Lion Zbarsky - biography, photo, personal life, death



Lion Zbarsky for the most part know as a husband of the Star Soviet mannequin with a tragic fate of Regina Zbar (Kolesnikova). The fact that this is a talented, recognizable artist, is not remembered by art historians and biographers.

Childhood and youth

The Lion was born in November 1931 and became the first child of Boris Zbarsky and Evgenia Perelman. Evgenia Borisovna's mother met Boris Ilyich thanks to the University of Lidia Pasternak, the sister of the famous poet Boris Pasternak.

Boris Zbarsky, Famous Father Lion Zbarsky

In 1928, the girl who grew up in Germany returned to Russia and got a job in the biochemical institute, which was led by a future husband. Boris Ilyich is the author of the Russian method of producing chloroform, a participant in the balsaming of the bodies of Vladimir Lenin and the leader of the Bulgarian Communists Georgy Dimitrov.

Father gave his son a double name of Felix-Leo in memory of the most respected people - the founder of the Soviet chemical industry Lion Karpov and the first head of the PVC (predecessor of the NKVD and GPU) Felix Dzerzhinsky.

Lion Zbarsky in childhood with parents and younger brother

About the early years of the biography of zbar information is not enough. It is possible that he imposed a fingerprint of the secrecy, under which the family lived, involved in the mystery of the television of the leader of the world proletariat. After the work of Boris Zbarsky began to compose all sorts of non-residents, including Sergey Dovlatov and Elena Shapov, one of Eduard Limonov.

Before the beginning of the war, Lev was in Tyumen. There in the boy woke up the art gift, and the parents hired for the teacher's teacher for the sown. Upon returning to Moscow, Lev graduated from a silver medal to the school and received an education at the Printing Institute - became an illustrator artist and a multiplier.

Lion Zbarsky in youth

Metropolitan life turned out to be a suitable framed for the representative of "Golden Youth". The undoubted talent of the artist and a delicate taste, good upbringing and sociability, with the authority of the parent surname, discovered for the Zbar door to the Higher Society and made a favorite of Bohemia. Women adored a man dressed in expensive overseas costumes and similar to Salvador Dalmondo and Belmondo. As the poet Anatoly Naman wrote:

"In 1972, having a success, a workshop in the center of Moscow, the cottage in Silver Bor, surrounded by friends, bright people, Lev went to Israel. Just from boredom, from common gray, from locust, prohibitions, inaccessibility of abroad. "

After 6 years, Zbarssky moved to America, settled in a huge apartment in Manhattan, who became the workshop at the same time. Money for real estate gave a friend from the Jewish Emigrant Community.

Life in America leaks hard. The artist preferred absolute privacy, communicated only with compatriots, of which the units were in his house. Contacts with relatives remaining in the Soviet Union, the Lion did not support.

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A close friend was the Roman Kaplan, the same dissident, translator and literary critic, as well as the owner of the Russian Samovar restaurant. He then called the film "Red Queen" the most perfect lie and how the authors put Zbarsky in the picture. In the melodrama, the relationship of lion with the wife of Regina Zbarskaya, artem Tkachenko and Ksenia Lukyanchikov starred in the lead roles.

The authors insisted that this is still not a documentary, but an artistic fiction. Kaplan, according to his own admission, did not see him, but argued that those who looked the "Red Queen" and knew Zbarsky, the picture caused disgust.


Talented young people celebrated still teachers of the institute. For the graduation work Zbarsky issued the book Viktor Hugo "Ryui Blaz" and a booklet for theatrical production.

Yuri Oleshi's book, decorated by Lv's Zbar

Loose Lion Zbarsky brought an illustration of the book of Yuri Oleshi. On the cover, the artist portrayed a light and transparent bird, as if performed by one pencil route. The drawing of contemporaries is still young, then 25 years old, Leo dubbed the vertex of his work.

No less delight aroused illustrations of the biography of Iva Montana "The Head Is Full Of Sun", works of Arthur Miller and William Saroyan, a series of books on art and Russian cities. Art historians have noted the works of Zbars for publishing houses of children's literature. Graphics, caricatures developed by the so-called "White" series for registration of books are awarded diploma and premiums of all-Union competitions.

Arthur Miller's book, decorated by Lv's Zbar

Zbarsky spoke as an artist-director of the cartoon "Banya", criticizing the Soviet bureaucracy, "Mokvich" about the violators of the rules of the road and the "Country of Orchestrius" about the revived musical instruments.

In emigration, Lev still painted, but mainly engaged in teaching design and drawing in New York Fashion Institute of Technology.

Personal life

According to Boris Messer and Brother Lion, Ilya, the first wife of Zbarsky was not at all the "Soviet Sophie Loren", the famous mannequin and muse Vyacheslav Zaitseva Regina Kolesnikov. Leo was married for the first time, being a student, on the Sahakyan laure. The girl studied at the preservatory in the class of piano, headed the musical part of the Sovremennik theater. The son of Boris was born in marriage. So Nelly Osipova, who was a student Boris Zbarsky in a medical institute.

Regina Zbarskaya, the first wife of Lion Zbarsky

The actor of this theater Igor Kwasha, who was friends with Lvom, assured that, although the artist was considered to be Playboy, Zbarsky kept the loyalty to women with whom he was near. If I loved - I got married, and when love went, parted.

With Regina Leo met at the beginning of the 60s. A woman surrounded by the attention of the strengths of this world, dreamed of a quiet family happiness and children. But the artist, according to the stories of friends, did not like. In addition, Zbar was afraid that the daily household routine would deprive his joys of sweet life. Lev forced his wife to get rid of the child. The abortion was unsuccessful, and Regina never knew the joy of motherhood.

Marianna Vertinskaya

Another hobby of Zbars became Marianna Vertinskaya. The beauty of the actress was 10 years younger than Regina. The spouse was very jealous of the lion, but could not do anything. The romantic relationship of the steam supported during the year, and then Zbarsky went to Lyudmila Maksakova.

No one in a pair of Zbar-Maksakov insisted on marriage. According to rumors, Leco forever lacked money for state duty, and Lyudmila wrote off all for employment in the theater and on the set. But when the son of Maxim was born, Zbarsky gave his surname to the boy. After the emigration of Leo to America Actress, frightened that such a father will spoil Max Life in the future, changed the last name on Maksakov.

Lyudmila Maksakova, the second wife of Lion Zbarsky

According to another version, the change of the name Lyudmila liberated the artist from the payment of alimony for 15 years ahead, stating that Maxim is not the son of Zbars.

Maxim did not go through the creative path of his parents, became a businessman in the field of advertising. In 2014, together with partners, accused of especially large fraud - for tens of millions of rubles, deceived the Federal Ministry of Sports, but he was separated by home arrest.

Peter Maksakov with his wife, Galina Yudashkina

The grandson of Peter, the son-in-law Valentina Yudashkin, Lev Borisovich never saw in his life. But the young man with a consolidated sister Anej managed to grandfather for the funeral. According to the information common in the network, a man named Alexei Weintraub, who was called the son of Zbarsky, who was born already in America in America, was present at a sad ceremony.


Last years of life, Lion Zbarsky lived in a hospice - the artist diagnosed the inoperable lung cancer, which subsequently caused death. To be treated in private clinics, Lion Borisovich lacked the funds, and the pride does not allow help. Therefore, the amount of medical services was limited to the fact that it was part of a standard insurance set.

Lion Zbarsky in recent years

Lyudmila Maksakova, in an interview with the "Interlocutor", said that he met the former husband in New York. The conversation between people who loved each other did not work out. Did not say the lion and that sick.

Lion Zbarsky died in February 2016. The artist's grave is located on the Jewish cemetery "Mount Moria" in the town of Fairview, New Jersey.


  • 1958 - Ilya Erenburg. "Travel records. Japan, Greece, India "(Font Design)
  • 1962 - Cartoon "Banya"
  • 1963 - cartoon "Muscovite"
  • 1970 - Yuri Herchuk. Collection "Art of Book-65/66"
  • 1971 - Album "Poetry of Dance" (together with Boris Messer. Designing of publication)
  • 2007 - Igor Kvasha. "Return point"
  • 2011 - Boris Messer. "FELLAN BELLA"

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