Sindiso Abe - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Sindis Abe is located as the head of the Japanese government for the fourth term. For the first time, the politician was headed by the Cabinet of Ministers in 2006, five days after he was 52 years old. Thanks to this circumstance, Abe entered the history of the country as the youngest Prime Minister of Japan.

Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

For the period of his leadership, the KM accounts for the struggle with the consequences of long deflation - the solution of decisions, economists called "Abenius". The diplomatic course is marked by the desire to preserve cooperation and with Russia, and from the United States, as well as the cooling of relations with the PRC. Since the election of Abe for the second time, the rating policy is steadily falling; In 2018, political scientists noted that the career of the Prime Minister comes to completion.

Childhood and youth

A representative of the famous political dynasty of Sindiso Abe was born in 1954 in Nagato - a small town located in the southeastern part of Honshu Island. Date of birth - September 21. The ancestors of the father's line policy in the 19th century owned a part of the lands in this region. The family lived due to the production of sauce and sake.

Sinzo Abe in childhood with parents and sister

Ken Abe, Grandfather Sindzo, graduated from the Imperial University in Tokyo and took up politics. For 18 years he was elected to parliament. His son Sintaro Abe chose a political observer career, but after marriage to the daughter of the famous statesman Nobusukhe KISi also devoted himself to politics.

In 1957, when Shinzo was three years old, his grandfather's grandfather was headed by the Japanese government and took the son-in-law. The peak of Career Sintaro Abe became the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, which he took in 1982.

Sindiso Abe in youth (right)

The Father of the current head of government sought to build relations from the USSR. The impact of Sintaro Abe's views can be traced in the orientation of the foreign policy, which holds km under the leadership of his son.

Shinzo Abe received a higher education in his homeland by choosing Sakei University and a specialization in political science, and later completed it to study in the United States. After graduating from the University of Southern California, a 25-year-old graduate returned to Japan and until 1982 he worked in the manufacturing company Kobe Styl.


The first page of the political biography of Sindiso Abe opens in 1982, when his father is headed by the Japanese Foreign Ministry. Syntaro suits a young man with his secretary. The young man joins the ruling party of the country - Liberal Democrats. In 1993, two years after the death of his father, becomes a member of parliament, elected as a representative from Yamaguchi Prefecture. In 2003-2004, he served as the Secretary General of the Political Association.

Politician Sinzo Abe

Since 2000, Abe falls into the government. It works in the state structure first at the Esiro Mori, and then when Dzunyitiro Koizumi, who replaced Mori in the position of Prime Minister. In September 2006, the charismatic politician, a well-known series of reforms and expansion of the recipients of public benefits, leaves the leading post in the CM, and is occupied by Abe.

The first premiecer term of Sindiso Abe lasted a year and was unsuccessful. At first, he managed to declare himself as a bright political figure - his nationalist performances attracted public attention. In particular, Abe raised the issue of changing the Constitution, offering to get rid of the ban on the formation of the Japanese armed forces.

Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

However, next year, circumstances forced the premiere to resign. According to Abe's reputation, the corruption scandal associated with the Ministry of Agriculture has greatly struck. The head of the department committed suicide in the midst of the investigation.

After a biennial break, Shinzo returned to politics and, by taking part in the 2009 elections from LDPA, again fell into parliament as a representative of Yamaguchi. Most seats in the Legislative Assembly received democrats. But in the following elections, the opposition bypassed them. Abe was again as part of the majority. He had the opportunity to form the government. In 2012, he was elected by a majority vote in the Chamber of Representatives for the second term of the premiership.

Sindiso Abe

The Japanese State Avestigator became famous for the initiator of the Abenius - a set of actions on the revival of the national economy, which the second decade remains crushed by deflation. The basis of measures was a direct increase in the money supply, which made it possible to turn the negative situation with invariably low prices.

In 2014, Abe re-election. The government retained the former composition with the exception of the post of the head of the defense department. The chair took the Nackani gene, replacing Akinori ITO, mixed in the financial scandal. In 2017, the next elections were held, and Abe took the powers of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers for the fourth term.

Sindiso Abe and Vladimir Putin

During his stay in power, Abe spent more than 20 meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin. They took place both in Moscow and Tokyo and in the cities of the Far East.

Despite the tough statements of the Japanese premier about the return of controversial territories and many photos with the handshake of two politicians, to solve the problem of the status of the Kuril Islands yet. The diplomatic course of both states is aimed at developing economic cooperation in this territory.

Repeatedly met with Donald Trump, discussing the development of the alliance between the two states. For the sake of visiting in the United States and greetings of the only elected President Abe interrupted a diplomatic trip.

Personal life

Shinzo Abe has retained the relationship in the youth. Since 1987, he has been married to the daughter of the owner of a major confectionery enterprise Akie Matsuzaki.

Sindiso Abe and his wife Akie Matsuzaki

The wife of the Prime Minister affects fellow citizens with a free manifestation of feelings to the spouse - the first lady's first lady allows himself to take her husband by hand, which is unacceptable for restrained Japanese culture. In addition, Akie Abe often expresses the views opposite to the opinion of the spouse. There are no children from the pair. The growth of Sindiso ABE is 175 cm.

Sindiso Abe now

Politician continues to lead the Government of Japan. Among the tasks of the internal policy of the priority, the rise of the birth rate, the renewal of the economy, the infusion of capital in production remains a priority.

Sindiso Abe in 2018

Foreign policy focuses on building relationships with America and Russia and overcoming the Korean crisis.

Interesting Facts

  • Politics have two brothers. Senior - Hironobu Abe - took up business. Now he is headed by Mitsubishi Shoji Packaging Corporation. Junior - Nobuo Kishi - appointed First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • Free time Abe prefers to spend on a golf course. In November 2017, the hobby led to the annoying incident: during the party with American president Abe stumbled and was at the bottom of the pit. Donald Trump hurried to the rescue. Among the sports hobbies of the Prime Minister also has fitness.
  • In 2017, the politician demonstratively reached seafood journalists extracted near Fukushima. Abe called to get rid of the limits for the import of raw materials from the prefecture, where an accident occurred six years earlier.
  • The prime minister lives in the Sibuya area in Tokyo. In the same apartment with him not only the spouse, but also his mother. To find out how much policies returns home or goes to work, maybe any resident of Japan - the local newspaper Iomiuri publishes the premiere schedule for the previous day.


On the issue of the Kuril Islands

"During a trip to Russia, I would like to carry out a thorough conversation, in particular, about joint economic activities on the four northern islands and about aviation trips to their former inhabitants to visit the graves of ancestors. I will apply all the forces to solve the territorial issue. "" What will the world be when there will be constant stability between Japan and Russia? The islands caused by the confrontation will turn into a symbol of Japaway-Russian cooperation, discovering new opportunities as a logistics reference point. "

About relations with North Korea

"Kim Jong Yana has the leadership qualities that he demonstrated during a meeting with the US president. We need to go to a new start in relations with North Korea. I would like to break the wall of mutual distrust. "" From the point of view of Japan, there is no point in the destruction of the Northern Korea of ​​only intercontinental ballistic missiles. It should also get rid of small and medium-range missiles, which threaten our country. I would also like to discuss this question with the President of the Trump. "

About World War II

"Japan has repeatedly expressed a feeling of deep repentance and apologized for the actions committed during the war ... We should not allow our children, grandchildren and subsequent generations to apologize."

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