the footsteps of relatives - also went to jail, allegedly he received three years in prison. In conclusion, the young man began to work on the flexibility of the body, carried away the yoga.

Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev in youth

After the colony, Mukhtar Husengadzhiev went to earn money in Siberia, where he thought about the fact that he would not be bad to look for happiness in the capital of Russia, and began to save money on the trip. Save Moscow, of course, did not meet bread and salt, the affordable accommodation had to search, as well as work.


Fate presented a young man - Mukhtar was in the ranks of the branch of the State Circus "Circus on stage". Life snatched with bright colors, stretched a string of tour worldwide, in the piggy bank of Husengadzhiev 40 countries, with the scenes of which he opposed.

Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev in the circus

Once, in 1995, a man demonstrated the ability of the human body in the interruptions between kickboxing fights. The talent of the gutta-read yoga noted Jean-Claude Van Damme - so Russian circusch went to Los Angeles, where he subsequently got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most flexible person on the planet.

Glory collapsed on the Dagestan, the newspapers and magazines were engaged on him, invited a talk show as a guest. From the pages of sports press Mukhtar taught readers azam work on the body. Yoga met Hollywood stars and some even taught plastics lessons.

Trick Mukhtara Gustengadzhiev

For the career of the circus artist Husengadzhiev managed to work on the stage of the "Zumanity" theater of Circue du Soleil, in the circuses "Moira Orfey" and "Embel Riva" (Italy), "Fuentes Gaska" (Mexico), in Cirque Du Soleil (Canada).

Motherland also waited for popularity. The Russian nobility noted the outstanding merit of yoga before the fatherland, giving the county title. In 2011, Mukhtar became a member of the project "Dancing with the Stars".


A rich experience in show business gave a ticket to Mukhtar Gustengadzhiev in cinema. The debut access to the screens happened in 1992, then the circusch was the role of Prince in the formulation of Mikhail Lunchawa "Paradise under the shadow of the Sabel". The full filmier began only after 11 years.

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The range of roles from the actor is huge, he played the leader of the Indians of North America, Columbia Gangster, the jailer, reincarnated in the Italian, mentally ill and exemplary family man. In 2009, even lit up in "Urashe", having tried the image of Ushuista. Enswer, with the exception of some films, a man got negative characters.

Mukhtar starred in the first Russian detective realistic series "Kulagin and partners". And especially the viewer remembered the star of the circus and screens along the roles of Abdul in the comedy of Vartan Akopian "Plato" (2008), where he met on the set with Pavel Will and Evelina Bledans, Lezgin Dauda from the mini-series Vladimir Bortko "Peter First. Testament "(2010), Narcaron Riczat in the painting" Karpov "(2012).

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From the last work, the image in the pseudocumental tape "Mystery of Dyatlov's Pass", aged Renni Harlinn, became noticeable. In the 2013 thriller, a man plays a mysterious monster. And after a year, Mukhtar was called to join the acting composition of the comedy TV series "The Last Magician", where he tried the role of Hamlet.

Personal life

The personal life of Mukhtar Husengadzhiyev to the time before the time was hidden from prying eyes. However, it is still not clear whether a man went under the crown. Now he is supposedly a single, but as he himself recently admitted to the press, he managed to marry twice and divorce. Mukhtar - Father of two children, son and daughter.

Mukhtar Husengadzhiev with son

Permanent employment, the dense work schedule became an obstacle to close communication with the heirs, they were rarely seen with the Father. The actor dreams for children to go to his footsteps, learned to manage the body and sought spiritual development.

In recent years, the world famous yogi led numerous seminars for self-improvement. Mukhtar Gustengadzhiev developed a philosophical system that was shared at meetings with fans, his own site and on a page in "Instagram". He taught to eliminate financial problems, solve the issues of raising children, return health.

Mukhtar Gusengadzhiyev

Published the book of his own aphorisms, which is called "gray thoughts", as well as a collection of poems and the work of "upwards", where it tells about the ways of achieving success - "from the shepherd to the representative of the show business."

Mukhtar is a versatile man: he is fond of drawing, playing musical instruments, speaks six languages.

Mukhtar Gustengadzhiyev now

In April 2018, Husengadzhiyev fans follow the final of the loud scandal, which started three years ago. In the autumn of 2015, a criminal case was brought to the actor, accusing in pedophilia. Mukhtar was arrested for rapening a 9-year-old girl - the daughter of the cohabitant. Then the accused did not recognize the guilt, arguing that relatives thus wanted to just take a capital apartment from him.

Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev in 2018

After almost a year, it turned out that this is not the only victim of a man, there were five more juvenile victims, but at the same time and evidence. In the apartment of Husengadzhiyev, investigators discovered video recordings with child pornography. As a result, the Moscow Court sentenced the Circus Star and the film screens to 22 years in prison. Mukhtar sent to a strict regime colony.


  • 1992 - "Paradise under the shadow of the saber"
  • 2004 - "Dear Masha Berezina"
  • 2006 - "Kulagin and partners"
  • 2007 - "My Prechistenka"
  • 2007 - "Plato"
  • 2008 - "Red on White"
  • 2010 - "Peter first. Will"
  • 2010 - "Moscow. Three stations
  • 2012 - "Kostoprav"
  • 2012 - "Karpov"
  • 2013 - "Mystery of Dyatlov's pass"
  • 2014 - "insomnia"
  • 2014 - "The Last Magician"

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