Sergey Krylov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Sergey Lvovich Krylov - a colorful representative of the Russian show business. His songs sound in every home for any holiday. Single name "Stuardess named Jeanne" causes a smile and desire to reside the next line (and everyone knows). Despite the image of a kind smiling pet, his biography is a difficult path with difficulty, perseverance and loss.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the 90s was born on August 25, 1961 in the city of Tula. Mother Sergei Lvovich, Valentina Ilinichna, worked at the enterprise of the defense industry. There she worked from 18 years before the end of life. With his father's father, a woman divorced.

Sergey Krylov

Alexey Dmitrievich Tarkhanov became the head of the family and loving father for Sergey. From the memories of Krylov, it is known that relations with stepfather have developed warm. Tarkhanov became the authority for Sergey.

In the summer of 2004, Russia shook the news. Valentina and Alexey Tarkhanov were killed in their own apartment in Tula. At that time, the Mother of the famous Showman was 63 years old, stepfather (veteran of war) - 78.

Sergey Krylov in youth

The wings from childhood for creativity: he was attracted by the repertoire of Joseph Kobzon. Relatives remember that Sergey fought earlier than said the first phrase. In 1977, the future singer became a graduate of a music school. A year later - general education. Sergey decided to devote the life to acting and filed documents for admission to the theater Institute in the city of Yaroslavl.

The first attempt to become a student of theatrical was not crowned with success. But the stubborn labor of the wings has achieved his own, since 1981 he starts training at the institute and four years later receives a diploma of the Dramatic Theater and Cinema.


The creative path of Sergei Krylova begins in Moscow: after receiving a diploma, he came to work for the studio "Record". There, the future star found himself as a musician and Showman.

Singer Sergey Krylov

For the first time Sergey noted the musician Levon Vardanyan. Together with him, the wings began the star path. In 1986, the first tours of the singer took place, and after a year the album "Illusion of Life" was released. In the autumn of 1987, the clip was held on the song "Black Sea".

The appearance of the clip "Hello, Alla Borisovna" became another step towards success. The shooting was visited by Priaudonna. 1989 Sergey Lvovich spent in India, working on the film Made in India. The plot is based on the concert Valery Leontiev and the Echo Group.

December 1991 was marked by the appearance of the song "Girl", which became an absolute hit. In addition to concerts, the wings managed to take part in the shooting. He appeared in several episodes of films and even played a major role in the "Idiot Dream".

An option "Golden Calf", filmed by Vasily Pichula, did not find his viewer. The image of the Ostap Bender failed the wings, so he did not do acting acting.

Sergey Wills in the role of Bender

In 1994, Sergey Krylov sponsored Maria Lvovna Katz, the first Russian participant of Eurovision. The song "Eternal Wanderer" was in the ninth place. This year was for the showman fruitful: another album was released, which was based on the poems of Victor Penareno, started the project "Angel 421".

The order of numbers in the name of the project of the wings considered mystical. Showman interested Numerology at the time. At the thirty-three years, he began the Russian tour. According to the idea, world stars were to participate in the project. And also planned a charitable program.

"Angel 421" was recorded in America, but, except for Krylov, there were no stars on the disk. Charity also did not happen, but the conversations around this were conducted for a long time. The viewer at that time was the image of an eccentric goodness.

In the same rich in the event of 1994, the album "Port Said" was released. More than 500 thousand copies of this collection were sold. A few years later, Sergei Krylov's solo concert was held in New York.

Sergey Krylov

In 1997, the singer together with the participants of the group "Different People" finished work on the next album "Monsieur Vysotsky, go back to us." To the anniversary of Vladimir Semenovich, the video "In short, I call from Sochi" appeared on the television screens.

Music Sergei Lvovich Krylova, coupled with a memorable appearance, became a classic Russian show business. Merchant growth of 178 cm and weighing 127 kg performs hits that remain popular with decades. In 2017, "Song ABOUT MOSCOW" and "Song of the Little Trumpeter" came out. Sergey Krylov continues to actively work on a musical field.

Personal life

In Tula, the wings got acquainted with his future wife. Larisa Makarova gave him the daughter of Carolina, but this marriage was very quickly collapsed. Sergey does not hide that with the child he supported him very rarely, episodically appearing in her life.

In 2012, the media found Carolina, which at that time lived in bad conditions. The story succumbed to publicity, and this was the first step towards communicating father and daughter.

Sergey Krylov with family

Sergey Krylov met the second wife in his student years. Love shotgun studied with him at one faculty of Yaroslavl University. Young people legalized relationships, and in 1992 they became the parents of the son of Yana.

Since 2014, love along with the Son is located in America. Yang chose the Faculty of Kinokomiks History at the local college. Now the wings with pride talk about the achievements of the Son. Especially rejoicing that Yang knows how to control the weight, despite the genetic predisposition.

Sergey Krylov now

To date, the showman continues to give concerts and produce new songs: the last two came out in 2017. And 2018 is also rich in concerts and performances.

Sergey Krylov in 2018

In addition, Sergey Lvovich Wings is still the founder of a charitable organization whose activities are not stopped.


  • 1987 - "Illusion of Life"
  • 1994 - "Port Said"
  • 1994 - "Angel 421"
  • 1997 - "Monsieur Vysotsky, go back to us"
  • 2003 - "Everything is fine"
  • 2014 - "Stewartes named Jeanne"
  • 2014 - "Girl"
  • 2017 - "Song of Little Trumpeter"
  • 2017 - "Song ABOUT MOSCOW"

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