Yaroslav Evdokimov - biography, personal life, photos, news, singer 2021



Yaroslav Evdokimov - Soviet, Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian singer, famous for his beautiful baritone. People's Artist of the Belarusian SSR and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Fans call a leaving from Ukraine to Belarusian Solovy and a beautiful van. In the rich repertoire of the vocalist there is a place and pathoral compositions of heroic fullness, and love lyrics. The combination of lyricity and masculinity is determining for the artist's work, whose popularity peak came in 1980-90s.

Childhood and youth

Tragic pages in the biography of Evdokimov appeared in childhood. The singer was born on November 22, 1946 in the prison hospital of Ukrainian Rivne. Mother Anastasia Kharitonovna Sereinsovich, and then Father Alexander Ignatievich Evdokimov got under a repressive skating rink as Ukrainian nationalists. According to the artist, in the conclusion, his mother was gone milk, the repressed wife of the pilot, the Hero of the Soviet Union, who lost her child became its breadwinner.

Parents of the mother, who climbed the baby from the place of conclusion of his daughter, took up his grandson. Grandma and grandfather Yaroslav leaned her parents for a long time. Up to 9 years grew up in the Ukrainian village, the kingdom of the same Rivne region. They brought up a boy, like all the children in the Ukrainian outback: they joined the work from early childhood. At school, the future artist studied badly, but it was all the lessons to listen to him all.

Grandfather - Kuznets respected in the district - passed his mastery's grandson. Yaroslav learned to graze the collective farm herd, and also to sing. A song culture in the Ukrainian outback and became the source from which the future singer screamed inspiration.

Evdokimov met in the mid-1950, when he was 9 years old. She took her son to the north, in Norilsk. Childhood, conducted in Ukraine and Russia, led to the fact that in response to the question of his nationality, the artist replies that he feels half the Russian, half a Ukrainian. With his father, the singer did not communicate - that there was a new family, and Yaroslav - a consolidated brother.

In Norilsk Evdokimov graduated from music school, then the School. The vocal branches in the school did not turn out, the young man studied in the class of double bass. He received an Aza vocal skill in the workshop of the Honored Artist of Rimma Taraskina, but the study was interrupted when Yaroslav called in the army.

He served in the Northern Fleet on the Kola Peninsula, but Evdokimova did not allow the son of the repressed. In the construction detachment, he was a rotary sentiment. After demobilization, returned to the Ukrainian village, where childhood passed. From there, in search of work moved to Dnepropetrovsk, where he found a place at the tire production plant.


The desire to sing pushed Evdokimov to the stage. The first future people's and honored artists heard visitors to the restaurant in Dnepropetrovsk. At the beginning of the career, according to Yaroslav Alexandrovich, he received a salary not money, but a meal. In his youth, the singer was poor, did not have normal clothes and constantly wanted to eat, and therefore such a proposal considered a lot of luck.

After marrying and moving to the Motherland, the spouses, the Belarusian SSR, Evdokimov in the mid-1970s passed the audition in the Philharmonic of Minsk and became a vocalist, and soon a soloist. Gastro life beat the key, but Yaroslav Alexandrovich understood that it would not be far from profile education.

He became a student of the music school. M. I. Glinki, combined theory with practice: he studied and solired in the ensemble of songs and dances of the Belarusian Military District. Working in the Minsk Philharmonic, the artist 3 years took skill lessons from Vladimir Buchel, Professor of singing and the famous bariton.

For the first time on the screen, the audience saw a state vocalist in the III All-Union Teleconcurs "With Song in Life", which was held in the Concert Hall of the Ostankino television and broadcast on television. Evdokimov appeared in military uniform, as the Belarusian Military District was present at the contest.

The victory escaped from the artist - the song was not suitable for Bariton. But the name of the singer was remembered.

In 1980, he participated in the government concert, where he made an impression on the leader of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Communist Party of Peter Masherov. In the past, partisans, Peter Mironovich was so touched by hearing the heartfelt song "Field of Memory", which soon Evdokimov became a deserved artist of the BSSR.

The cycle of songs "Memory" to the music of the Belarusian composer Leonid Zhahlovna became an important milestone in the artist's creative biography. The cycle sounded on central television on the Victory Day of 1980.

The editor of the program "Hello, we are looking for talents" Tatyana Korshilova called the Belarusian nightingale to his transfer. The example of Korsilov was followed by colleagues, and the singer saw the audience at the air of the popular show "With the song in life", "wider circle" and "Spott, friends!". In the 1980s, Evdokimov spoke at the festival concerts "Song of the Year" with the loved hits "Enchanted My", "May Waltz", "Behind the Danube".

The first plate of the vocalist recorded in the "Melody" studio, calling it "everything will come true." Visited touring abroad. On folk festivals in Reykjavik and Paris, enthusiastic critics called his voice "Superbariton". Evdokimov also performed at the Slavic Bazaar.

Album "Do not Rvi Rubahu" came out in 1994. Compositions painted in co-authorship with Edward Zaritsky, Dmitry Smolsky, Igor Ruenic.

The new stage in the life of the artist began in the mid-1990s. Evdokimov moved to the Russian capital and became the soloist of Mossestrad. Joint creativity with Anatoly Transverse and Alexander Morozov gave remarkable fruits: Singer's fans got "Duman" and Kalina Kush.

The vocalist collaborated with Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Igor Matta, Vyacheslav Malezhek. Texts of songs wrote Simon Osiashvili and Larisa Rubalazskaya for him.

In 2002, a collection of "Certain Your Palm", which included the Hits "Well" and the "May Waltz", and in 2008, Evdokimov and the duet of "Sweet Berry" recorded a joint album, where the Cossack song "under the window is wide" was found. In 2009, the premiere of the clip on the song "Only Night" took place.

In 2012, the discography of the artist was replenished with a studio album "Return to Autumn".

Evdokimov is rarely shown on television screens, but continues to give concerts and touring the country.

Personal life

The first spouse singer was the daughter of the chairman of the state farm in the village, where Evdokimov grew up. After the return of Yaroslav Alexandrovich from the army, young people got married, but the marriage collapsed in a week. In Dnepropetrovsk, the artist met a new love and went to Minsk after her.

The former spouse gave birth to the firstborn. In his upbringing of Evdokimov, participation did not accept, limiting money transfers. Father with a 43-year-old son first met in 2013 on the transfer "Let them say", where the singer learned that Alexei had his own children, and he himself was not only a grandfather of two granddaughters, but also a great-grandfather.

The Belarusian spouse Irina gave birth to her husband's daughter Galina. When the performer left Minsk and moved to Moscow, the woman did not want to go to the next and remained in Belarus with her daughter. The family broke up, but the spouses retained friendly relations.

In Moscow, Evdokimov met the beloved woman Irina Krapivnitskaya. She is under the singer for 18 years. Couple and today together, in 2018 they issued a relationship officially by registering in the registry office.

Artist has a page in "Instagram" and the official website where you can find the biography and photo of the singer, listen to songs and familiarize yourself with the actual possession of Evdokimov's speeches.

Yaroslav Evdokimov Now

Despite the solid age, today the artist is in excellent form, his voice has not changed due to everyday vocal training. Repertoire Evdokimova still constitutes pop compositions in Russian and folk Ukrainian songs. In 2020, Yaroslav Alexandrovich visited Tyumen, Chita, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Orenburg, Yaroslavl. In connection with the restrictions and prohibition of concerts, due to the coronavirus infection epidemic, the speeches planned for the autumn 2020 were transferred to the spring of 2021.

In November 2020, the vocalist as a guest participated in the show "Hello, Andrei!", In the studio, Angelina Vovk, Ilona Armoredia, and Ave. In an interview with Andrei Malakhov, the artist shared a story about the first months of life, held together with her mother in prison. Also, the Contractor presented Irina Evdokimov to all his spouse.


  • 1988 - "Everything will come true"
  • 1994 - "Do not Rvi Rubah!"
  • 2002 - "Dider"
  • 2002 - "Tiss Your Palm"
  • 2003 - "Grand Collection. Yaroslav Evdokimov "
  • 2006 - "For the White River"
  • 2008 - "Yaroslav Evdokimov and Sweet Berry - the best Ukrainian and Cossack songs"
  • 2012 - "Return to Autumn"

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